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I don’t like H1B’s either, too small, I like the H3 better.
Huh? I thought H3 is the smallest... never mind.
CB let me translate this for you That big business need cheap and dedicated workers. Politicians and company CEO(ala Carly F.) that says there is still a severe shortage of tech workers know it’s just plain B.S. along with the idea that U.S. schools are not graduating enough qualified candidates.
What there is a shortage of is worker bee's with BS's who'll do 60hrs for 50K.
Now tell me, there can’t be possibly a “severe†shortage of qualified candidates for such positions.
People always hide their intentions but the market always tells the truth. If such workers are demanded they must be in some kind of shortage.
On the other hand, I still think that performance and reward have little correlation in the workplace. Do not worry about people who "work too hard". Most probably they are politically immature and you should be able to defeat them.
U.S. schools are not graduating enough qualified candidates.
When investment bankers can buy houses in Marina while engineers have to rent, it is clear why "U.S. schools are not graduating enough qualified candidates". :)
Ha ha, don't leave just yet. Situations tend to correct themselves in interesting ways.
I drove by the new Cupertino condo today. It is almost finished. Did you end up buying the 750K 3BR unit with few common walls? :)
Very good article and an interesting perspective. The article mentioned that Walmart does not pay delay its bills, but I've heard several different stories about Walmart toying with its smaller suppliers. Maybe Walmart is too savvy to antagonize its larger suppliers, but they don't seem to have that scruple when dealing with smaller suppliers, esp. in China.
The other problem is that Walmart is not particularly cheap for most stuff. They have things like the $3 Jar of pickle loss leaders to draw people in and make believe its really cheap. And their non name branded stuff is really poorly made. Cloth that pills in two washes & tennis shoes that last less than a month. The brand name stuff that I could actually trust (mostly P&G or other major brands) are quite expensive (esp. compared to Costco's huge sizes).
Isn't it common belief that investment bankers (and HFers and VCistas) are not paid for their performance but based on the size of their extended family (whom they've sold to the devil in return for their pay packages)?
We finally joined Costco after checking out their seafood department. They sell king crab legs for less than $12/lb!
Capitalist (or feudalistic or plantation style) exploitation workers have been happening forever. But too much oppression and those oppressed masses gets restless or messianic. The rich Republican donors like the Waltons may think they got the oppressed masses controlled by religion and fear, but that can be a risky move.
I didn’t read the whole thread.. but having fixed mortgages at 4.8 - 5.5%, I would agree with the man. My 401k and my CD accounts yield more than that.
When fixed mortgages were at 4.8 - 5.5%, CDs were paying less than that.
If you have fixed your rate at 4.8%, of course you can invest at a higher rate now.
If I had purchased MSFT in the 80's, things would have been quite different for me. :)
"They sell king crab legs for less than $12/lb!"
Is that cheap? Are they any good?
The rich Republican donors like the Waltons may think they got the oppressed masses controlled by religion and fear, but that can be a risky move.
The oppressed people are oppressed by themselves - their own oppressive mindset and thinking.
Is that cheap? Are they any good?
I have not tried yet. :(
But they also sell lobster tails for about $25/lb. Not cheap, but reasonable.
Their lines are too long though. I can only tolerate going their on weekdays. Luckily, there is one near my office.
"If I had purchased MSFT in the 80’s, things would have been quite different for me. "
Why didn't I buy Berkshire Hathaway shares in the early 70's?!?!?!
I'm not a big seafood person. For shrimp and fish I prefer to dredging in tapioca flour and pan fry in canola. Steaming for all crustaceans, lobster, clams, and crayfish. Salmon and trout are salted and pan broiled.
I've never wine poached anything. I'm still trying to figure out what wine poaching is (though I assume it does not involve carrying a gun into a vineyard).
I’ve never wine poached anything.
Something like this:
RE: seafood
When in doubt, eat raw. :)
* Not dietary advice. Consuming raw or undercooked seafood can be harmful to your health.
I am having a vision of king crab risotto with green pea puree. Perhaps I should cook that soon...
That sounds good. Though it'll be while before I can afford to test out such a dish (I may have to take up the other kind of wine poaching to afford this wine poached scallop).
I've only had good scallops once (nobody bothers to take to good seafood restaurants), that was in Dalian. It was live and 60 cents a kilo, we steamed it and it turned out really good. Otherwise, it doesn't do much for me.
That sounds good. Though it’ll be while before I can afford to test out such a dish (I may have to take up the other kind of wine poaching to afford this wine poached scallop).
I think Trader Joe's has some good scallops. You do not need too many of them.
However, you may also want to try searing the scallops.
I heard that Dalian is a seafood heaven.
Do you like oxtails? I am also thinking of combining an oxtail soup recipe into one with risotto.
Wouldn't risotto be kind of waste for king crab? I find dungeness crabs to be very good and cheaper. It's not as sweet as blue crabs, but much easier to eat.
I like eating shrimp (or some other white fleshed sea fish) with hot rice congee. That cooks the shrimp quickly and compliments the delicate texture of the shrimp.
I tried TJ frozen seafood once. Never again!
I may have had oxtail once, but I don't remember what it tastes like. Tails and necks are too much work.
Wouldn’t risotto be kind of waste for king crab? I find dungeness crabs to be very good and cheaper. It’s not as sweet as blue crabs, but much easier to eat.
Not really. King crab meat is quite firm so it should do fine. Dungeness crab meat is quite delicate and it can "disappear" in the rice. :)
Blue crab is sweet!
Congee is a good way to cook seafood. Adding clams is the easiest way to bring more flavor to the soup.
I tried TJ frozen seafood once. Never again!
Costco has good scallops too.
Tails and necks are too much work.
Meat should fall off of the oxtails and it is quite tender. I do not usually eat neck.
My fellow Patrick.net bloggers,
I could use your help/ideas . Patrick is now interested in doing a CafePress-style storefront to merchandise Patrick.net themed T-shirts, hats, mugs, etc., but is not too keen on on the per-unit price CafePress charges. The "base price" (CafePress's cut) on each t-shirt is $8.99.
Does anyone out there know of another merchandising/storefront site that does the same thing but takes a slightly less gargantuan cut? I'm new to this game and any constructive suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Clams are good. Though a good chunk of my family got Hep A through an unfortunate batch of raw clams once. So we always get a little paranoid around clams. We do cook with mussels a lot.
Have you ever tried really small softshell clams? They're called sea melon seeds and they're the size of pumpkin seeds. It's good beer food.
"Costco has good scallops too."
Thanks for the tip. They have good frozen dungeness crabs and mussels too.
Clams are good. Though a good chunk of my family got Hep A through an unfortunate batch of raw clams once. So we always get a little paranoid around clams. We do cook with mussels a lot.
I believe there is a vaccine for Hep A.
Have you ever tried really small softshell clams? They’re called sea melon seeds and they’re the size of pumpkin seeds. It’s good beer food.
Perhaps I have tried that in miso soup, but I am not too sure. I usually cook clams in a wine/beer/sake broth. I do not prepare raw seafood at home.
They have good frozen dungeness crabs and mussels too.
I will try. I saw them at $4/lb. It takes some work to get the meat out though. A hammer would be useful.
It was about twenty years ago in China. And I do try to keep my Hep A and Hep C vaccines current when I travel to China, just in case.
I haven't had sea melon seeds raw. They're good sauteed with a little rice wine, scallion and ginger.
I don't have much trouble with dungeness crabs. A seafood cracker might be helpful. The blue crabs are a pain though, especially the claws.
I haven’t had sea melon seeds raw.
I only had cherrystone and littleneck clams raw. They taste very good with mignonette sauce.
The blue crabs are a pain though, especially the claws.
I had blue crabs once but I was more interested in the crab roe.
There seems to be a positive correlation between cholestestrol and taste. :)
Blue crab roe is yummy. East Coast blue crabs taste a lot like Yangtze hairy crabs. The roe gets used like truffle, they use it to flavor many meat and vegetable dishes. Late September and October are very good times for crabs.
Blue crab roe is yummy.
Yes. The roe was so good that forgot the crab had claws.
how are crabs and housing alike??
At this time, they both walk sideways.
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Some notorious quotes --like events-- represent pivotal moments that should never be forgotten. They should be preserved for posterity and passed along to future generations to serve as a warning. Some of the crap the REIC (Real Estate Industrial Complex) has been spewing for the last 5 years meets this lowly standard of putrescence.
Whenever these shills try to reverse course, change their tunes or revise history in the face of (now undeniable) evidence that their empire is crumbling, these quotes should be trotted out and rubbed in their lying, ugly faces at every opportunity.
Here are some of my infamous favorites:
Source: L.A. Times (August 28, 2005)
“Equity Is Altering Spending Habits and View of Debtâ€
Source: Federal Reserve Board (February 23, 2004)
Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan: Understanding household debt obligations
(just as Greenspan was preparing to start RAISING rates from 1%)
Source: N.Y. Times (March 25, 2005)
Trading Places: Real Estate Instead of Dot-Coms
Source: CNN Money/Fortune (February 13, 2006)
A tale of two markets
Source: N.Y. Times (October 16, 2005)
Chasing Ground
Bob Toll (President of Toll Brothers):
Source: N.Y. Times (March 25, 2005)
Trading Places: Real Estate Instead of Dot-Coms:
Source: Planet Jackson Hole (September 6, 2006)
Un-Real Estate
Source: Contra Costa Times (September 13, 2006)
Housing bubble may spare East Bay
Source: WILX.com (January 10, 2007)
Housing Market Recovery?
Source: newspress.com (January 24, 2007)
Low bids take glow off property auction
Source: Monterey County Herald (June 29, 2006)
Reaching The Dream Without Moving In California
Source: brisbanetimes.com (September 3, 2008)
Sky's no limit for property prices
Please post some of your own favorite "pearls of wisdom" you feel are especially worthy of remembrance.