Mortgage Strike To Protest Paulson $700 Billion Theft

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2008 Sep 24, 12:40pm   25,006 views  277 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


One patrick.net reader suggested a simple antidote to Treasury Secretary Paulson's proposed theft of $700 billion from taxpayers: a mortgage strike.

Since Paulson is trying to steal more than $5,000 from every taxpayer and give it to the banks that blew all their money on bad mortgages, the obvious response from each mortgage-holding taxpayer should be a refusal to pay at least $5,000 of their mortgage.

Such a mortgage strike should start exactly when Paulson's $700 billion theft starts, and should continue until his theft is exactly nullified. The banks that wasted their money should fail. Customer accounts should be protected up to the promised FDIC limit of $100,000 per account, but there is no public obligation to protect foolish bankers from their own mistakes.

If Paulson's theft passes Congress in the face of nearly unanimous public shock and disapproval, then it is clear that representative democracy has failed and the strike is justified.

Such a failure of representative democracy would also mean that it is time to ammend the Constitution to entirely eliminate our corruptable Congress and establish direct democracy, with web-based, non-anonymous, verifiable voting by the public on all legislation. We do not need representatives who do not represent us.



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135   snmr   2008 Sep 26, 2:57pm  

No matter what you say, i believe that whatever happened ( the housing bubble, bank crashes,bailout) are natural to a free market.
If we want to enjoy the fruits of free markets we have to deal with some bad things.
There are always booms and busts in an economy. This housing boom was another bubble. There was no way it could have been predicted.
You cannot predict bubbles unless it has already been burst ( Greenspan)
All modern economies work on debt and connot function otherwise( Bernake)

Just get over this bailout and have a nice sleep.we will get through it.

i am running for cover.

136   snmr   2008 Sep 26, 3:09pm  

Brand Says:
"Guys like Nouriel Roubini, Shiller and others appear to be very intelligent, but are they?"

There is no direct correlation between intellingence and financial success

Financial success is a function of (intelligence, greed , selfishness)
most intelligent people i know of are not that selfish.Most of thier thinking goes in to thinking about the society, friends, advising, random musings..etc
They hardly direct that intelligence for thier own success.
I think evolution has it that way else we would still be in jungle if all intelligent people were just working on thier own success.
that's one reason you will find near perfect predictions from bloggers, academic prof's ..etc who are not that successful in thier life but are 100 times smarter than most successful people in walstreet or new media.

137   Lost Cause   2008 Sep 26, 5:57pm  

It's 2AM after a Friday night. Do you know where your economic recovery team is?

138   Lost Cause   2008 Sep 26, 6:06pm  

Did anybody else notice the way that Warren Buffet strode right across the trading floor and inversted $5 billion dollars in Goldman Sachs? Would an investmant in JP Morgan Chase been too obvious -- history repeats itself, or was he just tipping his hand?

139   justme   2008 Sep 26, 11:21pm  


I don't know whether Barney Frank is gay, I may not have a good radar for those things, but if you really want to be a tough guy, why don't you pick on his speech impediment instead?

140   justme   2008 Sep 26, 11:42pm  

Neutron, I can dig your dimensional analysis there :-)

141   justme   2008 Sep 26, 11:49pm  


I have trouble understanding he substance of the Republican alternative bailout proposal. How does it makes sense to "sell insurance" on the bad mortgages? Is this not similar to offering fire insurance on buildings that are already known to be on fire? There's been so little discussion of the details of that proposal that I have a heard time making sense of it.

Injecting capital in the form of preferred stock , and forcing the banks to write down against that capital, seems much more sensible. It should be preferred stock, and it should have VOTING RIGHTS to protect the taxpayers money.

142   PermaRenter   2008 Sep 27, 4:58am  

In this interview with Alex Jones, Dr. Paul's remedies are much simpler.

“It looks like from I see in Congress, that they’re opting for a decade plus of depression rather than saying let’s correct our ways, let’s balance the budget, let’s bring our troops home,” said Paul, adding that the same course of printing money would continue - prolonging the agony and preventing a necessary correction.
Paul said of the bailout, “They want dictatorship, they want to pass all the penalties and suffering on to the average person on Main Street,” adding, “We will have a depression or recession, it’s locked in place due to previous Federal Reserve actions.”
The Congressman said that Greenspan and Bernanke should be criminally charged but that such an effort would be largely symbolic. "Morally speaking, they're the culprits," said Paul.

143   Peter P   2008 Sep 27, 5:23am  

Ron Paul is our only hope. The American people pushed that hope away. Now we have two clowns competing for the White House.

144   Brand165   2008 Sep 27, 5:29am  

The Original Bankster says: justme, theyre just trying to rephrase their original idea- to have the tax payer eat the shit MBSs. If they use complex enough accounting terminology, shit sandwich = fine meat.

In exchange for the bailout, Wall Street will provide the taxpayers with an all-natural, high fiber organic meal. Straight from the farm to your plate!

145   Peter P   2008 Sep 27, 8:53am  

can anyone tell me why Wells Fargo is weathering the storm?

Buffett has a stake in it.

McDonald’s Deemed More Credit-Worthy than U.S. Government

Of course. I like my Sausage McMuffin more than any clown.

146   indianguy   2008 Sep 27, 9:37am  

I rememebr that some one here mentioned that WaMu is in deep shit almost an year ago. Wish I had bought some put options it. My bad. I underestimated, probably due to their goofiness, the smartness of the folks here. Can anyone tell me any other banks facing similar predicament. My analysis so far has identified both B of Ameica and Wells Fargo as excellent candidates for failure due to their dramatically lower current assets compared to current liabilities and long term investments. Since these two are holding companies, they keep their assets on their balance sheet at cost insted of mark to market like Morgan stanley or Goldman Sachs. My conclusion is that stock prices of MS and GS have already suffered everything they possibly could and are at their very their bottom. They are the ones who take advantage of $700B bailout plan. Why is hardly anyone worried about Bank of America and Wells Fargo?
Am I missing something here? Please comment.

147   coretexity   2008 Sep 27, 11:26am  

Yep..bail 'em out. Bail the automakers out. Bail the airlines out. Ban shorting. Keep the deadbeat homeowners in their homes. Negotiate the principal and interest down for the ones who are about to become deadbeats. Fuck people like me who are renting and trying to preserve their capital with 2% CDs in bankrupt banks in the butt - keep the median in the bay area at 780k and jack up the rents to keep up with "inflation".

148   coretexity   2008 Sep 27, 11:30am  

indianguy - To give you an analogy, the same people will also say that Capital one is in deep shit and rightly so. However, I am getting hammered as it keeps going up like anything. It goes down 2% while rockets 7%.

Maybe a year from now that'd go titty up too, but I'd get a shitload of margin calls before that happens.

149   frank649   2008 Sep 27, 11:39am  

The New York Times has a story on a connection between AIG's bailout and Goldman Sachs. Apparently, AIG was a major trading partner with Goldman and if left to fail would have cost Goldman $20 billion dollars. And it so happened that the only Wall street executive at the Fed discussions involving AIG was from Goldman.

Now here we are with Paulson asking for another bailout of his firm.

"As the group, led by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr., pondered the collapse of one of America’s oldest investment banks, Lehman Brothers, a more dangerous threat emerged: American International Group, the world’s largest insurer, was teetering. A.I.G. needed billions of dollars to right itself and had suddenly begged for help.

The only Wall Street chief executive participating in the meeting was Lloyd C. Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, Mr. Paulson’s former firm. Mr. Blankfein had particular reason for concern.

Although it was not widely known, Goldman, a Wall Street stalwart that had seemed immune to its rivals’ woes, was A.I.G.’s largest trading partner, according to six people close to the insurer who requested anonymity because of confidentiality agreements. A collapse of the insurer threatened to leave a hole of as much as $20 billion in Goldman’s side, several of these people said.....

A Goldman spokesman said in an interview that the firm was never imperiled by A.I.G.’s troubles and that Mr. Blankfein participated in the Fed discussions to safeguard the entire financial system, not his firm’s own interests."

If you believe that last sentence, I have some great mortgage-backed securities for sale for you.

150   Brand165   2008 Sep 27, 11:49am  

cortexity: Isn't it all just a huge short squeeze? I thought that Capital One would for sure be on the 799+ ban list for short selling. That's got to kill options trading as well, right?

151   Brand165   2008 Sep 27, 11:51am  

TOB: Don't you like ravers? I mean really, it's totally cool, in a high school nihilistic kind of way. Unless you're the homeowner, then you're just pissed off, and insurance might not even cover the damage. But party on, right bro?

152   Richmond   2008 Sep 27, 12:32pm  

these are my peeps,

TOB, your sense of humor is too much. I needed a good laugh. Thanks.

153   coretexity   2008 Sep 27, 12:36pm  

Brand - It was not on the original 799 blessed ones, but it was later added along with financial powerhouses like GE and IBM. I think 100 or so companies are added to that list every day. All you've to do is call - just like the zero down interest only mortgage applications back in the days.

154   coretexity   2008 Sep 27, 12:55pm  

deflation - I strongly believe GS is the company they're trying to save. Back in the dot com days NASDAQ fell from 5049 to 1110 no one gave a shit, but when GS fell 50 bucks its the end of the world unless we give them 700B. Doesnt matter every other bank fails but GS has to be saved (i.e. it has to be back to 160s).

155   Richmond   2008 Sep 27, 12:59pm  

I heard on KCBS that the calls to our representatives are a little one sided. One Rep. had 688 phone messages and e-mails with only two in favor of the bailout. Not two hundred-just two. Another had almost a thousand and only twenty in favor of the bailout. The social aspect of this whole mess is going to get very interesting. People are not happy and I think this just may be crunch time for the government. They can't pick and choose a segment of society for support because they have pissed off everyone.

156   Brand165   2008 Sep 27, 1:20pm  

I've said this before. Ron Paul needs to start a Populist party. People are ready for a strict Constitution, limited government with tight (a.k.a. accountable) regulation and an end to "experimental" forays overseas.

157   Brand165   2008 Sep 27, 1:29pm  

cortexity: Look, every company that issues credit in any form is basically a financial company. What are you, one of those retarded econnermists? I don't care about this "provide stock liquidity" rubbish, if you're shorting right now, you're as unAmierkan as Al-Qaeda. And the econnermists. Lobbyin' my constituents, tellin' em to send me nasty e-mails. Ya'll want to topple my golden sacks, and WTFOMGBBQ, that sure as texas ain't gonna happin!

158   Richmond   2008 Sep 27, 1:35pm  

I believe the only reason Ron Paul didn't run away with the race is because of his oratorical skills. That's also the only reason B.O. is in the race.

159   Brand165   2008 Sep 27, 2:04pm  

Hope Now. Because seriously, America is too fucking naive to actually do something.

160   Richmond   2008 Sep 27, 2:08pm  

I agree 100%. Other than the fact that Obama looks good behind a lectern, I can not find a ligitimate reason for him to be in his current position.

On the side: three H1B mexican immigrants are sueing their labor contractor because illegal immigrants took their jobs and the contractor broke the agreement with the legal guys. That's a new one.

161   PermaRenter   2008 Sep 27, 2:11pm  

"It's not me blowing this up, it's the Republicans." So said Nancy Pelosi this week to Hank Paulson, who was reportedly on bended knee soliciting for his bailout plan.

There's been a lot of theater, but what's really going on is that Ms. Pelosi is trying to make sure that any bailout only passes with conservative Republicans and John McCain fully on board to share the rap. But Democrats have all the votes they need to pass the Paulson plan. If Ms. Pelosi and the White House really believe the financial markets will fall apart Monday morning without a bill, they can deliver one -- as President Bush hinted in his own nonpanicked remarks Friday morning.

162   PermaRenter   2008 Sep 27, 2:14pm  

H1-B's are not without their sense of entitlement either. As I recently was told by an Indian CIO who doesn't hire Indians in the U.S. -- it's well-known that Indians (most H1-Bs in technology) tend to rush to management because anyone that is not managing others is considered a low-brow because of the sense of hierarchy in the Indian culture (OTOH, Americans are proud of being "flat" organizations).

163   cb   2008 Sep 27, 2:18pm  

On the side: three H1B mexican immigrants are sueing their labor contractor because illegal immigrants took their jobs and the contractor broke the agreement with the legal guys. That’s a new one.

People on H1B are not "immigrants", they are here on a work permit, I believed all H1B's are being employed at will, there is never a contract about length of employment. Although it seems unfair when Amercians or legal residents get laid off but their H1B counterparts are retained.

164   Richmond   2008 Sep 27, 2:19pm  

I'm all for the guys that played by the book. I hope they win; set an example.

165   PermaRenter   2008 Sep 27, 2:21pm  

A group of House Republicans who derailed a deal this week were still holding out, saying the proposal being hammered out between the Democratic leadership and the White House is too costly and makes average Americans foot the bill for poor decisions made by Wall Street investors.

``We will not agree to a bill that bails out Wall Street at the expense of taxpayers,'' said House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio. The lead negotiator for House Republicans, Missouri Representative Roy Blunt, said the caucus is ``not moving on any kind of artificial time line.''

Luring the support of House Republicans is important because, while Pelosi commands a 235-199 House majority, many Democrats might oppose the bill if Republicans make the bailout an issue in the campaign for the Nov. 4 elections.

Pelosi said yesterday that ``we simply would not have the votes to pass it'' if most Republicans vote no.

166   Richmond   2008 Sep 27, 2:22pm  


I gues it all boils down to $/hr.. Kinda' sad really.

167   PermaRenter   2008 Sep 27, 2:23pm  

>> People on H1B are not “immigrants”, they are here on a work permit,

They are chained since they want the employer to file green card.

168   cb   2008 Sep 27, 2:27pm  

Why the bail-out for the big 3 in Detroit? The govenment should buy all their inventory and then sell them to us at half-off, I'll take a Corvette off their lot.

169   Richmond   2008 Sep 27, 2:28pm  

If someone is here on a work visa, are they free to work where ever they choose or is always for a certain company?

170   Richmond   2008 Sep 27, 2:29pm  

"is it"

171   cb   2008 Sep 27, 2:36pm  

During the tech downturn I worked with a company with a huge H1-B population, they worked them real hard because of the green card. For example, some INS rules required the company to file certain applications within 180 days, our company usually filed them at 179 day so that the H1-Bs are stretched out to the max. Then they asked us to work weekends and most H1B's will obliged, after a while, nobody gave a sh*t since China and India were booming and many of them didn't care anymore.

My favorite one was the guy from India who got his tax refund withheld by his agency. The guy was making $60K for Target as a project manager, I can't believe a 60K project management job demand such specialized skills that no Americans can fill. These big corporations lobby hard to get the visa quotas and Carly Fiornia said our engineers suck.

172   coretexity   2008 Sep 27, 2:39pm  

Richmond - Most of the H1Bs and L1 (let us not forget L1, the evil twin of H1B) come through Indian Consulting (a PC word for bodyshopping) Companies. The victims are then shown the Green Card Carrot and are forced to lie on the resumes and fake their experience. Dumb companies do end up bringing these guys onboard and think that they are paying 80 bucks an hour to them, while the poor souls make about 30. The "consulting company" keeps 50. This carries on, and the longer it takes for the green card, the worse these guys get. In order to get out of this trap, they need to find an H1B transfer, or L1 to H1 change which again is mastered by Indian bodyshops. So its like going from hell 1 to hell 2. A very few of them actually manage to transfer to the real company/the client and achieve nirvana. I do blame them for screwing the job market, but it is the bodyshops who are more to blame than those. Eventually the H1B/L1s get their greencards, start their own bodyshop and the cycle continues. Unfortunately this a huge underground business which is created by the H1/L1 loopholes.

173   cb   2008 Sep 27, 2:40pm  

If someone is here on a work visa, are they free to work where ever they choose or is always for a certain company?

Technically they have to work for a certain company (usually for 3 years at a time, total limit is 6 years). You can switch job mid-way but the new company has to be willing to apply for the visa for you then your remaining eligibility is subtracted from the 6 year limits.

Except for carpet-begging Canadians :) They can come on a Free-trade visas which has no total limits and renewable yearly. Although Americans can also work in Canada under similar rules.

174   Richmond   2008 Sep 27, 2:41pm  

Holy shit! I had no idea.

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