The Biggest Default In History

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2008 Mar 2, 10:50am   21,254 views  266 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

real money

The biggest default in history has already happened: the US has devalued its promises of repayment to everyone who bought US Treasuries or US bonds of any kind, by devaluing the dollar 50% in just a few years.

What does this mean for the US? Higher interest rates. I don't understand why any person or any government would trust the dollar after this. The logical course of action would be to demand much higher interest rates to compensate for the risk of holding what is rapidly turning out to be only so much green toilet paper.

The thing I don't get is the huge gap between the interest rate the Fed sets for interbank lending (which seems to limit what Americans can get on their CD's and savings) and the very high rates we now see for municipal bond lending (sometimes as high as 20%). Something just doesn't make sense.

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61   OO   2008 Mar 3, 6:54am  

You can open an account in Australia with any of the big 4 banks remotely, ANZ, Westpac, Commonwealth and NAB. They are called the Big 4 because they are the BOA, Citi of Australia and it is commonly believed that Aussie Reserve bank won't let them fail.

There's no such thing as FDIC insurance in Australia, but historically, the Reserve bank handled each failure with acquisition, having one of the big 4 go acquire the failing bank and its customer accounts.

I don't use the big 4 to park money, but in order to buy Aussie government bond directly, you need to have an Aussie account into which the principal and interest can be deposited.

62   OO   2008 Mar 3, 7:00am  

DB funds are for tax-free accounts, if you want to hold commodities in your taxable accounts, you should buy ETN (e.g. RJA).

ETN (NOT ETFs) are taxed only when a sale occurs, which subjects you to capital gains tax bracket just like stocks.

63   richcta   2008 Mar 3, 7:09am  

Due to the weakness (weakmess?) of the dollar I was thinking when I deploy for a year of sun and fun of taking my paycheck and converting it to GBP or Euro's and depositing it at Baclay's Bank to take advantage of the GBP or Euro. Sound good? Stupid? Will assume not investment advice.

64   Peter P   2008 Mar 3, 7:19am  

I assume that are no PFIC tax consequences holding (not exercising) options on DB ETFs?

65   StuckInBA   2008 Mar 3, 7:22am  

OO :

Last year I purchased some CanRoys for the hefty dividend and oil play. I don't have much clue on how to handle the tax part of their distributions. Have been procrastinating so far.

Do you know when they send out their partnership or whatever forms ? IIRC they are not taxed as PFIC.


66   OO   2008 Mar 3, 7:32am  


I believe that all Canroys listed on the US market is taxed the same way. This is the downloaded tax instructions of one of my canroy holdings for your reference. You can usually go to the website of the canroy, select investors>taxation>non resident taxation. Most of them include instructions for how US unit holders can file for taxes.


67   OO   2008 Mar 3, 7:37am  


I believe lots of these PFIC-equivalent type of tax laws are put in place to discourage US investors from holding foreign assets.

US is the MOST unfriendly place for converting currencies. I have lived and traveled to many places, and almost every single retail bank in a major city in Europe or Asia offer FX services. It is also very common for investors in these countries to hold foreign currencies as a part of their portfolio.

It took me a long long time to figure out how to exchange a large amount of USD into another currency in the US. If you want to do it at a retail bank (e.g. BOA), you need to apply at least 3 days in advance, and then exchange at the rate on that date without knowing the quote, the spread. It is completely a joke.

68   DJM   2008 Mar 3, 8:07am  

"ETN (NOT ETFs) are taxed only when a sale occurs, which subjects you to capital gains tax bracket just like stocks."

Not true - the IRS recently ruled against this treatment for ETNs. The best you can do in a taxable account is to hold physical goods (such as gold) and defer taxation until you sell - unfortunately you are then taxed at the "collectibles" rate of (I think) 28% (at least, for gold). Obviously this is impractical for many commodites, in which case you are looking at futures contracts - these are subject to mark-to-market cap-gains taxation at year's end, with 60% of the gain taxed at the long-term rate and 40% taxed at the short-term rate, regardless of holding period. (Yeah, it's weird.) Apparently it plugged some loophole people were using the 70s.

As to the original post re. CD rates versus mortgage rates, well, that's why they call it a yield curve. BB's trying to save the banks by scalping savers on the short end while allowing banks to get healthy on the long end. Re. munis at 20%, that was only on a few so-called "auction-rate" bonds, regular munis aren't trading anywhere near that good. Traditional munis have a fixed interest rate and the value of the bond floats as rates go up and down. Right now the rates on munis are very competitive with treasuries if you are paying anything in taxes because of the perceived higher credit risk.

Those stories of 20% were due to "failed auctions" on auction-rate securities (ARSes). Unlike a normal bond, an ARS has a fixed value and the interest rate floats as determined by a periodic dutch auction (often held weekly). These bonds are most attractive for people looking for a liquid cash-like investment that is tax free, and are commonly found in tax-free money-markets. The auction matches any sellers with buyers bidding a rate they'll accept, and everyone who is simply holding gets the same rate as the market-clearing rate from the auction. Big banks used to make a market in these instruments by ensuring that there was always some bid for the bonds, however they aren't obliged to do so and there's a risk that an auction could fail to clear the market, leaving would-be sellers stuck in the bonds (potentially for a very long time, as the bonds are typically very long maturities). The terms of the issue set the interest rate in the event that there are not enough bidders for bonds offered into an auction, and these rates are sometimes punitive - they have to be, because holders don't want to be stuck in a long-maturity bond at some low interest rate, they'll be killed if interest rates rise.

OO, any details on how to go about buying bonds in Oz?

69   Paul189   2008 Mar 3, 8:22am  

I like the picture! You could at that time convert your currency into lawful money (gold and silver). Now the currency is just a promise to pay - pay what is anyones guess.

70   DennisN   2008 Mar 3, 8:49am  

I have an old "silver certificate"....nowadays I presume that the implied contract to exchange for silver on demand is void.

It's stamped HAWAII in several places. My mother gave it to me as a keepsake in the 1960s, telling me it was a "Hawaii statehood commerative dollar".

Actually she was dead wrong. In early WWII, right after Pearl Harbor, the US printed these for local use in Hawaii. The concern was that the Japanese would actually conquer Hawaii and get there hands on huge currency bundles, which they could use to make mischief. So the plan was that the US Fed would dishonor any bills marked HAWAII if and when the Japanese took Hawaii.

71   DennisN   2008 Mar 3, 8:51am  

commerative => commemerative
there => their

72   Peter P   2008 Mar 3, 8:53am  

I thought the ETN ruling was about foreign currency notes.

74   Peter P   2008 Mar 3, 9:17am  

What about long-term options on commodity ETFs and MLPs? Don't you get the 15% rate if you hold them long enough?

76   OO   2008 Mar 3, 10:02am  

Aussie government taxes a non-resident alien (e.g. Americans not residing there) 10% flat on interest payments of any sort. The 10% that you paid to the Kangaroos are deductible against your tax obligations on interest income to Uncle Sam. In short, you won't pay more tax than you would if you bought such bonds in the US. You don't need to file tax down under either, it is withheld if you declare a non-resident alien status.

There is quite a big spread between AUD fixed-income instruments floating down under and in the US. For example, online banks down under are already paying 7.5-8% interest in anticipation of the March rate hike, but any banks offering AUD bonds in the US would only offer you 6% max.

77   HelloKitty   2008 Mar 3, 10:27am  

OO, which fixed income AUD investment is paying 8%?
CD type of instrument?bond?

I see 6.8% being paid on the NAB savings account check it out:


We havent seen rates being paid like that since pre-911. been screwed ever since.

79   Randy H   2008 Mar 3, 11:56am  

I hope they bought carbon credits before lighting those fires.

80   OO   2008 Mar 3, 12:25pm  


It's called TD in Australia.

Right now ANZ is showing 7.9% for 12-17 months

ING direct showing 8.1% for 12 months

Westpac is showing 7.55-7.8% for 11 months

Commonwealth is offering 8% for 12 months

81   OO   2008 Mar 3, 12:26pm  

TD=Term Deposit=CD.

82   OO   2008 Mar 3, 12:32pm  

Why are my comments on TD rates getting moderated?

83   OO   2008 Mar 3, 12:32pm  

Right now ANZ is showing 7.9% for 12-17 months

87   Peter P   2008 Mar 3, 2:06pm  

I hope they bought carbon credits before lighting those fires.


88   SP   2008 Mar 3, 2:50pm  

Jimbo Says:
As soon as Bush was sworn in, I moved most of my 401k into foreign stocks.

And if Obamillary gets sworn in, are you planning to bring it back to USD stocks?

89   SP   2008 Mar 3, 3:00pm  

BayAreaIdiot Says:
With regards to Zillow - I’ve also noticed the reverse of what SP describes. Houses Zestimated much higher than they would sell for.

That is not the opposite of what I said. I have said for a long time that houses are selling for less than the zestimate.

What I noticed lately is drastic drops in the zestimates - some as much as 20% in 30-days - in the Prime! Googlaire! fortress! areas.

90   Peter P   2008 Mar 3, 3:03pm  

What I noticed lately is drastic drops in the zestimates - some as much as 20% in 30-days - in the Prime! Googlaire! fortress! areas.

Perhaps their latest-and-greatest valuation model uses GOOG and AAPL as inputs. :)

91   SP   2008 Mar 3, 3:09pm  

@OO, Thanks for the commodities tips. What about just plain old CD's in non-USD? Any ideas - besides ANZ?

Also, transfers out of the country have to be declared - which I have complied with. But are you aware of any implications, beyond having to declare interest income? I mean, if I parked $20K in (say) Hungarian Zlotys, and earned no significant interest, what exactly happens? What if 2 years later, I convert that stash back to $90K USD (thanks to Bernanke's dollar-raping) - is that capital gains?

I am fine with just leaving the assets sitting in CH and emigrating to some place else if SHTF here, but am curious about what happens if I do decide to bring the money back here...

92   HeadSet   2008 Mar 3, 10:11pm  

Peter P

When I was in England in the mid 90's, up to $72,000 earned by an American overseas was exempt from US Taxes. No tax was due to Britain either for bank interest earned by an American. So, if an American stationed in England moved his savings to Barclay's he would get a higher and untaxed interest rate. The risk would be the pound falling, but the pound went from $1.35 to $1.55 while I was there. This tax treatment may have been based on SOFA, and may not apply to someone not stationed overseas.

93   HelloKitty   2008 Mar 3, 11:26pm  

thanks for the tips. Is interest income gains taxed by AU government AND feds after converting/declaring my money? there has to be a catch....but I really really need to diversify out of USD.

Everbank offers aussie CD's with federal FDIC protection but rates are in fives ( which is 2 points better than usd cd)

94   Steveoh   2008 Mar 4, 12:09am  


Patrick, that Landoverbaptist site in today's links, is a riot!
Too funny!

"...a skeet range in the backyard for the kids."

95   PermaRenter   2008 Mar 4, 12:19am  

Bernanke Urges Banks to Forgive Portion of Mortgages (Update3)

March 4 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, battling the worst housing recession in a quarter century, urged lenders to forgive portions of mortgages held by homeowners at risk of defaulting.

``Efforts by both government and private-sector entities to reduce unnecessary foreclosures are helping, but more can, and should, be done,'' Bernanke said in a speech to bankers in Orlando, Florida, today. ``Principal reductions that restore some equity for the homeowner may be a relatively more effective means of avoiding delinquency and foreclosure.''

Bernanke's call goes beyond the stance of the Bush administration and previous Fed comments. By comparison, the central bank's Feb. 27 report to Congress called for lenders to ``pursue prudent loan workouts'' through means such as modifying mortgage terms and deferring payments.

The Fed chief highlighted the threat posed by home values falling below mortgage balances, something Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson played down yesterday. Bernanke said the ``recent surge'' in delinquencies has been ``closely linked'' to the slide of home equity.

96   DJM   2008 Mar 4, 12:19am  

"I thought the ETN ruling was about foreign currency notes."

You're right, sorry. The IRS has yet to rule on commodity ETNs The currency ETN ruling doesn't bode well for them receiving favourable treatment. The bottom line is investors should consider the possibility that ETNs won't get cap-gains tax treatment.


97   DinOR   2008 Mar 4, 1:11am  

"Principal reductions that restore some equity"

Sure great. When I signed the papers I thought it would go up and up and up but now that it isn't happening no less than the Fed Chairman himself is going to bat for me! Riskless investment I tell ya! It's the only way to go.

So it IS... possible to renegotiate the price of the home AFTER you've already purchased it! O.K, that's ONE thing we wrong about!

98   SP   2008 Mar 4, 1:26am  

PermaRenter Says:
Bernanke Urges Banks to Forgive Portion of Mortgages: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, battling the worst housing recession in a quarter century, urged lenders to forgive portions of mortgages held by homeowners at risk of defaulting.

I swear, sometimes I wonder if Bernanke suggests outrageously bad ideas just to make other, merely run-of-the-mill bad ideas seem like sage advice...

99   SP   2008 Mar 4, 1:28am  

Or, (to paraphrase Gamal Abdel Nasser) the genius of you Fed Banksters is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make the rest of us wonder at the possibility that we might be missing something.

100   DinOR   2008 Mar 4, 1:44am  

"make the rest of us wonder"

Oh I'm lost I assure you. This is so uncharted (it may not even be water that we're a' floatin' on?)

If we allow every FB in peril to get a "principal reduction" how does that support home values? Be it through a short sale, foreclosure or price-reduced sale it ALL drives down comps/values! Right? Will their property taxes be adjusted accordingly?

Deferring payments? Total damage control! The only "logic" I can see SP is that they're desperately trying to keep people attached to those homes rather than let them go BACK to the bank and in turn rent out to the same people or different party in near, if not identical circumstances.

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