The Largest Homeless Camp in the U.S. is in Silicon Valley

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2014 Dec 13, 3:35am   5,375 views  18 comments

by darlag   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

One would think that one of the richest cities in the United States, San Jose, California, would have very few homeless people. One might also assume that a city, full of the smartest people in the world, would be able to find a solution to providing for the few homeless people it generates. After all, there is certainly enough money available in a city with some of the largest and richest tech companies in the world. But, alas, one would be wrong… on every count.


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1   Ceffer   2014 Dec 13, 3:46am  

Can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit, even if you are a silicon valley megabuckster.

Of course, the encampment is a group of wonderful, civilized, talented, industrious and organized individuals, temporarily down on their luck, who just need lots of free money to get them back on their feet.

Maybe they are squatting software engineers, waiting for Adobe to start blinking the hiring light.

2   darlag   2014 Dec 13, 5:23am  

Ceffer says

Maybe they are squatting software engineers, w

Actually, one of the interviewed was an engineer living out of his car because he lost his job and his apartment at the same time.

Very few homeless these days are chronically so. Most are, as you put it, 'temporarily down on their luck'.

3   Dan8267   2014 Dec 13, 6:37am  

Any surprise? The largest bubble in housing is in Silicone Valley.

4   Peter P   2014 Dec 13, 7:37am  

Silicone or silicon?

5   Rin   2014 Dec 13, 7:43am  

People, get your terms right.

Silicon Valley is the tech region in the SFBA.

Silicone Valley, however, is the San Fernando Valley, the b**b job capital of Southern California.

6   Peter P   2014 Dec 13, 7:45am  

Rin says

Silicone Valley, however, is the San Fernando Valley, the b**b job capital of Southern California.

Am I strange to hate big boobs? Real or fake, they look very unhealthy. How can those woman even maintain a good posture?

7   Rin   2014 Dec 13, 7:50am  

Article says

Many are out-of-work professionals, like the husband and wife who can’t find work or to afford rent anywhere. He is a former engineering consultant, his wife still has a job as a medical clerk.

First of all, if you don't have a high paying job, leave the Valley immediately!

Seriously, even outside of Boston, if you're willing to commute certain distances, finding reasonable rent isn't out of the question.

And then, there are regions like the Carolinas or Texas, where there are a growing number of tech jobs but with reasonable costs of living.

8   Rin   2014 Dec 13, 7:51am  

Peter P says

Am I strange to hate big boobs? Real or fake, they look very unhealthy. How can those woman even maintain a good posture?

No pun intended, but bent over rowing, with dumbells, will do the trick for the posture.

Yes, you're strange. In fact, big boobs are the only things which help me to unwind from my work.

9   Peter P   2014 Dec 13, 12:06pm  

Rin says

Yes, you're strange.

To me, eyes are all-important.

11   Peter P   2014 Dec 13, 12:44pm  

One way to deal with the homeless problem is the construction of interconnected private enclaves. They are like gated communities connected by elevated or subterranean roadways. Perhaps we can call them 21st Century Fortified Cities?

Since these will not be public areas, homeless people can be asked to leave.

I wonder if Cupertino will remain a "fortress."

12   Peter P   2014 Dec 13, 12:55pm  

When is the new Mad Max movie coming out?

13   Rin   2014 Dec 13, 12:58pm  

Peter P says

Rin says

Yes, you're strange.

To me, eyes are all-important.

What about sliding one's pole between a pair of bazonkas?

Isn't that also important?

14   Peter P   2014 Dec 13, 1:08pm  

Rin says

Isn't that also important?

To me, mental stimulation is just as important. But then I'm strange. ;-)

Hasn't it been said that to conquer a man one can stroke his penis or his ego?

15   Rin   2014 Dec 13, 1:20pm  

Peter P says

Rin says

Isn't that also important?

To me, mental stimulation is just as important. But then I'm strange. ;-)

Hasn't it been said that to conquer a man one can stroke his penis or his ego?

In the future, we'll have the opportunity to slide our poles between the bazonkas of some sex androids. Once that occurs, our bodies will be satisfied.

Afterwards, we'll probably get all the mental stimulation we need with our other intellectual male friends, who're into the sciences, philosophies, or arts.

16   Peter P   2014 Dec 13, 1:22pm  

Rin says

Once that occurs, our bodies will be satisfied.

But then I am the one who predicts the emergence of machine-induced lucid wet dreams. :-)

17   Tenpoundbass   2014 Dec 13, 1:42pm  

"GANG WAY!! I Said GANG WAY you riff raff, scallywags and ne'er-do-wells! Outta my way, you piss riddled leaches. "

Got get your Dickens face on when dealing with the down trodden that you're too ashamed to look at.

18   Tenpoundbass   2014 Dec 13, 1:51pm  

darlag says

Actually, one of the interviewed was an engineer living out of his car because he lost his job and his apartment at the same time.

Very few homeless these days are chronically so. Most are, as you put it, 'temporarily down on their luck'.

That doesn't sound like down on his luck that sounds like a pattern.
Move to Silicon Valley get a high paying tech job, spend most of your pay on rent and living expenses. Lose job your lifestyle quickly evaporates. People making that kind of money shouldn't be down on their luck because they missed a month or two of work.

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