Sold for 1M a 1000 sqft Cambrian house after spending less than 40K on it

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2013 Nov 6, 7:06am   23,372 views  66 comments

by cloud15   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Who are thee people , you can't spend 300K and still make profit on it . It's amazing what is happening .

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23   SiO2   2013 Nov 8, 4:36am  

thomaswong.1986 says

your better off buying 1000s of acres in Montana/Dakotas and looking for natural gas deposits where you actually do have a return on your money and might even double triple your assets in royalties alone.

And yet... corporate CFOs hang on to their "overpriced" los gatos houses, instead of selling for certain riches in the Dakotas. Why could it be?

24   SiO2   2013 Nov 8, 4:42am  

Cloud15, I love it here too. midwest is cheap, but I don't like 4 extreme seasons. And it so happens that SiO2 engineers are in demand here. It's lucky for me.

I see BACAH's point; he might move elsewhere but for family. But I don't get other people who talk about how horrible and overpriced it is here, yet, live here and complain about it. Someone owning a $1m house here could sell it and almost live in the midwest on the proceeds. Or make some extra money by contracting, occasionally flying in. But, no, it's somehow more enjoyable to grouse about living in this horrible place.

25   thomaswong.1986   2013 Nov 8, 5:26am  

SiO2 says

And yet... corporate CFOs hang on to their "overpriced" los gatos houses, instead of selling for certain riches in the Dakotas. Why could it be?

no... they live in Silver Creek.. you might ask Ted Turner (Billionair) about his
massive ranch in the Dakotas... looks like he aint no City Slicker...

As I have said before, you can pay $1M for a Palo Alto shack or $1M for a real home in Silver Creek. But so many have this PA syndrome. did all the people in not living in PA somehow miss something all these years...

Ted Turner's "Bad River Ranch"
There are 76-thousand square miles of land in South Dakota. TV Mogul Ted Turner owns 200 of them west of Fort Pierre. It doesn't sound like much, but that's 4 times the size of Sioux Falls, the state's largest city. In tonight's Eye on KELO-LAND, John Bachman takes you to Ted Turner's "Bad River Ranch." Ten miles west of Fort Pierre the sun rises on a hunter's haven.

Hundreds of deer, turkey, grouse, and pheasants flock to the Bad River basin--home to the wildlife and the richest land owner in South Dakota, Ted Turner. "Mostly he just comes out and enjoys the outdoors. He enjoys the peace and quiet that he finds in these places."

26   thomaswong.1986   2013 Nov 8, 5:30am  

cloud15 says

You don't preach what you live. You yourself live here and are telling others people that it sucks to be here. ????

LOL! alot of natives have already left... sucks? I would say it was much better for the right reasons decades past.. Buy today home prices dont match the economic reality... just alot of hype!

There is a difference that can be seen only if you been here long enough!

We natives HATE what the area has become and we HATE what YOU have done to it.
But your too blind to brainwashed to really really understand all this.

27   thomaswong.1986   2013 Nov 8, 5:38am  

SiO2 says

But I don't get other people who talk about how horrible and overpriced it is here, yet, live here and complain about it. Someone owning a $1m house here could sell it and almost live in the midwest on the proceeds.

Jobs and Careers ... somehow you think keeping your job and having high home prices can coexist... we know for a fact from our experience in the late 80s, they do not. That is why we had a balance of prices and job creation in the 90s.

Too many have came to SFBA and think they can have their cake and eat it.. this is not the case.

28   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Nov 8, 7:40am  

thomas, I live near Silver Creek and commute not-too-far-in to what used to be "Silicon Valley" (before the elite immigrants and Hipsters me-too'd it to encompass the whole region.)

In defense of those Hipsters and Immigrant Princelings paying Silver Creek prices for Palo Alto Postage Stamps, - the commute from the Silver Creek area is hell. And I don't go nowhere near as far as Palo Alto.

If I was a Spoiled Rich Princeling Kid, I'd rather spend my million closer to work than have an oversized home with the oversized commute.

And that's even nothstanding the Cultural Genuflection to Standardized Test Scores of the local public K-12.

29   thomaswong.1986   2013 Nov 8, 9:18am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

In defense of those Hipsters and Immigrant Princelings paying Silver Creek prices for Palo Alto Postage Stamps, - the commute from the Silver Creek area is hell. And I don't go nowhere near as far as Palo Alto.

and so it is true... even for me. But they dont serve Pho in Palo Alto.

30   New Renter   2013 Nov 8, 11:53am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

If I was a Spoiled Rich Princeling Kid, I'd rather spend my million closer to work than have an oversized home with the oversized commute.

If I was a spoiled Rich Princeling Kid I'd say FUCK WORK and buy a nice place in Provence or Spain.

31   cloud15   2013 Nov 8, 1:13pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

cloud15 says

You don't preach what you live. You yourself live here and are telling others people that it sucks to be here. ????

LOL! alot of natives have already left... sucks? I would say it was much better for the right reasons decades past.. Buy today home prices dont match the economic reality... just alot of hype!

There is a difference that can be seen only if you been here long enough!

We natives HATE what the area has become and we HATE what YOU have done to it.

But your too blind to brainwashed to really really understand all this.

Hey hypocrite, i take offense of this.
No one is a native here , America is the land of brave and free. Most of us have to beat a million kids to get into best universities , what's your pitch ? So Best of the brains are coming and living here now. We are gonna drive out dumbos like you just like Indians were driven away from their lands.

32   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Nov 8, 1:53pm  

cloud, thanks for sharing.

i think you just made thomas' point for him.

33   cloud15   2013 Nov 8, 2:09pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

cloud, thanks for sharing.

i think you just made thomas' point for him.

Serpent , Thomas is being arrogant that natives hate what we have done here, then get the hell out. Go to your Dakotas , Montana's or wherever he pleases. But don't crib , do something about your pain.

34   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Nov 8, 2:11pm  

yep, Silicon Valley has become The Valley of The Obnoxius.

35   thomaswong.1986   2013 Nov 8, 3:07pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

yep, Silicon Valley has become The Valley of The Obnoxius.


36   CrazyMan   2013 Nov 8, 3:54pm  

lol @ cloud

You must be new here. (I've lived here for 40+ years).

Silicon Valley needs a douche.

Way, WAY too many dipshits. I work with them all day.

Most of the "tech" people here couldn't code themselves out of a wet paper bag.

37   cloud15   2013 Nov 8, 10:45pm  

CrazyMan says

lol @ cloud

You must be new here. (I've lived here for 40+ years).

Silicon Valley needs a douche.

Way, WAY too many dipshits. I work with them all day.

Most of the "tech" people here couldn't code themselves out of a wet paper bag.

40 years, Is that a qualification ?

38   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Nov 8, 11:35pm  

Crazy, see what I mean?

Crazy is a good name for you, crazy to stay here.

I am crazy to stay here too in a Patsy Cline kinda crazy way.

39   cloud15   2013 Nov 8, 11:57pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

Crazy, see what I mean?

Crazy is a good name for you, crazy to stay here.

I am crazy to stay here too in a Patsy Cline kinda crazy way.

Explain ?

40   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Nov 9, 12:04am  

"You" can be singular or plural. In my post, "you" is a collective (plural).

41   clambo   2013 Nov 9, 2:54am  

The weather and views where I am (santa cruz) are superior (except winter of 82 oh man).

But I was in a quiet lovely new england town for a year a few years ago with my ill parent.

Guess what? The only thing I hated about the weather was short days in the winter. It was a question of latitude of course not weather.

The seasons were actually nice. Snow is gorgeous. Windy snowstorms are called blizzards and you wait those out indoors. They're like our torrential rains here in that way.

The things I like about California are a bit odd: I like being able to gas up and drive to San Diego, Napa or even Oregon. I like going to San Francisco to eat some interesting things, see some views and drive back the same day.

N. California is full of people here interested in grabbing as many bucks as quickly as possible. It's also full of foreigners stashing bucks in expensive houses all over. There is little or no community pride or cohesion.

Santa Cruz has no pride at all, it's a shame. The downtown has more bums than I saw in a week visiting Manhattan a few years ago.

The only parade all year is a gay pride parade. The christmas tree was renamed "holiday", etc.

42   evilmonkeyboy   2013 Nov 9, 3:23am  

cloud15 says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

cloud15 says

evilmonkeyboy says

What school district is this in?

This is in Union SD ( Carlton elementary , union middle and Leigh high ). We share this SD with Los Gatos .

So aside from overpaying for gas, groceries, and just about everything, your kids get a great education in how to be a spoiled punk. Then it is a screaming deal. Doesn't matter the price.

You are mistaken , this is one of the best SD's around here and that is why many chineese and Indians are flocking here.

Leigh High has an API of 818, so I fail to see how this one of the best SD's around?

43   New Renter   2013 Nov 9, 3:23am  

clambo says

The seasons were actually nice. Snow is gorgeous. Windy snowstorms are called blizzards and you wait those out indoors. They're like our torrential rains here in that way.

Snow is pretty but you don't have to shovel rain off the driveway.

44   cloud15   2014 Jun 10, 11:34am  

They flipped it and listed it for 849K. Take a rough guess how much it would close for ?

45   cloud15   2014 Jun 10, 2:49pm  

Take a wild guess ....let's play this game and see who gets closest .

46   cloud15   2014 Jun 11, 2:36am  

I bet this would close not a dollar less than a million dollars . That's $1000/sq feet because this is just a 3/1 1000 sq feet house .

47   cloud15   2014 Jul 12, 10:47am  

It was sold for 1M.

48   New Renter   2014 Jul 12, 1:46pm  

cloud15 says

It was sold for 1M.

Great, now the buyer can rent it out for $2.7k/mo

49   cloud15   2014 Jul 13, 2:04am  

New Renter says

cloud15 says

It was sold for 1M.

Great, now the buyer can rent it out for $2.7k/mo

It will easily rent for more than 3500. I rented something in original condition but same size to some one

50   New Renter   2014 Jul 13, 2:22am  

cloud15 says

New Renter says

cloud15 says

It was sold for 1M.

Great, now the buyer can rent it out for $2.7k/mo

It will easily rent for more than 3500. I rented something in original condition but same size to some one

Perhaps. I know that area and know its nice but not really all that nice especially as you get near the hospital and freeway.

51   cloud15   2014 Jul 13, 3:19am  

From Good Sam , it's practically the same neighbourhood in terms of same distance to Trader joes,whole foods downtown/library to the houses in LG.
You can still bike to vasona lake in 10 mins and hike on Santa Rosa open spaces
in 5 mins drive . So it has all nice amenities, hiking , biking , kayaking
And a small downtown where u can stroll.
That's why it's transitioning from a formerly Blue collar neighborhood to employees of Netflix , Google , Apple buying and renting here

52   corntrollio   2014 Jul 17, 5:50am  

cloud15 says

We share this SD with Los Gatos .

Los Gatos/Saratoga is a different district and a better one.

cloud15 says

this is one of the best SD's around here

Also not true. It's better than run of the mill California, but not better than several of the good Bay Area districts.

Are you the realtor for this house? All your posts make it sound that way, especially trying to tie this area to Los Gatos so tightly, when it's not Los Gatos, and trying to assert how many Netflix, Google, and Apple people live in Cambrian.

53   cloud15   2014 Jul 17, 7:44am  

I 'm a techie. Now
1. union Sd is shared between houses in LG and
San jose. For your kind FYI , even Steve Wozniak's house on
Santa Rosa dr is serviced by union SF

54   cloud15   2014 Jul 17, 7:51am  

I don't assert . I look at who are the new buyers on propertyradar and then look them up on LinkedIn. I'm also ex-NFlX employee and have been
Asserting the desirability of this area from ovey 4 years now

55   New Renter   2014 Jul 17, 8:11am  

cloud15 says

I 'm a techie. Now

1. union Sd is shared between houses in LG and

San jose. For your kind FYI , even Steve Wozniak's house on

Santa Rosa dr is serviced by union SF


Anyone wealthy enough to buy that house is wealthy enough to hire the best private tutors rather than expose their kids to common public schools.

56   cloud15   2014 Jul 17, 8:16am  

Totally agreee ....but I'm just helping Contrillo's understand that this school district is shared - A fact .

57   corntrollio   2014 Jul 17, 10:38am  

cloud15 says

For your kind FYI , even Steve Wozniak's house on

Santa Rosa dr is serviced by union SF

It hasn't been Woz's house for a while now, and he hasn't really been at Apple since the late 80s. In any case, you're talking about a house that's listed for almost $4 million -- school district is largely irrelevant as New Renter said.

cloud15 says

I 'm a techie.

And not someone who's connected at Coldwell Banker? You've always seemed very pump and dump about Cambrian:


58   New Renter   2014 Jul 17, 1:06pm  

cloud15 says

That's why it's transitioning from a formerly Blue collar neighborhood to employees of Netflix , Google , Apple buying and renting here

Its Baja Los Gatos. Always has been and always will be.

59   cloud15   2014 Jul 17, 3:25pm  

I'm not a realtor but I do have a vested interest I pumping up the area. I do own many SFH around here , so it helps to get renters. But I don't have to prove anything the data says it all . This house listed for 569K and bought by flipper for 775K and then they spend less than 47K ( I used to talk to the contractors which fixed this ) and then sold again for 1M. Data says it all.

61   cloud15   2014 Aug 3, 11:29am  

Here is the list of 2014's distinguished schools and you would find Carlton , Altavjsta ( union. School districts elementary schools ) right here


62   New Renter   2014 Sep 27, 2:11am  

cloud15 says

Here is the list of 2014's distinguished schools and you would find Carlton , Altavjsta ( union. School districts elementary schools ) right here


Our elementary school was also a CA distinguished school in 2007:


And now it's a "5" on Greatschools:


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