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2006 Aug 10, 2:11pm   31,852 views  274 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


The housing bubble brought us together. A few brave blogs like Patrick.net provided a forum where we were able to find others like ourselves: people who dared to question soaring house prices and all the insanity that went along with them.

We were ridiculed. Not for a difference of religion, politics, age or wealth. But because we were all suddenly in the same place. We were outsiders. Contrarians.

But we found inspiration in one another. Many of us drew strength from this community; strength we needed to follow through on our convictions. Sometimes this put us at odds with co-workers, neighbors, friends, family, even spouses. But we had each other; and we knew we weren't crazy, everyone else was.

Now we know we were right. The herd awakens to that reality and slowly (or quickly) thunders back to where we are.

And so breaks our Unity?

For a short time, at least, we experienced the potential of a diverse group able to rise above ideology and partisanship.

--Randy H


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220   surfer-x   2006 Aug 12, 11:31am  

I.E., troll shall have my fucking size 13 boot right the fuck up his ass.

Oh, goes without saying that it shall be “sans lube”, of course.

No kissing or fondling either, that’s reserved for HARM.

221   frank649   2006 Aug 12, 11:57am  

Toll Brothers Sees Deeper Housing Slump


"It appears that the current housing slowdown, which we first saw in September 2005, is somewhat unique," said Robert Toll, chairman and chief executive of Toll Brothers, in a statement. "It is the first downturn in the 40 years since we entered the business that was not precipitated by high interest rates, a weak economy, job losses or other macroeconomic factors."

He said the deteriorating housing conditions appear to be driven solely by an inventory glut and a decline in home-buyer confidence.

222   frank649   2006 Aug 12, 11:59am  

"Speculative buyers who spurred demand in 2004 and 2005 are now sellers, (and) builders that built speculative homes must now move their specs," said Robert Toll.

223   frank649   2006 Aug 12, 12:02pm  

"Faced with heavy discounting by many other builders, we generally have chosen to allow sales paces to slow rather than aggressively discount our home prices," Toll said. Also, he said the company "rarely" starts construction on a single-family home without a buyer's signed agreement and a substantial down payment.

Yes, lock-in that sucker first. lol.

224   Allah   2006 Aug 12, 12:09pm  

Are there people on this planet that stupid to fall for something like this now?

225   frank649   2006 Aug 12, 12:11pm  

Lilll, apparently he'd rather not do business than lower his prices. Let's see how long they can keep their doors open without making a sale. lol.

226   Allah   2006 Aug 12, 12:17pm  

You guys scared the college troll boy away, I’m guessing he was a boy and had nothing to do on a saturday night but bang away on a Blog. Now what is he going to bang away on?

Probably an inflatable doll!

227   astrid   2006 Aug 12, 12:24pm  


I'm not too surprised. I've heard of some people in LA who would stave off foreclosure proceedings by giving 1/32th of their worthless equity to a relative, to force the lender to restart the foreclosure proceedings for their relative. Allegedly, this would go on for years, as one relative gets foreclosed on, they'd give another 1/32th to another relative, and so on, everytime a new owner comes in, the bank would restart the process.

The end result is that a lot of people get their credit completely trashed over a couple thousand dollars in mortgage payments, but people seem quite willing to do that over a couple thousand in free rent, so plenty more people should be willing to do it for 10 or 100 times that much money.

228   Randy H   2006 Aug 12, 3:26pm  

I missed all the fun. I spent all day purging needless junk from my garage and come back to find that you guys have been living it up with a new troll toy.


Yea, I purged all his earlier stuff. He came in here and started lashing out at DinOR, lol. DinOR. He's one red hot controversial character. Then he complained that you'd banned him from Ben's Blog.

Hint to trolls: don't admit you've been banned other places, and don't pick on the nice guy regular (especially an old chicago boy).

229   Randy H   2006 Aug 12, 3:29pm  


I don't think you can fix that on your Trio. The way wordpress formats its output is "squeezed" at the margins, so it renders terribly on any kind of PDA that tries to keep the formatting in tact. You might try to find a proxy somewhere for Trio's that takes a URL and reformatts it in plain text for your device. (disclaimer, i'm not a fan of wordpress)

230   RenterForever   2006 Aug 12, 5:06pm  

Visited a friend (fellow renter) in Danville (East Bay) today. It looks like the wheels are starting to come off RE in the Danville/San Ramon area. I passed dozens of open houses on the way there. We took a little walk in the afternoon and went by a couple of open houses - no traffic at all.

3 or 4 THs in my friend's complex up for sale. One of them has been on the market since September, price reduced from 680K to 588K (in several stages since Sept), this is for a 3 BR 1500Sq Ft TH in Danville. Homes still outrageously priced there, of course, but it looking as though the bust is gathering momentum. (These THs were selling for 250K-300K about 5 years ago).

Earlier today, was chatting up my neighbor (he quite a tech job for real estate a couple of years ago). He sounded depressed. But he did say that "we've hit bottom and things will look up once school starts". I nodded politely, related the incident to my friend and we had a hearty laugh.

The next few years are going to be very interesting, as ARMs reset en masse into higher rates, and consumer spending slows dramatically. The "silicon valley is immune from RE downturns" theory is about to get a good test.

231   HARM   2006 Aug 12, 6:12pm  


Smart move calling in the X-man. Another troll gets a well deserved size-13 boot up his ass. Or perhaps it was just our old pal, Juku/MP/CuriousCat/WoopAss/cruiser/LittleWorried/etc. under a new identity. Either way, good riddance.

No kissing or fondling either, that’s reserved for HARM

Dearest X, I am most flattered (and don’t anyone go and get the wrong impression now :P ). I recommend extending these privileges to our resident hotties, LILL & SQT too!

232   surfer-x   2006 Aug 12, 6:29pm  

Blog Party?

Labor day?

233   HARM   2006 Aug 12, 6:33pm  


Count me in!

234   Different Sean   2006 Aug 12, 8:56pm  

I have a Palm Treo 700W and whenever I try and read the patrick.net on the phone/PDA all the text shows up in the middle of the screen with wide margins. Does anyone know how to fix this??

You can display full width by choosing: Menu | View > | One column

235   Allah   2006 Aug 12, 11:53pm  

I don't think you should delete their(the trolls) comments, but if you do, there should be a troll archive somewhere on this site where all their sniplets can be placed. This way when all is said and done and the house prices freefall, we are in a recession (and possibly lose all our jobs), and there isn't much to talk about anymore, we can take out the troll archives and laugh it up over how wrong they were.

236   FormerAptBroker   2006 Aug 13, 2:16am  

I wrote:

> I have a Palm Treo 700W and whenever I try and
> read the patrick.net on the phone/PDA all the text
> shows up in the middle of the screen with wide
> margins. Does anyone know how to fix this??

Then Randy H. wrote:

> I don’t think you can fix that on your Trio. The way
> wordpress formats its output is “squeezed” at the
> margins, so it renders terribly on any kind of PDA

Then Different Sean wrote:

> You can display full width by choosing:
> Menu | View > | One column

I want to thank Different Sean for the tip. Patrick.net now looks great on the phone.

The Treo is one of those things that I wish I got earlier. I almost didn’t sign up for web access (I was just going to get a SD Wi Fi card), but now I use it many times a day…

237   DinOR   2006 Aug 13, 3:08am  

The common thread that we seem to find in virtually all trolls is that just can't fathom that someone would actually HAVE A CASH POSITION!

Why is this so incomprehensible to trolls! On any given day I have millions of dollars on my money line in cash with different clients from ALL WALKS OF LIFE! Some are going through life events or just sold out a position and want to wait to see what comes next before redploying their cash.

Why is this SO DIFFICULT for trolls to understand! Sheesh.

I suppose in this "Borrowallyoucangetyourhandson Society" the notion of "saved" or "paid up" equity is totally freakin' alien!

238   Claire   2006 Aug 13, 3:59am  

How would the new bankrupty laws affect her? Can the bank not go after her? Is this because of some law about first mortgage on a house?

239   Claire   2006 Aug 13, 4:00am  

I still have a lot to learn about this stuff

240   DinOR   2006 Aug 13, 4:06am  


I really couldn't say. For me this is like asking me how do I perform abortions. (Well I just don't). I'm not qualified and I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!

I've got to imagine that it will be difficult if not impossible for the original lenders to monitor. It's not against the law to go out and shop for a new home! (Even with slightly dinged credit). You see, being an FB is all about having flexibility! You know, keeping your "options" ope? This gal had absolutely NO REMORSE and was actually purring like she'd pulled off a quite a little financial "feat"!


241   DinOR   2006 Aug 13, 4:10am  


I'm sure I didn't "invent" it but if you're in a generous mood I'll gladly take credit!

242   Claire   2006 Aug 13, 4:13am  

I think I read somewhere that on a first loan, the bank can't go after you for the shortfall, but if it's a refi or heloc they can, that's why it's in the best interest of banks to offer you a refi to "help you out". I was wondering if someone more knowledgable would know. I sincerely hope this lady did a refi. Was it on this blog where someone said realtors were buying new homes up Vallejo way, cashing out $100,000, and then planning on living rent free for a year before walking away?

What is this going to mean for all of us? Surely, it will make it harder for us all to get our houses when we are ready - because of all the scandals and tightening of lending standards?

243   DinOR   2006 Aug 13, 4:15am  


What a great idea! Maybe we could roll out the "Dumbest Things Ever Said by a Troll" for a special October 2006 Pay Per View!

*October marking the first anniversary of the market "peak"!

244   DinOR   2006 Aug 13, 4:23am  


Uh, it's hardly just realtors pulling of this cute little stunt. Isn't everybody that's doing a "cash out re-fi" basically living off of the same borrowed time?

Oh but I do agree, the fact they're "industry professionals" elevates the scumbag factor considerably!

245   astrid   2006 Aug 13, 6:00am  


The upside to a tight lending market is that it'll push a lot of buyers out and force selling prices down. It'll be very good for anyone with excellent credit and a large chunk of cash for down payment.


That's fairly bad. I guess a lot of Americans don't care if they go bankrupt anymore, "owning" right now is just so important. Maybe they still think housing will go up 20% a year for another 10 years and bail they out (though if that ever happened, they'd just spend the loot on HELOC bought toys.

But I'd still say the daisychain foreclosures is the stupidest and scuzziest practice I had ever heard of. It's hard to believe people would wreck their credit so an irresponsible family member can stay in their home for another 8 months, but it's allegedly a real practice in some parts of the country.

246   surfer-x   2006 Aug 13, 6:34am  

DinOR, that was my point exactly, none of these fools are ballers. Perhaps I am just bitter I didn't borrow my way to riches.

247   DinOR   2006 Aug 13, 6:53am  

surfer X,

We had to extinguish a troll and borrowed some of your classic lines. Hope you don't mind.

The above is a TRUE story and frankly I was a little miffed the whole day! Can you believe the brass on these people? Since damn near everybody was "raiding the till" with their cash out re-fi's how big of a leap is it to engage in this type of scuzzball activity? Evidently........ not much.

248   DinOR   2006 Aug 13, 6:57am  


The use of the term "daisychain foreclosures" gave me a visual I could live without!

What can I say, when you're funny, you're DAMN FUNNY!

249   Randy H   2006 Aug 13, 7:11am  


Thanks for the tip. My device is a PocketPC that I hate, and can't seem to get anything to render decently on. Seems I need to trade in for a Trio.

Anyone have any opinions on Win - v - Treo - v - BB? My wife swears by the BlackBerry, but I can't even get patrick.net on that thing at all. Just comes up blank page when I nav to the blog from the main page.

250   Allah   2006 Aug 13, 7:14am  

Get your instant equity right over here!

251   Girgl   2006 Aug 13, 8:08am  

John Haverty says:
Fascism is basically blowback against the “commie itch.” High taxes, ridiculous subsidies, nation haters and general denigration create a home for fascism.

The Nazis (in Germany) are kinda well-known for raising taxes for the wealthy, generously subsidizing families with gov't money, creating rent controls, building millions of units of subsidized, government-owned rental housing, creating a mandatory government-run pension fund, writing the 40-hour week, paid overtime (at 125%) and paid vacation into law, etc. etc.
Sounds like a worker's paradise straight out of the commies' playbook, doesn't it?

But you're right: Nation hating was kinda frowned upon in those times.

252   astrid   2006 Aug 13, 8:32am  

All the authoritarian governments pretty much operate the same way. They all have faceless public enemies/boogeymen, little respect for personal property, and very little regard for due process. The main difference seems to their propaganda designs. Red symbols of working for Communists, mystical evidence of racial superiority for the Nazis, the fascii for the Italian Fascists.


Huh? Sorry if I brought up an inappropriate sexual imagery. I was thinking of an interconnected chain of foreclosures, not a foreclosure on a group sexual activity...both are kind of disturbing though.

253   astrid   2006 Aug 13, 8:34am  

All the authoritarian governments pretty much operate the same way. They all have faceless public enemies/boogeymen, little respect for personal property, and very little regard for due process. The main difference seems to their propaganda designs. Red symbols of working for Communists, mystical evidence of racial superiority for the Nazis, the fascii for the Italian Fascists.


Huh? Sorry if I brought up an inappropriate sexual imagery. I was thinking of an interconnected chain of foreclosures, not a foreclosure on a group sexual activity...both are kind of disturbing though.

254   e   2006 Aug 13, 9:04am  

Get your instant equity right over here!

I love how it's an ad for Flordia real-estate posted in Long Island.

Now, there are some stereotypes that could make this relevant, but I doubt that's what the author was intending

255   e   2006 Aug 13, 9:07am  

This Mountain View resident has a great idea for solving the problems in the Bay Area:



The Bay Area Council has given Mountain View an “F” for providing housing because of the jobs-to-housing imbalance. The common assumption seems to be that Mountain View doesn’t have enough housing.

I would like to suggest that Mountain View has too many jobs. The Bay Area Council could just as easily have cited Los Altos and Los Altos Hills for not providing enough jobs for their citizens, thus requiring them to drive to Mountain View. We could quickly achieve a more equitable balance by transferring the land that Google sits on to Los Altos.

Glenn Meier

Walnut Drive

The guy does live in a house that has a ZESTIMATEâ„¢: $1,122,739. It looks like it might be pre-prop 13.

256   Peter P   2006 Aug 13, 9:15am  

The common assumption seems to be that Mountain View doesn’t have enough housing.

California should be run more like Texas. Remove prop 13, raise property tax to 3.25%, remove state income tax, remove growth restrictions.

257   astrid   2006 Aug 13, 9:41am  

Peter P,

I'd like to see more high density housing interspersed with green space. I'm glad BA doesn't have LA type sprawl up to the tip of every hill.

258   Peter P   2006 Aug 13, 9:57am  

I’d like to see more high density housing interspersed with green space. I’m glad BA doesn’t have LA type sprawl up to the tip of every hill.

I agree. What is wrong with 10-story condo buildings with 10 full-floor, 2500 sqft units? The footprint of the unit is probably quite small.

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