Let's have a civil, political discussion for once.

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2014 Aug 4, 3:46am   40,116 views  57 comments

by edvard2   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

This may or may not be possible. But let's try something new. As seen on this site on a daily basis, both liberals and conservatives ( I am certainly not innocent of this) go back and forth in a non-ending game of blaming one side or the other for their problems or what they perceive to be the inferior wing ( left or right).

This is totally useless and nonconstructive. All that happens is that one person makes an intentionally inflammatory post to "get back" at the liberals/conservatives and then out come the charts, the catty name-calling, the use of political cliche's and catch phrases with the post eventually simply burning itself out in a big shouting match. Nobody walks away feeling good about it either.

So I'm going to start a new thread and the way this thread will work is that people who wish to participate can in very general terms describe what they feel would be an ideal situation as they envision the government and its inner workings as well as some of their own opinions concerning their core beliefs. Please don't be insulting, demeaning or otherwise simply nasty. If you post a response respectfully then you will receive respect in return. If I see any grossly offensive responses or name calling I will delete those posts.

So I will go first.

No.1, I feel that the vast majority of Americans are good, reasonable, decent people with strong moral compasses. I know for fact that on a daily basis having lived in the South and now Cali that regardless of political leanings most people I know or have met shared the vast majority of my beliefs as well. In most cases the difference of opinion were actually much less severe. Both the Liberal and Conservative positions, as represented in the news and media tend to be the extreme liberal/conservative views since its those people who yell the loudest who get all of the attention.

No.2 to me it seems that both "sides" have good aspects to their ideology. Some of these are similar but different in their execution. As a Southern guy it was almost expected that anyone who you saw broken down on the freeway meant you should pull over the help them- no matter who they were. There is a certain respect for family and in particular family elders as well. Liberals have long held the belief that all people no matter their background deserve the same rights, which in some ways is very similar.

As far as my personal, direct political beliefs I would underline them as follows.

A: To me the biggest issue right now is the effects of outside money influencing politics. There is a huge lobby and political organization/fund raising element to today's politics. Its made running for any office prohibitively expensive meaning no "ordinary" American could hope to run for President let alone even a local government position. This in turn means that our elected officials are perhaps more keen on pleasing their corporate backers than their constituency. I strong oppose outside money influencing the system and it were up to me, all of it would be abolished.

B: I strongly feel that all people, regardless of their race, sex, sexual preferences, religion and background deserve access and treatment via universal civil rights as guaranteed by the 14th amendment.

C: Today's news media is a joke. Since both now make money making news that is intentionally tilted towards either a right or left viewpoint means its no longer real journalism. Its more an unending editorial. The problem with that is viewers mistake this for news and use it as their "knowledge base" of politics. So the population becomes more ignorant and devoted to their one source of "news". This is irresponsible on part of those media companies who would rather make money selling garbage than a quality product.

D: People need to stop blaming each other for what's going on in Washington. The truth is that Congress and the Senate are in a gridlock and seldom is the news about them doing their jobs, which is to pass bills, debate, and otherwise perform the duties they were elected to do. In the meantime their constituency is so busy trying to blame each other ( those liberals! ) or- ( Those conservatives!) that the actual business in Washington is ignored. If there are those who are unhappy with the way things are in Washington, then go vote. Its really that simple.

E: I strongly feel that the financial woes of the country come from weak and ineffective financial strategies. I'm not a fan of taxes like the next guy but this seeming desire to never-ever raise them is in turn crippling the country in many ways from degraded schools and roads as well as non-stop budget shortfalls. I feel very much so that the taxation model we have now is grossly lopsided and benefits a very small minority whom if taxed fairly like the rest of us would drastically improve the overall financial health of the country. If there are some highly privileged citizens whom drive on our roads, use our bridges and send their kids to our schools as well as benefit from the protections of the world's largest military then they too should pay for the use of those at the same equally applied tax standards as the rest of us. To put this one step further, government should avoid attaching ideology to financial concerns. The economy moves at the speed of sound and by holding that process up with legislation that sometimes takes years to enact is impracticable and ineffective.

Anyway... that's all for now.

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23   Paralithodes   2014 Aug 4, 5:19am  

curious2 says

Unless you start by amending the Constitution, you would run into Citizens United....,

Your entire post was very good. Whether you read the CU decision or not, it generally reflects what it is in it (I did read it and wish anyone with an opinion one way or the other did). What you write also reflects in part why the ACLU supported the CU decision.

24   Paralithodes   2014 Aug 4, 5:25am  

edvard2 says

So what we have now goes beyond just left and right media: Its gotten to a level of branding. Liberal and Conservative have themselves become a brand and those who prescribe to whichever ones are like walking endorsements of those brands: A right leaning dude might be more likely to drive around in a big honkin' truck while the liberal dude might drive around in a Prius with obnoxious "Saving the world" stickers on the bumper.

Everyone has become groomed and conditioned to only abide by and listen to their own carefully orchestrated, commercialized news channels without worry of encountering anything in those shows that might challenge them in any way and instead only is meant to reinforce their beliefs so they will continue to be reliable consumers of the goods that are advertised to them.

But is this really different than anytime in past history, or is it only different than a small window in time when a few corporate empires had a monopoly on TV broadcast news? What we have now is in my opinion much more dispersed. What about the past was anything different, regarding "grooming" and "conditioning" than now? At least now there are numerous other options and choices for those who would otherwise be groomed and conditioned by a limited few giant corporations.

Much of what you describe may come down to simple human nature.

25   Paralithodes   2014 Aug 4, 5:26am  

edvard2 says

If I see any grossly offensive responses or name calling I will delete those posts.

thunderlips11 says

Liberals aren't leftwing. They're Capitalists who don't mind gay marriage, and will hire a Black supervisor. Conservatives are capitalists who believe in supply-side Jesus, who said in the Gospel according to Saint Bastard: "Consider the Lillies of the field, do they not work 16 hours 7 days a week in the Textile Mill?"

Do posts like above count?

26   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 4, 5:27am  

curious2 says

There are certainly exceptions, and besides correlation is not causation. For example, Meg Whitman had many times more money on hand than Jerry Brown, and she spent lavishly on her campaign, but she lost anyway. To the extent that fundraising and victory go together, the causation works in both directions: the candidates who look like possible winners have a huge advantage in fundraising compared to longshot candidates.

The exception proves the rule. I did say "almost perfect".

Correlation isn't causation, but it often is an indicator of one and a good place to start looking. The presence of the suspect in at the gas station is correlation. If we didn't take correlation as a good start towards showing causation, police wouldn't bother following up and interviewing the suspect.

Here's some more correlation:

Backed up by more research:

(Princeton Study)


27   edvard2   2014 Aug 4, 5:28am  

Paralithodes says

Do posts like above count?

He is "protected". Otherwise that would have been deleted.

28   edvard2   2014 Aug 4, 5:32am  

Paralithodes says

But is this really different than anytime in past history, or is it only different than a small window in time when a few corporate empires had a monopoly on TV broadcast news? What we have now is in my opinion much more dispersed. What about the past was anything different, regarding "grooming" and "conditioning" than now? At least now there are numerous other options and choices for those who would otherwise be groomed and conditioned by a limited few giant corporations.

Much of what you describe may come down to simple human nature.

Yes, I really think its different these days. The news media is in my opinion never been this divisive: Whereas decades ago most Americans might have gotten their news from dear old Walter Kronkite for an hour each evening now there are news channels operating 24/7 and intentionally branded as either a right or left leaning news channel.

Furthermore the level of outright polarization of the country these days I strongly feel is due to the media people consume: One news agency will proclaim something and furnish the listeners their response phrases which are then used in debates- on sites like this one for example. So instead of originality you simply get repetition.

29   curious2   2014 Aug 4, 5:35am  

thunderlips11 says

I did say "almost perfect".

I like your first chart better than your summary of it. Your chart shows 80% correlation between "higher spending" and winning. Even a random selection would produce 50% correlation. So, campaign spending increases the chance around halfway from random to perfect. I suppose whether that counts as "almost perfect" depends on your definition of "almost," but I would not have defined "almost" as "around halfway to". [Update: I see you updated your comment to include more charts, so I updated this one to specify the first.]

30   edvard2   2014 Aug 4, 5:39am  

Paralithodes says

That it is your opinion that your opponents "never-ever" are for raising taxes is not more reasonable or measured just because you weren't rude about it. Do you agree that there is more nuance behind your opponents' arguments regarding taxes?

I suppose I should have been more detailed about where that statement was coming from. As I mentioned before I strongly feel that most Americans of either political stripe are reasonable and measured. But therein lies the problem: The majority of Americans are not really represented in an accurate manner by their elected officials: Instead it is the extreme right and left end of the spectrum of both sides whom elect people to congress and the senate. This is partially everyone's fault my letting those with the loudest voices speak for all versus the other way around.

So what we have is a congress whom will never consider raising taxes but in reality their overall constituency is probably willing to hear options instead of just hearing "no". The same is true with the Democrats: They too tend to lean a but further to the left than the majority of their constituents would want them to.

31   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 4, 5:42am  

Paralithodes says

edvard2 says

If I see any grossly offensive responses or name calling I will delete those posts.

thunderlips11 says

Liberals aren't leftwing. They're Capitalists who don't mind gay marriage, and will hire a Black supervisor. Conservatives are capitalists who believe in supply-side Jesus, who said in the Gospel according to Saint Bastard: "Consider the Lillies of the field, do they not work 16 hours 7 days a week in the Textile Mill?"

Do posts like above count?

edvard2 says

Paralithodes says

Do posts like above count?

He is "protected". Otherwise that would have been deleted.

Hmm, who did I grossly offend? I made a snarky but obscenity-free remark about two ideologies. If that offends you, what on Earth are you doing on the Internet?

edvard2 says

Where the "Civil" part comes in is to not be grossly rude and confrontational with one another's opinions.

What is "Grossly" Rude?

I notice that the two fighters for "civil" discourse and IMHO general tone-trolling are the first ones who wished for Censoring a post based on some obscenity-free General Audiences Admitted snarky humor.

Here's a word about the difference between Seriousness and Solemnity that may be relevant:

32   curious2   2014 Aug 4, 5:42am  

edvard2 says

Walter Kronkite [sic] for an hour each evening

CBS News with Walter Cronkite was a half hour broadcast, though I suppose the advent of the VCR may have enabled some households to watch him twice each evening. In any event, his moderate tone marked a brief exception to most of American journalistic history, when the broad spectrum of opinion converged into only three national networks. If you want to design policies that will succeed over time, you need to consider the long sweep of history rather than an idealized cameo.

33   edvard2   2014 Aug 4, 6:14am  

Guys, let's avoid getting rat-holed down into the same old crap as usual. Seriously...

34   lostand confused   2014 Aug 4, 6:14am  

Well, healthcare reform was needed, but not the heritage instiute's plan that became Obamacare. But if you are a politician, you have to expect propoganda from the opponent. it is what another country would do. Witness what is going on in Russia and how he took Crimea . That required planning, skills , testing the enemy etc etc.

Obama was a gullible fool-just like Rumsfiled if he thought people would be waving American flags-if he all but announced helath care reform.

Now repubs especially teabag types tend to fall in the rabid specturm. But this country has been torn apart. In a quarter century, feminists have enacted male slavery, corporations have become a global force, companies can shift all their jobs to third world countries and still ship everything here with no barriers or import duties, welfare has grown to where folks on minimum wage probably have the same lifestyle as a welfare perosn and they have to work. So much has chnaged-govt has grown astronomically to where it now improsions more folks than nay nation on earth, spies on most Americans, can arrest anybody indefnitely without any charges and it controls the lives of every american family down to how one must support every ex spouse and child.

Freedom is becoming a caricature in the nation that throws the most people in jail. People's lives are being torn apart and it is a frightening time. Trying to explain away the changes by cliches may ease the pain a bit on both sides-but after electing both sides-people realize that they are just fools. People got fed up with Bush and gave resounding majority to dems and Obama-what did we get-Obaamacare and more of the same on NSA and free trade. Now he did get bin laden and is winding down wars and is not as bloodthursty and willing to sacrifice other people's kids as the repubs-but apart from that not very big difference. he is negotiaiting a giant free trade deal that dwarfs NAFTA in secret.

What are you going to do? Methinks we just ride it out and who knows maybe it might come full circle and our children and grandchildren will be the ones providing cheap labor to China and Inida in the not too distant future. There was a time when those two countries were at or more than 50% world GDP, and they fell. No reason we should stay on top for ever and looking at the way we are going-that day may not be far off-but who knows.

35   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 4, 6:18am  

Call it Crazy says

edvard2 says

Let's have a civil, political discussion for once.

So much for that...

edvard2 says

Guys, let's avoid getting rat-holed down into the same old crap as usual. Seriously...

But not solemnly...

36   Dan8267   2014 Aug 4, 6:24am  

thunderlips11 says


America was never a democracy. It used to be a republic that represented only land-owning white men. Now it's a aristocracy masquerading as a republic, and it only represents the executives of large corporations that use our consumer dollars to buy politicians.

I suppose we all could just stop buying stuff, but then we'd all be unemployed and homeless.

37   Dan8267   2014 Aug 4, 6:25am  

John Bailo says

The bipolarity has never been more extreme.

Except during the Civil War. That really was a more divided time than even today.

38   Dan8267   2014 Aug 4, 6:30am  

I've always wondered why money can buy elections. The money is only spent on advertising, and I've never been persuaded by a campaign ad. Is the typical American voter so stupid that he/she is actually persuaded by transparent lies? I guess he has to be or otherwise elections wouldn't be so heavily influenced by money.

Perhaps the answer is to stop watching and listening to media that advertises. Download all your shows and listen to your own ripped music. Hell, I haven't seen a commercial in years except ones I seek out on YouTube like movie trailers.

39   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 4, 6:33am  

Dan8267 says

Except during the Civil War. That really was a more divided time than even today.

At least the Civil war only had two sides. To the contrary of what those here might think. I have never seen a Glen Beck show. I saw Glen Beck's true regret on CNN a few days ago. It's not what he regretted saying that I'm noting, but something else he said while saying it. He really believes that this country will eventually split in two in a Civil war. He reminds me of another Conservative idiot I worked with last year. He would start in with that shit during happy hour drinks. Until I presented him with the possibility that the next Civil war wont be a cut and dry "Us against Them" affair.

Enemies and Allies will overlap. You can fight along the side of someone one day then he cut you down the next because now you're on a tare about his other homies.

Just look our registered voting demographic. I said it is up to 37% and I was wrong, actually it's now at 42% of the voters are registered Independent of all other parties other than Democrat and Liberal. Out of those 42% only 30% are registered as No party affiliation.

40   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 4, 6:34am  

curious2 says

Your chart shows 80% correlation between "higher spending" and winning. Even a random selection would produce 50% correlation. So, campaign spending increases the chance around halfway from random to perfect. I suppose whether that counts as "almost perfect" depends on your definition of "almost," but I would not have defined "almost" as "around halfway to". [Update: I see you updated your comment to include more charts, so I updated this one to specify the first.]

It's appears to me to be above 80% to me for the House in the chart. I disagree with the random selection criteria because I don't believe it applies to something like voting, which is generally done with deliberate action.

41   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 4, 6:36am  

BTW, curious2, I think I know where you are going, and I agree with you, if you mean there is a chance for voters to overturn the money game if/when they become a little more aware - and motivated.

42   curious2   2014 Aug 4, 7:11am  

edvard2 says

Oh well...

Can you please cite which comments you think were uncivil? You said you would have deleted one, and your choice of which one you would delete surprised me. I think we might have different definitions of civility.

43   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 4, 9:23am  

Stop giving or taking credit to anyone or anything. The best marketing won.

The Voters gave Obama the Oscar.

44   zzyzzx   2014 Aug 5, 3:16am  

Here is an example of a fine, civil, bipartisan discussion here:

45   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 5, 3:39am  

SoftShell says

One can simply 'choose' to be 'civil', regardless of the circumstance.

Sure, psychologists can be civil to schizophrenics. Whether they can have a civil discourse about the need to aluminum foil the walls is something else.

46   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 5, 3:52am  

sbh says

The punk business you demonstrate with deletions and baiting and ranting in pidgin English.

I also put you on Ignore, DO YOU WANT A FRESHONE!?

47   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 5, 4:04am  

Challenge accepted oh Civil one.

48   justme   2014 Aug 5, 9:54am  

Demanding or applying a false balance when reporting on the views of sensible people and the views of crazy people is one of the main reasons there are so many crazy and uninformed voters in American politics today.

The media has basically been kowtowing to the right-wing lunatics for the last 50 years, and the result is the craziness we have now.

Also please note that ONLY right wing lunatics get a free pass with their lunacy, whereas any left-wing loony (yes, they do exist, in small numbers) is immediately called out and ALL lefties are tarred with being the same as them.

So yes, fake civility and false equivalence and false balance is one of the main reasons why we now have so much incivility in American politics.

I say, to hell with civility. Call the loonies for what they are.


Paul Krugman has written on this topic a few times. I could could not find a link. If anyone has a link, please post it.

In short, demanding "civility" is a tool of the oppressors, and this tool has been used very successfully in the US for many years.

49   curious2   2014 Aug 5, 10:22am  

justme says

Paul Krugman has written on this topic a few times. I could could not find a link. If anyone has a link, please post it.

Krugman has been writing about that since at least 2000, but he's guilty of the same thing. For example, advocating yet again for another wasteful spending program, he claimed that there was only one, century-old rail tunnel under the Hudson between New York and New Jersey. ("There just isn’t enough space for everyone to drive to work. But right now there’s just one century-old rail tunnel linking New Jersey and New York — and it’s running close to capacity. The need for another tunnel couldn’t be more obvious.") In reality, PATH alone has two pairs of tubes, Amtrak has its own, and then there are the vehicular tunnels large enough they accommodate bus traffic, and the GW Bridge, also big enough for buses. But, since it's Krugrman's opinion, he never corrected himself; no matter how many bridges and tunnels observers can actually count, Krugman proclaims there is only one. Even if you think that Krugman might have somehow miscounted initially, even though he lives in New Jersey and writes for the NY Times across the river in Manhattan, that would not explain why he never corrected his count; it was probably a lie from the start and certainly a lie as it continues to be published that way on NYTimes.com. Krugman wanted his deluded followers to believe it was "obvious" that everybody needed to spend billions of dollars building another rail tunnel, and NY Times wants his audience for the same reason Fox wants Bill O'Reilly's. If you are relying on Krugman for your view of reality, then you risk becoming as deluded as the Faux Noise viewers whom you denounce.

50   justme   2014 Aug 5, 10:27am  

Ah yes,


Views Still Differ on Shape of Planet
January 8, 2011 6:41 am

More than 10 years have passed since I wrote this:

If a presidential candidate were to declare that the earth is flat, you would be sure to see a news analysis under the headline ”Shape of the Planet: Both Sides Have a Point.” After all, the earth isn’t perfectly spherical.

51   curious2   2014 Aug 5, 10:27am  

justme says

Ah yes,

Um, yes, I already linked to that for you, in response to your earlier comment, and explained it in context. I hope you aren't one of those who only ever read Krugman, though it would explain your views on the mandatory medical insurance legislation he's been beating the drums for since it was called Hillary's Plan (and back then he was ridiculing Obama for opposing it).

52   justme   2014 Aug 5, 11:25am  

Jeez, I just wanted people to see the famous "Views Still Differ on Shape of Planet" headline. What is the problem?

53   curious2   2014 Aug 5, 11:34am  

justme says

I just wanted people to see the...headline. What is the problem?

You seem to be changing your tune:

justme says

I say, to hell with civility.

I gave you a link, you should have been happy, but instead you have a problem, apparently because I presented it in context showing it came from a source as unreliable as what you had been complaining about, and who got "a free pass" just like the ones you claimed (incorrectly) went only to the other side.

54   justme   2014 Aug 5, 11:45am  

curious2 says

You seem to be changing your tune:

justme says

I say, to hell with civility.

Okay, I see. You wanted me to practice some incivility on you! Ok, I will, but no promises about the future.

I said nothing at all about the inanity of your complaint against Krugman. People can check the facts themselves.

There, is that incivil enough for you?

55   Y   2014 Aug 5, 1:45pm  

Is that with or without the testosterone booster?

jizz muncher says

I'll have a CALZONE.

56   Paralithodes   2014 Aug 5, 8:58pm  

thunderlips11 says

Sure, psychologists can be civil to schizophrenics. Whether they can have a civil discourse about the need to aluminum foil the walls is something else.

Hey, just curious ... Did you ever figure out what the rule of 72 was about?

57   HEY YOU   2014 Aug 9, 5:52pm  

I'll be having no part of a civil discussion. Don't people realize this is Patnet? roflmao

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