12-year-old girl kills herself because of the lie of an afterlife

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2014 Jan 9, 4:42am   92,681 views  428 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

A 12-year-old girl whose father died, takes her own life in order to see her father again. Of course, she does not get to see her father again because there is no afterlife. Sure, the lie of the afterlife might numb the pain of loss for a child, but if that child actually believes the lie, she might act on it as this poor girl did.

Now, this isn't about blame. It's about not repeating the same mistake. Stop telling children the lie about there being an afterlife. The lie does far more damage than good.

The Young Turks discuss this issue including the clause about suicide written to discourage people from offing themselves during their productive and taxable years to get to paradise sooner.


All the false comfort in all of history that the lie of an afterlife offered is outweighed by this one girl's death. The tally is negative for this alone, and I doubt very much that this is the first time in history someone has wasted his or her life because of the afterlife lie. It's just the first indisputable proof we've seen.

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239   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 12:49pm  

Reality says

The video being discussed in that particular instance was on religion's link to terrorism, not AGW nonsense. I do critically evaluate evidence. I'm not gullible like you.

That man wasn't a terrorist. The video demonstrates the irrationality that religious beliefs impose on people. You should watch it and learn.

240   Y   2014 Jan 29, 12:50pm  

Sorry. Your material is dated.....

who you gonna believe? Our allies across the pond, or the frozen fucks up north who designed the ACA website??

New Renter says

SoftShell says

The speed of light has been broken.



241   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 12:51pm  

Reality says

However, not having a counter-balancing force such as an independent church, the mass murdering governments did managed to proceed in their mass murdering ways much further without restraint.

Throughout history, religious hierarchies have been purveyors of violence including state-sponsored violence. The church did a great job of counter-balancing evil during the Dark and Middle Ages. </sarcasm>

242   Y   2014 Jan 29, 12:51pm  

already corrected my cell phone antics above...

New Renter says

SoftShell says

The laws of physics are constantly changing.

No the laws of physics are not changing. Not at all.

243   Y   2014 Jan 29, 12:55pm  

Here, I'll help you.
You can't.

SoftShell says


Tell us how consciousness occurs.

Dan8267 says

SoftShell says

Energy cannot be destroyed. Your brain runs on energy. Obviously the cells contained in the physical body "die" as humans describe it, but the energy contained within is simply transformed.

Yes, but energy isn't consciousness.

244   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 12:56pm  

Dan8267 says

Yeah, that's a great reason to reject information from the Board of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Research Council, the Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Systems Research Laboratory, the Goddard Institute of Space Studies, the Hadley Meteorological Center, the International Panel on Climate Change, the Japanese Meteorological Agency, the National Academy of Science, NASA, the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, the National Climate Data Center, the National Hurricane Center, the National Research Council, and many other well respected scientific institutions.

They're no Wikipedia. How dare they use digital video and other 21st century technologies to inform the public. Anything not written on stone tablets is invalid.

You got some pretty fucked up criteria for acceptable information sources.

I did end up watching it at the end of the evening when I had time. Just as I expected, it's full of crap put together by a bunch of bureaucrats and coding monkeys. I had to pause the video a few times to verify that the charts don't even confirm what the script reader was saying.

The conclusion of the video? "90% chance" Yeah, that would cover the asses of the propagandists while sending the coding monkeys off to make fools of themselves.

245   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 1:03pm  

Dan8267 says

Reality says

The video being discussed in that particular instance was on religion's link to terrorism, not AGW nonsense. I do critically evaluate evidence. I'm not gullible like you.

That man wasn't a terrorist. The video demonstrates the irrationality that religious beliefs impose on people. You should watch it and learn.

I doesn't. Much of what the guy spouted has nothing to do with religion but traditional patriarchal society value. The funny thing is that, I used to be a believer in woman's ability to think independently and judiciously . . . however after witnessing what a pregnancy does to a woman's thought process first-hand recently, I'm not so sure anymore. It seems to me that fetuses are quite capable of doing to a woman what certain fungus does to an ant's brain . . . perhaps it's no different from what a pair of soft female breasts and a tight female body does to a man's thought process . . . making it utterly muddled!

246   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 1:05pm  

bgamall4 says

Reality says

Christianity replacing the old Roman religion managed to extend the life span of East Roman Empire by about a thousand years!

Christ said his kingdom was not of this world. So how is Constantinianism and Augustinianism remotely understood to be Christianity?

Othodox Christianity became the state religion of what remained of the Roman Empire (Eastern Roman Empire) from the 3rd century to the 14th century.

247   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 1:11pm  

Dan8267 says

Reality says

However, not having a counter-balancing force such as an independent church, the mass murdering governments did managed to proceed in their mass murdering ways much further without restraint.

Throughout history, religious hierarchies have been purveyors of violence including state-sponsored violence. The church did a great job of counter-balancing evil during the Dark and Middle Ages.

Throughout history, the state/government hierarchies have been purveyors of violence. In fact, monopoly on violence and threat of violence is what defines a state / government.

During the Dark Ages and Middle Ages, the church was a moderating influence, as evidenced by the less martial aspects of "Chivalry" that the church promoted.

248   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 1:18pm  

Reality says

Dan8267 says

2. No one has ever argued that atheists are incapable of being evil. Atheists are free on one of the greatest causes of evil, religion, but that does not imply that they are free of all causes of evil. Thus your argument is a Straw Man.

Then your argument religion causes evil falls apart. If people can do great evil without religion then what's the point of blaming religion?

This is the type of shit logic that I expect from Marcus. Being ran over by a train can cause death. Therefore, being shot in the head cannot cause death because we know that death is caused by being run over by a train.

Do I really need to dumb this down further for you?

Reality says

The Atheism promoted by those mass murderers removed a usual counter-balancing force from the society that would normally present as the alternative moral voice

Bullshit. The Bible promotes slavery, rape, murder, torture. Even the "good" New Testament is pro-slavery.

Furthermore, it is utter bullshit that atheism in anyway detracts from morality. It's quite the opposite. Being good out of fear of being punished isn't being moral; it's covering one's ass. Atheists are good for the sake of being good, not for some selfish motive to get into heaven. Furthermore, the elimination of religion allows for adult and scientific discussion of morality and ethics which furthers the field of morality and allows us to deal with moral issues that we are not currently dealing with including, but not limited to, human cloning, the rights of other sentient beings (dolphins, whales, AIs, extra-terrestrials), the morality of complex systems like globalization of economics, the morality of environmental management, genetic engineering, domestic spying, and much more.

It is religion and superstition that keeps mankind's understanding of morality limited to a Bronze Age worldview. The rejection of superstition would be the greatest advancement of morality in human history. It is the atheistic scientist who studies the morality of non-human animals on Earth. Scientists like Richard Dawkins and Matt Ridley. You should read every book written by these two authors to dispel all the falsehoods you believe.

Reality says

It just so happens that the blackest name in religiously based persecution, the Spanish Inquisition, involved the murder of less than 2,000 people over 100 years, whereas the atheistic mass murderers managed to kill 50,000,000+ in a decade or so!

1. Attempting to minimize the vileness of the Spanish Inquisition is a pretty weak position.
2. Christianity is responsible for a multitude of genocides including the Holocaust and dozens of North American genocides.
3. There is no such thing as an "atheistic" mass murder in all of human history. Do I have to post more topless pictures of Tom Selleck? 'Cause I totally will.
4. You keep contradicting yourself. You just said
Reality says

Nope. I never said Atheism is an evil philosophy.

and now you are again stating that atheism advocates mass murder, which is totally bullshit, has no historical basis, and completely contradicts your previous statement.

Please try to get your lies straight. Contradicting sets of lies are easily dismissed.

Reality says

When Atheism is mainstream in a country, the morons and criminals are atheists too.

When literacy is mainstream, the morons and criminals are literate too. And that's a good thing as the morons are less moronic and the criminals are more easily rehabilitated. In any case, superstition being mainstream has never produced positive results that cannot be produced more reliably with intelligence and empathy.

Reality says

Dan8267 says

Neither you nor anyone else has even addressed the fact that if the Christian afterlife were real, then killing babies before they could sin is a moral imperative. The contradiction between accepting the premise and rejecting the necessary conclusion of the premise remains unchallenged.

That's a ridiculous deduction. Who gave you the authority to carry out pre-crime judge/jury/executioner duty? Most people's sins do not warrant death penalty. Even if you know someone will grow up to be a murderer apriori, it would still be morally questionable for you to kill him at birth.

Do you actually read posts before responding to them or do you just skim them while masturbating? You really need to pay more attention to the words and the sentences they form.

The argument is that if the Christian afterlife is not a lie, then it is a moral imperative to murder babies before they are old enough to sin and risk their immortal souls to an eternity of torture and the loss of an eternity in paradise. This is self-evident as a mere 100-year Earthly life infinitely pales in comparison to an eternity of either horrific suffering or unimaginable euphoria. To allow any child to be placed in harms way of going to hell or losing heaven is possibly the most immoral thing one could do whether through action or inaction.

Therefore, if the Christian afterlife is not a lie, then it is a moral imperative to kill babies and thus send them directly to heaven bypassing any chance they will suffer for all eternity in hell. The premise of the Christian afterlife necessitates the conclusion that we are morally obligated to kill babies. If you reject the conclusion, you must logically reject the premise that inevitably leads to that conclusion. Proof by contradiction.

1. This has nothing to do with me personally. The messenger is irrelevant.
2. This has nothing to do with pre-crime or judging a person or having authority.
3. This has nothing to do with the knowledge that a person will grow up to be evil. It is a moral duty to make sure the babies are not in jeopardy. Allowing any baby to live would be more immoral than locking the baby in a car on a freezing winter night because the risk and damages would be so much greater in the former scenario. Of course, that's based on the assumption that the Christian afterlife is not a lie.

Quite frankly, if you cannot understand this argument, then you're really dumb. It's not rocket science. It's simply following the logical conclusion of the afterlife premise to it's ridiculous and unacceptable end. Countless other people understand this argument, even if they hate the fact that it's right.

249   Y   2014 Jan 29, 1:26pm  

The multiple problems with this line of thought are:
1- The creation of consciousness, and how it functions cannot be explained to the acceptance of the majority.
2- The few who denied the earth was flat some centuries ago were eventually proven right as our knowledge advanced. Since the creation and function of consciousness is not understood, as was the earth's shape, it is not out of the question that future knowledge can impart a different definition of what consciousness really is.
3- We are nowhere near understanding the laws of nature in their entirety. We are trying to understand the novel with only one chapter in hand.

To submit definitive answers to questions that require more knowledge than we currently possess, is to ...well....demonstrate a common human trait.
A trait that fundamentalists and atheists alike possess in spades.

The need to 'know for sure'.

The fundamentalist uses religion, ancient books and god figures to sate this itch.

The atheist will spout facts from the known world to wrap thing up nice and tidy, while consciously ignoring the elephant in the room, that they are operating from an extremely limited knowledge base when compared to "all that therer is to know".

The open-minded intellectually honest amoung us have somehow developed the ability to state the obvious:
"I don't know".

Dan8267 says

This is the 21st century. At this point, anyone who denies that the brain is entirely responsible for our mind is like someone who denies that Earth is round and the sun is a star.

250   Y   2014 Jan 29, 1:31pm  

If this is your argument then you lose.
Christine doctrine states everyone is born with 'original sin'.
There are no innocent babies.

Dan8267 says

The argument is that if the Christian afterlife is not a lie, then it is a moral imperative to murder babies before they are old enough to sin and risk their immortal souls to an eternity of torture and the loss of an eternity in paradise.

251   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 1:32pm  

Dan8267 says

This is the type of shit logic that I expect from Marcus. Being ran over by a train can cause death. Therefore, being shot in the head cannot cause death because we know that death is caused by being run over by a train.

Do I really need to dumb this down further for you?

Do tell us then do you suggest calling trains evil?

Dan8267 says

The Atheism promoted by those mass murderers removed a usual counter-balancing force from the society that would normally present as the alternative moral voice

Bullshit. The Bible promotes slavery, rape, murder, torture. Even the "good" New Testament is pro-slavery.

Yet, just like most other "good book" the Bible also has enough passages expressing the counter-point to be quoted by adherents of the opposite positions. The point of having a separate power center in the society is not so that they are saints, but rather avoiding concentration of power.

Dan8267 says

Furthermore, it is utter bullshit that atheism in anyway detracts from morality. It's quite the opposite. Being good out of fear of being punished isn't being moral; it's covering one's ass.

That's all you can ask of a certain percentage of the people. Let's say, 20% of the population are selfish twits who would rather kill your pet in order to have some meat for dinner that night; 80% of them can be convinced on some religious ground that it's a bad thing to do and they will suffer punishment from divinity even if the secular law enforcement can only catch 20% of all criminals. With religion, you are now dealing with 4% becoming criminal and 3% will be ale to do so with impunity; without religion, you have to deal with 20% becoming criminal and 16% will be able to do so with impunity. A society may be able to live with 3% of the population committing crimes with impunity, but at 16% it will fall apart.

Atheists are good for the sake of being good, not for some selfish motive to get into heaven.

It's not the good people that a functional society has to worry about.

Furthermore, the elimination of religion allows for adult and scientific discussion of morality and ethics which furthers the field of morality and allows us to deal with moral issues that we are not currently dealing with including, but not limited to, human cloning, the rights of other sentient beings (dolphins, whales, AIs, extra-terrestrials), the morality of complex systems like globalization of economics, the morality of environmental management, genetic engineering, domestic spying, and much more.

I don't see these topics having much to do with religion. The religious leaders making some noises on these issues is not a bad thing, as an alternative voice to the secular leaders setting agendas in the society.

252   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 1:36pm  

marcus says

Dan8267 says

You're arguments that she's a secret atheist who killed herself to promote some global atheist agenda is stupid and has no foundation in reality.

This was an afterthought on one post and not serious, and you know that.

Oh, I think you were being quite serious, but are now backtracking since you realize how stupid of an argument it was. Now if only you could realize that your other arguments are just as stupid and largely for the same reasons.

marcus says

Project much ?

Conclusion based on a multitude of postings is not projection. You always turn an argument into "who said that" rather than "was what said justifiable". Search your posts. You know it to be true.

marcus says

I'll admit to be bothered by the person who so obviously continues to argue after they realize they are wrong.

1. I am not wrong. There is no reason to reach that conclusion based on this thread in which I specifically address every argument you made, but you dodge or drop every argument I made.

2. Even if I were wrong, I most certainly do not "realize I am wrong".

3. Because if I realized I was wrong, I would gladly and immediately change my position. As I've said repeatedly, I have no problem flip flopping on an issue if new evidence or understanding comes to being, and I'm willing to believe anything even that Carrot Top is god if and only if evidence and reasoning supports it.

In this way, I am far more open-minded than you could ever be. However, I insist on being convinced with evidence and sound reasoning. That is unlike you who cannot be convinced of something you do not already accept. Want me to believe in your god? Have him show up at my next tea party. I'm damn easy to convince of any truth no matter how absurd. I only require evidence or reasoning.

Finally, try to realize that repeating a lie ad nauseam like Fox News does not turn the lie into a truth. Your post history consists entirely of the pattern of
- make assertion
- ignore opposition to that assertion
- repeat assertion
- insult opposition
- ignore evidence disproving assertion
- repeat assertion

And yet you claim victory in the debate? Are you honestly that dumb? One cannot win a debate in which one ignores and avoids the opposition's arguments.

In contrast, I'll drive head first directly into the opposition thesis and show why it leads to conclusions that no one, even the thesis's proponents, are willing to accept. It's not a subtle tactic, but it works.

Instead of whining like a child at me, you should learn from me.

marcus says

That is I take issue with the person in this case, because I so can not relate to either the emotion, the ego, or perhaps it's the immaturity that goes with such behavior.

And I want to say, "C'mon Man ! You're better than this."

Talk about the pot calling the iPod black. And you realize that iPods are white. (Well, the original ones anyway.)

All I can say is that the atheistic view is the humblest. It removes man completely from the center of the universe and admits that our very existence is arbitrary and that we're damn lucky to be here. If the asteroid hadn't killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, we wouldn't be here. If it wasn't for a multitude of events, we wouldn't be here. We're not special. We're just lucky.

In contrast, your views, Marcus, are quite arrogant. Man created in god's image. More like god created in man's image. Man the Stone Age tool maker thinks the universe had to be made by a tool maker just like him. That human-centric paradigm is far more arrogant than the Straw Man you call atheists. And that makes you, Marcus, a hypocrite.

253   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 1:38pm  

Dan8267 says

When literacy is mainstream, the morons and criminals are literate too. And that's a good thing as the morons are less moronic and the criminals are more easily rehabilitated. In any case, superstition being mainstream has never produced positive results that cannot be produced more reliably with intelligence and empathy.

Intelligence and empathy do not result from converting someone from religious to atheistic. On the contrary, an unintelligent person is far more prone to fall for some personality cult or the government cult (like you may well have) in the absence of influence from traditional religion. A person lacking empathy to begin with may well become a criminal when not restrained by religion.

254   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jan 29, 1:38pm  

Reality says

Wrong. The Lincoln Cathedral in England (construction starting in the 11th century) was the tallest building in the world after taking over the title from the Great Pyramid of Giza, before losing the title to some other Cathedral in Germany.

I just threw out the Parthenon. I'll see your Lincoln Cathedral and raise you the Pantheon, the largest Dome in the World until the 1400s, the tail end of the Middle Ages and the dawn of the Renaissance, and was made with 5000 tons of concrete. Largest concrete dome in the world until, wait for it, 1881. It didn't take anything like 100-200 years to build, it took about a decade. It was made out of imported Egyptian Granite from thousands of miles away.

Lincoln Cathedral took centuries to complete, and made out of local stone. The Pantheon and Parthenon were built in a decade. Ba'albek is even more shocking, the Temple of Jupiter alone having columns 70+ feet straight up, 7 feet in diameter, weighing 60 tons each.

Where are all the straight Middle Age paved roads? Straight as arrows?

Where are the uniformed, regular armies with standardized equipment? The Steel Gladius is standard issue to a Roman Legionary But it's the mark of an unusually wealthy Viking or Frankish warlord. Almost all Dark Ages combatants make due with plain iron for weapons.

The tunnels bored through solid stone to pipe water as part of a multi-mile aqueduct system?

The standardized pottery of the Roman era, so common pieces of them are found in lowly soldier's quarters on Hadrian's Wall and even in the homes of slaves? Or the homemade low grade pottery that is actually worse in quality and more porous than pre-Roman Britain used in England by 500AD?

Where's the concrete forts, bridges, aqueducts? Where is the imported multi-ton imported stone, marble and granite, used to make grand edifices and plazas across medieval Europe?

Where is the regular import of liquids from across the sea, enough to make an artificial hill hundreds of feet high from the broken amphorae? Countless tons of grain imported from far across the sea on a regular basis, counted and distributed by a central authority?

Reality, the Romans supported a city of at least half a million importing Grain from Egypt, at the end of the Med! For centuries!

They built enormous pleasure boats, 70 meters long, with plumbing for the occupants! The English Galleons that fought against the Spanish Armada were only 24 meters in length!

How about Commerce? How much wine was shipped to Italy from Spain in the Middle Ages? Enough to build a hundred foot artificial hill just out of broken amphorae?

How about Coinage? Hundreds of Copper coins are all over Hadrian's Wall, along the Rhine, everywhere the Roman Writ Ruled. Used for petty purchases, a beer here and lodging there. Non-existent in the Dark Ages and most of the Middle Ages.

It's not just about the fact that there is little writing. There's also not much tech going on, either.

Horse Collar is an Ox Collar with one extra strap. Stirrup is from Asia. Three-field rotation was used in the Empire, just not in the Northern provinces as it was too cold (Medieval Warm Period allowed it to be used there later).

Those Dark Ages were Dark.

255   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 1:42pm  

Reality says

They were all paid to do what they excelled at because the thriving market place allowed them to be freed from being a self-sufficient farmers working their ass off on their plots of family farms! Even more importantly, the society had to be advanced and sophisticated enough to have enough leisure people to enjoy and promote what they created!

So why didn't that happen during the dark ages since you are telling us the market place was thriving during this time. You defeated one of your own argument.

During the dark ages religious authorities were excommunicating people for heresy - when not just burning them - for researching independent ideas. And they were generally discouraging any beliefs that would even lead you to investigate ideas with a free mind.

Your consumerist, tea party type, view of the market + religion as the root of civilization just doesn't hold water.

256   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 1:46pm  

Reality says

It's just like, haven't you wondered why there had never been great baseball players, great soccer players, great basketball players or great football players before the mid-19th to early 20th century? It's not because people couldn't run or jump before then, but because the market place had not developed enough to enable professional sports!

It's like saying an industry didn't developed until it developed. Nice argument.

257   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 1:46pm  

New Renter says

SoftShell says

The speed of light has been broken.



Not to get off topic, but what the laws of physics says is an object with mass cannot accelerate up to or decelerate down to the speed of light because as an object approaches the speed of light from either direction it's relative mass and energy approaches infinity and there's not infinite energy to be had.

There is no known physical law that prevents

1. An object with zero rest mass from traveling at the speed of light. In fact, light has to travel at a constant speed (light speed) precisely because it's energy would be zero if it were traveling at any other speed.

2. An object with non-zero mass from traveling faster than the speed of light as long as it was never traveling slower than light. That said, the theoretical particle, the tachyon, is not generally thought to exist or to be plausible. It just isn't known to be prohibited by any laws.

3. Space, which has no mass, from traveling faster than light. In fact, the accepted Inflationary Hot Big Bang model has space traveling faster than light in the early history of the universe.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that if Superman attempted to save Louis Lane by traveling back in time by flying faster than light around the Earth, he would get longer as he approached the speed of light. In fact, as he approached light speed, Superman would get infinitely long.

This means that as he's speeding up to light speed, Superman's body would stretch around the Earth and Superman's head would rapidly approach his ass. Superman's head would have to go up his own ass, not just once, but in fact an infinite number of times as Superman hit light speed. So much for saving Lois Lane.


258   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 1:48pm  

Dan8267 says

The argument is that if the Christian afterlife is not a lie, then it is a moral imperative to murder babies before they are old enough to sin and risk their immortal souls to an eternity of torture and the loss of an eternity in paradise. This is self-evident as a mere 100-year Earthly life infinitely pales in comparison to an eternity of either horrific suffering or unimaginable euphoria. To allow any child to be placed in harms way of going to hell or losing heaven is possibly the most immoral thing one could do whether through action or inaction.

Like I said before, you are entirely out of depth when speaking on this subject. There are at least three problems with your presumptions here:

1. Who the heck are you to decide whether the child is to live or to die?

2. If you kill the baby, you may have just condemned yourself to eternal damnatino.

3. What makes you think the omniscient deity doesn't know ahead of time where that baby is headed? whether in life or in death, and why he puts the baby on the earth to begin with?

Dan8267 says

Therefore, if the Christian afterlife is not a lie, then it is a moral imperative to kill babies and thus send them directly to heaven bypassing any chance they will suffer for all eternity in hell. The premise of the Christian afterlife necessitates the conclusion that we are morally obligated to kill babies. If you reject the conclusion, you must logically reject the premise that inevitably leads to that conclusion. Proof by contradiction.

You are obviously not familiar with hundreds years, if not thousands of years, of religious debate on the original sin issue. Some branches of Christianity believes in Original Sin (i.e. a new born baby is headed to hell without baptism or good behavior in life to redeem him/herself); some branches believe good behavior doesn't matter, and predestination is set before the child is born, it's a matter for you decide to associate yourself with those who are among the heaven-bound, so to speak.

259   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 1:54pm  

Dan8267 says

1. This has nothing to do with me personally. The messenger is irrelevant.

2. This has nothing to do with pre-crime or judging a person or having authority.

3. This has nothing to do with the knowledge that a person will grow up to be evil. It is a moral duty to make sure the babies are not in jeopardy. Allowing any baby to live would be more immoral than locking the baby in a car on a freezing winter night because the risk and damages would be so much greater in the former scenario.

hmm, how is murdering the baby in a 1st degree murder better than a 3rd degree negligence homicide? Apparently you are not only unfamiliar with religion, but also unfamiliar with secular laws.

Of course, that's based on the assumption that the Christian afterlife is not a lie.

Quite frankly, if you cannot understand this argument, then you're really dumb. It's not rocket science. It's simply following the logical conclusion of the afterlife premise to it's ridiculous and unacceptable end. Countless other people understand this argument, even if they hate the fact that it's right.

You are coming to your conclusion because you perceive yourself as the divine dispenser of death and life as you wish. Such hubris among the unintelligent and conceitful is precisely calls for religion as a cure/restraint.

260   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 1:55pm  

SoftShell says


Tell us how consciousness occurs.

Dan8267 says

SoftShell says

Energy cannot be destroyed. Your brain runs on energy. Obviously the cells contained in the physical body "die" as humans describe it, but the energy contained within is simply transformed.

Yes, but energy isn't consciousness.

The thing is, I don't have to understand anything about the implementation of consciousness in the human brain in order to know that it is the human brain that creates and maintains consciousness.

Think about it this way, you don't have to understand anything about system memory, arithmetic logic units, logic gates, direct memory access, machine language, or anything else about your computer to understand that the web browser you are using is being generated and maintained by that computer. If you turn off the computer, the web browser does not remain. You don't have to understand anything about how your computer runs that app in order to know that it is solely your computer that is responsible for running that app and not some mythical fairy living inside your computer.

It is also worth noting that the key to understanding how consciousness works is to abandon superstition and to study and implement neural networks. This also happens to be something you can do with a computer for free. If you like, I could get you started with some background knowledge. I have built brains back in graduate school. I built a robot with a neural network that responded to verbal commands. It was fun.

261   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 1:59pm  

Reality says

Christianity replacing the old Roman religion managed to extend the life span of East Roman Empire by about a thousand years

The Roman empire was all but dead after the fall of the western part. The cultural, technological, and military superiority was all but gone.

Furthermore it has been argued that Christianity itself caused its decline , the same way it caused the dark ages: by promoting obscurantism.

Extending its life indeed.

262   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 2:00pm  

SoftShell says

Here, I'll help you.

You can't.

Are you implying that I personally do not know the entirety of how consciousness works? Of course, I don't. But that doesn't matter. What I know and do not know is irrelevant to the issue of the afterlife being a lie. It is a fact that the brain is entirely responsible for self-awareness, regardless of how this occurs.

Are you implying that no one yet fully understands how consciousness works? Of course, no one does, yet. But that doesn't matter. Just because mankind doesn't know everything does not mean that mankind knows nothing and can know nothing.

Are you implying that no one can ever understand consciousness? If so, you are wrong. Everything in the universe is intelligible. It is just a matter of time, effort, and research to understand any mystery.

263   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 2:04pm  

Reality says

Just as I expected, it's full of crap put together by a bunch of bureaucrats and coding monkeys.

And I'm sure the entire world will be convinced by the assertion you just pulled out of your ass instead of being convinced by the multitude of evidence collected and analyzed by people all over the world who independently reached the same conclusions.

After all, you have a much better reputation than, what did you call them, coding monkeys like

the Board of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Research Council, the Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Systems Research Laboratory, the Goddard Institute of Space Studies, the Hadley Meteorological Center, the International Panel on Climate Change, the Japanese Meteorological Agency, the National Academy of Science, NASA, the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, the National Climate Data Center, the National Hurricane Center, the National Research Council, and many other well respected scientific institutions.

All NASA did was get us to the moon. How can that compare to your enlightening PatNet posts?

264   marcus   2014 Jan 29, 2:05pm  

Dan8267 says

Neither you nor anyone else has even addressed the fact that if the Christian afterlife were real, then killing babies before they could sin is a moral imperative.

Why should I address that. You've broadened the argument, which is fine, in part to respond to several others who wanted to discuss whether there is an afterlife of not.

The one and only thing I have argued with you in this thread is regarding the question of whether the girl provably killed herself because of religion and because she honestly knew as fact that she would be reunited with her father.

Yes, I have basically repeated an assertion that when a person kills them self it is because of a sick state of mind. Any other thoughts she expressed while in such a sick suicidal state are somewhat irrelevant, or at least not the primary cause of her action.

Dan8267 says

Finally, try to realize that repeating a lie ad nauseam like Fox News does not turn the lie into a truth. Your post history consists entirely of the pattern of

- make assertion

- ignore opposition to that assertion

- repeat assertion

- insult opposition

- ignore evidence disproving assertion

- repeat assertion

You have a rich fantasy life. Yes, I have repeated an assertion that you can not answer except with your own assertions, or diversions.

Actually I take it back you don't make this assertion anymore. You changed your thesis here. You write thousands of words of jibberish psuedo logic pertaining to I don't know what.

But you're proof that that one phrase that was preceded by "don't feel bad mom," is proof that the girl actually was certain she would be with her father in a literal way ? That can not be proven, and anyone with the slightest understanding of severe emotional problems knows that the real cause of suicide is more complex, and mostly about mental illness rather than about a small phrase spoken (or written) right before the final act.

I'm fairly certain that you're smart enough to understand this.

- ignore evidence disproving assertion

- repeat assertion

You're half right. I have repeated my only assertion and only argument I have with you here, several times. WAy back, I said it's all I have to say about this, and it is.

Sadly, I've repeated it many times because you either don't get it, or because you don't know how to just stop.

265   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 2:05pm  

SoftShell says

The laws of physics are constantly changing. The bigger question is, why aren't you?

The laws were certainly not changed based on speculations on the results of 2 experiments, and most likely they will not be.

But like I said it generated headlines and presents an opportunity for physicists.

And obviously no observation about consciousness is generating headlines about how it violates the laws of physics. It doesn't.

266   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 2:06pm  

thunderlips11 says

I just threw out the Parthenon. I'll see your Lincoln Cathedral and raise you . . .

Goes to show the pointlessness of your logic. Big monuments are often signs of concentration of power, not just economic prosperity alone. The soviet union had quite a few white elephants.

thunderlips11 says

Where are the uniformed, regular armies with standardized equipment? The Steel Gladius is standard issue to a Roman Legionary But it's the mark of an unusually wealthy Viking or Frankish warlord. Almost all Dark Ages combatants make due with plain iron for weapons.

They put their money on horses and armor instead. Middle ages military was about cost-effectiveness, as the Roman state-sponsored heavy infantry model had already been doomed in combat against far more mobile cavalry not to mention the cost of maintaining a large force of Roman heavy infantry eventually bankrupted the Roman state itself. That's why feudalism was invented: a small business and more dynamic model for the military, subcontractors on 1099 instead of full time employees with all sorts of benefits and retirement packages regardless domestically sourced or imported immigrants.

The new approach obviously was a resounding success: not only crushing WRE, defeating incursion by the Islamic Caliphate and carrying the fight to its heartland in Levant, but also laying waste to the ERE well equipped army in the 4th Crusade.

Cost-effectiveness, my friend. Not the list of gigantism.

267   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 2:08pm  

Reality says

During the Dark Ages and Middle Ages, the church was a moderating influence, as evidenced by the less martial aspects of "Chivalry" that the church promoted.

Very Chivalrous


268   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 2:09pm  

SoftShell says

Here, I'll help you.

You can't.

SoftShell says


Tell us how consciousness occurs.

I'll tell you what consciousness is not: it's not heat escaping your brain after you die.

269   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 2:17pm  

SoftShell says

1- The creation of consciousness, and how it functions cannot be explained to the acceptance of the majority.

2- The few who denied the earth was flat some centuries ago were eventually proven right as our knowledge advanced. Since the creation and function of consciousness is not understood, as was the earth's shape, it is not out of the question that future knowledge can impart a different definition of what consciousness really is.

3- We are nowhere near understanding the laws of nature in their entirety. We are trying to understand the novel with only one chapter in hand.

Except of course there are numerous observations that can lead you to think the earth is not flat, but none - zero - that can lead you to believe there are unknown physical behaviors that are required to explain consciousness.

Except of course it's emotionally more satisfying to think you and loved ones will survive body death.

According to the same logic you could believe there is a pink unicorn living in NYC subway and bending the laws of physics to remain undetected - and be sure it will be proved one day.

270   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 2:21pm  

Dan8267 says

Very Chivalrous

Exactly... but remember the bodies don't matter as long as you save the souls....

The kind of thinking that promotes morality on earth.

271   marcus   2014 Jan 29, 2:22pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

And obviously no observation about consciousness is generating headlines about how violates the laws of physics. It doesn't.

I don't see that consciousness even intersects much with physics, except for the electricity involved. I guess understanding the electical, chemical, atomic and subatomic workings of the brain involves physics.

For those who believe in a soul or in a self or spirit or whatever you want to call it, it transcends a scientific definition and understanding, it isn't even a question of whether science will ever fully understand this. But it should be obvious that it won't.

This gets to philosophical questions. Ontological questions. THe rabid atheist might want to say "just because we don't understand the physical basis for consciousness, doesn't mean that we won't one day."

So what ? That won't answer all that much. We still exist. That is your self, your ego, your soul, your spirit exists. However you frame it. This is beyond total understanding. And yes, of course there is in a sense an aspect of our existence (our being) that is beyond the physical.

(note: I'm not saying it won't go away without the physical, but it's still is beyond the physical. Generated by the physical perhaps. )

I love the truth more than almost anything else, so on things I don't have the answer to, I not only say I don't know, I actually love the mysteries. What can I tell you. Truth and Beauty, they are not mutually exclusive.

272   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 2:24pm  

thunderlips11 says

How about Commerce? How much wine was shipped to Italy from Spain in the Middle Ages? Enough to build a hundred foot artificial hill just out of broken amphorae?

Do you not realize that Roman Imperial extravaganza like that had to been born by the taxpayers? and was part of the reason why Roman Empire collapsed?

Commercial revival in Western Europe got underway in the 8th and 9th century. By the 10th and 11th century commerce was thriving.

How about Coinage? Hundreds of Copper coins are all over Hadrian's Wall, along the Rhine, everywhere the Roman Writ Ruled. Used for petty purchases, a beer here and lodging there. Non-existent in the Dark Ages and most of the Middle Ages.

Those Roman copper coins were left behind because they were essentially worthless after government debasement. In the Dark Ages and Middle Ages, currency on the continent was silver, hence the Troy weight of Sterling Silver, Troy being the name of the market town in Champaign, northern France.

Silver had been the money of choice during Athenian and Roman rise, before substitution by imperially stamped copper discs of little value.

It's not just about the fact that there is little writing. There's also not much tech going on, either.

There were quite a few new inventions: heavy plough, tidal mills, crossbow, hourglass, eye glasses, blast furnace, mechanical clocks (huge mounted in cathedrals to toll the bells), etc.. By contrast, what was invented during Imperial Rome (not Roman Republic or Ancient Greece)?

273   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 2:25pm  

SoftShell says

The open-minded intellectually honest amoung us have somehow developed the ability to state the obvious:

"I don't know".

There are many things that I do not, and even mankind as a whole does not, know. And I'll gladly admit when I don't know something.

For example, here are just a few of the things I don't know.
1. Who's playing in the Superbowl.
2. What the capital of Wyoming is.
3. How many atoms are in a gram of gunpowder. Although I could calculate this if I looked up the ingredients of gunpowder and the Periodic Table.
4. How to prove that x^n + y^n = z^n has no solutions for n >2.
5. What goes on inside the event horizon of a black hole.
6. How to play Texas Hold ‘Em Poker well.
7. The rules of baseball.
8. Why Kim Kardashian is famous.
9. How to speak Japanese.
10. Why we drive on parkways and park on driveways.
11. The history of Canada.
12. How to cook.
13. How to fix anything in my car.
14. How to play the violin.
15. How to compose music.
16. Practically anything about human anatomy.

Well, I could go on for a damn long time, but you get the point. In fact, although I am more knowledgeable than 99% of our species, I possess less than 1% of our species knowledge. In fact, no human brain is capable of possessing much more than 1% of our species acquired knowledge, which is why we have to rely on libraries and the Internet.

Nonetheless, although I have no problem admitting that I do not know something that I do not know, I do have a problem with the false humility of stating that you do not know something that you actually do.

I do know how logic and much of math works. I do know how computers work including not only Turing machines, but to a large extent how neural networks work. Feigning ignorance is not humility. It is just dishonesty.

And I most certainly know -- and so does anyone with a high school education -- that the brain is solely and entirely responsible for every thought, emotion, belief, memory, and idea you have ever had or will ever have. That does not require a leap of faith.

274   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 2:32pm  

SoftShell says

If this is your argument then you lose.

Christine doctrine states everyone is born with 'original sin'.

There are no innocent babies.

Dan8267 says

The argument is that if the Christian afterlife is not a lie, then it is a moral imperative to murder babies before they are old enough to sin and risk their immortal souls to an eternity of torture and the loss of an eternity in paradise.

Ha. You forgot. Although I'm a hard core atheist, I was raised Catholic and therefore am intimately familiar with the Christian mythology. What a waste of neural connections, but it does let me easily demonstrate why you are wrong.

1. One can simply baptize the babies before murdering them, thereby eliminating original sin. It is still a moral imperative to murder the babies before they can commit a mortal sin.

2. Babies who aren't baptize don't go to hell according to Christian mythology. After all, god would have to be a major fucking asshole and evil shithead to send babies to be tortured for all eternity simply because they died of natural or unnatural causes before someone baptized them.

I mean, such a god would have to be stupendously fucking evil, and the Christian masses simply could not accept that especially in an age when babies died frequently before being baptized, say at birth, before birth, or soon after birth.

For a while, Catholics tried to bullshit the unbaptized babies with Limbo, but eventually they abandoned that. Other Christian religions simply assumed all babies go to heaven regardless of baptism.

So, how exactly do I lose this argument? How exactly have you dodge the issue that it is a moral duty to kill babies if the Christian afterlife myth were real?

275   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 2:33pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

So why didn't that happen during the dark ages since you are telling us the market place was thriving during this time. You defeated one of your own argument.

No, I did not. The economic development simply had not yet reached that level yet. They had to make up for the damage wrought by the Roman Imperial period excesses first. It's just like the 18th century and early 19th century saw great growth of commerce in the West, but they did not have professional sports or indoor plumbing yet, both of which had existed during Roman time. It would be absurd however to call the 18th century Europe and North America as the dark ages.

During the dark ages religious authorities were excommunication people for heresy - when not just burning them - for researching independent ideas. And they were generally discouraging any beliefs that would even lead you to investigate ideas with a free mind.

That went on well into the Renaissance. In fact, it's being carried out even now with government funding for research: just look at the ratio of grants given to AGW topics! Political machination is just a natural result of government/church being in control of funding.

Your consumerist, tea party type, view of the market + religion as the root of civilization just doesn't hold water.

I never said religion being the root of civilization. However, religion is a cost-effective way of maintaining a workable society. Market is of course the root of civilization. If exchange is not voluntary, the only alternative is mutual predation.

276   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 2:36pm  

Dan8267 says

Reality says

During the Dark Ages and Middle Ages, the church was a moderating influence, as evidenced by the less martial aspects of "Chivalry" that the church promoted.

Very Chivalrous

Once again, we are talking about 2,000 victims over 100 years under Spanish Inquisition vs. 50,000,000 victims in a decade under atheist dictatorships of the 20th century. I know math is not your forte, and you prefer drawings like a 3yr old, but do please give the numbers a try. . . how many 2,000 are there in a 50,000,000? I know you can do it.

277   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 29, 2:37pm  

Dan8267 says

1. Attempting to minimize the vileness of the Spanish Inquisition is a pretty weak position.

2. Christianity is responsible for a multitude of genocides including the Holocaust and dozens of North American genocides.

Typical Dan.. guess he never heard of Asian Mongol invasion of europe wiped out half of population.

North Americans were wipped out from the Mongol pox which europeans brough over. Hardly Genocide as we know it...

.... Atheist did far more harm... with the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, North Korea today... your well over 100-150 Million....

278   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 2:40pm  

marcus says

I don't see that consciousness even intersects much with physics, except for the electricity involved.

Marcus, if you want to argue that consciousness survives the decay of the brain, you first need to admit that it exists separately from the brain.

My argument was that it doesn't and in fact is affected by chemicals affecting the brain such as alcohol.

Softshell is arguing indeed that there must indeed be something beyond normal laws of physics to explain consciousness and that just because we don't know what doesn't mean it's not the case.

That's preposterous. Everything we know consciousness links it to the brain: it is affected by chemistry of the brain, it is affected by shocks on the brain, it is affected by damage to the brain. But Softshell here wants us to believe it is not affected by the total destruction of the brain.

And indeed it it is physical, so what? We still are what we are. - except sorry, no afterlife.

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