U.S. led sanctions against Putin over Ukraine hurting Europe more than Russia

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2014 Dec 1, 9:24pm   1,084 views  7 comments

by darlag   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

As Global Deflation News predicted and discussed here and here back in September, the economic sanctions being imposed on Russia over its involvement in Ukraine are hurting the European economies much more than they are hurting Russia.


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1   Y   2014 Dec 1, 10:25pm  

any publication that headlines the above picture with a cartoon balloon is not to be taken seriously.
there is zero proof in the article. It appears to be russian propaganda.

2   Tenpoundbass   2014 Dec 1, 10:58pm  

Suprise suprise!!

Russia only had 40 years experience in being self reliant, shut out and cut off from the rest of the world. They've got it down to such a successful system. That two piss stain hole in the wall countries like Cuba and NK are going on their 60th year in complete isolation.

So they wont be eating any Hershey's chocolate bars, there's far worse fates than that.

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Dec 1, 11:17pm  

CaptainShuddup says

So they wont be eating any Hershey's chocolate bars, there's far worse fates than that.

Well, the US and Europe don't grow no Cocoa anyway, just like the Dutch didn't grow no Tobacco. Making Candy Bars ain't rocket science, and the Proton-K has been used for 50 years with 98% reliability with god knows how many launches. 200?

Instead of European Chicken, they'll buy Brazilian Chicken. Instead of Spanish and Italian Oranges, Brazilian Oranges. The Brazilians grow exponentially more oranges (and almost 3x the US production) than both those countries combined.

The current talk is banning fast food advertising in Russia.

Those long term business relationships may never come back, as Russian supermarkets will sign long-term contracts to get the best prices.

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Dec 1, 11:44pm  


Big Breaking News Today.

Call it "Turkey's Revenge".

Remember that Turkey was trying to get in the EU for what, 50 years? And never got past "association agreement" limbo? Yet after the wall fell countries jumped in front of it on line?

Remember how Russia is trying to not have to pipe gas through Ukraine's Sticky Fingers, especially to get around Princess Leia-Tymoshenko (bottle blonde, btw, natural dark blue brunette)?

Remember how EUneoliberalcrats dusted off some unused rule about a gas company not being able to own the gas and the pipeline to find a reason to deep six the Russia-Bulgarian Pipeline that would run under the Black Sea, bypassing the Khokhol Brigands?

Yeah, well, Turkey just signed a 63bcm pipeline deal with Gazprom and Russia. The Russians are gonna bring the pipeline down under the Black Sea to Turkey. Since Turkey ain't a full fledged EU member, it's no problem. As part of the deal Turkey's gonna get a nice discount on gas, too.

There's more: The US has been trying to cajole Turkey into providing more Anti-Assad er, pro-Saudi -- I MEAN, anti-ISIS assistance.

Will the make the Turkish relationship more difficult by trying to nix the new pipeline while getting Turkey to help out more with ISIS?

Oh - one more complication. The terminus is supposed to be Greece. Imagine the EU threatening Greece not to build this, with the current economic state they're in, with Gazprom probably paying for it at no skin off the Greek Taxpayer's back.

Also, if Ukraine joins the EU, who is paying to bring it up to snuff? Because Ukraine today, economically, is about where Russia was in 1992. East Germany in 1990 was more industrialized with better infrastructure than today's Ukraine. Will it be Germany and France, the same countries who rammed Austerity down Southern Europe's throat? How will they justify largess of the European Taxpayer to a new member with territorial disputes, while insisting austerity be maintained among established members?

We will see!

5   RWSGFY   2014 Dec 3, 6:21am  

thunderlips11 says

Yeah, well, Turkey just signed a 63bcm pipeline deal with Gazprom and Russia. The Russians are gonna bring the pipeline down under the Black Sea to Turkey. Since Turkey ain't a full fledged EU member, it's no problem. As part of the deal Turkey's gonna get a nice discount on gas, too.

Yeah, yeah, "great news from the future".

The genre has been perfected in USSR.

1960s: "Sure, comrade, there are shortages of everything and don't even ask about toilet paper, but next generation of Soviet people will live in fully-implemented Communism!".

1980s: "Sure, comrade, the Communism didn't really happen and don't even ask about toilet paper, but we assure you, that by year 2000 every Soviet family will have a separate flat of their own!".

Not so long ago the South Stream was "great news from the future" too...

Now it's been replaced by "grand Turkey pipeline".

Carry on, comrade! Keep'em coming.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Dec 3, 6:23am  

Neocons like yourself are coming up with plenty of butthurt excuses not different than your hypotheticals above.

7   RWSGFY   2014 Dec 3, 6:24am  

thunderlips11 says

Neocons like yourself

Gary, is that you?

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