Houseowners Who Won’t Cut the Price

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2008 Mar 25, 11:20pm   34,430 views  271 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

case shiller

It's been quite a while since I authored any threads. I've been very busy lately and have fallen behind on most of my blogging. Damned need to make a living!

Anyway, I thought some of you might find this NYT article today interesting: Be It Ever So Illogical: Homeowners Who Won’t Cut the Price

--Randy H

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50   Randy H   2008 Mar 26, 6:04am  


How does the stickiness this time compares with stickiness in other downturns ? There may not be a metric, but seems like there is lot less stickiness in this downturn - this year at least.

I don't have any hard data on this either. Just conclusions drawn from data about previous cycles. One thing that stands out is how much more data is being tracked this time versus even the mid 80s-mid 90s correction. There is probably 10x more data now, and sadly a lot of that data is spun, marketing data meant to offset unhappy data. ie. NAR "economics".

My read is that this cycle was a bit *more* price sticky in the early phase, but is now showing signs of downward accelerating faster (less sticky) than last time. I think a lot of that is attributable to information differences plus exaggeratedly sensational media influence.

In 1987 people had _less_ information about the downturn they had entered, and less was being fed through a less sensational media. It was still apparent, but perhaps easier for people to ignore or assume didn't affect them. So they were sticky until the early/mid 90s in many cases.

Contrast 2005 when people were deluged with information, most of it showcased in glittery point-counterpoint type of duels. My theory is that because the media had to always present "balance" instead of fact, they paralyzed a lot of sellers into "wait and see". Plus, the media kept reassuring us this would all be short. The bottom was just around the corner, month after month. Sort of information overload coupled with lack of credibility.

And like deer in the headlights, they're getting hit by surprise, and so we see dramatic price cuts scattered amid stubborn, blank stares.

51   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 6:11am  

Stickiness is also related to the collective stubbornness and snobbishness of a neighborhood.

The availability of information says nothing because it is all about the willingness to accept unfavorable information.

52   northernvirginiarenter   2008 Mar 26, 6:13am  

Here be a good one that might get some blood boiling around here. I know demolishing houses as method of reducing inventory and halting price slide has been discussed here, but I don't think seriously.

The Wall Street Journal, esteemed rag of the capitalists (lesser caps than Peter P anyway) and banksters, editorial page has a piece arguing for this very thing. Its the government cheese debacle all over again. It would not surprise me if this sentiment picked up a head of steam from all stakeholders who might benefit. These stakeholders being about all homeowners and bankers.



WSJ editorial "demolish houses"


Let us step back. A great deal of housing debt was created in the last few years to give speculative buyers nominal title to homes that they no longer want. Any postmortem will also show that too much government subsidy for the creation of housing debt was an original sin at the root of today’s mess. The result is not unlike pollution — a market “externality” that imposes unfair costs on others as a result of some people’s over-speculation in now decaying, market-depressing, neighborhood-degrading housing.

When politicians understand this, they may finally have something useful to contribute. The shortest road back from this perdition, as improbable as it may sound, would be to foreclose on and demolish some of the least-wanted houses, with taxpayer money if necessary.

53   northernvirginiarenter   2008 Mar 26, 6:15am  

WSJ editorial demolish houses

Apologies, mistype on tag for link above.

54   DinOR   2008 Mar 26, 6:19am  

"they paralyzed a lot of sellers into "wait and see"

Seen enough?

There was a case at the Bend Bulletin where a reporter was canned for not "cleaning it up and giving it a happy ending". Another case of 'collateral damage'. Maybe this guy can become a "MEW Dad" and live of his... nevermind.

55   Randy H   2008 Mar 26, 6:20am  

Demolishing houses would theoretically work, but it's terribly inefficient. There are better ways for the government to stimulate the same outcomes much more usefully and efficiently.

Divert the "demolish houses" to "demolish bridges", then rebuild them so they don't fall down in a light breeze. That would cause capital replacement (the macro goal of the entire exercise), and would take government spending and circulate it directly into the economy short term (pay for labor, materials, and services related to the projects) and amplify growth in the long term (better infrastructure produces more efficient long run growth).

But we don't solve problems anymore in our country, do we? We just dodge the sniper fire and gift away our treasure to whichever squeaky wheel interest group owns a block of swing votes. Meanwhile our bridges crumble our levies fail, our dams crack, our power grid goes brown, and our education level falls.

56   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 6:28am  

The Wall Street Journal, esteemed rag of the capitalists (lesser caps than Peter P anyway) and banksters, editorial page has a piece arguing for this very thing.

There are Free Market Capitalists and Successful Moneyed Capital Socialists.

I belong to the first camp. Anyone know how I can join the second group?

57   Randy H   2008 Mar 26, 6:31am  


I have to give you credit. I was entirely wrong about something I argued with you about years ago: how older, equity rich retirees would react to selling in a down market.

I argued that they had a low cost basis, and would be fine selling a home for say $385K instead of $450K because they only paid $90K for it decades earlier, and owned 100% of their equity.

Well, seems even for those who do still own 100% equity (those who didn't reverse out) they are incredibly stubborn about selling for even $1 less than their retired neighbor down the street got in 2005-2006.

Anecdotally, I came across a house recently where the owner was a recent widow, bought with her husband in the early 60s, paid under $40K, and was listing the place for $1.4875mm (a very precise number). Her daughters were pleading with her to sell for anything over $1mm since it hadn't been updated since 1981 and needed a ton of work (you know, the entire yard was green gravel and concrete by that point).

This old lady was just intractable. She was not going to take a penny less because her neighbor, "who she never cared for", got that amount and "her house wasn't even as nice".

It's still listed at that price, by the same no-name realtor who's picture on the sign looks like some fossil from the Jurassic period, closing in on it's 400th day on market.

The owner will have to die before that price unsticks.

58   HARM   2008 Mar 26, 6:48am  

The owner will have to die before that price unsticks.

Anything we can do to help accelerate this process? :twisted:

But we don’t solve problems anymore in our country, do we? We just dodge the sniper fire and gift away our treasure to whichever squeaky wheel interest group owns a block of swing votes. Meanwhile our bridges crumble our levies fail, our dams crack, our power grid goes brown, and our education level falls.

Ahhh... sweet, delicious anger...

59   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 6:55am  

Remember that a owner ought to have the absolute right to sell or not. This is an important pillar of property rights.

60   DinOR   2008 Mar 26, 7:11am  

Randy H,

I only wish there was "something' redeeming about that whole situation? I can't even really "take credit" for it. After you've made your 1,299th call getting some old duffer to sell their Enron shares (former Portland General Electric shareholders) you begin to see a... pattern.

As I recall that conversation evolved around "whom to target for a low-ball offer" and equity fat seniors would (after all) seem like the most logical place to start?

61   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 7:15am  

Fear is the most reliable motivator. Equity-fat owners have no fear.

62   FormerAptBroker   2008 Mar 26, 7:17am  

Randy H Says:

> DinOR I have to give you credit. I was entirely wrong
> about something I argued with you about years ago:
> how older, equity rich retirees would react to selling in
> a down market. I argued that they had a low cost basis,
> and would be fine selling a home for say $385K instead
> of $450K because they only paid $90K for it decades
> earlier, and owned 100% of their equity. Well, seems
> even for those who do still own 100% equity (those who
> didn’t reverse out) they are incredibly stubborn about selling
> for even $1 less than their retired neighbor down the
> street got in 2005-2006.

I think that the primary for this “wait and see” is related to the fairly substantial dip and quick recovery of home prices we had here in the Bay Area after the dot com bust…

I’m still waiting for more old people who own free and clear to realize that things will not bounce back as quickly this time and flood the market with homes before prices drop even further.

The California Association of Realtors just reported that the Feb 2008 median price of homes statewide dropped 26% from Feb 2007 to $409K.

If prices keep falling at the same pace for another year I think it will “unstuck” many old people who cash in before prices fall even further.

63   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 7:19am  

If prices keep falling at the same pace for another year I think it will “unstuck” many old people who cash in before prices fall even further.

Again, there must be fear. There is still greed and hope in them.

64   Randy H   2008 Mar 26, 7:23am  

Isn't fear of death enough? That's what I don't get. I would think seniors would eventually, as FAB proposes, want to get out of their houses sooner than later because they have a limited amount of "later" left in their lives.

65   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 7:24am  

Isn’t fear of death enough?

They "bought" insurance policies from churches. :)

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

66   HARM   2008 Mar 26, 8:09am  

These Bay Area seniors obviously have no concept of the time value of money. Or is it the "money value of time"?

67   HARM   2008 Mar 26, 8:12am  

Greedbag seniors to working-class peons:
"You can have my house when you pry it from my cold, dead hands! Which should be coming up rather soon, actually..."

68   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 9:16am  

Most seniors are nice people. We should be kind to them.

The mean ones are those who have money but not the understanding of money.

69   Malcolm   2008 Mar 26, 9:24am  

The old stickiness debate.
We talk about psychology but it seems to only resonate one way. To a seller, having a bunch of buyers wanting to buy their house is a natural cue that there is demand for the house. They may go into denial about what the house will actually sell for but it is different than no one expressing interest.
I don't know why, but it is irritating reading about how dumb someone thinks someone else is because they won't act the way they are expected to. I don't know why buyers act the way they do either, just wait until the listing prices fall and then buy a place. It is such a futile waste of energy trying to convince someone that they are overpriced when they have no pressure to move.

70   Malcolm   2008 Mar 26, 9:26am  

Peter P Says:
March 26th, 2008 at 4:16 pm
"Most seniors are nice people. We should be kind to them.
The mean ones are those who have money but not the understanding of money."

My life experience is that it is the broke ones who are the mean ones. They tend to be very bitter and resent people they perceive are doing better than they are or did. They make it very difficult to feel sorry for them.

71   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 9:30am  

My life experience is that it is the broke ones who are the mean ones.

But they are comically mean. :lol:

At least, they are not holding something you want.

They make it very difficult to feel sorry for them.

It takes a lot for me to feel sorry for anyone.

72   Malcolm   2008 Mar 26, 9:35am  

Peter P Says:
March 26th, 2008 at 4:30 pm
"At least, they are not holding something you want."

I just don't want to be pushed out of the way when I'm in line somewhere. These old farts are a disgrace. I never butt heads with Gen X or Ys, it is always some grotesque boomer.

Note to boomers - The latest queuing theory is that it is more efficient to have one line with individual stations taking the next in line. So please don't ask me which line I'm in, I'm the next in line period!

73   StuckInBA   2008 Mar 26, 9:40am  

My feedback on the stickiness.

I mentioned about the exactly one offer we made in last week of Dec - whihc was rejected. The house is still listed - total DOM over 100 this time. The house was listed for 100K more last year and did not sell - don't know for how long it was listed.

Well, the price has been reduced ... drum rolls please ... by 10K ! Yes, that's like 1%. This was done more than a month ago.

I have no bitterness towards this seller :-) They will help keep the inventory high and pressure the really motivated sellers even more.

I think our offer at 15% below asking was way generous given what has happened since then. There is a fat chance that they will get anywhere close the asking. Most buyers will simply ignore such overpriced listings. Why bother ? Why waste time when there is so much else that is available ?

74   Malcolm   2008 Mar 26, 9:41am  

FormerAptBroker Says:
March 26th, 2008 at 2:17 pm
"I’m still waiting for more old people who own free and clear to realize that things will not bounce back as quickly this time and flood the market with homes before prices drop even further.
If prices keep falling at the same pace for another year I think it will “unstuck” many old people who cash in before prices fall even further."

Overall I think this is the most correct theory. The problem is that it is tough to say a house has fallen in value when the only comp is the one from the last year. I don't know about guessing timeframes, and of course there are other variables like the bank owned and the auctions to make the values suddenly apparent.

Honestly, if renting makes more sense then rent, when it makes sense to buy then buy. I don't get the emotionalism on either side.

75   Malcolm   2008 Mar 26, 9:44am  

StuckInBA Says:
March 26th, 2008 at 4:40 pm
"I think our offer at 15% below asking was way generous given what has happened since then. There is a fat chance that they will get anywhere close the asking. Most buyers will simply ignore such overpriced listings. Why bother ? Why waste time when there is so much else that is available ?"

Exactly, btw, if the seller came back to you today, would you take the house at the price you offered?

76   StuckInBA   2008 Mar 26, 10:03am  

Good question. Forgetting the negotiation tactics, and purely concentrating on the perceived value - NO. A lot, really a LOT, happened in last 3 months. The price drops accelerated from the sticky pace of last year. So waiting it out is even more an attractive option.

Now if the seller unwinds all the phantom bubble gains - and offers at a price that was in 2003, I will jump. But so will many others, and price could be bid a little higher.

That's what is happening to some extent. All buyers know about the bubble burst. The only difference is the depth of the bust. So only houses seriously priced below comps are selling. That makes the unrealistic sellers look even more delusional.

77   StuckInBA   2008 Mar 26, 10:06am  

Oh man ... sorry for the italics (2nd time in 2 days) ... and I was answering Malcom's question.

78   StuckInBA   2008 Mar 26, 10:13am  

A bit OT.

Another big BA employer reports numbers that fail to delight the investors.


ORCL is down 8% AH.

One after another company has indicated that things are not at all rosy. It is actually within the realm of possibility that the super-smart BA techies might wonder about the temporariness of this buying opportunity. Just saying. OK. Not sure. Just saying.

79   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 10:16am  

Why would anyone wants to own a software company that is not Microsoft? :)

80   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 10:31am  

One after another company has indicated that things are not at all rosy.

How can things possibly be rosy when a large investment bank can go poof in a weekend?

Can social networking sites really save us all? Perhaps they can live entirely in a cartoon world.

81   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 10:31am  

2nd time in 2 days

Just one more time...

... and you have to buy me sushi.

82   HARM   2008 Mar 26, 10:34am  

Honestly, if renting makes more sense then rent, when it makes sense to buy then buy. I don’t get the emotionalism on either side.

Because, a house isn't just house. It's the Amerikan Dream. And becoming a Loanowner confers higher social status. People will listen to you and respect your opinions, even on matters you clearly know nothing about. Renters, OTH, are permanently relegated to second-class citizenship, and must forever taste the bitter fruit of mortgage-envy. Our long-standing cutural bias against renting is so strong that even Shakespeare once made a reference to it: "neither a renter nor a landlord be"*.

*(not the actual quote)

83   revengeofaone   2008 Mar 26, 10:34am  

You shouldn't care if homeowners drop the price or not. They are irrational. The banks will force the issue once they start dropping the prices on their krap houses.

At the end of the day, if they do drop prices, fine.
If they don't, fine.

The market sorts itself out.

If there are more sellers than buyers, then ADAM SMITH tells me the prices will HAVE to drop, all things being equal.

So if the sellers want to vaporize more of their own equity waiting, fine.

There's really nothing you can do.

And all the Fed can do is slow the coming of the "long term," and keep us in the short term turning the crank and installing zombies where there once was banks.

But the "long term" will come, and it will sting, unfortunately.

Now if the Fed could just delay the coming of the "long term" until I'm ready to retire, that would be fabulous.


84   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 10:39am  

The market sorts itself out.


85   revengeofaone   2008 Mar 26, 10:50am  

In a sticky viscous market, nothing breaks through (except for a greasy slider hamburger in an unsuspecting bowel) like a few REO's setting their prices >30% below asking of the other properties and selling for even less.

I've seen these low priced REO's and I approve this message

Not investment advice.

86   revengeofaone   2008 Mar 26, 10:52am  

And to think that maybe just maybe, the banks haven't even released all there REO's on the market?

Not investment advice! I don't know for sure!!

87   revengeofaone   2008 Mar 26, 10:52am  

+ their

88   revengeofaone   2008 Mar 26, 10:54am  

Why can't ordinary people depreciate their home on their taxes?

I mean the maintenance etc. is incredible!

And the other thing that drives me nutty is not being able to deduct state income taxes and local property taxes to any significant degree because of AMT!

Please, just make the rules simpler and more transparent. I think many Americans would be more productive if that were the case.

89   Peter P   2008 Mar 26, 10:56am  

Please, just make the rules simpler and more transparent. I think many Americans would be more productive if that were the case.

My answer: flat tax!

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