How Italy became a submerging economy

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2014 Jul 14, 11:05am   19,447 views  81 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

Economic decline takes many shapes. In the northern Italian town of Ivrea, it looks like the abandoned, overgrown tennis courts where the employees of electronics giant Olivetti SpA once played.

In the 1980s, Ivrea was a European version of Silicon Valley. Of the 50,000 people employed by Olivetti, half worked in the town, enjoying generous salaries and plush corporate recreation facilities. Today Ivrea's biggest employers are the state health service and two call centres. Together they employ 3,100 people.

Olivetti still exists, but these days it is a small office machinery company. Its former factories, jewels of 20th-century industrial architecture, have been refashioned as museums. Most of Ivrea's 30-year-olds have little work and live off their parents’ pensions.


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16   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jul 15, 5:49am  

indigenous says

Specifically this is about mercantilism.

This has nothing to do with mercantilism.
Mercantilism is about countries managing trade, looking for a trade advantage. This is not what we see.

This is about competition with countries where wages are a tiny fraction of Americans.
This is about a trade system where companies send abroad their capital, their technology and their jobs, in exchange for a quick profits. Doing this, they pretty much destroyed developed countries industries, with the benediction of authorities in these countries.

In other words, developed countries have deliberately accepted the destruction of their industries. That's the opposite of mercantilism.

In the meantime they continued their keynesian BS as if debt 'stimulus' could replace what they have destroyed.

17   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 6:00am  

Heraclitusstudent says

This has nothing to do with mercantilism.


If you look into it you will see it is...

BTW do you ever order eggs benediction, hmm Aunt B that is some good eating.

18   Peter P   2014 Jul 15, 6:01am  

indigenous says

Italy is one of the PIGS for a reason.

Hey, I love my pancetta.

19   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 6:04am  

Peter P says

Hey, I love my pancetta.

I love me some Prosciutto as well.

20   NDrLoR   2014 Jul 15, 6:11am  

Bellingham Bill says

my God

I thought all of you were atheists.

21   New Renter   2014 Jul 15, 6:17am  

thunderlips11 says

Yet Italy has two sportscar companies.

Lamborghini is owned by Audi (VW) and uses Audi()VW) components:



Ferrari is owned by Fiat so its still Italian.

22   Peter P   2014 Jul 15, 6:22am  

Italy also has a large shipyard (Fincantieri).

The country even makes interesting planes (Piaggio Aero).

23   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jul 15, 6:33am  

indigenous says

China and Germany the exploiter.

Is that a specifically Austrian term?

New Renter says

thunderlips11 says

Yet Italy has two sportscar companies.

Lamborghini is owned by Audi (VW) and uses Audi()VW) components:



Ferrari is owned by Fiat so its still Italian.

There's also Maserati, owned by Alfa Romeo, in turn owned by Fiat. All HQ'd in Italy.

Speaking of Fiat, they're now competing in the US domestic market.

24   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jul 15, 6:35am  

Bellingham Bill says

"The biggest rise in exports was for the carmakers, which saw a 13.9 percent increase from February 2013, Istat said."



Non Sequitur my @ss.

Exactly BB. I've been seeing Fiat ads and dealerships now in the US, so they're expanding into the "Regular" vehicle market, not just high end.

25   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 6:36am  

thunderlips11 says

Is that a specifically Austrian term?


26   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2014 Jul 15, 7:12am  

a lot of ph.D's and their Nobel prize winning theories on the downfall of European countries. a lot of thoughts (and fantasies) are put into those theories but mine is the best and the truth: they are slowly running out of colonial loot.

European countries invaded and looted other continents and kept the resources and technologies (developed using said free/robbed resources) to themselves.

it started with America. due to geographical luck, Europeans got to America first and the free slaves and natural resources jumped started the Industrial Revolution in England. then the robbing began.

robbing someone else was much easier back in the day since there were no nukes and they had the firepower. but these days even Indians have nukes (LOL) physical robbery can no longer be done. but there clever ways (i.e petrodollar, RE bubble scams).

but the elites have betrayed the peasants giving away the technologies in exchange for cheap labor/profit. now you need to ask WHY now? again it's because the elites themselves are running out of colonial loot. it makes perfect sense.

now only hard work and intelligence prevail. China and Asian countries better build a lot of nukes because when the pigs are hungry, they will go hunting (or maybe scavenging) this time? if history is of any indication of the future.

27   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 7:26am  

Mark D says

they are slowly running out of colonial loot.

Imperialism has been gone for quite a while, that does not add up?

I think it is more a growth of socialist characteristics in those countries, in other words they are eating the seed corn.

28   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 7:27am  

thunderlips11 says

Very conceivable the most socialist country in the world today is the US.

29   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jul 15, 7:59am  

If you think Mark D says

they are slowly running out of colonial loot.

What colonial loot?
How long has it been since Europeans lost (or got rid) of colonies?
What loot were they taking out of North America? What about from African countries?

America is looting as much more today than anything Europe ever did. Look at what Chevron is doing in Africa, or Hedge funds in Argentina.

It's BS. Colonies are a huge cost and probably paying for themselves at best. And they resulted in huge immigration from countries that now speak their languages. Bad idea.

indigenous says

I think it is more a growth of socialist characteristics in those countries

If so, explain why France (very socialist) has a bigger economy than Britain (quite liberal).

Answer: because Britain valiantly decided to get rid of all its industries up-front and replace it by toxic finance, while France is managing the slow death of its own. France still has a car industry for example.

30   Bellingham Bill   2014 Jul 15, 8:58am  

Heraclitusstudent says

And they resulted in huge immigration from countries that now speak their languages. Bad idea.

LOL, I hear ya.

But England did pretty good with its colonial empire. Yesterday via reddit I learned this happened:


sheez, ~200 years later the Japanese do the same and now they're the bad guys : )

China, same thing. Especially the case in the mideast. What the Europeans did there stunk so much it still stinks a century later.


31   Bellingham Bill   2014 Jul 15, 9:00am  

indigenous says

the most socialist country in the world today is the US.

32   Strategist   2014 Jul 15, 9:04am  

Bellingham Bill says

Heraclitusstudent says

And they resulted in huge immigration from countries that now speak their languages. Bad idea.

LOL, I hear ya.

But England did pretty good with its colonial empire. Yesterday via reddit I learned this happened:


sheez, ~200 years later the Japanese do the same and now they're the bad guys : )

China, same thing. Especially the case in the mideast. What the Europeans did there stunk so much it still stinks a century later.


In the good old days conquering distant lands made you a "Great Empire"
Today the same thing makes you an "Evil Imperialist"

33   turtledove   2014 Jul 15, 9:38am  

Strategist says

In the good old days conquering distant lands made you a "Great Empire"

Today the same thing makes you an "Evil Imperialist"

Those were the good ole days! Conquering and pillaging... Just taking all the resources and enslaving whoever... Those were the days when you got something for winning. Now, you get nothing but some moral obligation. Then you have to twist yourself into knots figuring out how to get the loot while still appearing to have the moral high ground. If only things could be simple again.

34   Strategist   2014 Jul 15, 9:58am  

turtledove says

Strategist says

In the good old days conquering distant lands made you a "Great Empire"

Today the same thing makes you an "Evil Imperialist"

Those were the good ole days! Conquering and pillaging... Just taking all the resources and enslaving whoever... Those were the days when you got something for winning. Now, you get nothing but some moral obligation. Then you have to twist yourself into knots figuring out how to get the loot while still appearing to have the moral high ground. If only things could be simple again.

And they became immortalized heroes with titles like "great"
Alexander the Great.....Genghiz Khan......Napolean Bonaparte....Ceaser....
Prophet Mohammad.....Peter the Great.
And look what poor American Presidents get accused of...baby killers....imperialists....its the oil.....regime change, and they did not even get to rape, plunder and pillage. Such a pity.

35   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 10:26am  

Heraclitusstudent says

If so, explain why France (very socialist) has a bigger economy than Britain (quite liberal).

They are almost equal?

Heraclitusstudent says

explain why France (very socialist) has a bigger economy than Britain

That would be because they sell more stuff than Britain.

36   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 10:39am  

Bellingham Bill says

Considering that the US numbers don't include public transfers to the po folk. And I would be suspicious that they show numbers after taxes for the rich folk.

But remember this is for a country with 300+ million people. With what 11 or 12 million on permanent disability. They say that one way or another 50% of the people are dependent on government to one degree or another.

How many countries can say that their government supports 150 million to one degree or another?

37   Strategist   2014 Jul 15, 10:42am  

indigenous says

Heraclitusstudent says

If so, explain why France (very socialist) has a bigger economy than Britain (quite liberal).

They are almost equal?

Heraclitusstudent says

explain why France (very socialist) has a bigger economy than Britain

That would be because they sell more stuff than Britain.

There is not much difference between GDP and population of France/UK
California is the 8th largest economy in the world, and soon we will be overtaking France.
We should declare our Independence from the USA.

38   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 10:44am  

Strategist says

We should declare our Independence from the USA.

But can we declare our independence from Sacramento?

39   Strategist   2014 Jul 15, 10:46am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

We should declare our Independence from the USA.

But can we declare our independence from Sacramento?

hhmmmm. I forgot about the losers up there.

40   Entitlemented   2014 Jul 15, 10:54am  

Ask any Keynsian - yes we can outsource our way to prosperity! This is why most of the Keynsians in decision making positions have degrees in Political Science, Art and Humanities.

41   Entitlemented   2014 Jul 15, 10:56am  


I had a visit over the weekend of an Electrical Engineering professor. He teaches a lot of foreigners (obviously).

Recently a Chinese PHD student graduated, and went back to China, and he told my friend " You'd better be learning Chinese" before leaving.

True story.

42   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jul 15, 11:20am  

Entitlemented says

You'd better be learning Chinese" before leaving.

True story.

Very arrogant of him...

43   Bellingham Bill   2014 Jul 15, 11:24am  

indigenous says

How many countries can say that their government supports 150 million to one degree or another?

you . . . have a point : )


shows per-capita gov't spending is $24,000 or $2000/mo .

But to count DOD as part of socialism is stretching things, since socialism requires public provision of wealth, and there's no wealth being created there.

Now that, that's a remarkable graph.

44   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jul 15, 11:25am  

Strategist says

California is the 8th largest economy in the world, and soon we will be overtaking France.

Very arrogant.
I'm counting CA is 10th at $1.95T

1 United States 16,244,600
2 China 8,358,400
3 Japan 5,960,180
4 Germany 3,425,956
5 France 2,611,221
6 UK 2,471,600
7 Brazil 2,254,109
8 Russia 2,029,812
9 Italy 2,013,392

And soon India will overtake you.

45   Strategist   2014 Jul 15, 11:33am  

Heraclitusstudent says

Strategist says

California is the 8th largest economy in the world, and soon we will be overtaking France.

Very arrogant.

I'm counting CA is 10th at $1.95T

1 United States 16,244,600

2 China 8,358,400

3 Japan 5,960,180

4 Germany 3,425,956

5 France 2,611,221

6 UK 2,471,600

7 Brazil 2,254,109

8 Russia 2,029,812

9 Italy 2,013,392

And soon India will overtake you.

Old data.

46   Strategist   2014 Jul 15, 11:35am  

We are #8 folks. We will soon conquer France, then UK.


47   Strategist   2014 Jul 15, 11:37am  

Eventually the top economies will be:

48   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jul 15, 11:43am  

Strategist says

Old data.


The link says $2.05 trillion in 2013.

- The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Italy was worth 2071.31 billion US dollars in 2013.
- The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Russia was worth 2096.78 billion US dollars in 2013
- Google lists Italy at $2.19 Trillion US dollars at current prices - 2011

But anyway, you might over take these 2.
But who knows what might happen before you overtake France?

49   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 12:25pm  

Bellingham Bill says

But to count DOD as part of socialism is stretching things

They certainly would have in the USSR or China?

50   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 12:27pm  

Strategist says

Eventually the top economies will be:





I would not count on China being number 1, they have some major hurdles to get though.

51   Strategist   2014 Jul 15, 12:34pm  

indigenous says

Strategist says

Eventually the top economies will be:





I would not count on China being number 1, they have some major hurdles to get though.


How does that look? Eventually it will all be based on population.

52   zzyzzx   2014 Jul 15, 12:35pm  

Mark D says

they are slowly running out of colonial loot.

Which reinforces my statement that Italy has gone steadily downhill since the fall of the Roman Empire.

53   indigenous   2014 Jul 15, 12:46pm  

zzyzzx says

How does that look? Eventually it will all be based on population.

Don't know but China will have a demographic problem that is huge compared to Japan.

They have devalued their Yuan for so long and deprived their people of so much they Have to revalue their currency to create their own consumption.

If they pull an FDR on this they are fucked. They need to create a middle class.

The other potential problem will be war as that is the usual bone head solution that the US uses.

Any of you know how game theory applies to this?

54   Strategist   2014 Jul 15, 12:50pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Eventually the top economies will be:





I told you to start learning Mandarin...

If they want to be #1 they will need to learn the #1 language - English.

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