Should we still be in Afghanistan?

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2011 Jul 3, 11:46pm   3,110 views  18 comments

by American in Japan   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Who supports spending more money on this war? What have we really accomplished there?


Also another cost is the number of Afghan civilians killed...

and incidentally, the financial cost:


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1   Done!   2011 Jul 3, 11:51pm  

We accomplished that mission two weeks in, when the BIG news was the J-Dam bunker buster missile that hit the side of Osama Bin Ladens bunker, taking it out along with him. That then freed up Bush's war horse resources to go Kill Sadam Hussein.

We've been played like a cheap Kazoo by Bush, Obama is playing his Opus as of now on the damn thing.

2   American in Japan   2011 Jul 4, 12:19am  

If most conservatives as well as moderates and liberals are against this war...why are we still there. I know someone from Afghanistan who lives in Japan.

4   Â¥   2011 Jul 5, 7:35am  

American in Japan says

If most conservatives as well as moderates and liberals are against this war

The extremes were against our intervention.


Only recently has it become a mainstream position to GTFO.

...why are we still there

Risk of being blamed for "losing Afghanistan" by pulling out too soon.


Like liberals forced Nixon to leave Vietnam before we had won it. Bullshit like that.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jul 6, 10:01pm  

Not a problem, the Trillions will be paid from a grateful, liberated Iraq and Afghanistan through Oil and Heroin revenue.

So said our glorious leaders not long ago...

7   zzyzzx   2011 Jul 7, 12:28am  

We should have nuked the whole place 10 years ago and never set foot there. It's not like anyone would have missed it. Would have been much cheaper too.

8   Truthplease   2011 Jul 7, 4:18am  

We need out. I really cring when people say if we leave then it will again become an AQ safe haven. There are other countries that are AQ safe havens. I don't see us invading Pakistan. Seriously, Pakistan was hiding OBL for how long? If you can't change what is happening right across the border, what's the point?

We already accomplished our mission over there. Destroy AQ in Afghanistan. Mission accomplished.

9   American in Japan   2011 Jul 7, 5:04pm  

Remember that we didn't mean to kill any civilians...
Go back home and forget.


10   zzyzzx   2011 Jul 7, 11:45pm  

state says

zzyzzx says

We should have nuked the whole place 10 years ago and never set foot there. It's not like anyone would have missed it. Would have been much cheaper too.

LOL yeah buddy, just nuke everything, who cares about people, just kill them
are you 8 years old or a sociopath or autistic

I'm sure that Apocalypsefuck would agree with me.

11   Done!   2011 Jul 8, 1:00am  

state says

Tenouncetrout says

We accomplished that mission two weeks in, when the BIG news was the J-Dam bunker buster missile that hit the side of Osama Bin Ladens bunker, taking it out along with him. That then freed up Bush's war horse resources to go Kill Sadam Hussein.

your OBL conspiracy theory noone else on the planet believes is adorable TOT

On the Planet? How do you know, you've never left your Mom's basement. The Programmers I communicate with in Pakistan say "Obama says he killed Osama..." then they laugh.

You know if you aren't going to get off your ass and see the world at least get other perspectives. You should watch more FOX news.

12   Done!   2011 Jul 8, 1:04am  

The Picture of a Dead Osama Bin Lauden with a bullet hole in his head is like the Golen Plates that Joseph Smith, Jr. saw but nobody else saw.

Hell Obama just created his own religion, the Book of Morons. Because it takes a huge leap of faith to believe that whopper. For starters Democrat presidents can't even fly helicopters missions with out crashing and burning them.

13   kentm   2011 Jul 9, 3:16pm  


14   American in Japan   2011 Aug 10, 2:15am  

It seems that most people on this site favor a reduced (but efficient) military budget. Who is against reducing it then?

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Aug 31, 2:15am  

1. Not to lose face.
2. To make sure everybody knows we still have the ability to intervene anywhere for long periods of time. The Neocon "Our economic power is no longer hyperdominant, but we'll make sure to keep our hyperdominant military power" idea expressed in their PNAC manifesto. Nevermind that the sinews of war is infinite money, and a hyperdominant military requires a hyperdominant economy. Because neocons subscribe to the belief that "Deficits don't matter", they feel that they can support overwhelming military forces without needing an underlying economy to support it - "We'll just borrow the difference in perpetuity".
3. To try and get Afghanistan not to fall into the spheres of Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, or Pakistan. For various reasons - mutual ultraconservative Islam, Proximity and Historic Trade and Cultural ties, and, in the case of Pakistan, strong ethnic and lingual ties - this is going to be very difficult.
4. With a mixture of force and bribes, try to create a modern centralized state where none has existed, to make it easier to influence and control.

Hamid Karzai is the mayor of Kabul, and President in name only but for the US military. If the US withdraws, he's done for.

17   American in Japan   2011 Aug 31, 2:27am  


Most Americans haven't a clue about the history / culture of Afghanistan.

18   American in Japan   2011 Aug 31, 3:40pm  

Forget the nuke part, but you all may be on to something about we should have just let them battle Russia on their own.

Of course the MIC is very happy wth how it has gone. New enemy..more weapons to make!

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