Countries with greatest income inequality

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2011 May 24, 2:44am   4,334 views  17 comments

by Vicente   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Danaseb   2011 May 24, 7:27pm  

They call it a dream for a reason.

2   simchaland   2011 May 25, 9:54am  

Dream on...

Trickle Trickle

3   CL   2011 May 26, 9:07am  

We're not even #1 at shitty stuff!?!?!!? Thanks a lot, Obama. :)

4   Done!   2011 May 26, 11:12am  

Why don't you guys donate a large chunk of your salaries to Burger Flippers and Yard Mowers, that's right! Just drive on up to burger king, get out of your car, hand over a chunk of your pay check, and say "here you go Brother, I'm here to set things right."
Because you know Burger Flippers and Ditch Diggers sit up all night long, thinking how Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Engineers, and Computer Techs make more than they do, and it's all the fault of ever body else that took hold of their lives, and opted to do more, than punch a clock and wear a hat and badge. This is your chance to set things straight and make it all right with our Brothers, the lowly mundane meager workers.

Well go on, Do it! Well get on with it then, what are you waiting for?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

5   marcus   2011 May 26, 12:00pm  

Tenouncetrout says

Because you know Burger Flippers and Ditch Diggers sit up all night long, thinking how Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Engineers, and Computer Techs make more than they do, and it’s all the fault of ever body else that took hold of their lives, and opted to do more, than punch a clock and wear a hat and badge. This is your chance to set things straight and make it all right with our Brothers, the lowly mundane meager workers.

This from a guy that says "he used to be a liberal." Sounds basically like proof to me that you never were.

6   Done!   2011 May 26, 12:46pm  

Pony Up Lib boy!
And get me some fries with that...

7   Done!   2011 May 27, 12:54am  

Poor people or Ghetto people? Poor in this country or the world?

For many, not all but some, the poor in this country, are poor because if they do anything to better them selves they'll loose their monthly dose of Welfare heroin.

There's not one single poor person in this country, White or Black that has been as poor as I have been in my life, at various pivotal points.
Either you dig the bureaucracy and the long food stamp lines, or you say fuck this, I'm doing something else.

Now I'm not talking about now necessarily when Unemployment is high, but when there were more available jobs than there were applicants. Maybe not now, but there has been a few runs in the last decade where anyone that wanted a job could have one.

Also the Welfare system is a Take the whole load or don't take it at all. I was told "this isn't alacarte buffet where you can pick and chose what you need, you take what we give you or nothing at all."

Food Stamps, Utility Bills, Wicca, Medicaid, Section 8, $500 check every month... ect. ect. ect...

All we asked for was help to cover our first born, this was 15 years ago.

I've seen it first hand, and have been there. Unlike you guys that just ponder just because it's there then it must be effective. It designed to keep constituents dependent, and scared shitless that the republicans might get in office and cancel the shit. There for captive voters.

80% of the Poor in this country are a bunch of lazy ass sorry asses, created by the Donkey party.

8   Done!   2011 May 27, 1:25am  

But the real question should be,
"How come more people can't afford basic necessities and sustenance?"

Answer that question, and act on it, and I might swing Liberal again.

Give you a hint, Government sanctioned price fixing and gouging.
On such a grand scale that it is effecting the world so much they are revolting. And that is making the Libs creme their jeans. But what they don't realize, when the smoke clears on the horizon of their town, they will look West and say "Kill Whitie!"

These guys aren't acting out an American agenda, they are hungry, as Wheat, Corn, Sugar, Rice, Beef, Chicken every thing sky rockets to stratospheric prices, because Americans has to get their Investment kicks.

There's no need for commodity prices to be so god damn high, and the World knows it, the American Middle class knows it.

The Poor don't care, because the Liberals are willing to cut them a check, as they play the stock market making it more expensive, but don't sweat it, the middle class will pick up the tab. That's fine and dandy here in the states, but what about the rest of the world where they don't have neither middle class or a socialist government spreading the wealth around?

9   Done!   2011 May 27, 2:34am  

Jeezus! What is it with you guys? Just because I'm not down with this Administration or the Democrats at this point, does not mean I'm a Republican or agree on all of the Republican talking points.

Republicans and Liberals are so Polar extreme right now, anyone in the Middle is pulled or pushed to the edge. I think the problems are created by the division that both parties instill in this country.

At one point non issues are put on the table, lines are drawn over them, and talking points are penned.

That's how things like "Morals" can't be discussed because somewhere along the way, "Moral fiber" became a colloquialism with the Right and their talking points, while the Left decided it was code for "Being Religious", which also got dragged into this Cat fight along the way. Things are Either you're with us or your against us. "Education" is now Code for "Unions, and Pensions".

"Federal Healthcare" now means "Insurance companies", and to be honest, I don't know what in the hell the Republicans are bitching about. They've been getting large corporations screw the American People for Years, Fuck they wrote the Book on it!.

In the mean time all of this bickering and political pissing is effecting me, I may have a side, but it's not necessarily the side you're fighting nor yours.

RE Poor in this country.

I believe we should treat the disease then we can treat the symptoms.
Poverty its self is not the cancer, but allowing the manipulation of Oil, and Food in plain sight, while doing Dick all about it. Fix that first, then we can see who needs on dole.

But what does the Poor have to do with income inequality anyway?
It's not income inequality in this country, its an income ladder.
Some people just like to hang out on the bottom rungs.

As I said before you're more than welcome to hand those folks your money, but that don't mean they'll follow you up the ladder. They'll probably get a cup.

10   Done!   2011 May 27, 2:53am  

OH! I get it now, like $100+ Oil created 60,000K Mickey D's Jobs?

No wonder you're always in a pissing contest you can't stay consistent with facts or reality.

11   leo707   2011 May 27, 3:07am  

Tenouncetrout says

There’s not one single poor person in this country, White or Black that has been as poor as I have been in my life, at various pivotal points.

Wow... I did not realize that "at various... points" you have been dressed in rags, un-showered for months, homeless and staggering around the streets talking to yourself (note: with no bluetooth headset) happily eating out of garbage cans.

...hmmm... based on some of the things you have said, I guess that makes sense.

12   Done!   2011 May 27, 3:08am  

Didn't they just prove the Oil Market was cornered and manipulated in 2008, while you were feeding me the same crap you just said back then?
And This while the Bums on the Hill, are still taking that excuse over Oil and Gas prices now.

Keep talking all of the talking points and throwing out the "Jobs killing" boogie man. Which is code now for "Do What we Say!".

Everyone keeps throwing out the "Job Killing" stink bomb, but no body is "Job Making" unless you want to take credit for the 60K Mc Clown jobs, but then that would ultimately mean you're owning up to it being the Democrats fault, for the point of the OP.

We're one of Countries with greatest income inequality because Mc Donald's is classified as a Manufacturing job.

13   Done!   2011 May 27, 3:10am  

leoj707 says

Wow… I did not realize that “at various… points” you have been dressed in rags, un-showered for months, homeless and staggering around the streets talking to yourself (note: with no bluetooth headset) happily eating out of garbage cans.

I said Poor, not in worst mental state than I.

14   Done!   2011 May 27, 3:20am  

And 10 miles is Oceans apart when it comes to differences in Living conditions. And ohh Poor cities, rich people live in Ivory towers, and have bums on the streets. But that's not the same as living in a neighborhood with poor. You guys are too much Rusty Piss and all.
When Luis and Ana Sanchez can live in the Bay Area on Welfare sustenance then get back to me. It can't happen it wont happen.
When people come to Patnet and ask how do I get my Kid in North Central School district while I'm in Melrose, come talk to me.

"I'm looking to move to the Bay Area, will my Daughter still be able to go to school in Watts?"

"Where's a nice Mexican, Black neighborhood with good schools?"

You guys only give a shit about your self and sticking it any one you perceive as the right. Just maybe your kids and your neighbors kids could be a better asset to LA as a whole, if they were spread out to other schools to mentor and set examples. How their life could be if their parents made better choices.

No... no... O.K. just thought I'd throw that out there, because at one point there was no problem with doing the opposite.

15   leo707   2011 May 27, 3:22am  

Tenouncetrout says

leoj707 says

Wow… I did not realize that “at various… points” you have been dressed in rags, un-showered for months, homeless and staggering around the streets talking to yourself (note: with no bluetooth headset) happily eating out of garbage cans.

I said Poor, not in worst mental state than I.

OK, sorry bout that, let me rephrase...

I did not realize that “at various… points” you have been dressed in rags, un-showered for months, homeless and staggering around the streets eating out of garbage cans.

I also have been dirt poor in my life, but never received any assistance checks or have been homeless. While you may have been poor I think it is a little naive to think you have had it worse (financially) than anyone else in the country. I think that you may not truly know what it means to be poor.

16   leo707   2011 May 27, 3:31am  


I think that you are totally missing the point here (to yours and the countries determent). You are too bogged down in your preconceived notions about poor people/welfare state. When discussing income/wealth inequality we are not talking about the bottom 5% vs the top 5%.

The problem lies in that the top 5%, 1% or even .1% have vastly outpaced the bottom 95%+.

Today people in the 85-95% range are a lot closer to the bottom 5-15%, than they are to the top 5%.

17   Done!   2011 May 27, 3:52am  

Think and Vote independent and not party lines for starters.

Second Give Elizabeth Warren oversight powers over every financial transaction, tied to Washington from any and all agencies and Bureau, with full powers to investigate and hold anyone accountable. Let her select people she would need to do her work, and since we have such a Moral deficit in this countries Government, and she has been spot on since Clinton. She was there oppose Allen Greenspan and Derivative markets in the 80's that collapsed. But she was figure head only and was ultimately powerless to watch Allen Greenspan defraud the financial system then. She should have the power to set up an agency and create guidelines for how Government and Corporate relationships behave.

Regulation doesn't have to mean Burdensome fees, that has been a relic from old school politics. When you try to regulate something, the opposition ties in oppressive regulation fees and create expensive procedures for compliance. This is designed only to create disillusion for the process.

Most regulation enforcement should be placed on existing institutions that already interact with companies or effected parties.

Once there is an over sight body that the American people can trust to keep things on the up and up.

Then I would create a Federal Health Administration, Federal Hospitals, Federal Medical Schools. We already pay for the R&D anyway and always have.

Now lets talk taxes that there's a frame work of trust established. But I'm not throwing my self to the wolves at the door now.

I don't care if you support it or not, but this would solve 80% of America's problems right now.

I'm pretty sure just having Elezibeth Warren (or someone as effective as she appears she would be, if given the powers), alone would lower our deficit and give us a surplus with in 5 years. There's been a lot bad people doing really bad things with Government money for quite a while now. While convincing most, there's not enough money being paid in taxes. While they cart out wheel barrow loads out the back door.

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