Now We're Talking . . .

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2014 Mar 24, 10:37am   1,089 views  6 comments

by Bellingham Bill   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

gotta get me one of these . . .

wonder if they'd let me just cruise the SF Bay all year.

could vacation out to Hawaii without booking a flight : )


wtf . . . the largest container ship can be built for $200M . . .


Comments 1 - 6 of 6        Search these comments

1   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 24, 10:55am  

The Yellow submarine was a little over the top tacky.

2   marco   2014 Mar 24, 8:35pm  

Looks very much like the future in America - the rich will live in these (or moat-protected mansions), and the rest of us will live in a cardboard box in the forest preserve. A great vantage point to watch Bernochio's and Yellen's kids drive by in their new BMWs, on the way to Harvard and Stanford.

Yes We Can

3   mell   2014 Mar 25, 12:49am  

marco says

Looks very much like the future in America - the rich will live in these (or moat-protected mansions), and the rest of us will live in a cardboard box in the forest preserve. A great vantage point to watch Bernochio's and Yellen's kids drive by in their new BMWs, on the way to Harvard and Stanford.

Yes We Can

Come on man, haven't you heard? You can always flip shacks! House prices always go up forevah!

4   Bellingham Bill   2014 Mar 25, 8:24am  

The Triple-E is an interesting seasteading platform.

Take a community of 3000 like-minded folk aboard a modified:

There's 15 container stacks in the center of the ship, 10 forward the smokestack and maybe 5 abaft the bow before the pitch moment would make these rather unlivable in heavy seas.

Call that the living space, that's 200 people per 40' wide slice of superstructure.

Looks like 10 stories would be possible, so that's 10 people per story divided port & starboard. Not too crowded, everyone could have a view of the empty ocean.

When in transit, burns up to 1000 barrels of crude a day, ~$100,000 worth. Divided by 3000 that's a $30/day fuel bill.

Salaries for 25 ship crew at $50,000 per would be $1.2M, $400 per person.

Brand new the EEE costs $200M, add $200M for the modifications and that's $130k capital cost.

Austrians welcome! Plenty of space down below for your personal gold hoards!

5   edvard2   2014 Mar 25, 8:33am  

Not sure the article was serious or not. But the thing is that its not like they already don't make HUGE ships that could fulfill the wants and desires of any billionaire. A few of the newer cruise ships are over 230,000 tons ( Titanic was 45,000 tons in comparison) with a few even mimicking city parks and small quaint towns inside.

Just make one of those, instead of building cabins make living quarters inside the size of mansions and design the rest around what rich people like to do and stuff.

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