Xenophobia at epidemic levels in russia

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2014 Nov 25, 7:54am   8,000 views  19 comments

by dublin hillz   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Xenophobia and hate crimes against members of other ethnic groups, after having declined in Russia between 2009 and 2012, have now risen to unprecedented levels, the result of what many see as the Putin regimes backing for ethnic Russian pride, according to experts in Moscow.


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1   FortWayne   2014 Nov 25, 8:01am  

It all started when US backed Ukrainian Nazi groups to overthrow government out there. I'm not saying Russia responded politely, I just hate that we are the source of all this bullshit.

It's like someone brought Obama campaign team overseas and installed it in Eastern Europe.

2   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 25, 8:56am  

I've been saying it all along. Liberals out lived their usefulness. So much so they have been hell bent the last 7 years to undo everything so they can reboot it again.

For the last 2 decades or more the most of the world has been more tolerant of people different than them selves, we've exhibited humanity on a grand scale. But it wasn't enough, people want jobs not race riots and gay themed sitcoms billing its self as the new modern family.

I don't understand how anyone from the Left could possibly have anything to say about Russains at this point it's not like you've had any respect for them. They are not a piss hole stain in the wall country. They are huge, and shouldn't be trifled with.

Yay!!! Pussy Riot showed those conservative assholes!

Ya call that an Olympic bathroom!? Ha-ha!

Hey Russia! Are you going to eat that country? You're not doing anything with it, we're just going to go ahead on and annex it into the European Union. What do you mean NO! Are those battle Tanks? OOOOH Putin you're no good, you're no GOOD!

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Nov 25, 9:48am  

Of course there's a rise in incidents against immigrants.
That's because for the first time in a long time, the #2 top destination for immigrants worldwide is....?


When did the incidents increase? In 2009. When did Russia start experiencing strong immigration? 2009.

Even Neoliberal Heartthrob and Putin-critic Navalny has been sounding the alarm bells about Central Asian immigration:

So for the first time in a long time, there is a massive influx of immigrants to Russia from Central Asia. UKIP is also picking up seats in the UK. Anti-immigrant parties do better with each passing year in Europe. Criticism of the benefits of mass, almost unchecked immigration relative to the number of jobs created picks up a majority of Republican Voters and a plurality of Democrats in the USA.

As for the source:
Institute of Modern Russia
Is wholly funded by Mikhail Khordorkovsky, an Oligarch-Mafioso who hates Putin because Putin made him the first target of his anti-Oligarch campaign. Khodorkovsky is one of those Glasnost-era Communist Functionaries who used their smuggling revenue, bribery, and influence to buy up Government Properties and especially Oil Reserves and Mines for a fraction of their (proven reserve) value.

Khordorkovsky & Yukos Assassination Group

He's also connected to the Murder of a Russian Mayor when the latter complained that Yukos did not pay local taxes, among other things. Many ex-KGB agents were employed by the like of Khordorkovsky to bribe and assassinate troublesome officials - something Russophobes and Putin-haters like to gloss over. A helluva lot more Russian dogoodniks and reporters disappeared in the 90s than in the 2000s, especially ones that chased after Lebedev or Khordorkovsky and their ilk. Oligarchs in turn hate Putin, because they expected him to be Yeltsin Part 2, and help continue their unofficial overlordship of Russia.

Meet Alexey Pichyugin, Convicted serial murderer and former Security Official of Yukos Oil.

Victims include:
* Sergei and Olga Kostina (founder of Bank Menatep, major Yukos shareholder, former advisor to Khodorkovsky, former Yukos Public Relations Chief). Their mutual deaths were very convenient for Khodorkovsky.
* Valentina Korneyeva (a Moscow business owner who had refused to sell her property to Bank Menatep)
* Vladimir Petukhov, mayor of Nefteyugansk (who had insisted that Yukos pay local taxes in full) and
* Nikolai Fedotov, a chauffeur (killed during an assassination attempt on Evgeny Rybin). A previous attempt had been made upon Mr. Rybin's life as he left a birthday party for a Menatep top manager while he was suing the company in Stockholm Arbitration court.
and two failed attempts at murder.

4   The Original Bankster   2014 Nov 25, 10:24am  

ya all the women there are going bat shit insane because the Xenophobia scares away all the men.

5   Blurtman   2014 Nov 25, 10:31am  

Because she's a lesbian? And the horse....???

6   dublin hillz   2014 Nov 26, 1:16am  

CaptainShuddup says

For the last 2 decades or more the most of the world has been more tolerant of
people different than them selves, we've exhibited humanity on a grand scale.

Russia has never been known as "tolerant." This goes back centuries, at least early 1600s. They never had a true european enlightment, more like total fucking darkness rooted in slavophile superstition (at least as far as majority of population and social institutions was concerned).

Ironically during the soviet despotism they had the lowest level of xenophobia (not that it was low on absolute levels vs western europe/usa) because the party leaders wanted to create a consciousness of universal working class solidarity which is transnational in nature. Still, they could not root out the good ol' slavophile hick and discrimination against jews, dark skinned people from the south, gypsies ran rampant.

And now they have exposed themselves for who they are - the empty void that's been created since dissolution of USSR. Over half of russians support the rightist policies such as russia for russians and view opposition to the government as being treasonous and being agents of USA. So, they are as paranoid as muslim fanatics.

7   FortWayne   2014 Nov 26, 1:40am  

dublin hillz says

Russia has never been known as "tolerant." This goes back centuries, at least early 1600s. They never had a true european enlightment, more like total fucking darkness rooted in slavophile superstition (at least as far as majority of population and social institutions was concerned).

I'll take their xenophobia over our constant gay and race riots. We just lost our values with our big government constantly dividing and screwing us all.

8   dublin hillz   2014 Nov 26, 1:50am  

FortWayne says

our big government

Our big government is nothing compared to their big government. Their government is the true leviathan.

9   RWSGFY   2014 Nov 26, 2:39am  

FortWayne says

US backed Ukrainian Nazi

Darn, I feel compelled to donate to Alzheimer foundation again. I used to donate to them a lot until I put Gary Anderson on ignore. Now this. Have mercy, I've got family to feed!

10   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 26, 2:51am  

dublin hillz says

Russia has never been known as "tolerant."

I beg to differ, you know Russia didn't have a problem with Pussy Riot, right?

A couple pornographic lesbians singing shock rock songs was not Russia's issue with them. The problem was with Pussy Riot, when they didn't get the rise they wanted out of the Government. They took it to the Church. That's pretty much has been the problem with Russia's relationship with Europe in the post cold war.

Russia was more politically and economical viable for Europe when they were a cold foe. The Eurozone is Liberal concept that the Right conservative mentality of a Democratic Russia undermines.

Putin is trolled by Europe and American Liberals because they can't stand that he and G.W. Bush aligned and were able to have productive alliance and partnerships. That benefited both countries.

Bush and Putin were the last two leaders to even matter on a world stage. Besides China and Asian country rulers.
So we better pull our pants back up, and start taking notice that we're not the ones driving this train. Less you wanna count the gay congo train to hell the express lane you want to be on.

11   John Bailo   2014 Nov 26, 3:02am  

CaptainShuddup says

So we better pull our pants back up, and start taking notice that we're not the ones driving this train.

Speaking of trains, Snowpiercer had about the best dystopian metaphor for how our society is now...represented as a mad, endlessly circling train where your strata depends on which car you live in.


12   dublin hillz   2014 Nov 26, 3:21am  

CaptainShuddup says

Putin is trolled by Europe and American Liberals because they can't stand
that he and G.W. Bush aligned and were able to have productive alliance and
partnerships. That benefited both countries.

Their relationship was eroding towards the end. Bush the 2nd was not happy about vladimir's invasion of georgia and called him "cold blooded."

13   Y   2014 Nov 26, 4:22am  

fuck...what a waste....

Blurtman says

Because she's a lesbian? And the horse....???

14   FortWayne   2014 Nov 26, 5:15am  

dublin hillz says

CaptainShuddup says

Putin is trolled by Europe and American Liberals because they can't stand

that he and G.W. Bush aligned and were able to have productive alliance and

partnerships. That benefited both countries.

Their relationship was eroding towards the end. Bush the 2nd was not happy about vladimir's invasion of georgia and called him "cold blooded."

What they both said, was not what they both did.

Obama tried to pull a quick one in Ukraine, and got strong armed in response. And just like typical cowardly liberal ran away to sit behind the comfort and security of the White House to just trash talk from the sidelines and urge others to "man up" for him.

And all this embarrassment comes from our lack of conservatism as a nation, and over the top liberalism and permissiveness.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Nov 26, 6:50am  

dublin hillz says

Russia has never been known as "tolerant." This goes back centuries, at least early 1600s. They never had a true european enlightment, more like total fucking darkness rooted in slavophile superstition (at least as far as majority of population and social institutions was concerned).

Russia has a shitload of ethnicities. Most Russians themselves describe themselves as Eurasian rather than European.

Do you want to compare the Russian record with Siberians and Central Asians with the history of Britain, Spain, with Wogs, Native Americans, Incas, Indians, Burmese, Filipinos, etc.?

The #1 export of Venice and Genoa were Russian, Polish, and Lithuanian Slav(e)s, taken by Tatars and Mongolians and sold in Azov and Kaffa for export to the Arabs in Alexandria. No racism there, though, the Venetians happily sold the Children's Crusade into slavery in Alexandria as well when the Pope couldn't pay for transportation and housing.

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Nov 26, 6:59am  

dublin hillz says

Their relationship was eroding towards the end. Bush the 2nd was not happy about vladimir's invasion of georgia and called him "cold blooded."

South Ossetia, a country that was grafted forcibly into Georgia by the Supreme Soviet Leader of Georgian Ancestry, Ioseb Besarionis Dze Jugashvili, AKA Josef Stalin, is now free.

Although CNN tried to spin it as a Russian invasion, everybody - even the Europeans - agree Georgia tried to annex South Ossetia by invasion (apparently annexation and breaking apart countries is okay when a formerly prospective NATO member does so like Kosovo).

(Saakashvilli chews on his tie as he learns that Russia was prepared for this and is in the process of kicking the shit out of Green Beret-trained Georgian militiamen)

Saakashvilli the once Tie Eating Authoritarian Democracy-crushing Vote-frauding Political-Opponent-Assassinating Journalist-imprisoning Dictator of Georgia, now lives on a chalky hipster island in the sea, Brooklyn. Also around the time of the Olympics, interestingly.

17   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 26, 7:34am  

FortWayne says

What they both said, was not what they both did.

I remember after the whole affair dissipated when Bush was asked about it, he just replied. "OH well you know Ole' Pootie Poo"

18   RWSGFY   2014 Nov 26, 8:26am  

thunderlips11 says

everybody - even the Europeans - agree Georgia tried to annex South Ossetia by invasion

Dude, what are you smoking? No country, except Russia, Tuvalu and (maybe) Nauru has agreed with what you claim above. You can type gigabytes of text claiming otherwise, but the facts remain the facts. Osetia is basically a stolen property in the eye of the world.

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Nov 27, 1:09am  

Straw Man says

Dude, what are you smoking? No country, except Russia, Tuvalu and (maybe) Nauru has agreed with what you claim above. You can type gigabytes of text claiming otherwise, but the facts remain the facts. Osetia is basically a stolen property in the eye of the world.

Stolen by Georgian Stalin and given to Russia. Just like Ukrainian Kruschev stole Crimea and gave it to Ukraine SSR. It doesn't matter. The fact is that Ossetia is no longer part of Georgia, Saakashvilli lives in exile in Brooklyn, and a new more Russia-friendly government is in that doesn't jail journalists and opposition party members like Saakashvilli (and Yatsunek) now rules in Democratic Georgia, which ain't gonna be joining NATO anytime soon.

China recognized Crimea as Russian a few weeks back, by the way. About the same time they ordered a whole bunch of Su-30s and SAMs and two new submarines from Russia as well as another big multi-billion dollar gas deal.

Ukraine is next.

Stay tuned, the US empire is about to crumble. Here's to a better future and a weak dollar to fire up a 2nd US industrial revolution

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