"Bellaire police had to cut the man free after finding that his skin had fused to the chair's fabric.:
"They said he sat in his own waste and was covered in maggots."
Hey, I don't like to exercise either, but when it gets to the point when you are stuck in a chair full of your own excrement and your maggot-infused skin has fused to the chair, it's time to get off your ass.
"Obese man cut from chair he was stuck in for 2 years dies; skin fused with maggot-infested fabric"
Full Article
"Bellaire police had to cut the man free after finding that his skin had fused to the chair's fabric.:
"They said he sat in his own waste and was covered in maggots."
Hey, I don't like to exercise either, but when it gets to the point when you are stuck in a chair full of your own excrement and your maggot-infused skin has fused to the chair, it's time to get off your ass.