Phase 2 of the Real Bailoutâ„¢ is here

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2008 Feb 27, 2:33am   27,228 views  273 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Portfolio Caps Will Be Lifted (Update2)

Phase 1 : Congress raised the GSE (Fannie and Freddie) conforming loan limit from $417,000 to $729,000.

Phase 2 : Congress instructs the OFHEO to lift portfolio caps on the GSEs (which were placed there because of GSE "accounting irregularities" and concerns about the GSE's size/share of market).

Next up...

Phase 3 : Eliminating all qualifying “standards” on the type of mortagages the GSEs can buy: allowing no-docs/NINJAs, neg-ams, I/Os, option ARMs and assorted hybrids.

Phase 4 : Congress making implicit GSE guarantees explicit, and taxpayers assuming/liquidating the portfolios of the soon-to-be bankrupt GSEs (RTC, part II)

Can’t happen, you say? Never say “never” where a bought-off "Socialize all losses" Con-gress and whining, clueless, bleating "why me?" sheeple are concerned.


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153   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 11:09am  

"I’ve heard all that crap too, but within the engineering community you have different castes."

You're telling me I'm wrong and offensive and then adding your observations to support my statement?

154   FuzzyMath   2008 Feb 27, 11:20am  

Sorry if you misunderstood Malcolm. My comment was not directed at you... just a general distaste.

155   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 11:23am  

I think it was a fair comment. I personally hate flippers, and I don't like get rich schemes. I think it would be dumb to avoid an opportunity because it doesn't provide a social benefit in someone's opinion though.

156   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 11:27am  

I'm not looking for a pat on the back but my regular income comes from lending on commercial ventures. That does have a social benefit, because I've helped build everything from amusement parks to shopping centers causing the employment of literally hundreds of people as it multiplies through the value chain. To me that's how it's supposed to work.

157   FuzzyMath   2008 Feb 27, 11:39am  

I think it would be dumb to avoid an opportunity because it doesn’t provide a social benefit in someone’s opinion though.

Agreed. Unless it's actually detrimental... in which case, it might be dumb, but honorable.

158   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 12:20pm  

I think it would be dumb to avoid an opportunity because it doesn’t provide a social benefit in someone’s opinion though.

Speculators provide liquidity in markets. That is a social benefit to me.

On the other hand, I prefer to keep value judgments out of profit pursuits.

159   Randy H   2008 Feb 27, 12:46pm  

human society is a ZERO-SUM game.

Bah! You know better!

There was a blogger on here “Randy H” who argued against gold at $600 and $700 per ounce before he stopped posting.

No. I argued that most people would lose money in gold. I also stated that I have gold in my portfolio, but it is properly weighted. People were coming on here recommending that people dump _everything_ for gold, which was ridiculous.

Some folks always did hate me though, for some odd reason.

160   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 12:49pm  

Just got back from dinner and really I apologize if I offended anyone. I still don't know how since I wouldn't be offended if a scientist said people who studied business don't know scientific fields. I'm not going to tell a chemist their business so it is somewhat arrogant to take offense when someone who spent years and years learning advanced financial and marketing concepts as part of my field makes a factual statement that tech people don't understand certain fundamentals in determining the value for something. When you can't put a value on an asset you become a speculator shooting in the dark.

If anything I should be offended because that thinking is the same condescending atitude that I complained about earlier. God forbid an engineer actually has to admit they don't know everything about everything.

Because I like to keep it positive I will say that this is a hell of a good place to learn and people can be exposed to some very good real world experiences that they wouldn't normally have access to.

161   FormerAptBroker   2008 Feb 27, 12:59pm  

Randy H Says:

> Some folks always did hate me though,
> for some odd reason.

Most of us are glad to have you back...

162   Randy H   2008 Feb 27, 1:00pm  

I lurk often. I'm just much busier these days. I'm countercyclical, so there's a real whopper of a recession coming, lol...

163   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 1:02pm  

Randy, would you go so far to use the D word, or is it still just an r?

164   Randy H   2008 Feb 27, 1:23pm  

Just an "r". But a nasty one is my guess. Perhaps lasting more than a couple years. "D" is a strong word.

165   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:23pm  

Bah! You know better!

Ha! See, I got Randy to come back. :)

166   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 1:26pm  

Yes, I've been accused of using it too loosely but I have genuine concerns about how severe this is going to get. Some of these proposals are starting to sound like there is such a pent up panic that the solutions almost seem like an overthrow.

167   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:26pm  

No. I argued that most people would lose money in gold.

That's fine. In a healthy speculative market, most people must lose money.

168   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 1:28pm  

BTW, I like hearing from you as well, I'm still a fan of your threads.

169   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:28pm  

Should we plan for the March Blog Party? Perhaps we should plan it with traffic in mind this time?

170   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 1:31pm  

To me, the government becoming the national bank resembles something from 60s and 70s Argentina. That's my level of concern.

We are headed for the same patterns of devaluation, buying votes in elections years, and then the required seizures from some groups to satisfy other groups. Ron Paul was our last hope and I'm not normally the alarmist.

171   Randy H   2008 Feb 27, 1:32pm  

Should we plan for the March Blog Party?

I'm in. I'll be earlier this time.

172   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:34pm  

Is there a place that is both ferry-accessible and train-accessible?

173   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:36pm  

Ron Paul was our last hope and I’m not normally the alarmist.

Ron Paul is a respectable statesman. Yes, it is rare to have "respectable" and the name of a politician in the same sentence.

Too bad he is not a very good shepherd of sheeple.

174   Randy H   2008 Feb 27, 1:37pm  

I don't think all is lost ... yet. We've got a couple years left to turn this all around. Ron Paul had mostly the right ideas, but at the wrong time. He's too old, and too early. The "capitulation" as it were hasn't come yet. That's happening now.

I sort of like the Strauss & Howe generational/war theory, which holds that we're due for a true turning in societal attitude towards "big" things. I think that turning is in process. If it comes soon enough or is effective is anyone's guess.

What I'm looking for now is someone with leadership qualities, regardless of whether they are saying all the right political garbage. My hero is Teddy Roosevelt.

175   Randy H   2008 Feb 27, 1:39pm  

Is there a place that is both ferry-accessible and train-accessible?

Not really. The ferry building is Muni accessible from the train station.

Don't sweat the ferry. There aren't that many of us in the North Bay.

176   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:41pm  

Of course we are at a major turn. I repeat, Pluto's entry into Capricorn and the nation's run-up to its Pluto return is *very* significant.

My hero is Teddy Roosevelt.

Yes, I like *this* Roosevelt too.

177   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 1:42pm  


178   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:43pm  

Why what?

179   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 1:44pm  


180   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:45pm  

For one, he is not *that* Roosevelt. :)

181   justme   2008 Feb 27, 1:47pm  


I have a technical degree and I can agree with your original statement. I don't think it is offensive. You clearly did not say it as a put-down.

I can probably think of at least half-a-dozen stock purchase slam-dunks I could have participated in, if only I had a firm grasp of the day-to-day emotion of the herd.

I ahve grasped that what matters is what the herd thinks and how the herd thinks.
I just can't seem to get to the next level.

Buying Google at 100 and riding it to 700 would be a prime example of a good call.

182   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 1:48pm  

Well, I like the parks, and he did build up the Navy. Apart from that I don't know that much about him.

183   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 1:49pm  

I appreciate that, thanks.

184   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 1:52pm  

Believe me, I envy what you guys can do.

185   Randy H   2008 Feb 27, 1:57pm  

Teddy was someone who defined himself. He was essentially a pure leader.

I actually like FDR too. I think a lot of contemporary FDR bashing is a lot of revisionism. He was quite the leader too. We were lucky to have a benevolent guy at the helm, as was England, during that conflagration. It could have turned out much much differently.

186   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:58pm  

I am a software "engineer" and I do express contempt towards technical people from time to time. But I also express contempt towards humanity.

187   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 1:58pm  

I actually like FDR too. I think a lot of contemporary FDR bashing is a lot of revisionism. He was quite the leader too. We were lucky to have a benevolent guy at the helm, as was England, during that conflagration. It could have turned out much much differently.

Okay, I should shut up immediately.

188   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 2:02pm  

It is just scary reading the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto and matching that with US history of the period.

189   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 2:02pm  

Randy H Says:
February 27th, 2008 at 9:57 pm
"I actually like FDR too. I think a lot of contemporary FDR bashing is a lot of revisionism."

I agree, he faced two of the most challenging threats to this country in a single century. Hindsight is 20/20 but a real leader makes the best of what he has to work with at the time.

190   Malcolm   2008 Feb 27, 2:05pm  

Peter P Says:
February 27th, 2008 at 9:58 pm
"I am a software “engineer” and I do express contempt towards technical people from time to time. But I also express contempt towards humanity."

I'm the same way, I dislike everyone equally for different reasons. It's my take on diversity.

191   SP   2008 Feb 27, 2:06pm  

FuzzyMath Says:
True, I’ve heard that before.

I am not surprised, since I expect you have even used that line yourself. :-)

While in general it is true that...

Whatever, dude. Your point is that "buyers on the sidelines" might want to get scared about rising interest rates. Sounds like the usual farfetched troll-talk to me, but I guess realtwhores gotta eat too...

192   Peter P   2008 Feb 27, 2:07pm  

I’m the same way, I dislike everyone equally for different reasons. It’s my take on diversity.

Misanthropists are Equal Opportunity Haterz. :)

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