Direct Lending

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2008 Nov 21, 1:36am   39,227 views  286 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

house I'd live in

With CD's paying 4%, and Wells Fargo charging 8.8% for a jumbo 30-year fixed, maybe I should finance someone's jumbo mortgage -- but only for a house that I'd actually want to live in. Either I get direct interest payments up around 8%, or, if the user defaults, I get the house. The trick would be to lend only the amount that I'd be willing to pay for the house in the first place.

Is it evil? Is it risky?


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236   justme   2008 Dec 1, 4:18am  


What is the material (or "working surface") of the Save-A-Blade gizmo? I can't help but think that there must be a more low-tech solution to the whole thing. Something similar to the "strop" that they use in an old-fashioned barber-shop. Or at least in old movies :-).

How does the gizmo function, especially on modern triple and quadruple blades?

237   EBGuy   2008 Dec 1, 6:28am  

This has got to affect market psychology in the Bay Area:
Today, more than 600 properties currently on the market here are listed below $100,000.

238   justme   2008 Dec 1, 6:37am  

This whole business about the protest and civil disobedience in Thailand is really bugging me.

The main-stream media are completely asleep and the reporting os atroucious, focusing on lame stories about airport closures rather than trying to explain what is really going on.

The only place I heard something remotely sounding like an analytic approach to the news was on Deutsche Welle TV (PBS). The reporter stated something to the effect that the PAD protesters wanted to take away the voting tights of the workers and peasants, and that the protest was bankrolled and organized by the upper middle class and the wealthy . Imagine that.

Even Wikipedia was no good. The only useful tidbit I found was

The PAD also demanded "New Politics," the amendment of the constitution in ways that would make Parliament a largely royally-appointed body.

In short, the protest in Thailand is by a bunch of anti-democratic pseudo-fascist royalists. Did anyone read that in the mainstream press?

239   OO   2008 Dec 1, 6:48am  

Read BB's speech today, he is going to raw print to buy T

The great reflation begins.

240   OO   2008 Dec 1, 6:49am  

OK I stand corrected, I believe he has already started, but it is a good thing that he is making it public.

241   kewp   2008 Dec 1, 6:52am  


It looks like a strip of ultra-fine sandpaper. I think they claim it is silicon carbide.

The thing is pretty low-tech and is pretty similar to the 'stropping' you refer to.

It works fine on my Mach3 turbo. The 4/5 blade razors are like cheese graters IMHO. The blades are more like like wires (and about as useful).

242   justme   2008 Dec 1, 7:45am  


Thanks. That confirmed the impression I got from the pictures.

243   OO   2008 Dec 1, 7:49am  

Tanta was cute and intelligent, she had it all.

It makes you wonder that people like Paulson, Bush and even Cheney are still healthy and kicking around.

244   justme   2008 Dec 1, 7:55am  

While I am on a geopolitical tear, here is another bothersome development:

Scores of dimwitted Bombay yuppies are on TV news and talk shows, whining about how the government did not protect them enough, babbling on about bipartisanship (god, not again) and demanding the heads of politicians.

Look, you have seen that "populist" approach to terror response once before, after 2001/09/11, Be VERY careful what you ask for. Your anger and distress will be exploited by those who want to channel your anger for their own benefit.

I have great sympathy for the people who lost their lives in yet another senseless terror attack, But please, do not make the situation worse by demanding immediate "action" before all the facts are clear and there has been time to cool off and consider the consequences. The terrorists would like nothing better than have India and Pakistan at each others throat. In fact, it is very likely to be their main motivation.

245   justme   2008 Dec 1, 11:00am  


Which sentence of Bernanke's speech indicates raw printing to buy Treasury paper? Not a rhetorical question, I just could not spot it off-hand.


On another note, Bernanke apparently is saying that the Banks are NOT getting face value for the bad paper that they pledge as collateral at the various FedR funding facilities:

It should be emphasized that the loans that we make to banks and primary dealers through our standing facilities are both over-collateralized and made with recourse to the borrowing firm, which serves to minimize the Federal Reserve's exposure to credit risk.

246   OO   2008 Dec 1, 2:07pm  

"Although conventional interest rate policy is constrained by the fact that nominal interest rates cannot fall below zero, the second arrow in the Federal Reserve's quiver--the provision of liquidity--remains effective. Indeed, there are several means by which the Fed could influence financial conditions through the use of its balance sheet, beyond expanding our lending to financial institutions. First, the Fed could purchase longer-term Treasury or agency securities on the open market in substantial quantities. This approach might influence the yields on these securities, thus helping to spur aggregate demand. Indeed, last week the Fed announced plans to purchase up to $100 billion in GSE debt and up to $500 billion in GSE mortgage-backed securities over the next few quarters. It is encouraging that the announcement of that action was met by a fall in mortgage interest rates.

Second, the Federal Reserve can provide backstop liquidity not only to financial institutions but also directly to certain financial markets, as we have recently done for the commercial paper market. Such programs are promising because they sidestep banks and primary dealers to provide liquidity directly to borrowers or investors in key credit markets. In this spirit, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury jointly announced last week a facility that will lend against asset-backed securities collateralized by student loans, auto loans, credit card loans, and loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. The Federal Reserve's credit risk exposure in this facility will be minimized because the collateral will be subject to a "haircut" and because the Treasury is providing $20 billion of EESA capital as supplementary loss protection. Each of these approaches has the potential to improve the functioning of financial markets and to stimulate the economy."

247   OO   2008 Dec 1, 2:10pm  

Compare his speech to this part of his Helicopter speech in 2002

There are at least two ways of bringing down longer-term rates, which are complementary and could be employed separately or in combination. One approach, similar to an action taken in the past couple of years by the Bank of Japan, would be for the Fed to commit to holding the overnight rate at zero for some specified period. Because long-term interest rates represent averages of current and expected future short-term rates, plus a term premium, a commitment to keep short-term rates at zero for some time--if it were credible--would induce a decline in longer-term rates.

A more direct method, which I personally prefer, would be for the Fed to begin announcing explicit ceilings for yields on longer-maturity Treasury debt (say, bonds maturing within the next two years). The Fed could enforce these interest-rate ceilings by committing to make unlimited purchases of securities up to two years from maturity at prices consistent with the targeted yields. If this program were successful, not only would yields on medium-term Treasury securities fall, but (because of links operating through expectations of future interest rates) yields on longer-term public and private debt (such as mortgages) would likely fall as well.

248   OO   2008 Dec 1, 2:12pm  

He is going from NOT talking about the Fed's purchase of the T, to substantial purchase of the T (where did the money come from), and he will go to unlimited purchase of T which is the final step of raw printing.

We are still in the middle, if deflation doesn't go away, we will go to unlimited purchase of T.

249   Zephyr   2008 Dec 1, 4:03pm  

"The terrorists would like nothing better than have India and Pakistan at each others throat. In fact, it is very likely to be their main motivation."

I think you are right. If India can be provoked into attacking Pakistan, then the Pakistani military will be diverted away from their anti-terrorist efforts (such as they are), and both governments will be under stress. This could create an opportunity for a takeover by the religious radicals in Pakistan.

250   SP   2008 Dec 2, 12:03am  

Zephyr Says:
the Pakistani military will be diverted away from their anti-terrorist efforts

The Pakis have used this bluff all the time. As it stands, they are doing the bare minimum required to prevent the US army from taking over the operation in their Northwest province.

I think we should call their bluff - if they are going to be diverted, then sure, go ahead. Get out of the way - we will take over the NW province and finish the job ourselves.

251   SP   2008 Dec 2, 1:53am  

I agree with OO - it is pretty much a signal that Bernanke is itching to bring his monetary doomsday machine out of the closet. This is his "yeee-haa!" moment from Dr. Strangelove.

Not that it will solve the crisis, but I don't think he cares. This is his last shot at trying to defend his Ph.D. thesis - most of which has turned out to be full of crap so far.

252   Zephyr   2008 Dec 2, 2:26am  

Bernanke probably is very interested in a real world test of his ideas. And I expect that Bernanke very much does care whether it works. His credibility and legacy will be hugely affected by his success or failure with this crisis.

Which specific elements of his thesis do you consider to be full of crap?

253   EBGuy   2008 Dec 2, 2:42am  

On another note, Bernanke apparently is saying that the Banks are NOT getting face value for the bad paper that they pledge as collateral at the various FedR funding facilities:
I've posted the Fed "haircut" worksheet (PDF) several times. Definitely worth a look to see how comfortable you are with the Fed margins.

Anybody want to hazard a guess if Black Friday came a week early for the stock market (was that the low or will we retest)? The banks I picked up were at a 30+% discount (certainly better than GoLDs performance over that last week).

254   justme   2008 Dec 2, 6:47am  

EbGuy, thanks for the worksheet. I missed that earlier.

255   Paul189   2008 Dec 2, 8:04am  

The gubment does not want the direct lending you talk of comrade.


They are crushing prosperDOTcom

256   OO   2008 Dec 2, 9:51am  


while I am pro bailout in general because I am comfortable with where I am, and do not want anything to topple the current matrix order, I am very much against the BB bailout so far, not because of moral reasons, but because it just won't damn work.

The whole issue of the housing bubble is because there are fewer and fewer people in the US with enough $$$. So when everyone falls below the least eligibility line to buy a house (which is a symptom of something much larger), you just need to find ways to scrape the bottom of the barrel, that's why we have rampant fraud in mortgage business, because we need marginal breathing bodies to keep the game going.

Now we have hit the wall. The game stops. Don't get me wrong, I like the game, because I have been beneficiary of the game, but their way of playing it is NOT sustainable, and that's why I think they are so full of crap. If they are smart, they may want to share a bit more with rest of the income and wealth pyramid, but not to grab more when the bottom levels are already at a destitute situation and the middle level are falling off the cliff! Who is going to support the top level if your bottom levels hollowed out?? What they are doing is inviting REVOLUTION, violent revolution, and I don't like revolution one single bit.

So the quantitative easing has to start from the bottom. Give everyone a rebate check of $1K, 10K, whatever. Build roads and bridges to keep the poor employed so that they don't go loot the stores. I am even fine with loan modification with under-water properties so as to keep them in their homes forever.

The game plan is not to recapitalize the banks, it should be recapitalizing the American people, if you recapitalize the American people, the banks will be recapitalized automatically. If you throw $30K at every single American (that's how much these bailouts have cost so far!!!), we have long reflated. We probably are already running at 20% inflation by now.

257   frank649   2008 Dec 2, 10:22am  

"We probably are already running at 20% inflation by now"

Lol. Gold isn't going anywhere for a long long time. Deal with it.

258   B.A.C.A.H.   2008 Dec 2, 11:33am  

I think gold fell from around $200 to around $100 before it went up again. That was in 1974.

In present times gold isn't down by that ratio in USD. Not yet.

259   PermaRenter   2008 Dec 2, 11:35am  

How does the Fed get its money? It doesn't need to borrow it; it merely creates an entry into its balance sheet. All the Fed requires to "print" money is a keyboard connected to a computer. The difference between the Fed and the Treasury issuing money is that the Treasury needs to get permission from Congress before selling bonds. In this context, it shall be mentioned that physical cash (coins, bank notes) are entered as liabilities on the Fed's balance sheets; they are rather unique liabilities, however, as you can never redeem your cash: if you went to a bank, the best you can hope for in return for your dollar bill is a piece of paper that states that the bank owes you one dollar. While it is possible for central banks to remove cash in circulation, they are not obliged to do so.

Until recently, the Fed would only temporarily park non-government securities on its balance sheet: a bank would typically receive a temporary, often overnight, loan for depositing top rated securities with the Fed; these "swap agreements" were traditionally intended for very short-term loans, but the crisis has led the Fed and other central banks around the world to engage in 60, 90 day or even longer agreements. Since late September, the idea of swap agreements has been supplemented by outright purchases.

When the Fed issues cash for debt securities it acquires, we talk about "monetizing the debt".

260   OO   2008 Dec 2, 11:59am  


I am not concerned about gold. If we do not resolve deflation within 12 months, gold is going through the sky, because USD will collapse, simple as that. US government has to default. Those who have gold will be the only wealth holders, and if they hold guns to defend their gold, even better.

But this is not the scenario that I would like to see, because that means system reset. I would rather run an inflation, gold wins a little, the system can go on, so that we can still live happily ever after in our American dream.

261   OO   2008 Dec 2, 12:01pm  


you forgot the event that triggered the gold to go down that much - because US government allowed citizens to own gold again. There was so much pent-up supply to sell gold to American citizens from all over the world because everybody was anticipating that moment.

262   B.A.C.A.H.   2008 Dec 2, 12:15pm  

I didn't forget.

But I thought it was the other way around. A small surge in demand for a short while in the US. Whatever. More volatile in USD price than we've seen in the present.

263   frank649   2008 Dec 2, 12:26pm  

"because USD will collapse, simple as that."

Just be thankful that you won't lose your shirt with gold, because given your lack of knowledge in economics, you could do a lot worse.

Just look at poor Peter Schiff. 50% down and counting.

264   frank649   2008 Dec 2, 12:29pm  

I'm not trying to insult. You're in good company like Warren Buffett who has been betting against the USD for the past 3 years (at least).

265   frank649   2008 Dec 2, 12:30pm  

You are just using the wrong economic theory. Suggest you take a look at mises.org.

266   frank649   2008 Dec 2, 12:35pm  

Though I gotta say, at times you must be making up stuff because it doesn't make sense in any model of economics.

267   B.A.C.A.H.   2008 Dec 2, 12:41pm  

There is a book called the Power of Gold by economist Peter Bernstein. He sorta makes the reader feel like gold is coveted by a hoarding mentality, a greedy hoarding instinct that'll always getcha in the end.

But I heard Bernstein interviewed on Money Talk last year, he actually recommended having a position in gold.

268   frank649   2008 Dec 2, 12:41pm  

Headset, thanks for that MISH link.

Some good stuff there, though I'm not convinced when it comes to trend analysis or Elliot wave theory.

269   Paul189   2008 Dec 2, 2:52pm  

"I think gold fell from around $200 to around $100 before it went up again. That was in 1974."

I think that was '75 / '76 but no matter. I was always perplexed by that part of the chart from the 70's gold bull. What I think was related to that move back then was when they introduced futures contracts on gold in the USA on the COMEX. At best it was the wild west (as it is now again).

Probably nobody will care, but the reason I became interested in markets (any and all) goes back to this time frame (around 1980). My father said "take this $200 USD and get Canadian as we are about to go north on vacation". I as a youngster, went to multiple banks for quotes and found huge discrepancies in bid/ask. Even to the point that I was able to arbitrage between banks (walking between them buying from one selling to another) as a preteen, for a quick profit.

270   Zephyr   2008 Dec 2, 2:58pm  

Almost everyone recognizes that the US dollar (like all fiat currencies) will lose purchasing power over time. Because of this, many people wrongly assume that the US dollar must decline relative to other currencies. But the exchange rate with other currencies can move in either direction depending on what is going on in those currencies/markets.

In 2007 I thought the bottom would come in 2008 for the USD, and so this summer I bet long the dollar against the Euro, Canadian, Pound, and Swissy. So far so good.

I think the dollar will continue to gain against other currencies in the next two years.

In fact, for more than a year I have felt that cash was the best investment. I think it is still a little early to bet on anything else. And the best cash is the US dollar. Most of the world agrees with this view, which is why we have seen a flight to the safety of US treasury bonds.

271   Paul189   2008 Dec 2, 3:02pm  

This type of currency volatility as witnessed now and described above can not be a good thing for international commerce. I have only heard it mentioned as a problem once or twice in the mainstream media in all of this chaos.

272   Paul189   2008 Dec 2, 3:05pm  

@ Zephry,

2 more years a dollar bull - WOW? How high you think?

273   Paul189   2008 Dec 2, 3:07pm  

Any chance someone (like China) blinks?

274   Paul189   2008 Dec 2, 3:08pm  

or Japan

275   Paul189   2008 Dec 2, 3:09pm  

or the British?

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