Elliot Wave: House Prices Will Fall 90-95% / Deflation Not Inflation on The Dollar, First.

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2011 Jun 20, 1:34pm   37,105 views  142 comments

by Robber Baron Elite Scum   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Robert Pretcher said himself in a video that although he may sound like an extremist - he expects home prices to eventually collapse to 90-95% devaluation of it's highest peak.

He also expects deflation. Why? Because although the money supply is very high - you have to understand that the debt on that money supply is close to 8-10 times it's size.

Where did that debt come from? From easy credit to anyone. I believe a lot of people don't understand that US has already gone through inflation.... When? Through the bubble years when everyone was spending on credit cards, easy mortgage to anyone, excessive student loans, & excessive business expansion.

Banks do not really lend you the money. They only pretend to lend you the money as if they actually have that money in reserve when they actually do not. They are allowed to lend I believe 8 times more than they actually have in reserve.

This effectively means that a bank is pretending to lend you money which you believe is actually available in the monetary supply within a economic system - when truthfully that money never existed in the first place - it was electronically credited out of nowhere - basically electronically printed when you were approved for a loan which you applied for (mortgage, college loan or business funding) - and then electronically credited to you.

You are basically fooled into believing you owe the bank money - when you don't because they didn't actually take that money available in the monetary supply within a economic system - instead they electronically printed about 80% of your "loan" themselves - while they only really actually lent you 10-20% of the "loan".

Let me get to the main point: The bankers have effectively made people chase $14-20 trillion dollars actually available within the economic system to pay off $140-160 trillion...

How does that work? It doesn't!

This formula makes individuals in a economic system chase after money - money becomes scarce - even though the supply of the money is quite high and it is backed by nothing - the debt accumulated is so many times greater than the supply available.

This mathematically creates a depression and deflation by manipulating the supply of money within an economic system while at the same time manipulating the debt within an economic system - so the debt is many times more than the supply.

Now that the banks are no longer "lending" (counterfeiting) much.... The defaults just keep piling up - and that's exactly what mathematically has been engineered.

Though the government is in the mortgage and loan business now. I understand that haven't fully close their own "lending" (counterfeiting) however once Freddie & Fannie along with Sallie is ended - expect the defaults to skyrocket & the contraction of the economy to increase many times - because then you can no longer pay off debt from more debt.

First you will have deflation - then after all the defaults, bankruptcies & foreclosures have been processed through - maybe in 2-10 years depending on how things proceed - you will have MASSIVE inflation due to the supply of the money and the fact that it is backed by nothing.

The dollar is definitely not stable however understand other currencies are much worse in how solid they are.

Deflation is what will hurt most americans not inflation in my humble opinion. Inflation will help americans to easily pay off their mortgages, student loans, & credit cards. This will free them from debt slavery while at the same-time allow them to keep their homes and have businesses create jobs.

Inflation will hurt savers though - but savers are very few in this economy and it is actually very tough for most americans to save money even though a lot of them are trying to cutback on useless luxuries. Most americans are either under debt or live paycheck to paycheck from being homeless.

What I am saying is exactly what happened in 1929-1933. Too much debt with very little money available to pay it off. The federal reserve also contracted the money supply which worsened things even more.

The United States of America has been hijacked by wall street & international bankers, I'm sorry but that is just the cold hard truth...

The stimulus & bailouts were just to temporary - once QE2 ends in June 30 (10 days from now) - if nothing else is done to get more money into the system - the whole thing is going to collapse eventually when you go by the math. Math never lies - opinions do.

The bankers did exactly the same-thing in 1929 - put a little bit of money in the stock market to keep things a little bit afloat after a major crash - then in 1933 pull out the money - triggering a much bigger crash...

The same game it seems they are playing - just on a much larger scale - which will make the collapse worse.

Stock market is rigged - get out of it. It's not worth it if the bull runs continues - too much risk - if you still make money - good for you but understand that you are taking a lot of risk when you should consider protecting yourself.

Also whenever the stock market crashes - New York State real estate collapses but the the collapse of that market spreads a bit to other markets.

What do you think about my perspective? With these factors in mind of what the banks have done - I can confidently say that the housing market definitely is in risk of falling 90-95% - even though that may sound extreme - when you look at the math behind it - it is actually very logical. Again - Math doesn't lie, opinions do.

Sure gas prices are rising along with groceries and utilities but that is not a full perspective in my humble opinion of inflation vs. deflation. I do think that eventually they will those prices will fall down. In April 2008 -gas was rising but then it fall. I believe it's simply up temporarily due to artificial prop ups to the economy by the government.

Grocery stores by the way are losing money.

Anyway so freely discuss what's your perspective on this matter in a constructive manner.

I do believe that both inflation and deflation will happen - just at different times. And maybe also even with different necessities possibly. Though generally I believe all asset prices and commodity prices will deflate but then inflate.


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116   Â¥   2011 Jul 9, 8:48am  

Missed one:

117   B.A.C.A.H.   2011 Jul 9, 10:42am  

tatupu70 says

Rising money supply and/or credit supply can cause prices to rise (inflation) but it is not the definition.

Like I said, it is symantical. Whatever. But pop media got successful getting you and others to take your eyes off the mark from root causes to tangible effects.

118   bubblesitter   2011 Jul 9, 10:46am  

Troy says

Missed one:

Now, why would someone assume that recession was over in 2009?

119   bubblesitter   2011 Jul 9, 10:49am  

Inflation or deflation? Let's not get sidetracked,come to the central point, will the house prices increase or decrease?

120   Â¥   2011 Jul 9, 4:24pm  

^ wat?

The CMDEBT curve was mainlined right into middle America's checking accounts via the home ATM and all the real estate and construction bubble employment.

money supply has all the relevance as the price of tea in China right now since the laboring class doesn't have any money any more.

but I doubt in 2008 anyone would have predicted how little effect it would have.

what is "it" here? From 2008, the middle class lost its share of that $2T/yr credit inflow. That was the bubble machine that powered us out of the tech recession. The bubble machine still being off now is why we're still in the deep depths of recession and things are getting worse:

Unemployment is still as bad as it has ever been, since FDR.

121   grywlfbg   2011 Jul 9, 4:56pm  

Troy says

And of course, money is not normally destructible, so this velocity never really ends.

But in our fiat system, DEBT is destructible when it's paid back or defaulted upon. So a lot of people/companies paying back debt or defaulting results in the destruction of a whole lot of money which is deflationary.

122   mdovell   2011 Jul 10, 2:00am  

With regards to asia we also have to consider what the dowry system is doing. In western countries all this means today is that the family of the wife pays for the wedding. In asia it can be to extremes.
There are higher rates of abortion of girls, higher rates of infanticide and higher rates of suicide of women.
The preferences for men in the long term leads to a country having more men than women. Any extra men in aggregate will probably be single and the population will be reduced since logically they cannot have children. Add in the one child policy of china (largely ignored in the south and bribes can get past it but still) and the problem compounds on itself.

If we were to go back in time and factor out the population rise in Asia that could probably nullify how cheap the labor is. Ironically the USA keeps growing.

There's a far off prediction that by the end of the century we'll have more people than china.

123   B.A.C.A.H.   2011 Jul 10, 6:32am  

mdovell says

consider what the dowry system is doing

Notice a pattern, student visa to get your PhD, H-1 visa, then, immediately after obtaining the green card, make a trip "back home", come back with a bride and then immediately buying a Fortress Residence?

Don't know if it is true or not, but a long time ago I read a letter to the editor of a local news publication from someone who claimed to be a software engineer that said an engineering job + green card in the Bay Area was worth about 100K of dowry.

124   marcus   2011 Jul 10, 7:22am  

Also real estate price increases used to be signification helped by psychology, that is the belief that price increase would continue. This is over.

Meanwhile many boomers are going to want to downsize, effectively monetizing some of their home equity for retirement needs.

125   marcus   2011 Jul 10, 7:24am  

These are some of the reasons that many people are predicting that housing drops bit further. I am not in agreement with those who think prices are dropping a lot more.

126   Â¥   2011 Jul 10, 7:41am  

marcus says

Sure, we don't have outright deflation in all sectors of the economy, but we have massive deleveraging and strong deflationary forces at work.

we've been treading water for 2+ years now.

Having lived in Japan in the 1990s, I've seen this movie before.

I didn't know it at the time, but I was FOB Tokyo at the exact moment that corresponded to our March 2009 bottom (August 1992).

We are not Japan (their currency has strengthened 60% since 1992, ours needs to weaken, we get massive investment inflows, Japan, not so much) but the overall debt-collapse dynamics are the same.

The dems losing the House really really screwed things up. What passes as the left in this country is fighting to stop deflationary cutbacks and not actual progressive and constructive economic interventions.

I recently read the military is no longer doing stop-loss and big enlistment bonuses. They're in spin-down mode too. Tiny 1% cuts to the military is $6B or more, which still is a lot of money, believe it or not, 100,000 jobs or so in the direct analysis, 250,000 or more due to velocity of money.

127   B.A.C.A.H.   2011 Jul 10, 7:48am  

Troy says

the military is no longer doing stop-loss and big enlistment bonuses. They're in spin-down mode too.

Most of the Cold War spending was for compensation in one form or another, even pay for involuntarily conscripted conscripts, or salaries for aerospace engineers. It was a massive redistribution program, because the rich feared the alternative of Soviet type communism world domination. Confronted with that specter, the rich needed us during that time.

128   mdovell   2011 Jul 10, 8:05am  

"Meanwhile many boomers are going to want to downsize, effectively monetizing some of their home equity for retirement needs."

That's very true. How can EVERYONE downsize. Let's not also forget that gradually they'll sell off stocks, bonds, 401k's, IRA's etc to retire.

Here is a good article..a journal infact.
it also shows the crossing time that will have more people selling than buying in various states. Once it hits 2016 we'll get another chunk of this. Right now MA is getting hit. By the time we hit 2030 (obviously a bit of a ways off) we can kiss a fair amount of this goodbye. This is one of the only journals that admits it expects the housing burst to continue for decades.

If people were hit in the stock market bad they might assume they can bank retirement off of their house and frankly that isn't the case.

129   housingcasino4865   2011 Jul 10, 3:39pm  

MCMSinger says

It's amusing though that people fear monger inflation when inflation is most likely going to help them. Why? Because the majority of Americans have debt - when the scarcity of money rises by 10 times - it will take 10 times the effort to pay off that same debt. Inflation will hurt savers though but majority of Americans hardly have any savings or no savings at all.

Inflation does not automatically, and even necessarily, apply to wages. There is a huge flaw in your logic.

130   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2011 Jul 10, 4:17pm  

housingcasino4865 says

Inflation does not automatically, and even necessarily, apply to wages.

Eventually it does. You can't have living costs skyrocket and then expect to pay workers the same wage forever.

131   mdovell   2011 Jul 10, 10:11pm  

"Eventually it does. You can't have living costs skyrocket and then expect to pay workers the same wage forever."

Yes you can. The 1970's proved that inflation can be imported (oil going up with the embargo). If consumers get shut out then so be it

I don't think we've seen actual wage inflation since the 70's since we have largely seen a decline in unions and strikes. Post patco government unions hardly go on strike.

Now you can state that people naturally want more when prices go up but that does not automatically mean they'll get it.

My last job was at a large box store and someone..somehow leaked out the pay scales. It was NOT based on cost of living but rather competition. Scaled 1 to 5 (five being highest). The only areas that were 5's were LA, SF, Brooklyn and New Orleans. 1's are where there is hardly anything. Most were 2's and 3's. The wages in Boston are the same as Orlando even though Boston cost much more. Since most employees don't know the ranges they have no clue they were getting ripped off.

Besides as companies raise prices for higher energy costs some don't and rather reduce service and product size. The most famous example of this is the size of coffee. It used to be a pound..then gradually an ounce here.an ounce there. Heck I saw flavored starbucks that was 11oz!

Or companies will simply lay people off rather than pay higher wages. Businesses have to see a ROI before they start to increase wages simply due to inflation. More importantly since inflation can occur in countless products it makes it nearly impossible for the employer to know them all. Let's say a single man is a boss of a few people who have families with infants. Say some incident at a P&G plant causes the prices of diapers to skyrocket. The boss has no clue about this because he doesn't have kids. Here's another example..tobacco. Due to government taxation tobacco prices have risen dramatically in the past 20 years. No employer in their right mind is going to give someone a raise so they can smoke..or drink for that matter.

132   housingcasino   2011 Jul 11, 2:43am  

MCMSinger says

It's amusing though that people fear monger inflation when inflation is most likely going to help them. Why? Because the majority of Americans have debt - when the scarcity of money rises by 10 times - it will take 10 times the effort to pay off that same debt. Inflation will hurt savers though but majority of Americans hardly have any savings or no savings at all.

Inflation does not automatically, and even necessarily, apply to wages. There is a huge flaw in your assumption.

133   corntrollio   2011 Jul 11, 9:11am  

Sybrib says

Notice a pattern, student visa to get your PhD, H-1 visa, then, immediately after obtaining the green card, make a trip "back home", come back with a bride and then immediately buying a Fortress Residence?

So you are saying that most Indians take 6 years to get their PhD and then another 6-7 to get their green card, assuming they get an employer to both apply for their H1, renew it in 3 years, and then do a 1-year extension while an adjustment is pending because the employer later decided to sponsor them, and then finally decide to get an arranged marriage at the age of 35? That doesn't seem to fit with anything I've observed. Someone seems to be stereotyping a bit too much, methinks.

Sybrib says

Don't know if it is true or not, but a long time ago I read a letter to the editor of a local news publication from someone who claimed to be a software engineer that said an engineering job + green card in the Bay Area was worth about 100K of dowry.

Now you're trying to claim expertise on dowries? Which don't even really exist in cities any more? Come on. You didn't read this anywhere. How exactly are these people saving $100K in USD when wages are so low?

134   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2011 Jul 11, 1:10pm  

mdovell says

Yes you can. The 1970's proved that inflation can be imported (oil going up with the embargo). If consumers get shut out then so be it

I never disagreed that it's not possible to have inflation while at the same-time the wages stay the same.

I simply disagreed that costs will keep going up while wages stay the same forever.

Eventually the wages will need to be raised reasonably in proportion to inflation. And you are right - just because employees demand a certain wage doesn't mean they will get it even if they need it for costs of living.

But eventually employers lose the upper hand. Right now, employers have an upper hand.

135   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2011 Jul 11, 1:37pm  

“No one has a natural right to the trade of money [loan money], but he who has money to lend.”

-Thomas Jefferson

136   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2012 Jul 28, 5:25am  

Bump thread...

137   futuresmc   2012 Jul 28, 10:01am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Eventually it does. You can't have living costs skyrocket and then expect to pay workers the same wage forever.

Ofcourse you can. Read Barbara Ehrenreich's book 'Nickled and Dimed' to see how that happens. People at the bottom rung of American capitalism (those that work near minimum wage or are on fixed incomes) have no power to demand increases in wages that protect them from price inflation. There are more of them than there are jobs, so it's only by the grace of minimum wage laws that the China price isn't reached and since minimum wage rates are rarely scaled upwards (and never make up for the losses in purchasing power between the last hike and the next), standards of living drop. At the same time social safety nets are cut and low-skilled illegal immigration goes unchecked, so more people can compete for the few jobs available, reducing the power of the working poor and those on fixed incomes. Jesse Jackson Jr. tried to get a bill through recently that would have raised the minimum wage to $10 an hour (which for most with kids would still leave them below the poverty line) and more importantly, force it to rise with the CPI. It was soundly slapped down. The rich don't want to sure up the standard of living Americans have at the bottom, and unlike tax breaks for the rich which don't trickle down, decreases in living standards do, infact, trickle up.

138   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2012 Jul 28, 10:33am  

futuresmc says

Ofcourse you can. Read Barbara Ehrenreich's book 'Nickled and Dimed' to see how that happens. People at the bottom rung of American capitalism (those that work near minimum wage or are on fixed incomes) have no power to demand increases in wages that protect them from price inflation.

I now agree that inflation can continue to skyrocket without increase of wages to make up for it.


I can recall so many people saying how even a minimum wage job just 10 years back could have done much more for than it can today.

Nowadays a minimum wage job is honestly just slavery...

It will get you nowhere. There is no "moving up" or "climbing the corporate ladder" anymore. That is a big myth nowadays.

There is little if any incentive right now for people to work a job... (if you can find one anyway)

But there is every incentive for people to start robbing back what was taken from them from the rich.

139   American in Japan   2012 Jul 28, 6:06pm  


I thought you had left Patrick.net

Good to see your comments again!

140   Michinaga   2012 Jul 29, 1:44am  

AIJ, ¥'s post is in fact from 2011 -- I just read through this entire discussion without noticing that most of it is from a year ago!

141   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2012 Jul 29, 3:03am  

No guys. I'm still here; I never left. Just changed my name & icon.

142   MAGA   2012 Jul 29, 9:44am  

Want to buy a house? Have 20% down!
Want to buy a house? Have 20% down!
Want to buy a house? Have 20% down!
Want to buy a house? Have 20% down!
Want to buy a house? Have 20% down!
Want to buy a house? Have 20% down!

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