ITIF report: U.S. manufacturing comeback is a myth

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2015 Jan 12, 6:40am   2,055 views  7 comments

by darlag   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

A study by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), a Washington-based think tank, dismissed the conventional account of the state of the manufacturing sector in the U.S., that the sector is healthy and improving, as a ‘myth’.


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1   indigenous   2015 Jan 12, 7:08am  

Damn Darlag, this is noiise, you cannot equate manufacturing to jobs. To look at the facts on manufacturing you just have to look at the ISM stat, it has been down for several months but that is just the business cycle. The "recovery" in general is just a charade.

2   darlag   2015 Jan 12, 8:29am  

indigenous says

Damn Darlag, this is noiise, you cannot equate manufacturing to jobs.

The report didn't equate jobs to output. It simply stated that even with recent claims of job increases in the sector, output remains below 2000 levels.

3   indigenous   2015 Jan 12, 9:22am  

Implied it then, still misleading.

4   John Bailo   2015 Jan 12, 9:29am  

Long term we could be in for decades of De-industrialization!

For example, if we get something like solar energy and hydrogen storage working, then we'd eliminate a huge sector of the drilling, digging, refining and transportation of liquid fuels.

If we get self-driving vehicles working, where you could send packages and even fast food to customers robotically, you'd take hundreds of thousands of vehicles off the road, reducing the need for building and repair.

If you create industrial robots, like the kind at Amazon's warehouse, you'd also reduce the need to bring 200lb human bodies to work centers twice a day. That in turn would reduce the need for parts and primary resources like metals, plastics and so on.

If you get people to reduce or stabilize population..which it seems will happen by 2030 or sooner, there would be decreasing demand for home building, food, and so on. Again, same effect on primary resources.

5   indigenous   2015 Jan 12, 9:41am  

Nope manufacturing is going to be good because China's costs are going up and because the US has lower fuel costs than Europe

6   Bellingham Bill   2015 Jan 12, 3:02pm  

plus the increasing virtualization of our economy overall.

compare the capital investment of a bowling alley

vs a bowling app

7   Bellingham Bill   2015 Jan 12, 3:05pm  

I was reading the specs of the new chipped atm cards, and they have embedded computers resembling the Nintendo console -- 16bit, 8MB ROM, etc.

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