Is David Lereah going to Hell?

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2005 Aug 28, 7:42am   28,306 views  170 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Ok, I know I said I was going into temporary retirement for a few months --and I will... soon... I promise ;-).

But every time I think I'm done with new threads, I read statements like the ones below from industry leaders --on whose words many people base their buying decisions and the MSM dutifully reports, often without question. And I get little hot under the collar. Every time I think these lying SOBs can't sink any lower and become even more craven and irresponsible, they go and prove me wrong again.

So while it's not all that surprising to me that David Lereah (rhymes with "diarrhea") and other industry scumbags have the gall and utter irresponsibility to make public statements like this --not to mention his latest magnum opus, "Are You Missing the Real Estate Boom?" (check out the cover art for it btw, a real eye-popper), I'd like to know what your impressions are. Should he go to Hell or will Purgatory suffice? A related question might be, why hasn't his own tongue dislodged itself from his mouth and strangled him by now?

Source: L.A. Times
"Equity Is Altering Spending Habits and View of Debt"
(August 28, 2005)

"If you paid your mortgage off, it means you probably did not manage your funds efficiently over the years," said David Lereah, chief economist of the National Association of Realtors and author of "Are You Missing the Real Estate Boom?" "It's as if you had 500,000 dollar bills stuffed in your mattress."

He called it "very unsophisticated."

Anthony Hsieh, chief executive of LendingTree Loans, an Internet-based mortgage company, used a more disparaging term. "If you own your own home free and clear, people will often refer to you as a fool. All that money sitting there, doing nothing."



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94   Peter P   2005 Aug 29, 11:12am  

I’m not sure I like the TONE of that question! (What would you like me to be?)

Relax, Jack. I like you just the way you are. Just curious. :)

95   Peter P   2005 Aug 29, 11:13am  

It was like watching Fox news– you eventually burn out from the constant “sameness” of it all.

But... but we all care about that poor girl who is missing in Aruba, right?

96   Peter P   2005 Aug 29, 11:23am  

I meant; ‘Blog BULL its a tough job but somebody has to do it’

Jack, I know you have a tough job. That's why I admire you so much. ;)

97   Jamie   2005 Aug 29, 1:43pm  

RE the BRAC list, if we're talking about CA, the list I saw showed the state losing about 2000 jobs total, including military and civilian combined. I'm not sure if that number is accurate given the recent announced changes to the proposed list, but 2000 doesn't seem to be enough to make much impact when it's spread across the entire state. Is there something I'm overlooking?

Seems like CA had a much bigger loss during the previous BRAC.

Or if we're talking about the nation overall, I couldn't find anything that showed the number of total jobs lost or gained nationwide. I doubt it's a a significant number though, with so many thousands of troops being moved from German bases back to US ones. But I guess it could be that some local areas will feel a bigger financial impact, and I could see BRAC being one of many factors that cause a downturn in some bubbly markets.

98   SQT15   2005 Aug 29, 2:46pm  

I actually might be able to get some unique info/insight into the base closures. My father-in-law is a General in the Air Guard, in fact he's the head of the Air Guard in Ca. He was drafted into the military during Vietnam so he's been around awhile and probably has some good insight. He's in Germany right now, but I'll ask him when he gets back.

99   SQT15   2005 Aug 29, 3:11pm  

California has one of the largest economies in the world, so a lot of people should be concerned about a RE bust in Ca because it'll affect people who don't even live here. It goes without saying that a lot of jobs in RE, mortgages and construction are going to get cut. I also think businesses like Home Depo and Lowes are going to see a major loss of revenue. After the obvious, I'm not sure. Let me think....

100   SQT15   2005 Aug 29, 3:15pm  

Let's see, what do people do when they refinance? They buy cars, so the auto industry is going to take a hit. And interest rates are going to affect the auto dealers big time because they won't be able to offer the 0% interest rate deals (yeah right) anymore. (My dad's in the business, and all he has to say about the 0% interest specials is that car dealers never lose money on a deal, they just find different ways of taking it out of your pocket.)
What else do people buy? Vacations, so the travel industry may be affected too.
Still thinking.

101   Peter P   2005 Aug 29, 3:20pm  

SactoQt, I think most businesses will be affected. Foreign oil companies may be exceptions because they have pricing power beyond strong demand... especially when many US operations are offline. Just a guess.

102   Peter P   2005 Aug 29, 3:37pm  

(at least that typical American who is 7,200 dollars in credit card debt…not to even speak about those who have multi-thousand invested in a bloated real estate market).

The scary part is that lavish spenders are in serious revolving debt while many "frugal investors" are in housing debt, thinking that they are ahead. Either type will not fare so well.

103   SJ_jim   2005 Aug 29, 3:42pm  

Hi all, I just found this site (by googling "real estate bubble", of course!) & have really enjoyed the commentary .
Current market data is difficult to find, but below is a pretty good site that shows homes currently on the market, pending sales, & closed sales...but only for south-ish San Jose neighborhoods. It also shows current ask prices...and if a price has been reduced, it shows the reduced price in red font...this I think is quite valuable! It seems the data is contributed by local agents. I'm quite sure it doesn't show ALL list price reductions...but there are some that can be seen...especially in higher-end neighborhoods.
Anyways, just thought I'd share this source of almost-real-time data. Oh, and the data is updated several times a day, as well (time stamps are EDT).



104   SQT15   2005 Aug 29, 3:45pm  

My husband was telling me today that the people who bought his friend's house and are negative cash flow on that are considering buying another investment property. :!:

I don't know if they're high or stupid.. or both. The market in this county is down 16% from last year, most people I talk to figure the writing is on the wall and are leery about the prospect of buying right now. But these guys are still merrily buying figuring that the party is still going. Talk about the greater fool. I will not feel bad when they crash and burn because I know they have been told the risks and they choose to ignore them.
Greed is bad.

105   Peter P   2005 Aug 29, 3:46pm  

SJ_Jim, thanks for the information. I am watching South and East Bay closely because I believe the decline will start there.

106   Peter P   2005 Aug 29, 3:47pm  

BTW, I have been running casual searches and it seems that inventory in South and East Bay has been climbing steadily while inventory in North Bay is quite stable. Are you happy, Jack?

107   SJ_jim   2005 Aug 29, 4:10pm  

No problem...yeah, at least one recent article mentioned San Jose as primed for bust.
My story...got outbid on a 1bd/1ba condo in early May (386.5 beat my 365 on 359 LP)...I decided that was the best I could do, & that there was a lack of sanity among the crazed bidders, & so I just had to wait and hope for a change since rent is cheap & not going anywhere. Time'll tell, huh?

108   Peter P   2005 Aug 29, 4:50pm  

Time’ll tell, huh?

Yes. Time will ...


... tell.

109   HARM   2005 Aug 29, 4:50pm  


The total lack of correlation right now between PITI and rents/cash-flows for equivalent units is the biggest red flag that something is SERIOUSLY out of whack here, with the incomes-to-price disparity coming in a close second. You may want to trawl some of our blog archives for more in-depth material on this (the regulars here have already covered this ground before).

I especially recommend “I See Debt People” (July 12th, 2005) & "Too Big to Fail?" (July 9th, 2005) patrick.net/wp/index.php?paged=4 and Housing Bubble Glossary (August 12th, 2005) patrick.net/wp/index.php?paged=2.

110   KurtS   2005 Aug 30, 1:00am  

Actually, I understand there is quite a slowdown here too.

"Dead"--looks that way to me. Just yesterday, I noticed a home in Kentfield that included approved design plans as part of the deal. I'm guessing a flipper saw the market and decided to bail. $1.1M for an old house on a 8200 sqft lot ("prime central location").

Regarding Sonoma...I think that county will be hurt worse than Marin: growing inventory of homes, higher incidence of foreclosure (already). Sebastopol is one of the higher in greater BA.

111   Jimbo   2005 Aug 30, 2:10am  

Naples has almost 20% of its housing stock "for sale."


Las Vegas is in almost as bad a shape, with over 5% on the market, which is huge for a Western city.

I think the areas that are going to get hit the worst are those regions most dependent on construction in the local economy. So outlying suburbs, like Riverside and Vacaville will be hit the hardest. I think Las Vegas is in for a ride, too.

Less hurt will be diversified urban economies, who never depended on construction or real estate for as many jobs in the first place.

Still predicting no recession, though if oil keeps going up, we will have one.

112   sfbayqt   2005 Aug 30, 2:52am  


Welcome! Great site! Now, if I could only find something similar for the Tri-Valley area. Hmmmm.....


113   Peter P   2005 Aug 30, 3:33am  

This is my last post. I am evicting myself. You cant fire me, because I quit!

What!? You can't do that!

114   Peter P   2005 Aug 30, 3:34am  

I am going to Lost Vegas this week again. Perhaps I will take a look at the Ivana Tower and the Trump Tower. ;)

115   Peter P   2005 Aug 30, 3:36am  

Where did that little piss ant MP go? I miss his arrogance and BS comments.

He is probably arrested by an MP (Military Police).

116   sfbayqt   2005 Aug 30, 3:45am  

Peter P,

Jack isn't going anywhere. I think he's just messing around. Too many double espressos. :-D


117   SQT15   2005 Aug 30, 3:49am  

I think (I hope) Jack's comment was poking fun at a certain someone's departure.

118   Peter P   2005 Aug 30, 4:58am  

When dealing with the pit vipers (agents, loan officers etc) what is the best way to keep your ass from being violated?

Just insist on 30YR or 15YR fixed. When they try to talk you into something else, cover your ears and say LA LA LA LA LA.

So... you are not waiting for the bubble to pop here?

119   HARM   2005 Aug 30, 5:06am  

am I totally off target to think that GSEs cannot really ‘fail’? They are not really the ones who are liable for the risk… the housing market could fail and the GSEs could be having steak for dinner.

Shend Rick, I don't think you're off target at all, in fact that was the whole point of that thread --everyone has a different take on what will happen to the GSEs when this thing really pops. The GSEs still hold a substantial percentage of the MBSs they issue ($500 billion or so the last time I checked), and the Fed has been pressuring them to reduce this exposure in recent months (Gee, I wonder why...?). There's obviously some direct risk there.


So let’s look a little closer at this GSE’s leverage situation. The most common way to measure leverage is to divide total liabilities by total equity—this is generally deemed a company’s debt to equity ratio. This ratio is used to assess the long-term solvency of a firm. The higher the ratio, the more questionable the firm’s long-term solvency becomes. Using the applicable figures, Fannie Mae’s debt to equity ratio is 43 to 1. Considering that a debt to equity ratio of 12 to 1 is considered acceptable for a bank, Fannie Mae’s leverage is disturbingly high. Consequently, I would judge this firm’s financial condition to be fragile at best.

In addition to retaining a mortgage portfolio of $902 billion, Fannie Mae had a sizable off-balance sheet exposure to mortgage backed securities (MBS). At 12/31/03, the unpaid principal balance of mortgage backed securities guaranteed by Fannie Mae, and held by investors other than Fannie Mae, amounted to $1.3 trillion. It is no trivial matter that this GSE guarantees the payment of interest and principal on over $1 trillion of mortgage backed securities. If just a small fraction of the mortgages (retained or bundled into mortgage backed securities) goes into default, Fannie Mae’s equity position would evaporate thus rendering this lending institution insolvent.

Of course the GSEs and GSE-issued debt (MBS) have the "implicit" guarantee of the U.S. taxpayer. Oh wait, Greenspan recently made statements to the contrary. (Oops...)

120   HARM   2005 Aug 30, 5:15am  


Why buy when renting's still such a bargain? I doubt NM has had the kind of insane runaway price inflation we've seen here, but I bet you they've still gone up faster than rents. Wouldn't surprise me if CA "investors" haven't already started driving up property there as well (as in AZ, LV, etc.).

If it were me, I'd stay out of the market until it bottoms (3-5 years?) and then strike when the RE speculators are a distant memory.

121   Peter P   2005 Aug 30, 5:47am  

Peter P, that’s just it. It may not “pop” here, down where I live, Pismo Beach, man, it is just so beautiful it’s like living in a resort and well there are assloads of GBF’s with their suitcases of money heading here in droves.

I detect a lack of faith... ;)

122   Peter P   2005 Aug 30, 5:48am  

BTW, Surfer-X, I have been to Pismo. It is indeed beautiful. The crabs at Cracked Crab is wonderful.

123   sfbayqt   2005 Aug 30, 5:52am  


Are you going to change your moniker Escape to NM? :razz:

Just kidding. :lol:


124   Peter P   2005 Aug 30, 6:04am  

My story Asking was 330K my realtor tell me with 7 other bids out there, counter with 1.5% per every counter offer.

I am glad he did not say 1% per "eyeball". ;)

125   quesera   2005 Aug 30, 6:29am  

@Surfer-X: Albuquerque is beautiful. Definitely more laid back than any part of CA I've been to lately... It's not as hot as you might expect (high altitude desert), but UV exposure is high.

Actually, minus the coastline, Albuquerque is more Californian than most of California is, nowadays. imho.

Not a bad choice at all. Has water resource problems, but not like Oaxaca...

126   KurtS   2005 Aug 30, 7:10am  

with their suitcases of money heading here in droves. Escalades as far as the eyes can see. Basically I see it happening as follows, boomers tend to run in herds

Surfer-X, lmao your rant. If it's any consolation, investors will soon litter the coast like driftwood, providing sustenance for shore life.

127   HARM   2005 Aug 30, 7:15am  

Why 30-somethings are leaving county: Home prices spur exodus of "young families"

"For the price of a condominium in Sonoma County, Joyce and Joel Turner are living in the house of their dreams - a six-bedroom, three-bath home on an acre of property with plenty of room for the couple's five children.

Like many other Sonoma County residents who are in their 30s, struggling to make enough to afford a house and a family, the Turners had to leave the area to make that dream come true.

They're not alone. The county's thirty-something, middle-income residents are leaving in droves. During the past four years, the number of 30 to 39-year-olds dropped by nearly 13 percent.

There is a very real exodus, driven by two converging factors: escalating home prices and the loss of thousands of well-paying manufacturing jobs, especially in the high-tech industry. 'I would say the biggest factor is home prices,' said Steve Cuellar, an economist at Sonoma State University. 'We're becoming more of a Marin-type model, where the smallest houses, which were once farmworker homes, are now going for a million dollars.'

"'You'll tend to see a greater gap between rich and poor in the county, less of a middle class and more poor,' he said, adding that there are still plenty of 'really dirt-poor areas in the county' where low-wage earners can find places to rent."

128   Jamie   2005 Aug 30, 7:22am  

Will Katrina be the economic tipping point? Interesting article:


129   Jamie   2005 Aug 30, 7:31am  

RE the BA losing families, I think that's a frightening trend. Aren't middle and working class families kinda sorta one of the stabilizing factors in any economic region's economy?

Is this trend already established in San Francisco, I wonder? When I walk around that city with my husband and two small kids, I sometimes feel like we're a little pack of aliens--a never-before-seen family unit.

130   sfbayqt   2005 Aug 30, 7:37am  


That article was absolutely mind-numbing. And although the general media is not reporting this kind of information, I wouldn't be surprised if this scenario is repeated all over the Bay Area....especially in areas where big business is moving out, reducing head-count (i.e., out-sourcing), and our young people cannot afford to buy in their hometowns. Those who are in a position to wait will probably rent until the market cycles back around.


131   HARM   2005 Aug 30, 7:48am  

...our young people cannot afford to buy in their hometowns. Those who are in a position to wait will probably rent until the market cycles back around.

My wife and I have been waiting for 2 years now, and I know many who've been waiting much longer than that. And I know many more who got sick of waiting, packed up and left when the opportunity presented itself, including both of my brothers and nearly all of my CA-born cousins. When I get my opportunity (or make it myself), I'm joining them.

This is one of the reasons why I don't buy the "people will pay any price to live here/intangibles" argument (sorry, Jack). When I leave, I promise to turn the lights out and take the flag with me ;-).

132   SQT15   2005 Aug 30, 8:19am  

I would leave Ca in a heartbeat if the oportunity presented itself. I am sick to death of reassuring my husband that yes a 6 figure income is very good and it should in a rational world be able to buy a very nice home. But in Ca we'd have to take out a NAAVLP at least 5x's my husbands income to even think about buying some tiny shitbox that would be smaller than our rental. We've been looking at rental homes lately, but that's a crapshoot since the market is so squirrelly right now. I'm afraid that we'd move in, and they'd kick us out in a year to sell. My husband's job right now would be tough to transfer, but if it gets easier, we're outta here.

133   Peter P   2005 Aug 30, 8:24am  

I am sick to death of reassuring my husband that yes a 6 figure income is very good and it should in a rational world be able to buy a very nice home.

A six-figure income is of course very good... did he read too many posts from MarinaPrime? ;)

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