Prices Shaved 33% In Modesto, CA

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2007 Sep 4, 6:02am   29,677 views  303 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


I was just talking to a realtor this morning, and he said that typical prices in his area (Modesto) are down from $450K last year to $300K this year. He was lamenting the fact that there are so few buyers and wondering how he can keep making a living. I was wondering how the official statistics can be so wrong compared to numbers from someone on the front lines.

We talked about the large number of "short sales", where the property is for sale for less than the amount owed to the bank. The problem with those is the need to deal with the banks, which are infuriatingly slow and bureaucratic. It can take two weeks to get a call back about a specific property.

Even at $300K, prices are still not low enough. By traditional measures, a $300K mortgage should require a $100K income. The typical income in Modesto is definitely under $100K.



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249   B.A.C.A.H.   2007 Sep 5, 2:18pm  


I hafta live somewhere. I hafta pay to live there. Even if the house is paidoff, capital is tied up.

So the yes, the interest payment "is" real money, in normal situation (not a housing bubble), it is real money that would otherwise be real money spent on rent.

So I think that in the approximation (but not the present distortion) the interest being paid is substitution for the rent being paid, rather than investment expense.

What do you think?

250   svcausguy   2007 Sep 5, 2:29pm  

Million dollar 1600 sq ft Eichler in Cupertino as shown on CNBC during the peak of the bubble was barf city. It just shoeed how stupid are with money. And to think they were selling for under 200K in 1997. Holy smoke nearly 500 perc. increase.. im getting sick thinking about it...

251   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 2:32pm  

I have not posted in almost a year because I had a dramatic career change and have had a steep learning curve. However, I have been lurking for the past several months, trying to catch back up. In the interest of keeping my posts short, I will break this up.
First, what brought me out:
1. While I can understand criticism of Mo Town, I have been working here for the last 6mos, (Under contracts with a certain Winery mentioned by SFWoman), and I can honestly state that Bakersfield makes Mo Town look good.
2. I was in the grocery store the other day and caught this snippet of a cell phone call: "No Mom, you don't understand! We have not been able to sell the house yet! The bank still has to approve it and we don't know whether they will or not! It is up to them to accept the offer and if they don't, I don't know what we are going to do!?" This was coming from a very well dressed and attractive 30 something female.
3. Regarding food and world peace: The last time I was staying in Marina del Rey, I went to an Iraqi/Iranian restaurant, (probably was just an Iranian restaurant 5 years ago). If I could only eat that for the rest of my life, I would consider blowing myself up too!
*Not Culinary Advice*

252   Brand165   2007 Sep 5, 2:35pm  

sybrib: HiThere is specifically talking about investment properties. He also stated that he's losing $100-200/month. If you wanted apples to apples, he would have to compare the downpayment + $200/month in safe investments.

253   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 2:39pm  

Quick question to the regulars, can you please catch me up on the following?
1. Surfer X, (Baby and House?)
2. Robert Cote, (Not Rob Dawg, although both from Ventura?)
3. Linda?
4. Astrids Food Blog?

254   Peter P   2007 Sep 5, 2:41pm  

If I could only eat that for the rest of my life...

I don't know what is worse... having no food or having to eat bad food. :(

Isn't the whole idea of The British Empire built upon the basic human need to have exotic food?

255   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 2:47pm  

If you look at British colonies that failed, Iraq is one of the glaring failures. Perhaps because they never introduced curry?

256   svcausguy   2007 Sep 5, 2:47pm  

sybrib -- thanks for the great story about Saratoga. As a graduate of Sunnyvale High Im glad I had some great asian and chicano friends.
Needless to say we were all mellowed out passing the smokes and listening to some great tunes between classes. We all grew up since grammer school and had no divisions between us. Never had problems except for the transplants from other states. Great time and great laughs. These kids with their high pressure lives will never enjoy their
lives as they grow older. They are racist under the skin regardless of the diversity garbage they talk about.

What a bunch of nut jobs they created with their parents greed. LOL!

257   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 2:53pm  

Sorry, I guess that Iraq was not a technical colony, but the English held a great deal of influence in that region in the early 20th century and had a clear responsibility to introduce good food!!

258   Peter P   2007 Sep 5, 2:54pm  

If you look at British colonies that failed, Iraq is one of the glaring failures. Perhaps because they never introduced curry?

Must have curry.

The potential of a nation is very much correlated to the complexity of its cuisine. This is why The British Empire fought for exotic spices. :)

California is prospering because it has its own fusion cuisine.

259   Different Sean   2007 Sep 5, 2:56pm  

APEC update:

President Still Basically Eats Like Little Kid - Wonkette

altho it was some sort of BBQ...

260   svcausguy   2007 Sep 5, 3:04pm  

I saw a study, several years ago, that had the marijuana trade from Humbolt County alone at about $100 million/year.

Shocking! thats freaking shocking... and to think High Times back in 70s mentioned this, but i never believed it... Gosh it must be finally true.

261   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 3:10pm  

@ Peter P
Curry is what makes the world go round. Have you ever had Japanese Curry? My favorite is Hurry Curry, off Olympic West of the 405. Japanese comfort food!!

@ DS
When I spent time in AUS, you, (aussies), were always amazed at the American insistence on desert for every meal. (Come to think of it, so was I!). But Meat was very prevalent in the local fare. Perhaps that is because I was in Rockhampton?!
For the uninitiated: Rockhampton is the semi-rural Texas of Australia.

262   Unalloyed   2007 Sep 5, 3:10pm  

gavinln said
I have been watching the Stockton market very closely since earlier this year..

Have you checked out the John Laing Homes gated development off Eight Mile Road between Lower Sac and West Lane? I drove through it early in the summer when there were a few homes built as sample 3 & 4 bedroom floor plans, but not much else... acres and acres subdivided into lots with electrical in, but no foundations. I drove through last weekend. Not much has changed. Three months later there are hardly any homes built - maybe 6 or 7 for the summer. The half-built park looks abandoned. I wonder what will happen to these subdivisions that barely got started.

263   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 3:22pm  

Back to the true purpose of this Blog, (although food and drink has always been a secret agenda), I see huge amounts of empty housing within the city limits of Modesto, yet there are large concentrations of brand new developments in the surrounding towns. Riverbank, Oakdale, Ceres and Turlock all have many new developer communities. I would suspect that this is the story for many CA cities, (created by specuvestors willing to hold houses vacant and drive families outward for the purpose of flipping). What is going to eventually happen? Will families stay in the outer communities, (creating urban blight)? Or will families eventually return for shorter commute times and create virtual ghost towns of McMansions? Has this been covered already? (I have been gone awhile..)

264   Peter P   2007 Sep 5, 3:27pm  

Curry is what makes the world go round. Have you ever had Japanese Curry? My favorite is Hurry Curry, off Olympic West of the 405. Japanese comfort food!!

I love Japanese curry. My favorite is seafood curry. Mussel and scallop and clam and squid and white fish.

I like my curry rather spicy though. I also like Indian curry. One thing, I do not like pineapple in my curry.

265   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 3:39pm  

Being a NE native, I am as protective of the natural flavor of seafood as a Texan is of beef. Naturally, I looooove good sushi!! Therefore, I prefer the less flavorfull foods for my curry, (Beef and Chicken). I do have to admit tho that I have had ribeyes in Chicago that did not need any seasoning!!

266   Different Sean   2007 Sep 5, 3:42pm  

J Galt Says:
@ DS
When I spent time in AUS, you, (aussies), were always amazed at the American insistence on desert for every meal. (Come to think of it, so was I!). But Meat was very prevalent in the local fare. Perhaps that is because I was in Rockhampton?!

oh definitely. altho GWB telegraphed ahead that 'I'm a meat kinda guy'...

Now there's a follow-up noodle story: When I met Dubya, he did his noodle

There's a lot of productive work going on at APEC with those leaders'n'all -- well worth the taxpayers expense from all countries concerned...

Sydney is a little more urban and urbane than Rockhampton, where Qld and the NT are beef cattle territory. Reminds me of a story where a mate worked on a cattle station one year, where BBQed meat was all that was available for every meal, including breakfast, with no complaints. When he asked if there was anything else, they pointed to the larder, which turned out to be full of breakfast cereals, etc.

Dessert with every meal? meaning lunch and dinner? We used to have dessert every dinner growing up, until we decided to moderate our parents' calory intake, workload and so forth...

267   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 3:43pm  

Oh and as far as spice goes, that is the problem I have with most middle eastern food. I like veeeery spicey. I ask for normal Thai spicy if I am ordering from Thai, exta spicy from everyone else. I like to cook with habaneros whenever possible, (not often, my family is not as fond as I am...).

268   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 3:57pm  

Yeah apparently Americans expect sweets at every meal. I would like to say that it is just soldiers lugging about 50kgs of equipment all day, but unfortunately it applies to most americans, (have you seen our obesity rate?). When I first moved to AU, I could not understand how everyone could be in shape without 0% milk, but I figured it out pretty quick. I joined a local rugby club and spent more time exercising than an average american spends in a lifetime.

269   renter_paloalto   2007 Sep 5, 4:07pm  

(I am Indian) Most of the buyers of the $1.2 million "starter" Palo Alto homes do seem to be Indian or Chinese. I was joking with a friend how the Asians are nicely funding the retirements of the smart white folks moving out, without realizing that their "investments" will likely never yield a remotely attractive return. In my own block where I rent, something like 4 out of the 8 homes are Indian, and 2 Chinese (I think I am the only one renting).

The reason Asians seem indifferent to valuation here may be because property prices in Bay Area do almost seem "reasonable" when you consider, say, Bombay or Bangalore. In India, in my living memory, you could never justify urban property prices on the basis of rents. Home owners (a relatively small percentage of the population) basically subsidized the renters, in return for their asset keeping up with inflation, which was pretty high for much of 80s and 90s.

270   gavinln   2007 Sep 5, 4:13pm  


I guess I haven't been watching the Stockton market that closely as I haven't visited Eight Mile Road in a few months.

When I was last there, on seeing the rows of new homes all very close to each other, I predicted that they would have the largest fall in prices in the area especially as there is so much land (vineyards) that could add to the excess supply of housing.

271   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 4:19pm  

Did anybody see the Republican Debate in NH? So far R. Paul has won, but even I question that. He kind of came out as a rabid dog. I mean rhetoric is one thing, but to go on national television and advocate the immediate dissolution of the CIA, FBI, IRS and Homeland Security, is a little extreme. Don't get me wrong, I am a libertarian that would rather see a return of the barter system than a continuance of federal gubmint control that we have seen in the past 15yrs. I just wish that Paul could get the point accross that we need to return to a will of the people with less federal control. All in all, I would like to see McCain elected, but I know that will not happen, so I will probably vote for Ron, (as I have in the past), just in the hopes of throwing the pitbull into the room and shaking things up.

272   Different Sean   2007 Sep 5, 4:33pm  

advocate the immediate dissolution of the CIA, FBI, IRS and Homeland Security

oh well, that's the ol' Ron Paul policy platform...

273   Peter P   2007 Sep 5, 4:38pm  

Ron Paul will be the perfect president. But he does not have better chance than Barney.

I am fine with McCain.

274   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 4:40pm  

Yeah, you always hope that he will curb his position, (just like everyone else), until after election. But that won't happen. Double edged sword and all that...

275   Peter P   2007 Sep 5, 4:49pm  

Yeah, you always hope that he will curb his position, (just like everyone else), until after election. But that won’t happen. Double edged sword and all that…

Oh well... He is by far the most reasonable candidate. But we all know that reason does not run the universe.

If it has to be a democrat, please let him be Gore. At least he looks like a teddy bear, and he has good condo tastes.

276   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 4:52pm  

@Peter P
Could you please respond to my query on what has happened to the regulars that I mentioned? I always count on you anyway, it would really mean a lot to me...

277   Peter P   2007 Sep 5, 4:58pm  

Could you please respond to my query on what has happened to the regulars that I mentioned?

I don't know much about what happened to them myself.

Astrid's food blog has not been active for a while. I think she is in either Finland or Iceland on vacation.

I think Robert was under blog attack by Nigel something over Casey Serin, but I do not have the details.

Surfer does not post much nowadays. We really miss him.

I have not heard from Linda.

I met Patrick recently. He is a real nice guy.

I was to meet Malcolm a while ago, but I got sick. :(

278   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 5:04pm  

@Peter P
Good on 'ya Brother.
I really appreciate it! I generally work long hours, so I do not have time for a regular social life, so I value my time with this blog. If anybody needs any wine, just let me know.

279   Peter P   2007 Sep 5, 5:10pm  

I like this blog. I need distractions to work. Otherwise I get bored easily. :(

280   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 5:14pm  

EXACTLY!! My wife does not understand it, (and I doubt my boss would either), but as long as I have something to keep the brain moving, it does not go into vapor lock.... And I get a lot more done!

281   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 5:24pm  

If you read this, I'll bet you could give a little more input on the present position of some old regulars... Even though I was a Lurker, I would like to see at least one reunion thread of the old cast!

282   Different Sean   2007 Sep 5, 5:38pm  


Credit squeeze hits Aussie banks

It's the beginning of the end...

283   J Galt   2007 Sep 5, 5:46pm  

My advice to any american traveling abroad:
DO NOT identify yourself as a "poor american that had to default on their _investment_ mortgage(s), due to the terrible bankers". In addition to the usual contempt that you will receive from non-americans, you might just be the target of violent reprisal, (go figure...).

284   a_friend_of_patrick   2007 Sep 5, 9:32pm  

What's your take on the subprime mortgage crisis?

check out:


285   Boston Transplant   2007 Sep 5, 11:38pm  

Brand says: D*(1+I)^Y + sum(12*M*(1+I)^(Y-n)) where n = 1 to Y-1

At the risk of sounding ignorant, maybe you can help me out with something. While I know intuitively that the "leveraged return" calculation HiThere is doing is wrong, I haven't come up with an intuitive reason why. I think your equation is the answer.

It's certainly a beguiling (used-house salesman) argument: "even a 3% return leveraged 10 times is 30%, much better than you can do in the stock market! As long as you're willing to buy and hold, long run growth will bail you out!".

Is the fundamental flaw here that one is ignoring interest payments on borrowed money?

Also, is there a simpler (rule-of-thumb) method of calculating the total leveraged return? e.g. look up total interest payments over 30 years, add that to the principal, and the back-calculate average compounded return? Or is it necessary to do the sum from n=1 to 30 years?

286   Randy H   2007 Sep 5, 11:48pm  

Astrid is back. She's been posting on my blog about her trip.

287   lunarpark   2007 Sep 6, 12:21am  


New foreclosures set record in latest MBA survey
California, Florida, Nevada and Arizona drive numbers up: economist

288   astrid   2007 Sep 6, 12:33am  

Peter P,

Sorry. I've been busy catching up on things. Iceland was very good. I think you would like Reykjavik quite a lot. Icelandic food was delicious and the scenery does not demand much "roughing it." And the city musuems have gorgeous bathrooms.

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