Why not protest prop 13?

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2014 Jan 31, 7:25am   4,676 views  16 comments

by hrhjuliet   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Why don't people DEMAND attention to an issue they believe in? We still have that power... right?


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1   Dan8267   2014 Jan 31, 9:24am  

I'm highly skeptical that protesting has ever accomplished anything. Perhaps that cynical, but it seems that the only way to effect political change is to discover sexual scandals involving politicians who violate our rights and work against our interests. So you're better off snooping the politician's trash than protesting.

2   hrhjuliet   2014 Jan 31, 9:43am  

What about doing something that raises public awareness? There must be ways to put an issue into the mainstream's consciousness?

3   indigenous   2014 Jan 31, 9:54am  

Dan8267 says

I'm highly skeptical that protesting has ever accomplished anything.

I would say that is not true with Martin Luther King, Mohandas Gandhi, Rosa Parks, the tank guy in Tiananmen Square, Thomas Paine, the Boston Tea Party, Voltaire, and I'm sure many more.

4   Automan Empire   2014 Jan 31, 10:17am  

Saul Alinsky has some damn good advice for potential activists in his book Rules for Radicals. Perhaps this is why there was a campaign to discredit and vilify him. I even tell my teabagger/second amendment freak colleagues this; they don't listen.

I've done a lot of protesting and some street theater in my time. Sometimes our activities made the mainstream news; other times I have met strangers who remember seeing our actions, years later.

NOT doing ANYTHING is not an option to me. Silence=consent. It is empowering to paint up a big sign and stand on a busy street in your own community.

5   hrhjuliet   2014 Jan 31, 10:28am  

...and on another note. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=786336931394705&set=a.468988593129542.119781.424053540956381&type=1&theater

Maybe we are a police state, and maybe its more than not accomplishing anything, maybe its dangerous.

6   Dan8267   2014 Jan 31, 11:15am  

indigenous says

Dan8267 says

I'm highly skeptical that protesting has ever accomplished anything.

I would say that is not true with Martin Luther King, Mohandas Gandhi, Rosa Parks, the tank guy in Tiananmen Square, Thomas Paine, the Boston Tea Party, Voltaire, and I'm sure many more.

I'd really like to be wrong on this, but it doesn't seem like any of those people were really successful.

MLK was assassinated and then cartoonified. Eventually some civil rights legislation passed, but many years after protests.

China has gotten worse since the Great Tank Man of Tiananmen Square stood his ground. You can't even Google "Tiananmen Square" in China.

The Boston Tea Party didn't convince the British to drop taxes. A violent revolution ended up being fought.

7   hrhjuliet   2014 Jan 31, 11:41am  

But at least the protest put the issues into the consciousness of the mainstream and got people talking.

8   indigenous   2014 Jan 31, 2:06pm  

Dan8267 says

MLK was assassinated and then cartoonified. Eventually some civil rights legislation passed, but many years after protests.

Bullshit we have a black president WTF are you talking about. Maybe you are too young to remember how it used to be. Dan8267 says

China has gotten worse since the Great Tank Man of Tiananmen Square stood his ground. You can't even Google "Tiananmen Square" in China.

I would say the Chinese government has a tiger by the tail. The people in China have infinitely more power than in 1989.

Dan8267 says

The Boston Tea Party didn't convince the British to drop taxes. A violent revolution ended up being fought.

How many colonies in the world went to war with the mighty England?

This is how PR and genuine leadership works. It is a matter of galvanizing people to higher purpose. As trite as you mutts may think it is liberty and the pursuit of happiness has made this world a much better place.

Imo if not for Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington this country would not exist.

9   hrhjuliet   2014 Jan 31, 2:11pm  

indigenous says

Imo if not for Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington this country would not exist.

Yet, the present government ignores their words and jeers at their laws. If we don't wake up this country will not exist as the democratic republic those men struggled to create, it will become a gross plutocracy of criminals and apathetic minions.

10   indigenous   2014 Jan 31, 2:17pm  

hrhjuliet says

indigenous says

Imo if not for Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington this country would not exist.

Yet, the present government ignores their words and jeers at their laws. If we don't wake up this country will not exist as the democratic republic those men struggled to create, it will become a gross plutocracy of criminals and apathetic minions.

It is easier to motivate people when there is an emergency we are not there yet but it is coming up fast.

Unfortunately they are just as likely to listen to a mad man as someone who is sane.

11   hrhjuliet   2014 Jan 31, 2:22pm  

History has proven that unfortunately.

12   ttsmyf   2014 Feb 1, 9:18pm  

Rally here!

The MAIN ENABLER of sizable asset price bubbles is keeping the real price histories out of sight.

Do you know folks who had kids in order to have somebody to sell bubble-high to?

13   Robert Sproul   2014 Feb 2, 12:29am  

hrhjuliet says

it will become a gross plutocracy of criminals and apathetic minions.

This is a done thing.
There has been what Simon Johnson called "The Quiet Coup".
We have had no effective push-back from within or from outside the system.

I have, painfully, moved through the 5 stages of grief to Acceptance, and now watch the closing of our society with sad detachment.

14   lostand confused   2014 Feb 2, 12:33am  

indigenous says

It is easier to motivate people when there is an emergency we are not there yet
but it is coming up fast.

Yup. With close to half the population in some form of welfare, are they going to raise against the hand that feeds them??

15   indigenous   2014 Feb 2, 1:06am  

lostand confused says

indigenous says

It is easier to motivate people when there is an emergency we are not there yet

but it is coming up fast.

Yup. With close to half the population in some form of welfare, are they going to raise against the hand that feeds them??

No when it stops feeding them. This time will be known as SHTF

16   EastCoastBubbleBoy   2014 Feb 2, 2:40am  

For better or for worse, I'm too busy working to get overly involved. For the moment, politics is nothing more than a spectator sport

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