Bear Stearns Bailout To Pay Bonuses?

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2008 Mar 16, 9:32am   27,418 views  300 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


From a reader:

Did everyone forget that Wall St. bonuses get paid in march? The Fed just guaranteed all of Bear's bonus checks will clear, $3+ billion! The company may fail but all the boys get paid.

Wow, is this true? The Fed is now printing money to pay Wall Street bonuses?

An alternate explanation I heard is that Bear is somehow essential to the mechanism for the Fed's money creation, but I don't understand how that works.


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182   DinOR   2008 Mar 17, 6:59am  

I'm by no means attempting to poo-poo the notion that the PPT exists. They have worked against me and my positions on a number of occasions, defying all logic.

I don't know what their capacity or depth could possibly be but it would seem (again) obvious that their resources at this point would be strained to the breaking point. Shoring up a 200-300 pt. sell off is one thing, plugging the damage being created by the re-set chart goes beyond the imagination.

183   SP   2008 Mar 17, 7:01am  

HARM Says:
Greenspan or Hitler

They are both b*stards of the first order, but at least one of those guys had the decency to off himself... the other guy still shows no remorse for the destruction he has wrought.

184   pshawn   2008 Mar 17, 7:33am  

Greenspan sees many casualties from crisis: report Mon Mar 17, 5:02 AM ET

There will be many casualties from the unfolding financial market crisis, which will lead to a large-scale overhaul of international banking regulations, codes and risk management, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said.

Writing in the Financial Times, the former Fed chief said much of the financial system's risk-valuation models failed, not because they were too complex but because they were "too simple to capture the full array of variables governing that drive global economic reality."

"The crisis will leave many casualties. Particularly hard hit will be much of today's financial risk-valuation system," he wrote.

While insisting that current risk management models and econometric forecasting methods remain "soundly rooted in the real world," he said risk management can never be perfect.

"It will eventually fail and a disturbing reality will be laid bare, prompting an unexpected and sharp discontinuous response," Greenspan said.

He added, however, that he hoped one of the casualties from the worst U.S. financial crisis since World War Two would not be the spirit of broad self-regulation within financial markets.

Although he said the Basel II international banking regulatory framework would almost definitely be revamped and financial institutions' financial models would need to be re-drafted, Greenspan warned against over-regulation.

"It is important, indeed crucial, that any reforms in, and adjustments to, the structure of markets and regulation not inhibit our most reliable and effective safeguards against cumulative economic failure: market flexibility and open competition," he said.

Greenspan article at FT.com: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/edbdbcf6-f360-11dc-b6bc-0000779fd2ac.html

185   DinOR   2008 Mar 17, 7:46am  

Yeah, "over-regulation" is our biggest fear right now. Thanks Al. We'll keep that in mind.

186   SP   2008 Mar 17, 7:55am  

DinOR Says:
What are the earliest known references to the MBS/CDS meltdown we are now seeing. Seems to me SP and a few others made comment on it during late 2004

I don't really remember when I first realized the edge of the cliff towards which we were headed... but being _that_ prescient is practically indistinguishable from being plain wrong. :-)

Luckily, I was too lazy to go out and start shorting stuff back then, or I would have lost a ton of money before things actually turned south.

187   SP   2008 Mar 17, 7:58am  

Peter P Says:
What is putting pressure on gold price?

A couple of factors - Yen at 96 is a major suspect. The other possibility is that gold is being liquidated to cover margin calls on illiquid securities.

[Not any kind of advice. My advice is usually free, but you might pay dearly for following it.]

188   SP   2008 Mar 17, 8:03am  

OO Says:
Why will someone pay more than $2 for BSC if a benchmark deal paid $2 in stock for the same darn thing?

Rumors that Joe Lewis' Tavistock Group is planning to mount a counter offer to take BSC private for $ 400M. It didn't make sense to me why he would do that (since he may not be eligible for the 30B gift from the F'ed), but that may be it?

189   SP   2008 Mar 17, 8:50am  

northernvirginiarenter Says:
There simply is no secondary market for mortgage backed securities.

The market _is_ there, just not at the price the sellers can accept. Sellers are hoping to find a sucker who will pay the pretend valuation - just like bay area housing.

190   EBGuy   2008 Mar 17, 9:21am  

Duke says: Another thing to think of is this: How solvent is the Fed? I think they have 800 billion.
I've been using using OPNs (other peoples numbers) and saying that the Fed will have 300 to 400 billion dollars left when all announced measures have taken place. Not sure "they" are right as I now think some "double count" the increase in TAF and repos (by not subtracting out the existing balances).
Starting out
here it looks like the Fed holds ~710 billion in US Treasury securities + ~$90 billion in gold, currency, and "other assets" .

- 40 (increase in TAF from $60 -> $100)
- 40 (increase repos from ~$60 -> $100)
- 200 (TSLF)
- 30 (JPM special lending facility)
$490 billion left
- ? (opening the discount window to non-depository primary dealers)

So it looks like we'll have ~1/2 a trillion dollars for the investment banksters to blow through at the new and improved discount window. Set your phasers on stun; shoot to kill.

191   Eliza   2008 Mar 17, 9:28am  

"remember, our country is increasingly populated by people who are not only not invested in our financial success, theyre not even invested in our culture."

You know, I think there is some truth in this. A Chinese parent at my kids' school was talking about the weekend Chinese immersion class her daughter is taking. She quickly explained that it is for ABC kids, "American Born Chinese." Not Chinese-American. American Born Chinese. Maybe it is just a difference in phrasing, but ABC seems to imply Chinese kids who happen to be in America, as opposed to Chinese kids who are growing into being American kids of Chinese heritage.

192   Peter P   2008 Mar 17, 9:30am  

RE: Chinese immersion class

I have no problem with that if schools are private-run.

193   Paul189   2008 Mar 17, 9:41am  

Seems like nothing happened over the weekend doesn't it?

I don’t know what their capacity or depth could possibly be but it would seem (again) obvious that their resources at this point would be strained to the breaking point. Shoring up a 200-300 pt. sell off is one thing, plugging the damage being created by the re-set chart goes beyond the imagination.

194   Peter P   2008 Mar 17, 9:47am  

Probably silver and I vibrate at different frequencies. I just cannot feel silver.

It certainly feels different.

196   OO   2008 Mar 17, 10:00am  


perhaps you should happy that this Chinese parents is wasting her child's brain power and time on Chinese immersion class because it will prove completely useless. Well, if your kid is in the same class with her kid, your kid will have one more casualty below him/her on the forced curve.

Chinese are just very pragmatic people, they do the weekend immersion class not for patriotism (to China) but for potential profit. I heard so often among the Chinese community that they think China will become some sort of superpower so learning Chinese is a way not to be left out. Similarly, lots of elite Chinese kids in China are going to English immersion classes, every day (not only during weekends), so that they won't be left out. If China goes poof, I assure you lots of these Chinese immersion thingy will fold.

I am not sending my kids to Chinese immersion class not because I am not patriotic to (US or China, or one way or another), but because I think China will go poof so that I don't want to waste my kids' time. I may send my kids to Russian immersion class though.

197   Peter P   2008 Mar 17, 10:04am  

Chinese are just very pragmatic people, they do the weekend immersion class not for patriotism (to China) but for potential profit.

If one thinks China will become a superpower, should he just invest in resources that China needs and lacks?

China is so full of liabilities, aka people.

I was trying to learn Russian and I could almost order a piroshki.

(But I almost ordered vodka instead of water.)

198   OO   2008 Mar 17, 10:07am  

If one thinks that China will become a superpower, one should move his ass over to China and start building connections now.

If one thinks that China will be a flash in the pan, then invest in commodities to take advantage of their hastened rise because it is much easier to get out of commodities than Chinese stocks.

199   northernvirginiarenter   2008 Mar 17, 10:13am  


Why do you think China will go poof and how exactly will that work?

200   DennisN   2008 Mar 17, 10:30am  

But I almost ordered vodka instead of water.

I thought "vodka" was Russian for the word "water".

201   OO   2008 Mar 17, 10:33am  


too big of a topic to discuss on a blog. In short, it cannot replicate what the US had prior to its rise, namely, it doesn't have the same resources per capita, same group of self-selective immigrants, a good political and economic framework. There are very few countries in the world that can emulate the American experience, the best that China can do is Japan, but it won't even achieve that.

The next candidate to replace the US is more likely either Russia, or a fairly ignored country, Australia (which will take a bit longer for the population size to catch up). Population is the easiest thing to solve, if you have a good piece of land, lots of resources, and a good social framework, you can pick and choose the youngest, brightest and hardest working immigrants from all over the world. A country stuck with a big, complacent population who are not brave enough or capable enough to leave their homeland, and therefore facing depleted resources has no chance of becoming a superpower.

202   Malcolm   2008 Mar 17, 10:52am  

Guys, I'm reading some of your posts regarding foreign food shortages and our weakening dollar. I came to a pretty scary realization. Oil prices are high because foreign countries are willing to pay the price, they have stronger currencies and we fuel their economies. This could easily transfer to food. The last thing we want is to be competing with foreign currencies for our own food supply. American food companies will choose to sell to whoever can pay more, just like oil companies do.

203   Malcolm   2008 Mar 17, 10:56am  

OO, that's interesting about buying ahead. I was just thinking futures might be something to educate myself on.

204   StuckInBA   2008 Mar 17, 11:22am  

Malcom :

I expressed similar thoughts regarding the food in the previous threads and DennisN put it best "We are Saudi Arabia of food". The competition for oil, water and food will keep getting intense. Nothing we can do about it.

I really want to invest in companies that own agricultural land in US. There are hardly any. So I am stuck with the choices like MON which right now seem way overpriced.

205   LILLL   2008 Mar 17, 11:37am  

Thx Skibum and Stuck!
I've been slaving away deep in rennovations. It's a money pit at present...but I'm happy. I'm gonna hunker down and wait out the recession.
There are times I feel this world has gone crazy. My landlady was such a horrible person--glad to be rid of her. But thanks to this blog ---you guys helped me survive my almost 3 years as a renter!

206   northernvirginiarenter   2008 Mar 17, 11:45am  


Thanks, interesting perspective.

207   northernvirginiarenter   2008 Mar 17, 11:51am  

MON is evil. They are behind the suicide seed genetics that will lead to many thousands of human deaths around the world. Holding Mon is therefore also evil.

208   Eliza   2008 Mar 17, 12:13pm  

RE: Monsanto
Interesting court case in Canada a few years ago...went to Canadian Supreme Court...upshot is that if Monsanto's proprietary pollen happens to blow onto your crops, you can expect to pay Monsanto several hundred thousand dollars per year in licensing fees. Never liked them since hearing that.

The level of control they would like to have over the world's food supply scares me.

209   Eliza   2008 Mar 17, 12:22pm  

I kind of wonder whether Australia mightn't have significant mineral wealth in those deserts. Particularly given the way technological needs change.

Yeah, I knew an Indian guy in college who had the most amazing American girlfriend--Olympic level swimmer, smart, very impressive woman, and he loved her--but his parents kept pressuring him to go back to India, just for a few weeks, just to see the family. He finally went and came back married 3 weeks later. He never looked very happy after that. So far as I know, though, he did stay in the US, start a business, contribute to the community, continue to put down roots. And that's fine by me, except of course that his personal life was probably not at all what he wanted. Poor guy.

However, I do see it as a problem when people come into this country, or any country, as economic tourists. It sucks to be colonized.

210   DennisN   2008 Mar 17, 1:12pm  

May we gird our loins and face the future knowing we lead the men of OFEC.

This day is called the Feast of Crispian:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a-tiptoe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall see this day and live t'old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say "To-morrow is Saint Crispian":
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars
And say "These wounds I had on Crispin's day."
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember with advantages
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remembered.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now abed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

211   Richmond   2008 Mar 17, 1:16pm  

Every time I go to the World Ag Expo, I make it a point to go by the Monsanto booth and just be mean and rude, ask loud nasty questions to draw attention to the scam. I have the ass to back it up and I've never been arrested. The genetics, the rBST---nasty stuff.

212   Malcolm   2008 Mar 17, 1:36pm  

StuckInBA Says:
March 17th, 2008 at 6:22 pm
"Malcom :
I really want to invest in companies that own agricultural land in US. There are hardly any. So I am stuck with the choices like MON which right now seem way overpriced."

Sometimes something overpriced does make sense if you have some certainty about the future. I don't have a guess on this, but a lot of things being said here are supporting a future where higher food prices should be viewed as the most likely outcome, borderline definite outcome. How does that company look to you if you double their revenues?

213   Malcolm   2008 Mar 17, 1:38pm  

I wonder if the money I invested in those two books of Forever stamps is going to turn out to be a smart investment?

214   thenuttyneutron   2008 Mar 17, 2:26pm  

I am calling Citibank to be the next one to go bust. I really thought they would be the first but I was wrong. I figure the arabs will grow tired of bailing C out everytime they have a liquidity squeeze.

215   SP   2008 Mar 17, 5:13pm  

EBGuy Says:
I’ve been using using OPNs (other peoples numbers) and saying that the Fed will have 300 to 400 billion dollars left when all announced measures have taken place.

If the F'ed is really chasing interest rates down (as opposed to setting the rate, as most people believe), then they could actually go down _TO_ 1% tomorrow - that's where the treasury rate is hovering...

216   justme   2008 Mar 17, 6:41pm  

Why do we expect immigrants to be invested in the US as a country when basically we are only importing them to exploit them in our pyramid schemes? It does not surprise me one bit that they just want to make a quick buck and get away.

218   FredMcGill   2008 Mar 17, 11:35pm  

Interesting... Here's another somewhat rambling discussion about the state of the economy... Patrick.net get's linked.


219   skibum   2008 Mar 18, 12:05am  


I and others were predicting this last year - I recall several, including Randy, who claimed VC money had some degree of immunity from overall economic hard times, as that is mostly private equity wealth. So much for that claim.

220   DennisN   2008 Mar 18, 12:36am  

Do the backers of Vulture Capital firms just have lots of cash laying around, or do they have to leverage personal assets?

221   DinOR   2008 Mar 18, 12:37am  

Isn't it just possible that "liquidity is a coward"? If the timing isn't right, why roll it out?

Love to stay and chat but I have to "pre-flight" the helicopter. :(

Time to kick the tires and light the fires!

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