Obama was chronic drug user in High School

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2012 May 10, 5:28am   30,640 views  64 comments

by zzyzzx   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


Obama, by all accounts, was a habitual drug user in high school. He tried cocaine, he admits in Dreams From My Father; he “tried drugs enthusiastically.” The Chicago Tribune reported back in 2007 that Obama thanked the “Choom Gang” in his high school yearbook; “chooming” was Hawaiian slang for smoking pot. The Honolulu Advertiser reported that Obama’s senior portrait “prominently displayed … A package of ‘Zig-Zag’ rolling papers and a matchbook.” One of Obama’s close friends was arrested for drug possession during high school.

In his memoir, Obama talked about routinely getting high. “Junkie. Pothead,” he wrote.


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25   CBOEtrader   2012 May 16, 3:28am  

leoj707 says

Yes, but they are still not doing much.

Spoken like someone who's never made it past factory floor level. Everyone else' job is always easy, especially if they make more money than you, right?

If you've spent time as both the front end producer, as well as the manager, you quickly see that most front line people are commodities. It's the management that makes or breaks a business.

Entry level employees are particularly unproductive. We expect a programmer will be a net cost to us for the first 18 to 24 months. A senior level guy is worth 25 entry level employees. Even after they are trained, a senior employee that can manage is worth twice his non-management twin with the same technical skills.

Management is incredibly difficult, stressful, and absolutely VITAL to success. Only natural that most aren't that great at it.

Besides, aren't most managers the best producers? Or at least they used to be, and now teach/lead/coach their team into profits?

leoj707 says

A huge amount of work is getting done "underneath" them, and would still get done if the CEO were to go away.

You are listening to too many Democrat lies. This opinion drastically contrasts everything I've seen in the business world.

26   freak80   2012 May 16, 3:46am  

CBOEtrader says

Management is incredibly difficult, stressful, and absolutely VITAL to success. Only natural that most aren't that great at it.

Definitely. I tried management once. I didn't care for it at all. It's "herding cats." Even with the perks it still sucked.

27   tatupu70   2012 May 16, 5:22am  

CBOEtrader says

I work harder than anyone I know

I haven't met anyone yet who thinks their neighbor works harder than they do..

28   bob2356   2012 May 16, 5:36am  

CBOEtrader says

I work harder than anyone I know. I haven't taken a day off either for health or pleasure since Jan 2009, when I went on a 4 day cruise.

CBOEtrader says

If you've spent time as both the front end producer, as well as the manager, you quickly see that most front line people are commodities. It's the management that makes or breaks a business.

Maybe the latter attitude is the reason for the former problem. A GOOD manager would never view anyone as a commodity, but as an asset to grow the business. A good manager would have systems in place and trusted well trained subordinates that would allow them to step away on occasion. Stepping out once and a while is essential to developing a broader view.

Yes I've spent time on both sides. Very successfully. I never thought of anyone under me as a commodity.

29   leo707   2012 May 16, 6:28am  

rdm says

These were excellent trades people but not everyone is capable of organizational skills. Regarding management not working as hard as the workers, again it depends. In my business yes the workers worked physically harder but I put in many more hours and endured far more stress than they did.

Perhaps I phrased it poorly, I did not mean that management was not working as hard as "workers", but not that much harder than workers say per hour worked. Often sole proprietors have to put in a shitload more hours just to keep their business afloat.

Yes, management is a different skill set.

30   rdm   2012 May 16, 6:48am  

bob2356 says

Maybe the latter attitude is the reason for the former problem. A GOOD manager would never view anyone as a commodity, but as an asset to grow the business. A good manager would have systems in place and trusted well trained subordinates that would allow them to step away on occasion. Stepping out once and a while is essential to developing a broader view.

Yes I agree ones employees, the good ones, are assets others can be or become definite liabilities but I never considered employees as commodities.

Regarding being able to step away from the business it can take time to develop the scale of business and employee base that can operate for a time without supervision from the top. This of course would vary by the type of business. In the construction biz everyone that is not "building in the field" is overhead. Small mistakes can cost tens of thousands to correct and piss off the architect and your clients so sometimes it is not a simple thing to just leave for a week. It took me years to get my business to that point.

32   freak80   2012 May 17, 9:06am  

Cloud has a wide stance.

33   Bigsby   2012 May 17, 7:43pm  

You do know that Greece is not a socialist country, and that major contributors to its problems are rampant corruption and tax evasion.

34   Bigsby   2012 May 17, 10:47pm  

You wouldn't say because you know nothing.

36   leo707   2012 May 18, 4:16am  

Cloud says

I meant queer in the traditional sense, as in

Cloud if you are feeling that your sexual fantasies are weird remember that 90% of people are shocked and disgusted by the sexual proclivities of 90% of people.

You do appear to have a well thought out and detailed fantasy. However, I would have to agree that it is a bit weird for you to share it here with us.

37   leo707   2012 May 20, 8:38am  

Cloud says

You are attacking me and insulting me by calling me gay.

Woah... woah... who said it was an insult? I am sorry that you feel that way concerning an observation based on your postings.

38   rooemoore   2012 May 21, 4:21am  

If we could only figure out a way for conservatives to get laid more often, most of our countries problems would go away.

39   rooemoore   2012 May 21, 4:25am  

Cloud says

Yeah I'll get into my "wide stance," (Choo choo's words not mine) while you liberals spike the country's debt and add more welfare people to the dole.

Like I said, you need to get laid.

40   rooemoore   2012 May 21, 2:33pm  

Cloud says

Elmer Fudd insulting me with his sexual attacks.

Libs are nice people huh?

Didn't realize you were so sensitive. I must have hit a nerve. Here is a present for guys like you to show no hard feelings. Good luck.

41   HydroCabron   2012 May 21, 2:50pm  


George Washington was known as "squawfucker" for all the native resources he utilized during his pre-Martha years.

42   clambo   2012 May 21, 4:41pm  

Obama's worst crime is probably he is carrying "Hawaiian" pizzas. You can NOT put pineapple on a pizza. This is a low crime and should be a misdemeanor.

43   clambo   2012 May 21, 5:36pm  

Some asshole dislikes it even when I am trying to tell a joke?

44   freak80   2012 May 23, 1:03am  

clambo says

Some asshole dislikes it even when I am trying to tell a joke?

I thought it was hilarious.

Then again, wasn't Obama born in Kenya, not Hawaii? ;-)

What toppings would be on a Kenyan pizza? Zebra meat?

45   Dan8267   2012 May 23, 4:07am  

zzyzzx says

Obama, by all accounts, was a habitual drug user in high school. He tried cocaine, he admits in Dreams From My Father; he “tried drugs enthusiastically.”

And so did Bush. So let's hate them both and reverse all policies of both administrations! Repeal the NDAA and Patriot Act. Repeal SOPA and the DMCA. Dismantle the TSA. Retroactively reverse the Bush tax cuts. Shut down Gitmo and remove the American presence from Cuban soil. Pull out all troops from the middle east.

After all, all these policies were enacted by immoral druggies who were obviously high at the time and so their policies cannot be trusted! I agree 100% with zzyzzx's analysis. I'm just carrying it out to it's logical conclusion.

In fact, let's go one step further. It is clearly mental insanity to vote to give a drug addict access to the nuclear codes. Clearly, only an insane person would do this. Therefore, we need to permanently revoke the voting privilege-- and yes, it's a privilege, not a right, by definition -- of anyone who voted for either Bush or Obama just like we don't let other mentally ill people vote.

And yes, I'm being serious. Well, serious and factious at the same time -- strangely, they aren't mutually exclusive. If all the batshit crazy people didn't vote, then the sane people in this country could actually steer it into a non-destructive path.

In fact, I'll make the offer even sweeter. We're remove Obama from office immediately and ban him from ever holding office again. However, in exchange, no registered republican or republican office holder can ever hold office again and must leave immediately, as well as anyone who owns a picture of Reagan or Malcolm X.

See, this is how compromise works. The left gets rid of it's crazies, and the right gets rid of its. Granted, there are more crazies on the right, but that's not the left's fault.

However, we will get rid of crazies on both sides. You can't vote or run for office if you ever believed that Obama was born in Kenya or if you ever believed that the World Trade Center was taken down by a controlled explosion set up by the government. ...both sides.

In fact, I want to go another step further. If you haven't mastered Calculus or you can't explain how atoms work, you don't get to hold office. Also, no one who believes in fictitious beings like gods and banshees should be allowed to vote or hold office. Again, because they are delusional, which is by definition a form of mental illness.

Let's just get rid of all the crazies from both sides.

46   leo707   2012 May 23, 4:11am  

Dan8267 says

And so did Bush. So let's hate them both and reverse all policies of both administrations!

I would take that deal.

47   Dan8267   2012 May 23, 4:18am  

zzyzzx says

If the homeowner isn't insulted by your offer...you didn't bid low enough!!!

Holy shit! Obama's going after Herman Cain's job?

48   bob2356   2012 May 23, 4:35am  

Cloud says

Yeah I'll get into my "wide stance," (Choo choo's words not mine) while you liberals spike the country's debt and add more welfare people to the dole.

As much as I really hate to confuse people like cloud with facts 3/4 of the debt was run up under presidents Reagan,Bush,Bush. I don't like Obama much as a president, but the fact is federal spending has increased the least under Obama than at any time in the last 40-50 years. Revenue sucks but that's a different issue.

I'll take the lessor liberal debt spike please. With pineapple.

49   Philistine   2012 May 23, 5:27am  

bob2356 says

I don't like Obama much as a president, but the fact is federal spending has increased the least under Obama than at any time in the last 40-50 years

Clinton was good at cutting spending, too. And smoked some pot. But didn't inhale. And the occasional cigar. . . .

Anybody else notice as our last 3 presidents (or 5 presidents if you count multiple terms) all had reported drug use/experimentation? I think this says more about A) Baby Boomers reaching electible age and B) the breakdown of journalism into vicious rumor mongering and muckraking.

50   clambo   2012 May 23, 7:17am  

Clinton's version of experimentation was so fucking absurd that it was typical of the lying sociopath he is.
"I didn't inhale" "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is."
Obama was not a good student, not a good citizen, and not a good little 17 year old. He was a punk.

51   clambo   2012 May 23, 7:29am  

Here's Obama in his first "Tea Party" parade c 1997
Note the outfit he's in, holding the tricorne hat.
Note "don't tread on me" flag behind him.
Oh the irony.
I guess he was for the Tea Party before he was against it?

54   Dan8267   2012 May 23, 4:40pm  

clambo says

Clinton's version of experimentation was so fucking absurd that it was typical of the lying sociopath he is.
"I didn't inhale" "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

When the republicans tried to entrap Clinton in a contrived controversy, they fucked up. They should have asked Clinton if he ever got a blowjob from Monica, but they didn't have the balls. They were too afraid of the backlash that would come from their sex-fearing base. So instead they tried to use a euphemism.

The problem is, they didn't use the right euphemism. Hell, blowjob is the right euphemism for sucking a guy's dick. Instead they ask Clinton if he had "sexual relations" with Monica, and as we all know "sexual relations" is a euphemism for intercourse not dick sucking. So, no, Clinton didn't lie. The republican entrappers fucked up and asked the wrong question.

Clinton didn't volunteer any information to hang himself, but he was under no obligation to hang himself. He just had to answer the question asked, not the question that they meant to ask. And he did. So blame your dumb-ass republican entrappers for fucking up. Clinton didn't lie.

You know who did lie? Newt fucking Gingrich. While Newt was trying to get Clinton impeached over a blowjob, Newt was cheating on his wife, who was sick with cancer. Now that's fucking immoral by any standards. And then he tells wife #2 that he wants to fuck other women while being married to him. Go family values.

In fact, all the republicans who criticized Clinton for having extra-material sex where in fact adulterers. And I wouldn't give a shit about that if it weren't for the sheer hypocrisy of it. Republicans are every bit as horny assholes and sexual cheaters as democrats. The only difference is that the republicans also stink of hypocrisy on sexual issues.

If you want public officials that won't have extra-marital affairs than vote for women, single men, or openly gay guys.

Oh, and you know you else lied, a lot? G.W. Bush. The difference is, when Bush shitted on the truth, a million people died and others were raped and tortured. When Clinton decide not to volunteer information, the only bad thing that happened was a dry cleaning bill. Oh wait, not even that happened.

It's pretty damn sad that conservatives, after all these years, still can't find anything bad about the Clinton administration other than getting a blowjob in the Oval Office. Meanwhile, rational people like me can. Clinton repealed the Glass–Steagall Act, and that repeal played a large part in setting up the environment that lead to the Second Great Depression.

Of course, conservatives won't find fault in Clinton for this because dumb-ass conservatives like the fact that the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed and they would have done it themselves. This is the same reason dumb-ass conservatives don't find fault in the myriad of bad policies of Obama.

And actually, the republicans were just as responsible for the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.

The belief that the Glass-Steagall repeal was one of the catalysts of the 2008 financial crisis is a bipartisan one -- Jon Huntsman has alluded to it; John McCain proposed reenacting it in 2009. Even former Citigroup CEO John Reed, one of the key driving forces behind the repeal, supported reviving parts of it.

The repeal of Glass-Steagall of course happened in 1999 when Republican senators Phil Gramm (who incidentally received $4.6 million in contributions from the finance, insurance, and real estate -- or FIRE -- sector over the '90s) and Jim Leach introduced the euphemistic Financial Services Modernization Act, which removed the wall between commercial and investment banks, and also allowed them to also merge with or acquire securities firms and insurance companies.

It's too bad that the lunatic fringe of the right purged the republican party of all its sane members, who then fled to become either independence or "moderate democrats". Had there actually been any rational, intelligent republicans left, the republicans could field a viable candidate for taking down Obama instead of all the imbeciles that have field.

Oh, wait. There's Ron Paul. But they hate Ron Paul and would never nominate him. They tried every fucking candidate, and even Newt twice, except Paul as a Romney alternative. So they hate the magic underwear wearing Mormons, but evidently they hate Ron Paul even more. Idiots.

And why? Ron Paul's economic issues are almost identical to all the other republicans. Don't take the rich (or anyone in his platform) and don't regulate business at all. The only difference is that Ron Paul has these looney ideas like not torturing people and reducing the military. And republican's can't stand for that.

...especially not the reduction in military spending. You see, the republican base are all welfare queens. That's right, welfare queens. ...except that instead of just getting a welfare handout or food stamps to buy Ramen Noodles, they get big checks to make bombs that must then be used in order to justify making more bombs. So the republican base are welfare queens that murder and destroy private and public property.

And that's all the defense industry is... a giant public jobs program for making bombs and other useless equipment. So while republicans say they hate the leeches in the public sector, you know like teachers and firefighters, they are in fact all employed with tax-payer money. And they get the lion's share of that money. They are the biggest public sector union leeches in the country.

Worse still, the military industrial complex makes America less safe because all those wars necessary to keep the "aggregated demand" up causes backlash against America. In short, those fucktards are responsible for creating anti-American terrorism. And only Ron Paul is smart enough to figure this out, but when he tells the republican voters this during one of the debates, they boo him because they are so fucking stupid. But what do you expect from people who think that the world is only 6000 years old and that an Iron Age Jew walked on water.

At the time, I thought Clinton was just a mediocre president, but compared to the past 12 years, he was a freaking god. And if it would bring back the economy of the 1990s, I'd suck his dick. During the past 12 years, we've all seen our real, hell our nominal, income drop, the middle class squeezed to the bring of extinction, a lowering of the quality of life, the removal of human dignity from our society, and the complete abandonment of the Constitution. I'm ready to swallow.

55   Dan8267   2012 May 23, 4:44pm  

I just had a thought. You know if Bill Clinton actually could and did run for president in 2012, he'd probably be the only person who could beat Obama. And isn't that ironic, don't you think? ...a little too ironic... and, yeah, I really do think.

56   clambo   2012 May 23, 5:47pm  

Clinton was impeached for lying. This is why he pleaded no contest to perjury and has been kicked out of the bar.

57   Dan8267   2012 May 24, 12:40am  

clambo says

Clinton was impeached for lying. This is why he pleaded no contest to perjury and has been kicked out of the bar.

Impeachment is simply charges being brought against a president. It is not a conviction. Furthermore, you are incorrect when stating that Clinton pleaded no contest to perjury. If he had, it would have led to a guilty verdict. That's what no contest means, "I am not contesting (challenging) the charges.".

As Media Matters for America has previously noted, Clinton was not indicted on criminal charges of perjury by independent counsel Robert Ray or his predecessor, Kenneth Starr. By contrast, a federal jury convicted Libby on four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements. U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton subsequently sentenced him to 30 months in federal prison.


In 1998, as a result of issues surrounding personal indiscretions with a young woman White House intern, Clinton was the second U.S. president to be impeached by the House of Representatives. He was tried in the Senate and found not guilty of the charges brought against him. He apologized to the nation for his actions and continued to have unprecedented popular approval ratings for his job as president.

In the world, he successfully dispatched peace keeping forces to war-torn Bosnia and bombed Iraq when Saddam Hussein stopped United Nations inspections for evidence of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. He became a global proponent for an expanded NATO, more open international trade, and a worldwide campaign against drug trafficking. He drew huge crowds when he traveled through South America, Europe, Russia, Africa, and China, advocating U.S. style freedom.


As for disbarring, that was pure political bullshit. Since Clinton obviously isn't going to waste his time practicing law after being president -- who the hell would when you can do far easier thing to make money after being president -- he didn't even bother challenging this stupid act of petty revenge from the republicans. It would have been a waste of his time.

The bottom line is that:

1. Clinton didn't lie. The republicans fucked up in asking the wrong question.

2. Clinton was under no legal requirement to provide information in excess of what was actually asked.

3. Nor was Clinton required to make sure the idiot republicans trying to entrap him asked the proper question to succeed.

4. Clinton's presidency was a resounding success compared to Nixon's, Ford's, Carter's, Reagan's, Bush Sr.'s, Bush Jr.'s, and Obama's.

5. Even if Clinton had lied, which he didn't, it wouldn't have matter jack shit in the real world. The question was an inappropriate one as getting an extramarital blowjob is not a crime.

6. The only purpose to bringing Clinton in front of the Senate was to entrap and character assassinate him. Neither of which is a noble and both of which are actually illegal. If anything, the republicans should have been brought up on civil charges for character assassination and criminal charges for obstruction of justice and obstruction of critical government functions.

7. The assholes leading the charges, like Newt Gingrich, were all having extramarital affairs as well, and ones far more despicable than Clinton's. At least Hillary wasn't dying of cancer.

8. The only valid reason for the voters to discuss or know about the private affairs of public office holders is if the office holders are hypocritically campaigning on family values or passing/advocating morality legislation. If they are, then they are open to all criticism because of the hypocrisy.

9. Whenever any republican voter or politician claims that it is offensive that Clinton lied, or that he should have been removed from office for it, or that it in anyway disqualifies him as a good president, that republican sure as hell better think that Bush is on the same level as Satan or it's 100% hypocritical bullshit.

Bush did lie. And people died from those lies. Lots of people.

And Bush's lies were illegal, very fucking illegal. They broke both national and international law. Presenting false testimony to Congress that leads to a war that cost $800 billion, a million lives, the reputation of America, and a complete violation of international laws is way the fuck worse than a lie about blowjobs would be even if it were a freaking lie.

So to even slap Clinton's wrist without passionately condemning Bush is utter hypocrisy. The sheer magnitude of the difference between blowjobs and a war based on fictitious WMDs and fictitious relations with Al Qaeda and 9/11 make conversation utterly ridiculous.

There is actually no real world analogy I could make to illustrate how enormous the difference is. The best I can do is this...

Your sister asked if these jeans make her butt look big. Bill Clinton says no. In contrast, George Bush tells the senate and military that your sister is a terrorist. She is kidnapped, raped, tortured, and blow apart into small pieces. Bush then repeats this lie until a million other people suffer the same fate. That's how fucking big the difference between Clinton and Bush is.

So whatever stick republicans have up their ass about Bill Clinton, they need to have it removed. After all the sex scandals that have centered around republicans, it's hypocrisy to bitch and moan about Clinton being a horn dog. Newt was worse. Mark Foley was worse. Larry Craig was worse. Marc Souder was worse. Rudy Giuliani was worse. John Ensign was worse. Christopher Lee was worse. Mark Sanford was worse. Hell, even Arnold Schwarzenegger was worse.

In contrast, Clinton is a nun. And the only reason why republicans hate him is because he was a damn successful democrat. And they can't stand it when democrats have undeniable success because it makes the republicans look like god-damn idiots in contrast. And when the republicans were brandishing pitch forks and tortures over Clinton's sex life, they did look like god-damn idiots. And they still do whenever they bring this shit up because the rest of Americans are concerned about real issues like jobs, wages, and not getting raped by the TSA.

So please, keep fucking that chicken.

58   clambo   2012 May 24, 1:34am  

No one is "convicted" in impeachment. But he was impeached. A vote impeaches someone, not a court.
What he was later charged by a judge with was contempt of civil court for lying in his deposition. This was when he agreed to resign from the Arkansas bar.
Soon after he paid Paula Jones $850,000 to agree not to appeal her case.

59   Dan8267   2012 May 24, 2:53am  

An impeachment is nothing more than an accusation. Condemning Clinton for being impeached is condemning him for being accused by republicans of misdeeds. Nevertheless, he was found not guilty. That's what counts.

Conclusion: Clinton is not a criminal. Bush, Cheney, and Obama are.

But here's your consolation prize, a nice t-shirt for playing.

60   clambo   2012 May 24, 2:59am  

Clinton was impeached. Later he was "acquitted" by a Senate vote.
Never was he found not guilty by any court or body.
Your conclusion is meaningless. Clinton was forced to quit the bar because the judge was going to nail him for contempt of civil court. The judge said that lying in the sworn deposition was not cool.
Anyway, trailertrash sociopathic liars are not so uncommon, although it is unfortunate they get into politics.
The dangerous one is Obama because he grew up hating the USA and he always has wanted to change it to suit his insane world view.
The LGBT people, minorities, welfare/sec8/SSI/unemployed, foreigners, guys who were raised in fatherless households or had an overly authoritative father will continue to vote for Obama.
The question is how many others are left to vote for someone else.

61   Dan8267   2012 May 24, 7:46am  

clambo says

Clinton was impeached. Later he was "acquitted" by a Senate vote.
Never was he found not guilty by any court or body.

clambo, do you actually know how to read? I'll repeat the evidence and this time highlight the really important words for you.

In 1998, as a result of issues surrounding personal indiscretions with a young woman White House intern, Clinton was the second U.S. president to be impeached by the House of Representatives. He was tried in the Senate and found not guilty of the charges brought against him.


I can't dumb it down anymore than that.

clambo says

The LGBT people, minorities, welfare/sec8/SSI/unemployed, foreigners, guys who were raised in fatherless households or had an overly authoritative father will continue to vote for Obama.

Wow, that comment pretty much says everything. With people like you opposing Obama, he's sure to win.

Really? Gays, lesbians, and minorities are ruining the country? Dude, it's the 21st century. Get use to reality. 100 years from now, people are going to look at the gay marriage issue like we look at interracial marriage prohibition and slavery. You don't want your Wikipedia page to show you being on the wrong side of that issue 100 years from now or all of humanity for the rest of time will think that you are just an ass. You know, sort of the way the whole world today looks at people who advocated slavery.

62   clambo   2012 May 24, 9:15am  

Clinton was impeached. Later, the senate acquitted him. These are actually distinct legal events.
Obama is not sure to win either.
I always ask the Obama koolaid guzzlers which profile they have because it's interesting to me.
I didn't say LGBT, unemployed, foreigners, kids raised in households with absent or authoritative fathers were ruining the country, I said they were likely Obama voters.
I actually do not care who gets married, because I think marriage itself should be illegal. How's that for a mind blowing statement?

63   Dan8267   2012 May 24, 9:29am  

clambo says

Clinton was impeached. Later, the senate acquitted him.

OK, let me try to do dumb this down even more for you.

Being impeached is being accused. Being acquitted means the accusations were false.

"Clinton was impeached. Later, the senate acquitted him." means that the republicans accused Clinton of lying and that accusation was ruled to be bullshit.

Being accused of shit does not make you guilty of shit. Being impeached isn't a defect of Clinton. Why is that simple concept so hard for you to understand.

clambo says

I actually do not care who gets married, because I think marriage itself should be illegal. How's that for a mind blowing statement?

It's an assine statement. Marriage should be a religious and social institution. The state shouldn't even have any laws regarding marriage, not promoting it, not banning it, not deciding which marriages are valid. The state shouldn't be in the bedroom at all.

But in any case, your hatred of gays and minorities came across pretty clear.

64   Dan8267   2012 May 24, 9:40am  

rooemoore says

Cloud says

Yeah I'll get into my "wide stance," (Choo choo's words not mine) while you liberals spike the country's debt and add more welfare people to the dole.

Like I said, you need to get laid.

Whoaaa! The last thing this world needs is for there to be any chance of Cloud reproducing.

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