Wall Street Banker Bonus Bailout Bill Defeated!

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2008 Sep 29, 2:58am   17,818 views  191 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Wonderful news! The Wall Street Banker Bonus Bailout Bill did not pass the house!


My faith in American representative democracy is being restored: 99% public opposition to Paulson's theft translates into 53% opposition in Congress. Nearly half of Congressmen sold out to the banks, but not all!

Not too bad, considering how much money Congress takes from lobbyists. All is not lost, yet.


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56   Peter P   2008 Sep 29, 8:28am  

The problem is that if you “save”, then somebody else will borrow the money and “invest” it for you. That’s why watertight regulation is key.

No, even with watertight regulation, air escapes. But airtight regulation suffocates everyone. That is not the answer either.

The solution is to *allow* credit deflation. It is a normal and necessary part of the credit cycle.

57   Richmond   2008 Sep 29, 8:32am  

Kinda' reminds me of Barings - only really, really big.

P.S. John Bogle warned us about the 401k stuff in "The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism"

58   OO   2008 Sep 29, 9:03am  

European central banks cut sales of gold

By Javier Blas in Kyoto , Financial Times, 28 Sep 2008

European central banks have cut their sales of gold to the lowest level in almost a decade, reversing the practice of recent years when hefty sales helped depress prices.

Institutions bound by the Central Bank Gold Agreement – the banks of the eurozone plus Sweden and Switzerland – sold about 343 tonnes of gold in the year that expired on Friday, the lowest amount since the first CBGA was signed in 1999.

This compares with 475.8 tonnes in the year to the end of September 2007. Under the agreement, the banks are allowed to sell up to 500 tonnes of gold each year.

The European trend is part of a global movement of reduced central bank selling and increased investor buying that is helping to underpin high prices at a time of turmoil in financial markets.

GFMS, the precious metals consultancy, estimates global central banks will sell 269 tonnes of bullion in 2008, the lowest since 1995.

Much of the selling by European banks took place between October and December last year.

As central banks sell less, investors are rushing into bullion-backed exchange traded funds to such an extent that some analysts refer to the ETFs as the "people's central bank" because they are now bigger than most countries' official reserves.

Bullion ETF holdings reached a record 1,056.7 tonnes – or more than $30bn – on Friday, up 33 per cent in the past 12 months and double the 2006 level.

The developments provide a bullish backdrop to the annual meeting of the London Bullion Market Association, which begins Monday in Kyoto.

"Less central bank selling sends a strong bullish signal to the market," said Philip Klapwijk, GFMS chairman.

"The investors' bullion-buying will be sustained for the time being if people continue to be concerned about financial system stability."

Gold prices surged last week to $911 a troy ounce, up more than 20 per cent from the level before the collapse of Lehman Brothers but below the high set last March at $1,030.80. Bullion closed at $885 an ounce on Friday.

Kamal Naqvi, head of commodity hedge fund sales at Credit Suisse, said: "We are witnessing strong buying of bullion as financial risks have increased."

Along with investors, some central banks that have sold gold are reviewing their position.

59   justme   2008 Sep 29, 9:05am  

No bailout without equity

is the modern day equivalent of

No taxation without representation.

60   OO   2008 Sep 29, 9:08am  


are you suggesting that Fed has already started printing since it has less than $300B on its balance sheet? How fast can it print?

I think there will be a deal in the end, when the Wall Street losses begin to be reflected on Main Street in terms of massive layoffs, Americans will do exactly the opposite by faxing and calling their Reps and Senators for a deal. The huge drop in stock market is just a part of the negotiation process.

61   LILLL   2008 Sep 29, 9:29am  

I am still suspicious that they are just doing a kibuke dance and will pass this anyway.

They must think it doesn't have enough baiout for the foreclosure house debtors----

62   LILLL   2008 Sep 29, 9:31am  

Also--Buffet is for it because he invested 5B on the promise it would pass.
I'd be for it too---if I had 5B on the line.

63   Richmond   2008 Sep 29, 9:36am  

Oh yea, they will come up with something. Hopefully it will it will have something in it for the taxpayer other than rhetoric. People want something for their money.

64   OO   2008 Sep 29, 9:50am  

Does anyone think that today's market crash is at least half engineered?

65   HeadSet   2008 Sep 29, 10:08am  

But I do feel bad for retirees.

Just how many average retirees have $10,000 in the stock market? If so, they have an "average" paper loss of about $700. Any assets in bank CDs or even Money Market Mutual Funds are insured. Therefore, I do think the average investor will be hurt. Even so, I think the "average" guy would be better off with the nominal $9300 than with the original $10,000 inflated by bailouts.

This bailout is for the benefit of the big boys. The ones with several hundred thousand in the market, along with the apparatus that profits from them.

66   HeadSet   2008 Sep 29, 10:09am  

Oops, I meant I DON'T think the average investor will be hurt

67   Zephyr   2008 Sep 29, 10:15am  

Millions of investors voted with their feet today. They thought a handout was coming but it did not. The bailout bill is a rip-off for american taxpayers and is a give away to the irresponsible lenders, borrowers, and foolish investors.

Why should we have a bailout that directs the money to them?

68   Zephyr   2008 Sep 29, 10:17am  

We really do need something - but not a money giveaway for the greedy fools who caused this problem.

The government can guarantee the deposits in banks so people and other banks will be willing to put their money in banks. That will solve the liquidity problem without buying bad investments from the fools who own them.

69   HeadSet   2008 Sep 29, 10:30am  

A new scare tactic -Credit Crunch

The idea being that without the bailout, banks will not loan and all business will come to a halt.

Let's see. 95% of banks are solvent. The only way they make money is to grant loans. But since it will be much harder to package and sell off risky loans, banks will insure the borrowers can demostrate the ability to repay and provide adequate collateral. "Credit Crunch" may actually mean "Sane Lending Practices." Whenever you here some newsman, politician, or wall streeter say "Credit Crunch," I bet you could substutute "Sane Lending Practice" into his sentence without changing the meaning.

70   surfer-x   2008 Sep 29, 10:37am  

now that's genius, Senator Fuckstiens website will not take comments.


71   Paul189   2008 Sep 29, 10:41am  

@ englishman26,

While I lost a bit in my stocks, I made a bit in my gold and bonds. Remember the old saying "every portfolio starts with a heart of gold"

Balance my friend, balance.

72   HeadSet   2008 Sep 29, 10:42am  

now that’s genius, Senator Fuckstiens website will not take comments.

Therefore, you must go to her house, crack her open like a shotgun, and deliver your message personaly.

73   kona_three   2008 Sep 29, 10:43am  

Listen to Tesh. You should "save". Yes. Investment is NOT equal to savings. Unless you invest in things like mattresses, fallout shelters, propane tanks, land in the choice (meaning redneck) parts of Idaho or Montana, failing that some lots up in the remote Sierras will do, gold, gun racks, guns, Screw Paulson bumper stickers, gold, seeds (for planting), buggy whips, buggies, mules, gold, large safes to put your gold, gold (can't mention that enough). Yes, cash out your 401K, empty out your IRA, kiss your job goodbye and head for the hills.

74   HeadSet   2008 Sep 29, 10:50am  

While I lost a bit in my stocks, I made a bit in my gold and bonds.

All in paper, I presume.

75   SWJR   2008 Sep 29, 10:59am  

READ MY LIPS!!! No new Bailout!!!

76   surfer-x   2008 Sep 29, 11:00am  

hey i am justcurious, how many of the duly elected bay area reps voted yes?

As in, hell yes, give more money to the gambling fucks.

77   surfer-x   2008 Sep 29, 11:01am  

every portfolio starts with a heart of gold

and every street in the bay area is paved with gold.

78   Brand165   2008 Sep 29, 11:43am  

Musgrave (R) - No
Udall (D) - No
DeGette (D) - Yes
Salazar (D) - No
Lamborn (R) - No
Tancredo (R) - Yes
Perlmutter (D) - Yes

Well, everybody in Colorado knew that Tancredo is a whore. Perlmutter disappoints me. Fortunately, my rep is Marilyn Musgrave. And Udall... more spine than I would have ever thought, especially with the Dems pushing the bill. Good show, all Colorado reps who voted No.

79   Brand165   2008 Sep 29, 11:48am  

btw, no huge surprise for DeGette. Her district is geographically tiny, encompassing Denver, which is a big financial hub. So not exactly a mind-blowing betrayal there. Perlmutter is from the exact same area, excluding Denver.

80   Paul189   2008 Sep 29, 12:36pm  


Be careful what you presume.


81   justme   2008 Sep 29, 12:37pm  

Paul Krugman was on CNN advocating he Swedish equity-based rescue model. Go Krugman!

82   justme   2008 Sep 29, 12:53pm  

EBGuy pointed out what I think is the most underreported story of the day: The huge expansion of the Fed balance sheet.

83   justme   2008 Sep 29, 12:54pm  

Suze Orman is running arund on CNN like a headless chicken, trying to scare up support for the rescue bill. God, that b*tch is annoying.

84   surfer-x   2008 Sep 29, 12:57pm  

I am so fucking sorry my horseshoe hair wearing friends.


man, just when you thought it couldn't get worse. But hey, there are still those fond memories of woodstock.

oh, go fuck yourselves boomers.

85   bayrenter1   2008 Sep 29, 12:58pm  

There's nothing wrong with a Wall Street bailout as long as Wall Street pays for most of it, esp since they're going to reap the most benefits. To SNMR: It's ridiculous to argue that we need this particular bailout simply because some economists and barrons say we need some type of bailout. And why does the money have to go to Wall Street? $700 billion mailed directly to taxpayers would have a much greater impact on Main Street than this ridiculously one-sided bill. Thank goodness congress voted against it. Unfortunately my CA rep McNerney chose to ignore his voters. So, I just registered to make sure there's one more vote against him on election day.

86   Unalloyed   2008 Sep 29, 2:06pm  

I had another nightmare. In this nightmare, the current crisis lasted for more than two years and all the world's major currencies collapsed. The Central Banks of every nation gathered to announce our economic salvation: one world electronic currency. The evolution from barter, to metal coins, to paper reserve notes, to paper draft checks, to electronic money was complete. The leaders rejoiced and exclaimed that one universal currency required more than a central bank - it required one world government. Then I awoke in a cold sweat, grateful to be alive. In Stockton - where my mundane concerns are drive-by shootings, home invasion robberies, or being dragged from my car and beaten to death.

87   EBGuy   2008 Sep 29, 2:06pm  

are you suggesting that Fed has already started printing since it has less than $300B on its balance sheet?
I am suggesting that they will use the same means they used last week (injection from the Treasury) to fund the new TAF expansion (as they wouldn't have any Treasuries left for OMO if the rest were sold off). This is where they got it from last week (and, all things being equal, the same till that would be funding the Paulson Plan, right). From last week's H.4.1:
On September 17, the Treasury Department announced the Supplementary Financing Program. Under this program, the Treasury
issues marketable debt and deposits the proceeds in an account at the Federal Reserve that is segregated from the Treasury General Account.
Or as the bake sale link (treasry(dot)gov) from my previous post says (just to be really clear): The program will consist of a series of Treasury bills, apart from Treasury's current borrowing program, which will provide cash for use in the Federal Reserve initiatives.

88   Paul189   2008 Sep 29, 2:21pm  


When will they be done with these nonsense stats that cost TOO much to collect? End it now so we can all rest in our non information (save the FED $$$).

Oh wait they make those $$$ so how much does it really cost?? Nada, nothing, zilch.

89   bikes2work   2008 Sep 29, 2:22pm  

Anna Eshoo (D, Palo Alto) voted for the bailout. I just sent her an e-mail expressing my disappointment. They are just going to reshuffle the pages and put this to another vote really soon. Bush is going to make a plea tomorrow at 5:45am. I want a return of "sane lending practices", not a bailout.

90   bikes2work   2008 Sep 29, 2:22pm  

Anna Eshoo (D, Palo Alto) voted for the bailout. I just sent her an e-mail expressing my disappointment. They are just going to reshuffle the pages and put this to another vote really soon. Bush is going to make a plea tomorrow at 5:45am. I want a return of "sane lending practices", not a bailout.

91   Paul189   2008 Sep 29, 2:22pm  

I am SO done with this place!

92   Paul189   2008 Sep 29, 2:24pm  

Yes, you are correct, our democracy will last no more than 48 hours. Enjoy it while you can!

93   Peter P   2008 Sep 29, 2:30pm  

The leaders rejoiced and exclaimed that one universal currency required more than a central bank - it required one world government.

World government? Dream on. :)

Don't worry. We will have WW3 before that happens.

94   Paul189   2008 Sep 29, 2:37pm  

On a lighter note-

Whatever happened to the good ole days?


95   Paul189   2008 Sep 29, 2:46pm  

Oh it was Dream on or Dream weaver?


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