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I bailed in the summer of 2004 -- I'm happy that I did. I suspect that many of the goofy add-ons (e.g. koi pond) stemmed from "Flip That House" and their ilk. I never watched that many of them, but I was always amazed on the few occasions that I did with the "Add a koi pond (or some other trivial decoration). Cost: $1500. Increase in value: $8000".
Back to the point about purchasing: too many people temporarily suspended disbelief about what they were doing in the last 5 years (2002-2007). You are a financial professional -- if you went to a client and said, "I recommend that you buy 100 shares of GE" and had a good rationale for the purchase, you'd probably get a fair hearing.
However, if you said, "Hey, instead of buying 100 shares of GE, how about if we buy 10 call option contracts on GE and sell 10 put option contracts on GE; it's the same as just buying the stock but you'll have 10x the return from just buying the stock AND I can do it with no out of pocket expense (except commissions) and GE will only go up and you're going to sell it in 2 years anyway", you'd be shown the door (by most people). But this is EXACTLY what too many people have done in the last 5 years. And they lied about their experience, income, and net worth so they could do the deal. They have bought an option and sold an option; now one is in the money and one is out (too bad it's the one that they sold that's out).
If they'd have just bought the 100 shares, they could weather the storm. But they didn't, and they can't.
The more I think about the entire situation, the angrier I get.
I probably should have declared BK about five years ago. Instead, when I realized I was not flying right I tried to work out of it by working harder. This did not work and finally the whole thing imploded (as Ebay itself is imploding) and I was no longer *able* to keep things going.
I would actually be homeless right now if it weren't for an old friend NOT a Californian and NOT living in California who's given me a place to stay. The other plan would have been to put my stuff into a storage locker, and work out various places to sleep in the bushes at night, maybe by the time the weather got cold have shelter under some program - at least I'm not a druggie etc which is not appreciated in shelters.
As a Californian by birth who's live in CA for many years, all my CA "friends" told me to get screwed or pay 'em almost what I was paying for my apartment for a single room to rent. Nice. But here I find myself in N. Arizona being treated well, damned well.
The new BK law is not unfair. You can't do a chapter 7 unless you're below your state's or area's median income. You have to get financial counseling. It's not even much more expensive than the older version of the law. I have always felt that if a person has to do a BK, it should be where there really is no alternative. No toys - you've sold your toys or as in the case of my car, had 'em repo'd. You'd better be shopping at thrift stores and cooking at home and pretty much livin' la vida 1930s. Well, I am. Not only that, but I'm getting GOOD at living la vida 1930s - nothing like hanging around a bunch of cheap old farmers to learn that. Nope no siree, when I get out of this financial fix.....
I won't jump right back into that consumerist play pool! I get my BK done and things resolved with the IRS, you won't see this kid buying a new car! Or new clothes, or any cereal other than good old rolled oats. No more of the mindless consumerism that makes our system go, nope, it will be mindful nonconsumerism. And not only that but I like to TALK about it. With all the millions who will be financially screwed too there will be plenty of listeners, look at all the frugality-themed web sites these days and how Craigs List has a frugality forum. Nope we'll have learned our lessons and being deeply moral, won't treat a BK as a Get Out Of Jail Free Card and go on our merry way, back to partying. We will go our way with stiff necks and upright mein, and we will Spread The Word.
And this will break the economy.
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Mountain Enterprise: "Foreclosures May Not Impact Mountain As Badly As Bakersfield"
Realtor 1: "Dude, you're a total noob --I've got 300 foreclosures in my neighborhood this week alone!"
Realtor 2: "Oh, yeah? Well, our foreclosures are sooo many, if you stacked them all end-to-end, they'd reach to the moon and back 10 times!"
I guess txchick57 was right. Broke really IS the "new black".
What a difference a year makes, no?