suzie orman money mgmt

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2011 Mar 17, 4:39pm   4,976 views  9 comments

by chip_designer   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Sorry, this post has nothing to do with housing. I was just watching PBS suzie orman giving a show about money. The whole audience is all white. The things she talks is all common sense. She talks a lot of philosophy and about the new american dream. Its so funny. I cannot believe white people are that dumb about mgmg their money. I wonder does the audience relates to real white people, like here in this forum?


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1   chip_designer   2011 Mar 17, 5:02pm  

I can answer myself, dumb people will not be be reading about investments on the web. They would be spending away, or reading people/tabloids.

2   FortWayne   2011 Mar 18, 12:43am  

Suzie Orman sometimes gives good advice, but I think it only resonates with older crowd. Most younger crowd I see has no concept of managing their own money.

And as chip_designer pointed out. People who are terrible at money management aren't looking for investment advice. Instead they are out there buying houses they can't afford, max out their credit cards and whine until government bails out them. Some people manage finances worse than teenagers.

3   justme   2011 Mar 24, 5:27am  

Suze Orman is useless. Her programs appears to be 95% talk show and book/dvd selling, versus 5% actual investment advice.

If you hope to LEARN something, stay away. You're not going to learn anything.

Come to think of it, most of the PBS programs on investing, retirement and so on a re like this. 100minutes of blah-blah and 10 minutes of actual advise.

I realize they are aiming these shows at the completely ignorant, but geez, they could have explained it all in five minutes.

Ed Slott is another one. He spends 2 hours explaining 3 principles that could be covered in 10 minutes max. What a waste of time.

4   pkennedy   2011 Mar 24, 5:54am  

People ignore 5 minutes of information. They forget 90% of what they learn in one sitting. Worse yet, if they did 100 minutes of constant financial advice, the average person would become over whelmed and give up.

Her advice is to basically bash in simple, principal ideas. If you're finding her show fascinating, awesome! It's aimed at you. If you find it too simple, then you're beyond the show and need to find something more indepth. The people who can actually use her advice, need the most basic things bashed into them, so they don't fall for weasel tactics of others.

5   joshuatrio   2011 Mar 24, 7:29am  

Suzie Orman also says when prices go up, we've hit bottom:


Thanks for the insight Suzie. A real genius.

6   pkennedy   2011 Mar 24, 8:42am  

A lot of people try and catch a falling knife. Pretty insightful for those who bought something when it dropped 10% only to find it had dropped 30% more shortly there after. If they had waited, they might have missed bottom, but would have gotten it for 30-35% off bottom instead.

People buy because people tell them it's the best time to buy! If you're unsure of a market, and you definitely should wait for an uptick.

Again, the advice is for people with few money management skills, who need to start somewhere, with some hardfast rules.

7   simchaland   2011 Mar 25, 12:58pm  


Old guys go to the studio and dream about tit-fucking her while they brag about the rate they got when they turned over their CD.

Don't they know that she is a lesbian and has a wife?

White straight men are dumb.

8   toothfairy   2011 Mar 29, 8:43am  

her information is a little bit dumbed down but I watch just for entertainment.

9   kimboslice   2011 Mar 31, 11:39am  

White people are no less dumb than other people about managing their money. Who is usually poor at managing money is the person who loves shopping, credit cards, and keeping up with the Joneses. I dated a Japanese woman who is an MBA and was a complete fool with her money. I know an MBA from Beijing who lost a fortune on a penny stock, another Chinese lady who lost a restaurant, stocks, and was foreclosed on a house in Vegas. I know a Mexican woman who of course is deeply in credit card debt. When I look at Suze Orman's audience on TV it appears to be fat women, who by definition have no self control. The guys on Wall Street and running big banks are usually white men, and they've done pretty well by the look of it. I think PBS is a certain audience, HOPING to get something educational from the TV shows. Actually, I remember that they used to call Public Television "educational television". I agree Suze spends a long time babbling about nothing much. I'm a white man, and my financial advice to men would always be "Do not let a woman make your fiancial decisions for you." Exceptions surely exist, I am aware of the frugal women out in the universe. They're still hoping to find a rich man however, since frugality is not fun for them.

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