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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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37389   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 6:35am  

egads101 says

you really are the patrick.net village idiot!

As fun as this is Bob, you've demonstrated again that you have nothing but a redfin sales blurb as your basis of analysis.

We're in deep doo doo economically Bob, and you should move along, and let people get some information from this blog site.

37390   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 6:36am  

egads101 says


Another brilliant analysis from big time Real Estate Investor Bob.

37391   FunTime   2013 Sep 17, 6:40am  

House Investors never lose! Good luck with that belief.

37392   JH   2013 Sep 17, 6:44am  

sbh says

Well, I guess there are some black people who are Republicans?

Herman Cain...

finehoe says


If Obama would have rescinded those "temporary" Bush tax cuts, he would've been in the black according to these charts!

37393   EBGuy   2013 Sep 17, 6:45am  

Roberto, Somewhere in the "investors lose" white space you need to put a dot for cannibal anarchy.

37394   JH   2013 Sep 17, 6:47am  

The Professor says

Houses are supposed to be for people to make homes, not for investors to make fortunes.

Except in the dark ages when the poor plowed the land and were given a roof to live under. Who says we can't revert to this? It wasn't that long ago...

37395   mell   2013 Sep 17, 6:51am  

EBGuy says

Roberto, Somewhere in the "investors lose" white space you need to put a dot for cannibal anarchy.

and "AF wins!"

37396   Y   2013 Sep 17, 7:00am  

Oh looky! The Illiterate Professor speaks!
* start a sentence with a CAP....
* "were", not "where" you dumb shit....

egads101 says

did you suffer a terrible head injury or something, or where you always this way?

37397   freak80   2013 Sep 17, 7:03am  

Honest Abe says

Regardless of the spin, our country cannot regain prosperity by overspending, borrowing even more, and then discouraging thrift.

Even a 5th grader knows better.


But that's easier said than done, right? Everybody wants their piece of the government pie. And it's not just the stereotypical "welfare" people, it's the "defense" industry and the TBTF corporations (esp. banks).

37398   Y   2013 Sep 17, 7:12am  


* Start a sentence with a CAP

* "higher order thoughts" begin with a minimum of 3rd grade grammar...maybe one of your renters can tutor you on the side...

* "Douchebag", not "douche bag" you Douchebag....

egads101 says

SoftShell says

Oh looky! The Illiterate Professor speaks!

* start a sentence with a CAP....

* "were", not "where" you dumb shit....

oh look the grammer nazi douche bag shows up! If you can't form a higher order thought, you can always nitpick grammer, right?

37399   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 7:19am  

egads101 says

he is mentally challenged...

Now Bob, we all see you had a melt down, you created this other weird persona, but still have nothing to say.

It's kind of like an alcoholic who thinks if he moves everything will change for the better.

37400   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 7:20am  

egads101 says

If you can't form a higher order thought, you can always nitpick grammer, right?

or personally attack people on the internet.

37401   FunTime   2013 Sep 17, 7:24am  

egads101 says

do you need a fifth grader to help you read the venn diagram?

I take it you're referring to the area outside the circles labeled "investors lose." Yes, please help me with your unusual Venn diagram.

37402   Y   2013 Sep 17, 7:32am  

It is the height of entertainment watching Roberta attack the intellectualism of other posters while simultaneously displaying the English prowess of a Rosetta Stone dropout...

David Losh says

egads101 says

If you can't form a higher order thought, you can always nitpick grammer, right?

or personally attack people on the internet.

37403   Honest Abe   2013 Sep 17, 8:49am  

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

37404   FortWayne   2013 Sep 17, 8:56am  

Honest Abe says

Regardless of the spin, our country cannot regain prosperity by overspending, borrowing even more, and then discouraging thrift.

Even a 5th grader knows better.

Because sadly a 5th grader understands that borrowing permanently cannot sustain itself, that a future generation will bear all the costs.

I think that's part of the failure of personal responsibility. People stopped being responsible, so pushing huge burdens onto future generations to them seems like a fine thing... as long as it's not them paying today. It's a shame.

37405   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 8:57am  

hanera says

It means that even with the low purchase prices, the business model till can't work because return is till not good enough to compensate for the high overhead of an institution.

when wall st is chasing 3-4% returns you know the model is clearly fucked

37406   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 9:25am  

i can point out many lies you have said roberto

you said your rentals were providing you with enough profit to not have to go to work,and that one day you would turn over all management of your rentals to a company and live off the profits

we both know you are a liar because for one, you live with room mates and two, you have a day job to support your debt load you liar

speaking of your job, you claimed to be a well respected college professor

in reality your students loathe you at scottsdale community college and you have a low rating of 2 out of 10 on that ratings website, another lie exposed

37407   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 9:34am  

egads101 says

"housing is done

It's done Bob, and you have brought nothing to the table except redfin, and Zillow hype.

Your delusions of an economic recovery have been discussed Bob, and proved wrong.

You have no idea what you are talking about. You live in a box Bob without windows.

37408   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 9:40am  

egads101 says

I'm not sure why you keep bringing that guy up, but he actually posted all the address of the properties, and it all checked out.

Come on Bob, give it a rest, and move on.

Now we're back to the 15 house 6 mortgages, and $6K in passive income.

This was your melt down moment Bob. It makes no difference to anyone, nobody cares.

37409   Honest Abe   2013 Sep 17, 9:41am  

Crazy - well done!

37410   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 9:43am  

egads101 says

hey, kind of like an obnoxious retarded asshole, who has been

Bob, how many threads are you going to clog up?

Is that the point?

37411   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 9:44am  

egads101 says

1. foreclosed on.

Really? was I foreclosed on?

Wow, thanks for telling me. I might need to check that out, or write it off as more Bob BS.

37412   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 9:53am  

egads101 says

well, since you claim to not know anything about all the lawsuits filed against you, not a surprise really.

Well, I know that a foreclosure comes with paper work, so where is it Bob?

37413   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 9:54am  

egads101 says


Bam, gotcha, don't I Bob.

37414   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 9:56am  

egads101 says

Yes david Losh, housing prices have fallen by 50% over the past two years.

It's always amusing when you make stuff up Bob, or do you have some data to go along with your assertions?

37415   mell   2013 Sep 17, 9:59am  

egads101 says

David Losh says

egads101 says

I'm not sure why you keep bringing that guy up, but he actually posted all the address of the properties, and it all checked out.

Come on Bob, give it a rest, and move on.

Now we're back to the 15 house 6 mortgages, and $6K in passive income.

This was your melt down moment Bob. It makes no difference to anyone, nobody cares.

david, the last colonoscopy must have sucked out your small brain.

How much lower can you go?

37416   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 10:03am  

egads101 says

To the sphincter, maybe?

That would be you Bob.

37417   MrEd   2013 Sep 17, 10:10am  

A....horse is a horse of course of course..
But no one has heard of a talking horse..
Have you evvvver heard of a talking horse??
Well listen to this..dadadadada..

37418   freak80   2013 Sep 17, 10:12am  

We should personally attack each other while discussing the FCOJ market, not the RE market.

37419   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 10:45am  

egads101 says

I'm not sure why you keep bringing that guy up, but he actually posted all the address of the properties, and it all checked out. Since the oracle has been here forever reading everything, the oracle remembers all.

15 homes, 6 mortgage, and a state pension in a couple years.

I'd say that guy is on track to do exactly what he said he was going to do.

further, that rate-my prof thing you keep mentioning is on a scale of 1 to 5, so 2.8 is above average...

so rather than exposing another lie, you've inadvertently shown your own bias and stupidity.

The oracle wishes he had the same success. To be 50 years old with a couple million in equity, $6k in rental income, and a 25 year old girlfriend does not sound too bad to the oracle!

perhaps you should try to improve your life instead of hating someone who has done better than you? that is what the oracle is trying to do!

roberto never posted any addresses liar

i have never seen any proof that roberto has a 'couple million' in equity off 15 houses, thats another lie

roberto claims he bought $25,000 condos and now expects us to believe they appreciated by 20x their price so he has millions in equity, what a liar

btw, equity isnt liquid moron, your equity is tied up with your debt, i thought you taught math asshole

2.8 out of 5 is horrible. thats a failing grade at any respectable college. basically your students gave you an F, how can you come on here with any dignity and claim that your students actually respect you when they gave you a 2 out of 5

stop being a liar roberto especially to yourself

37420   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 10:57am  

egads101 says

"I couldn't do my spreadsheets..."

"I was encouraged to buy 2009 quickbooks, which I did, but i couldn't figure out how to do it..."

Thanks Bob, I never get tired of seeing those videos.

I did have to hire a professional which was the plan Quick Books had. They also certify people.

So it took me two years to forensically rebuild my books, and keep them up to date. Now we have a certified Quick Books Bookkeeper.

Our accounting has gotten to be much more complex than simply buying, and selling property.

We have employees, as opposed to contractors. Our contractor bookkeeping was a lot easier.

If you can't figure something out Bob, you can always ask questions.

37421   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 11:03am  

egads101 says

Your the moron who keeps claiming "home prices are down over the past two years" you've NEVER once backed anything up with anything

Well, Bob, I'm a seller in today's market, and as you keep pointing out those sales are less than what was paid for Atlanta, Wyoming is down at least 25%, and the Seattle house is down about 6% from just a few months ago.

So yeah Bob, I'm saying that not all sellers are getting multiple offers.

Let's see what happens tomorrow shall we?

37422   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 11:05am  

BTW Bob, I copied this link for you.

It shows some people use time constructively: http://www.cnbc.com/id/101040521?__source=xfinity|mod&par=xfinity

37423   PockyClipsNow   2013 Sep 17, 11:07am  

You retards should be taking notes how to succeed from that bob guy- but instead you blast him non stop. Its like watching someone pick on a retard in school here the way he schools some of you.

I was tired of it before....but now its funny again! ha

37424   waiting_for_the_fall   2013 Sep 17, 12:45pm  

I have a few questions for the Oracle: what will you say when prices year over year are lower? And inventory starts to climb?
Is it only a bubble if people believe it is one?

When I sold my home in the summer of 2005, I asked my realtor if he thought there was a housing bubble. His answer: we are only in a bubble if people believe we are in one.

I guess enough people believed last time...

37425   Y   2013 Sep 17, 1:12pm  

Rosetta Stone dropouts should be given a pass for appearing grammatically ignorant.

Call it Crazy says

egads101 says

Oracle answers smgauld nonsense

Also, the professor needs to learn how to spell if he is going to insult people.....

Try this... "smaulgld"

37426   Y   2013 Sep 17, 1:14pm  

Odd. I remember the twin towers standing during the clinton term.

egads101 says

errc says

Odd. I could have sworn that I remember paying fed income taxes when clinton was president

Odd, I remember a balanced budget and growing economy under clinton...

37427   New Renter   2013 Sep 17, 1:26pm  

egads101 says

The oracle predicts that in say 5 years, we will see articles about how the millenials all suddenly want to be home owners with barbecues and dogs...

Millenials who want to be a home owners? Sure but so what? A poll of millenials would also show they'd also like to drink Cristal and bang a different trio of supermodels on a megayacht every night.

Will the Millenials have the means to actually buy a home? That's a different kettle of fish altogether.

37428   Y   2013 Sep 17, 1:32pm  

Cut and paste jobs prove nothing.
Everyday off the cuff posts are the leading indicator of literate competence.

egads101 says

SoftShell says

Rosetta Stone dropouts should be given a pass for appearing grammatically ignorant.

¿Te prefieres que escribo en español?

e melhor que escrivo no portugese?


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