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2010 Nov 15, 11:18am   21,714 views  62 comments

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46   FortWayne   2013 Jan 16, 3:43am  

Mark_LA says

2 weeks ago I was at the market in Glendale, CA and someone in front of me was paying for their groceries with a new type of credit card I had never seen with a beautiful picture of the California coast labeled "Golden State Advantage". Later on I figured out this card has replaced the old paper "Food Stamps" people used when I was a kid: http://www.ebtproject.ca.gov/ .

When I was in the parking lot, I noticed this person was packing up the groceries that he had bought with the tax dollars we all pay and made their way to his pocket into the trunk of their Mercedez S-class with pimped-up 20" chrome wheels.

They do this a lot in Vallarta. You see them use the EBT for groceries, and a second cash transaction for alcohol. All while working off the books elsewhere, and collecting from the state at the same time.

47   FortWayne   2013 Jan 16, 3:48am  

David Losh says

They filed a restraining order against us, stopped paying rent, and yes we had to pay utilities. It took six months to get them out, and they had trashed the place.

After that I only bought what I could sell. I've had renters from time to time, but never really liked it.

And that's a Christian couple, I shudder to think what some of the renters we have turned away would have done.

One time we had this lady of color come in who just fit a really ugly stereotype, entitled, rude, and she told us that she was really upset that her lawsuits against the county and previous landlord were taking too long so she could get the money to pay her rent. I really think we dodged a bullet there.

Anyhow, haven't been doing any landlord type of stuff ever since. It sure is not for everyone.

48   David Losh   2013 Jan 16, 4:01am  

gbenson says

Did your partner not speak to their previous landlords? I hear stories like this and always wonder if people don't do their due diligence.

This was 1984 and they had excellent references from other Christains. My partner was a very seasoned investor.

The attorney they had was a Christain just doing God's work.

He had a good job, and she stayed home. We did as much as we could to check these people out.

49   FortWayne   2013 Jan 16, 4:04am  

robertoaribas says

that post alone, if tracked back to you, could get you sued as a landlord ...

Yeah, and they'll probably label me a racist too, in CA that train is never late, even though her lawsuits frightened us enough to reject her as a renter, not the color. Out here somehow they always find a way to turn it around, and make it about skin color or sexual orientation so some bureaucrat can use it to propel himself further up in rank.

50   David Losh   2013 Jan 16, 4:12am  

FortWayne says

even though her lawsuits frightened us

You should probably stop now.

51   FortWayne   2013 Jan 16, 4:16am  

David Losh says

FortWayne says

even though her lawsuits frightened us

You should probably stop now.

I'll stop when I'm dead. Until then I'll keep going. It's the American way.

52   JodyChunder   2013 Jan 16, 6:46am  

FortWayne says

I'll stop when I'm dead. Until then I'll keep going. It's the American way.

The American way is moderation.

53   lostand confused   2013 Jan 16, 6:54am  

Well some people are just entitled. I was at the Kinkos scanning some paper work and sending it over. In walks this lady, dressed to the 9s, iphone in hand and a fancy looking purse. Then she sits in the computer next to me and gets mad and said she can't believe they charge 30 cents a minute to use the computer. She wants to print her resume and gets mad when the store clerk refuses to allow her to print for free. She wonders if she can print out her resume through her iphone for free and when the poor clerk says no, she cusses the world out and walks out!!

54   FortWayne   2013 Jan 16, 7:31am  

JodyChunder says

FortWayne says

I'll stop when I'm dead. Until then I'll keep going. It's the American way.

The American way is moderation.

American way is life liberty and pursuit of happiness. Not moderate fear of being honest.

55   JodyChunder   2013 Jan 16, 8:36am  

FortWayne says

moderate fear of being honest.

That honestly doesn't even make sense. "Reticence" might be the word you're looking for?

Anyway, I wasn't talking about pussyfooting when I said moderation. Moderation is all-American. The opposite is un-American.

56   gbenson   2013 Jan 16, 9:12am  

robertoaribas says

what did her color have to do with her being a bad rental prospect?

I think you mis-understood him. I believe he meant to say that she wore one of those fancy colored designer coats that indicates her family spends above their means and likely has credit issues. Then he rejected her due to ongoing litigation.

57   PockyClipsNow   2013 Jan 16, 10:14am  

I once had a prospective tenant tell me he was suing his current landlord over allegedly the older electric system blew up his 8k big screen. This house i had was 40 years old i was like uhhh see ya! The dumb circuits break when i vacuum the house on every home i ever had.

58   David Losh   2013 Jan 16, 8:46pm  

I worked for a property management company as the fix it guy for a lot of years.

Fixing it also meant dealing with problem renters. I still say today in my business that if you are talking to me you're a problem.

I found that white people presented the worst problems. It may have been a numbers game, but no matter how I sorted it out, it was white people that talked about lawyers, didn't pay, trashed the place, and wouldn't call when there was a problem.

59   FortWayne   2013 Jan 17, 12:28am  

robertoaribas says

FortWayne says

One time we had this lady of color come in who just fit a really ugly stereotype,

what did her color have to do with her being a bad rental prospect? so yeah... racist... means seeing people as different based on race...

Only your reading comprehension Robert, only that.

60   FortWayne   2013 Jan 17, 5:30am  

robertoaribas says

YOU felt the need to mention she was a lady of color, so that was apparently an important distinction in making her less fit to rent to...

Being black isn't a crime, it's a description if a shoe fits. And the only nit pickers are those politically correct lying their ass off liberal sissies seeking a career in public office.

61   David9   2013 Jan 17, 5:39am  

FortWayne says

liberal sissies

Hurray for Liberal Sissies!

62   ducsingle5313   2013 Feb 1, 2:25pm  

robertoaribas says

what did her color have to do with her being a bad rental prospect? so yeah... racist... means seeing people as different based on race...

It's not a given that a rental is governed by federal fair housing laws or corresponding state laws. Many rentals are exempt, such as small owner occupied buildings, some single family housing, etc. State law of course varies from state to state.

I'm surprised somebody who owns several rental properties isn't aware of this.

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