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Unlikely. Patrick largely gave up on this site as soon as prices started rising. Nowadays, he hardly cares to even post here, much less maintain links with data.
As you can see, in the 2 years since you were active here, this went from a place largely focused on real estate to one dealing largely with a bunch of derp and political nonsense. You can poke around a bit and see if you find the old link, but more than likely, it will just take you back to the home page.
LOL in the irony of all ironies, here is what @Patrick was concerned about when he largely gave up on this site:
I was just getting pissed at looking at my home page every day and seeing yet another poorly-reasoned anti-Obama post or just plain slander from one of the same 4 or 5 people. I'm not even an Obama fan, but I don't want those couple of hate-mongers to turn my site into the anti-Obama show.
2 years later, this is exactly what his site has become.
Admittedly there's some truth to that. But only half of it. The other half is that Obama and his administration have disappointed even staunch liberals and even quite a few democrats, so his support has eroded everywhere. I was moderately optimistic and cheerful when he took office after W. That was a short honeymoon only though ;)
Patrick's zest bled out when his pamphlet on real estate failed to make a splash. This site was a pleasure to read, years ago. Today, it's full of trolls who flame one another.
Obama and his administration have disappointed...
Respectfully, you entirely miss my point. The subject matter (in this case Obama) is immaterial. There are literally thousands upon thousands of websites where you can post Obama this and Obama that all day long - equate him with Hitler - do whatever you like.
However, this was a unique site because it was about the housing bubble and was pretty much free of the political nonsense that gums up so many other sites. Witness at the time Patrick's response to one of CICs multitude of Obama jabs:
I would be careful... when you point out these negative FACTS about Obama's record, they don't like that here..... your posts will get deleted by the forum Nazi....
Fuck you.
I don't delete anyone for posting facts, just for relentless racist infantile propoganda.
Please post a picture of Obama in a grass skirt or as an evil clown so I can blow your account away in clean conscience.
LOL - back then an image of Obama in a grass skirt could get you banned. Now, its just another day at here at the office. Imagine how different this place could have been had Patrick actually followed through on his words and kept the political nonsense to a minimum.
However, this was a unique site because it was about the housing bubble and was
pretty much free of the political nonsense that gums up so many other sites.
The housing section is more of an afterthought at this point. It will stay that way until there will be a dramatic movement in real estate prices, especially if there will be another crash.
The other half is that Obama and his administration have disappointed even
staunch liberals and even quite a few democrats, so his support has eroded
I agree that he disappointed his base that intensely follows politics but in terms of casual political observer (and a lot of them vote in general election) his performance appraisal is neutral/positive.
However, this was a unique site because it was about the housing bubble and was
pretty much free of the political nonsense that gums up so many other sites.
The housing section is more of an afterthought at this point. It will stay that way until there will be a dramatic movement in real estate prices, especially if there will be another crash.
agree.. I was told of this website by a friend a couple years ago. He stopped visiting this site and I have pretty much stopped checking this site on a daily basis after it was hijacked by a few with mostly political psychobabble. I wish this site went back to focusing on housing news...
I remember in 2012 Patrick had uncensored asking rent and asking price history from Craigslist for paid members. Just wonder if this still available? Moving to our new house and planning to rent our condo.