A Modest Proposal

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2008 Jan 24, 12:55am   31,480 views  323 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

out of reach

How about some legislation with the express intent to LOWER house prices, unlike the crap legislation we're getting from Pelosi and Barney Frank designed to make housing less affordable?

We should completely eliminate Fannie Mae, and after that, the mortgage interest income deduction.

Here are some more ideas from Steve, a patrick.net reader:

the goals should be something like to promote home ownership by
discouraging flipping and owning multiple residences

promote homeownership but discourage multiple residences:
- remove the mortgage rate deduction for all but the primary residence.
- second home/first investment property/ vacation property will have
no mortage deduction and no additional tax
- third home will carry a 10% annual tax
- fourth home will carry a 20% annual tax
- fifth home 30% tax
- sixth home 40% tax
- etc

discourage flipping:
- 35% tax on sale of property held for less then 6 months
- for property held less 6 months to 1 year will prorate down to 0%

i'm not sure what the legal issues are in putting something on the
ballet, i'm a tech person like yourself, maybe you can ask on your
site for someone with experience in that? or a section of your site
for brainstorming this?


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84   DennisN   2008 Jan 24, 7:22am  

One could argue that the AMT helps hold down home prices in CA since it excludes property tax from being a deduction. Maybe dropping the MID only for the AMT would be a palatable compromise to get the reform through congress.

85   FormerAptBroker   2008 Jan 24, 7:24am  

Peter P Says:

> People should wake up and realize that increasing
> conforming loan limit is a free gift to California.

It is a gift to the big banks, but it was not free. The banks have had to pay millions to the politicians, but in the end it will be a great “investment” when they can unload Billions of crappy jumbo loans on to Fannie Mae…

86   LowlySmartRenter   2008 Jan 24, 7:29am  

Thanks FAB for (inadvertently?) answering my question.

87   Patrick   2008 Jan 24, 7:33am  

Supposedly, it is far harder to get a jumbo (non-conforming) loan in the SF bay area these days, because investors just are not buying mortgage backed bonds at all. Thus the sudden and still unreported sudden lurch downward in Craigslist asking prices:

Call me paranoid, but I'm starting to think that the very low savings rate in America is not a "problem" but part of the master plan. Only the rich are supposed to have savings, and the rest of us are supposed to stay as close to bankruptcy as possible without going over the line, to keep us dependent on lending.

The ultimate goal being to keep extracting work from workers, forever. Thus the bailouts for debtors, to get them back working for the man rather than just giving up. And thus the emergency props for asset prices, so people don't just walk away from that monster mortgage.

In this system, to save money and refuse to borrow is treason. So of course the laws will be constantly changed to punish savers, and anyone else who tries to escape a lifetime of servitude.

88   StuckInBA   2008 Jan 24, 7:45am  

DennisN :
One could argue that the AMT helps hold down home prices in CA since it excludes property tax from being a deduction.

That would be true if people actually knew about it. I have met people who have owned a mortgage for a number of years and still were not aware of this. Believe me, almost all people are financially illiterate. They do not even know what their ARM is indexed to. I am talking about the smart engineer dual income techies.

Worst case is people who bought in Windemere, San Ramon. Not only the property taxes are not deductible for them sue to AMT, but they are much higher due to melaroos.

89   DinOR   2008 Jan 24, 7:50am  


I... tend to agree or rather that "was" the plan. From the changing of the BK Laws right down to the Neg. Am's etc. but now we've reached "Peak Debt". All the time WE were "one paycheck from the street" (everything was hunky dory) now that they're one marginal call/default from the street... we need swift intervention! IMHO

90   PermaRenter   2008 Jan 24, 8:18am  

Tentative Stimulus Package Includes Boon to Higher-Priced Housing Markets

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A component of the government's tentative economic stimulus package announced Thursday would give an immediate lift to buyers and sellers in higher-priced housing markets.
The package agreed upon by Democratic and Republican members of the House would allow government-sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy mortgages up to 75 percent more expensive than the current $417,000 limit. The Senate and White House still must sign off on the proposed stimulus plan, which also includes tax rebates for Americans.

Raising the limit on so-called conforming loans will allow a larger pool of borrowers to find lower rates when buying a new home or refinancing an existing mortgage.

"It's good for homebuyers who have prime credit, have some money to put down and can meet tougher underwriting standards that are in place now," said Guy Cecala, publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance, a trade publication. For homeowners with blemished credit who are struggling to pay their mortgage bills, the change offers little benefit, he added.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio announced the deal in a press conference Thursday.

The higher cap, to be effective until the end of December, would breathe life into housing markets in New York, California and other pricey areas because lenders would feel more comfortable knowing Fannie and Freddie can buy and package the loans into securities that investors consider to be relatively safe.

Fannie and Freddie would be allowed to purchase loans up to $730,000, though that limit would differ based on the median home price in a particular metropolitan area.

The same limits would also apply for loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration, which insures loans made to borrowers with poor credit, though the change would be permanent for FHA-backed loans, which had been capped at $367,000.

The Bush administration has long been critical of how Fannie and Freddie operate, and officials have pointed to the companies' multibillion-dollar accounting scandals in recent years to bolster their case that Fannie's and Freddie's massive mortgage holdings are improperly managed and pose risks to the financial system.

But as the mortgage-market crisis that began last spring has deepened, Democrats have stepped up calls for Fannie and Freddie to back larger loans and hold more of them in their portfolios.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, speaking to reporters after the deal was announced, said he did not support raising Fannie and Freddie's loan without strengthening government power over the companies.

"I got run down by a bipartisan steamroller," on the issue, Paulson said, adding that he believes lawmakers would still pursue a broad overhaul of government regulation for the two companies.

James B. Lockhart, director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight -- which oversees the two companies -- said in a statement that raising the limits for Fannie and Freddie without providing stronger government oversight "would be a mistake."

Michael Cosgrove, a spokesman for McLean, Va.-based Freddie Mac, said the change "would be in the best interest of the economy and consumers," but noted that extra capital the company is required to hold on its books "creates a significant challenge for Freddie Mac as we continue to operate under severe capital constraints."

Amy Bonitatibus, a spokeswoman for Washington-based Fannie Mae, said: "If policymakers choose to raise the loan limit, we are supportive and committed to doing what we can to help."

Groups representing Realtors, bankers and home builders, which have been hit hard by the mortgage market downturn, have been lobbying for such changes for months.

The National Association of Realtors has been pushing for a permanent expansion of the Fannie and Freddie limits. The trade group calculates that borrowers could save $3,000 to $5,000 per year in reduced interest costs as a result and projects up to 210,000 foreclosures could be prevented since refinancing into lower-rate loans would be easier.

Dale Stinton, the group's chief executive, said in a statement Thursday that increasing the loan limits "is a truly meaningful economic stimulus and should be enacted quickly."

Shares of Fannie Mae fell 59 cents to close at $34.19, while shares of Freddie Mac fell 52 cents to close at $32.

91   Malcolm   2008 Jan 24, 8:20am  

Patrick Says:
"Call me paranoid, but I’m starting to think that the very low savings rate in America is not a “problem” but part of the master plan. Only the rich are supposed to have savings, and the rest of us are supposed to stay as close to bankruptcy as possible without going over the line, to keep us dependent on lending."

You're not paranoid. I don't know if it is by design, conspiracy, or just a coincidence but the system is skewed to keep people working. Ironically it is the boomer/liberal mindset that causes this. Unfortunately it is a prevalent mindset here that fuels it. How can someone complain about the problem when wanting to stick it to everyone else who they think has it easy just further adds to the problem. Things like prop 13 and interest deductions are there to make it easier for people to get ahead but when those are seen as subsidies, then everything else becomes one. If you follow the rules without a home run in your life you will NEVER get ahead. You can't get ahead when the government takes half of your meager wages from a job. I don't know why most people even get up in the morning.

92   PermaRenter   2008 Jan 24, 8:20am  

>> Call me paranoid, but I’m starting to think that the very low savings rate in America is not a “problem” but part of the master plan. Only the rich are supposed to have savings, and the rest of us are supposed to stay as close to bankruptcy as possible without going over the line, to keep us dependent on lending.

This is not paranoia ... this is normal thinking in an insane economy ... savers are losers unless you are rich (and hence saving is a winning strategy)

93   PermaRenter   2008 Jan 24, 8:26am  

Economic stimulus money should not go to people who read this board anyway; it's counter to the goal of the government. The goal of stimulus is to give money to people who will immediately waste it in stupid stuff, creating economic "stimulus"; that means poor and dumb people. If any stimulus money finds its way into the hands of people who are financially non-retarded and/or remotely responsible, it's either a distribution failure or a side-effect of some republican's seemingly-outdated notions of fairness, equality, capitalism, and/or financial responsibility, all of which are shunned by all the stimulus plans.

Furthermore, as several people said, this is only the beginning. I'd be shocked if the government is not literally printing money to pay off home loans for morons with no business buying the home being paid off by the time this is done. This is an election year, and the democrats couldn't even spell financial responsibility, much less comprehend the long-term effects of printing money to appease their supporters.

I for one support our new socialist government (at least while I live in the US).

94   OO   2008 Jan 24, 8:34am  

Saving is a winning strategy if you save so much that most of your income comes from passive investment and therefore is only subject to meagre capital gains tax. Then if you make more than a million a year, you are subject to even lower cap gains tax than someone making $300K a year.

If you are rich, congrats, you will get richer by design. If you are just a upper middle class, swim harder and make sure you become rich, cos else the IRS will come right after your ass.

If you are middle class, the odds are, your future is doomed (unless you hit a jackpot of course), you will descend to the working class. If you are working class, oh well, shit happens, try again next life.

If you make no income at all and cannot fit into any classification stated above, congrats again, that may be a sweet spot to be in.

95   Peter P   2008 Jan 24, 8:45am  

Conclusion: either become rich or nothing matters.

This is not incompatible with my anti-401k stance. It is not possible to get rich from contributing to 401k. However, contributing to 401k takes away current opportunities. Hence 401k is useless.

Not investment advice.

96   PermaRenter   2008 Jan 24, 8:46am  

Economic stimulus money should not go to people who read this board anyway; it’s counter to the goal of the government. The goal of stimulus is to give money to people who will immediately waste it in stupid stuff, creating economic “stimulus”; that means poor and dumb people. If any stimulus money finds its way into the hands of people who are financially non-retarded and/or remotely responsible, it’s either a distribution failure or a side-effect of some republican’s seemingly-outdated notions of fairness, equality, capitalism, and/or financial responsibility, all of which are shunned by all the stimulus plans.

Furthermore, as several people said, this is only the beginning. I’d be shocked if the government is not literally printing money to pay off home loans for morons with no business buying the home being paid off by the time this is done. This is an election year, and the democrats couldn’t even spell financial responsibility, much less comprehend the long-term effects of printing money to appease their supporters.

97   StuckInBA   2008 Jan 24, 8:46am  

“It’s good for homebuyers who have prime credit, have some money to put down and can meet tougher underwriting standards that are in place now,” said Guy Cecala, publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance, a trade publication. For homeowners with blemished credit who are struggling to pay their mortgage bills, the change offers little benefit, he added.

This is the key point. Therefore raising the limit - just by itself - will have a very low impact. If they start changing the guidelines - that is allow higher LTV and/or DTI then it's bad.

People, please realize this. Very very few folks would qualify for a 600K loan on the agency guidelines. Only dual income techie kinds.

Of course the next step might be to relax the guidelines. That does scare me.

98   skibum   2008 Jan 24, 8:53am  

It has become crystal clear that our government wants only to continue to push the day of reckoning off as long as possible. This is exactly what they are doing with entitlements (SS and Medicaire), and now they want to do this with the much-needed swift kick in the arse the consumer-based debt economy needs.

Maybe these kinds of measures will push the problem off enough so it won't come home to roost in our lifetimes, but to be sure, there will be a day of reckoning. The longer it gets pushed off, the bigger the likely crash and burn. We really don't give a shit about our kids, do we? It's pathetic.

99   Peter P   2008 Jan 24, 9:00am  

We really don’t give a shit about our kids, do we? It’s pathetic.

Boomers really do care about their kids. They have created the so-called Trust Fund Generation.

100   Peter P   2008 Jan 24, 9:00am  

Of course they don't care about your kids.

101   Malcolm   2008 Jan 24, 9:07am  

Bap33 Says:
January 24th, 2008 at 4:50 pm
"a lanlord license - $500 per unit, per year.
a rental tax - 10% of total rental GROSS income
each county / city will designate “rental districts” that will be levied a tax to off-set the high cost of police and other public services (grafitti removal for example) that come from rental areas - $2 per square foot, per year.
All SFH’s built in the last 5 years, and going foreward from hence MUST be OWNER OCCUPIED for the first 10 years of occupation. Period. "

Great ideas, they are very easy to pass on to the renters. I'm all for that.

"I like my ideas because nobody has to fund the game that is not involved. Let the rich pay-2-play."

I like them too, they make barriers to entry difficult for my competitors and then I just recoup from the tenants.

102   anonymous   2008 Jan 24, 9:21am  

OO you are correct, the "band gap" between the rich and everyone else in the US is widening rapidly. And the "band gap" between say, working-poor and lower-middle-class is widening at least as fast.

It really is becoming a matter of become rich if you CAN or stop beating yourself up working so hard and become a happy bum.

103   HeadSet   2008 Jan 24, 9:30am  

People who can save for a downpayment and want to remain in an area should buy houses. Everyone else should continue to rent.

If the the gov sponsored cheap credit and emphasis on "everyone should own" did not occur, both the costs of renting and the cost of buying would be lower. People would still be loathe to spend more than one third of take home on straight housing costs.

104   HeadSet   2008 Jan 24, 9:43am  

each county / city will designate “rental districts” that will be levied a tax to off-set the high cost of police and other public services

I distinctly bought my rental SFHs in predominantly "ownership" areas, so I guess I would miss paying the levy. Also, no SFH area is completely rental, so those who are owner/occupiers in such a "rental" SFH area would get hit.

105   Peter P   2008 Jan 24, 9:48am  

Just scrap Section 8!

106   HeadSet   2008 Jan 24, 9:51am  

Just scrap Section 8!


107   Peter P   2008 Jan 24, 9:56am  

I hate fake compassion anyway. Let's all agree that self-interest is the driving force of humanity.

But I really do not understand liberalism. :(

108   HARM   2008 Jan 24, 10:05am  

It is pointless to debate the merits of any proposal to lower housing prices. No politician that wishes to be re-elected would ever dare utter such a desire in public. Thet'd be better off getting caught in a public restroom with Larry Craig, Britney Spears, and a bag of crack.

As a practical matter, lowering housing prices is easy: stop the enormous volume of subsidies and taxpayer risk underwriting (GSEs, FHA loans, MID, 1031, 24-month club, etc.) and let Mr. Market do his thing.

Preventing a NEW housing bubble from forming in the future is also easy: ban stated-income, $0-down, I/O and neg-am loans altogether. Basically, reinstate Glass-Steagal. Oh, and don't allow the Fed to push short rates below general inflation, or do something even more stupid and reckless, like instituting ZIRP a'la Japan.

Too bad housing prices isn't a practical matter --it's a political matter.

109   StuckInBA   2008 Jan 24, 10:07am  

There is another nice article by Jon Markman on MSN Investor site. Some time ago he wrote about the whole CDO/CDS mess based on his talk with Satyajit Das. This is also based on his talks with the same person. Highly recommended.

110   Peter P   2008 Jan 24, 10:08am  

HARM, are you in the Bay Area already?

111   HeadSet   2008 Jan 24, 10:08am  

But I really do not understand liberalism

Compassion overcome by greed. If I see a person I think is needy, I can use my personal resouces to help. But if I do not want to share, I can claim compassion by voting for people who will promise tax money to help.

112   HARM   2008 Jan 24, 10:10am  

HARM & family are now in the Mighty Bay Area. We are homeless renters living in temporary housing. Does anyone in the East Bay have a refrigerator box they can lend us?

113   Peter P   2008 Jan 24, 10:10am  

Why do people even want to have compassion? Do they sleep better at night? Why don't they get a white-noise generator instead?

114   Peter P   2008 Jan 24, 10:11am  

Blog party?

115   HARM   2008 Jan 24, 10:13am  

As soon as the HARM family has secured adequate rental accommodations, such as aforementioned refrigerator box, or a nice, toasty freeway underpass, then yes, a Blog Party sounds like a plan.

116   StuckInBA   2008 Jan 24, 10:13am  


Welcome to Bay Area. May you buy a home using the stock options and start your unstoppable journey on the road to limitless wealth.

117   HARM   2008 Jan 24, 10:17am  

Thanks, SIBA! I feel richer already --just being near Google, Yahoo, Apple, etc. However, I'm not close enough to Marin & the Marina to get a full dose of smug. We'll chat later --gotta go put another nickel in the meter so my "house" doesn't get towed away.

118   anonymous   2008 Jan 24, 10:30am  

HARM - just look alongside the 101 just south of Mathilda. Look for the Silicon Way Inn. Then go next door, to the place that's owned by the same family of chindians and a few bux a night cheaper. It'll be about $40 a night and they really won't care how big a family you cram in there. Turn the TV up so the endless drug deals at night don't bother you. I spent a week there when I first arrived in Silly-Con Valley and it was a good intro to BA culture. Oh, the ppl running it are really nice (white family who are doing pretty well getting to clean rooms, that's a good job for white folks) but the guy manning the desk drinks and gets MEAN at night so just shrug off anything nasty he says to you when the sun's down - all will be forgiven and it will be peaches'n'cream in the morning.

Congrats on your move - suckers.

119   anonymous   2008 Jan 24, 10:33am  

PeeterPee 'n' Headset - I knew someone on Section 8, she had a huge apartment for which she paid about $350 a month, ok so far as that goes, but then she turned around and spent another $350 a month on storage for a bunch of..... utterly useless shit. I mean, that stuff was not worth dollar one. So, she was still shelling out $700 a month, and probably could have rented something OK for that. Plus her place was full of junk, there's such thing as having TOO MUCH room I think!

Guess I'm just bitching because with my WASP last name I'll never get Sec. 8 even if I might need it sometime.

120   Randy H   2008 Jan 24, 11:15am  

Welcome HARM!

121   OO   2008 Jan 24, 1:16pm  

Welcome HARM to the mighty Bay Area, please get yourself acclimatised to the price tag.

122   OO   2008 Jan 24, 1:21pm  

Oops, I just realized that the conforming for the Bay Area could be $729K, because we are "high cost" area.

It looks like the US government is very determined to make our median home price as close to $1M as possible.

What shall we do now? Shall we join the dark side, go out and borrow as much as can? Idiots have hijacked America, let's join the idiots.

123   coretexity   2008 Jan 24, 1:32pm  

Looks like 20 days of recession are over. Happy days are here again. I will continue to rent for the rest of my life, while my interest only buddies keep refinancing their 800k condos.

I feel like crap for moving my 401k etc. to money market/treasuries. What madness!

Also, why don't they mail prepaid VISA cards instead of checks? That way people will not risk saving the money and will spend it for sure. Heck, a $1600 Walleymart gift card would rock.

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