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ooh, cinematographer -- there's a $5 word for a guy with a video camera and a computer.
I watched 2min of the first "video" (looks like a stock karaoke scene to me) and I was not impressed with the ability of either interviewer of interviewee in getting to the point (was there one?)
All the SGTBull2007 video's push silver. I've seen a few of them, and they all pretty much have the same message.
The price action in the precious metals since March 25 last year shows that many investors are seizing this historic opportunity, investors including the nations of Russia, China, and India. A few market analysts are taking the ostrich approach, preferring to believe that Maguire does not exist, that GATA is just a bunch of conspiracy theorists, that these private law firms suing major bullion banks at their own expense are half crazy, and that CFTC Commissioner Chilton must be mistaken.
We can lament how it would have been nice to have shorted Enron,, Bear Stearns, or Lehman Brothers, but we never really had the opportunity because by the time we knew about the frauds it was too late. If investors don't jump on the best investment opportunity in history and buy all the physical gold and silver they can afford, at least it can never be claimed that they couldn't have known about it.
Anybody who doesn't profit from the coming precious metals bonanza has only himself to blame.
Californians Come to Your own conclusions!