Two powers, one country

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2014 Feb 20, 4:48am   3,161 views  4 comments

by hrhjuliet   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

In honor of our presidents on this holiday week. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” - Thomas Jefferson. Fast forward, President Abraham Lincoln, “The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.” Fast forward to all their worst nightmares a reality. We the great inheritors of the republic must wake-up and stop fighting the wrong battles. We need campaign finance reform, or a complete elimination. We must dispose of Citizens United and WE must put sanctions on the empire living within our Republic. The empire is the Federal Reserve and the corporations. The two party system is meant to distract and divide. Voting is no longer our great power, so focus on where we still have power. Put sanctions on them. Everyone, just say no to buying from any of the major corporations that have abhorrent human rights records (which are a large majority), do your job as a citizen of a free republic and educate yourself on who those are, buy only necessities, buy fair-trade, and best of all don't buy at all unless it truly is a need. Don't purchase a home at artificially inflated prices meant to make you a debt slave. Protect our right to protest and form unions before both rights get abolished. Let us honor our admirable presidents and framers by having the courage and strength to save our Republic. We can save our republic, it's just going to mean sacrifice and work, and the empire within our fading republic is counting on our ignorance and laziness. A hero in this era is not going to be one in shiny pants with a gun or arrow, it's going to be regular people like us sacrificing and becoming educated on the system. Pass on the good news that we still have the power. No one can force us to buy a non-necessity. It's time to starve the empire within our republic out. Be strong and pass it on.


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1   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 20, 7:11am  

This is lovely...http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/02/i-crashed-a-wall-street-secret-society.html

2   curious2   2014 Feb 20, 7:38am  

@hrhjuliet, I Liked your OP but then read further and found that the second quote attributed to President Lincoln (1864) originated as a forgery. I'm sorry but I Disliked that, nothing personal. I've suggested PatNet should have an UnLike/UnDislike feature, but it hasn't happened. Meanwhile, I hope you'll remove the forged Lincoln quote. The first Lincoln quote seems genuine, and I do like the Jefferson quote :)

3   curious2   2014 Feb 20, 8:03am  

hrhjuliet says

Where did you get the info it was forgery? Do you think the books that published the letters know?

I checked it on Snopes.com, and put the link in my original comment. The reason I checked was because it sounded a little bit too "good" for one side, and inconsistent with his usual style. Banks have been the subject of controversy from the founding of the republic, even The Wizard of Oz was written partly to satirize the gold standard ("follow the yellow brick road") by an advocate of fiat currency. Lincoln wrote by hand, so his actual writings can be authenticated, in fact he wrote numerous judicial opinions in his days as an attorney because when the circuit judge (they literally rode circuit those days) was delayed the parties to a case would often ask him to hear it instead, and write the opinion, which the judge would then sign. The Internet has accelerated tremendously the ability to spread false memes, and to debunk them; this particular false meme seems to have originated in a 19th century debate about bankers, and his personal secretary tried immediately to refute it, but in the print era even publishers' fact checkers couldn't check as easily as they can now.

4   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 20, 3:02pm  


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