Japan Opens Hotel Run By Human Looking Robots

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2015 Feb 12, 9:19pm   17,733 views  38 comments

by Indiana Jones   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Humanoids will staff the Henn-na Hotel in Nagasaki, which opens in July
They will check in new guests, carry their luggage and clean their rooms
Robots are designed to look and behave like young Japanese women
They can make eye contact and alter their body language
Hi-tech hotel will use facial recognition and detect guests' temperatures

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2946103/FAULTY-towers-Japan-opens-hotel-multi-lingual-ROBOTS-welcome-guests-carry-bags-clean-room.html#ixzz3RbEQWLgn
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Comments 1 - 38 of 38        Search these comments

1   turtledove   2015 Feb 12, 9:35pm  

Someone should tell Rin they've invented his next girlfriend.

2   Vicente   2015 Feb 12, 9:40pm  

Screw that. I don't want a robot desk jockey, I want a kickass cyborg.

4   🎂 lostand confused   2015 Feb 13, 6:25am  

Do they provide massage with happy endings too?

5   Rin   2015 Feb 13, 8:43am  

It's happening!

This is it. The countdown to the first boinking 'bot in underway. I was waiting for when Japan would start the road to the inevitable.

I knew that the stateside Puritans and Femi-Nazis would never let a hotel have automated female attendants like this. But Japan's now leading the efforts..

6   Rin   2015 Feb 19, 5:57am  

Ppl, you all realize that when robot sex is available to the masses, I'll be the happiest man around?

7   anonymous   2015 Feb 19, 7:48am  


I must be unimaginative because i cant envision a scenario where a robot competes with the current choices that female humanoids and mine own hands presently offer

Get a bj
Have sex
Give myself a handy
Get a handy from someone else

Although i guess i shouldnt underestimate the possibilities of technology

8   Strategist   2015 Feb 19, 8:33am  

Indiana Jones says

Japan Opens Hotel Run By Human Looking Robots

How do you tip them? I guess with nuts and bolts.

9   Rin   2015 Feb 19, 8:53am  

errc says

Get a bj

Have sex

Give myself a handy

Get a handy from someone else

Personally, I want a Menage-A-Trios, with my favorite classic rock songs blaring the background, and an OFF switch.

Once the session is over, I flick the 'bots OFF and I'm back to my daily activities of reading, doing problem sets, writing, martial arts, etc.

10   Ceffer   2015 Feb 19, 11:49am  

Don't be so sanguine. It's just a matter of time before robot sexual harassment charges and infliction of emotional distress. Their little camera eyes will get everything, and then it's blackmail and extortion time.

Politicians with their hands in the till and their peckers in the milking machines.

11   Rin   2015 Feb 19, 11:58am  

Ceffer says

Their little camera eyes will get everything, and then it's blackmail and extortion time.

That's going to be a major problem, esp given all the hackings out there.

I think a workaround is that after a boink, you let it cycle through a machine algo training session. Then, just like with browsers, you have it delete the actual streaming audio/video of the boink so that those hours are marked as offline/deleted. Then, it's trained to learn your preferences, you know, like deep throat & swallowing or going down on another 'bot, while you do her doggie style, but won't be able to find the original file where it got that idea.

12   Ceffer   2015 Feb 19, 12:44pm  

It would help if they had pubic hair made of dental floss. You could practice oral sex and oral hygiene at the same time.

13   Strategist   2015 Feb 19, 5:03pm  

Ceffer says

It would help if they had pubic hair made of dental floss. You could practice oral sex and oral hygiene at the same time.

You are sick. No one practices oral sex.

14   Ceffer   2015 Feb 19, 11:59pm  

Probably more people practice oral sex than oral hygiene. Kill two birds with one stone.

15   Peter P   2015 Feb 20, 9:10am  

Strategist says

No one practices oral sex.

Then why do people like banana?

We know fruit flies like a banana, but people have no wings. Nor do they fly.

16   Strategist   2015 Feb 20, 10:13am  

Peter P says

Strategist says

No one practices oral sex.

Then why do people like banana?

I like cherries.

17   Y   2015 Feb 20, 10:22am  

lemme guess...the 'p's for 'pecker'...

Peter P says

Strategist says

No one practices oral sex.

Then why do people like banana?

We know fruit flies like a banana, but people have no wings. Nor do they fly.

18   Peter P   2015 Feb 20, 10:38am  

The P in Peter P stands for Peter P.

19   Rin   2015 Feb 20, 6:47pm  

Peter P says

The P in Peter P stands for Peter P.

So you're not Peter North :) ?

20   Strategist   2015 Feb 20, 7:04pm  

Rin says

Peter P says

The P in Peter P stands for Peter P.

So you're not Peter North :) ?

Rin, don't you think your Escort GF will look better without clothes?

21   Rin   2015 Feb 20, 8:30pm  

Strategist says

Rin, don't you think your Escort GF will look better without clothes?

Do you want PatNet to get the *adult content* marking? We're suppose to be a clean content site.

22   Strategist   2015 Feb 20, 8:35pm  

Rin says

Strategist says

Rin, don't you think your Escort GF will look better without clothes?

Do you want PatNet to get the *adult content* marking? We're suppose to be a clean content site.

Don't you appreciate art?

23   Rin   2015 Feb 20, 8:42pm  

Strategist says

Don't you appreciate art?

I'd love to post nudes everywhere but once a site gets tagged as *adult content*, it gets degraded by the search engines. Out of politeness to Pat, I'd rather leave that stuff to the imagination.

C'mon, you've got it ... face, b**bs, and *ss. Is there really anything else to say?

24   Strategist   2015 Feb 20, 8:47pm  

Rin says

Strategist says

Don't you appreciate art?

I'd love to post nudes everywhere but once a site gets tagged as *adult content*, it gets degraded by the search engines. Out of politeness to Pat, I'd rather leave that stuff to the imagination.

C'mon, you've got it ... face, b**bs, and *ss. Is there really anything else to say?

You disgust me Rin. What am I gonna tell all my friends, when I have already told them what an inspiration you are (were).

25   Rin   2015 Feb 20, 9:00pm  

Strategist says

You disgust me Rin. What am I gonna tell all my friends, when I have already told them what an inspiration you are (were).

When I arrive at the Canadian customs/border ... what am I suppose to tell the ppl there, 'Hi, I'm here to bang your finest hoes', or 'I'm here to meet up with my Canadian friends and colleagues' ?

Do you see the difference in the two statements?

26   Strategist   2015 Feb 20, 9:02pm  

Rin says

Strategist says

You disgust me Rin. What am I gonna tell all my friends, when I have already told them what an inspiration you are (were).

When I arrive at the Canadian customs/border ... what am I suppose to tell the ppl there, 'Hi, I'm here to bang your finest hoes', or 'I'm here to meet up with my Canadian friends and colleagues' ?

Do you see the difference in the two statements?

They ask if you are visiting for business or pleasure? Just tell them the truth.

27   Rin   2015 Feb 20, 9:04pm  

Strategist says

They ask if you are visiting for business or pleasure? Just tell them the truth.

For me, it's always business and pleasure :)!

28   Strategist   2015 Feb 20, 9:09pm  

Rin says

Strategist says

They ask if you are visiting for business or pleasure? Just tell them the truth.

For me, it's always business and pleasure :)!

When I went to Vegas a few weeks ago, they asked me if I was there for business or pleasure? I told them both. I saw a lot of hot cocktail waitresses and my imagination ran wild :) :)
My wife was nowhere in my imagination. :) :)

29   Rin   2015 Feb 20, 9:13pm  

Strategist says

When I went to Vegas a few weeks ago, they asked me if I was there for business or pleasure? I told them both. I saw a lot of hot cocktail waitresses and my imagination ran wild :) :)

My wife was nowhere in my imagination. :) :)

You need to take some of that spirit to Australia, where legally speaking, everything goes :)

30   Strategist   2015 Feb 20, 9:15pm  

Rin says

Strategist says

When I went to Vegas a few weeks ago, they asked me if I was there for business or pleasure? I told them both. I saw a lot of hot cocktail waitresses and my imagination ran wild :) :)

My wife was nowhere in my imagination. :) :)

You need to take some of that spirit to Australia, where legally speaking, everything goes :)

I need help Rin, a lot of help. Don't let me down.

31   Rin   2015 Feb 20, 9:22pm  

Strategist says

I need help Rin, a lot of help. Don't let me down.

Plan ahead, and make that trip Down Under/Australia. That's your salvation.

And make it full featured, meaning enjoying the sites, the foods, the alcohol, but then ... banging some gorgeous babes in their 5 star brothels.

Once you've experienced the perfect brothel experiences in a 1st world nation, you'll never see America in the same vein again.

You'll see the USA as some retarded Puritanical state which restricts its men from enjoying the good things in life.

32   Rin   2015 Feb 22, 1:41pm  

Strategist says

I'm already feeling better. :)

BTW, I had the above situation, almost like that photo, in a New Zealand massage parlour. So go book your ticket.

33   Strategist   2015 Feb 22, 4:23pm  

Rin says

Strategist says

I'm already feeling better. :)

BTW, I had the above situation, almost like that photo, in a New Zealand massage parlour. So go book your ticket.

Hey, someone deleted the nice picture of what you did to that woman. :(

34   Rin   2015 Feb 22, 5:15pm  

Strategist says

Hey, someone deleted the nice picture of what you did to that woman. :(

That's Puritanism for you. Despite the fact that I'd covered over the X-rated sections of the jpegs, the concept in itself was disturbing.

Now you see why I can't wait till I get my leave to go to Australia/NZ.

35   Strategist   2015 Feb 22, 5:18pm  

Rin says

Strategist says

Hey, someone deleted the nice picture of what you did to that woman. :(

That's Puritanism for you. Despite the fact that I'd covered over the X-rated sections of the jpegs, the concept in itself was disturbing.

Oh well, some people just don't appreciate natural beauty.

Rin says

Now you see why I can't wait till I get my leave to go to Australia/NZ.

Don't blame you. Do you even want to come back?

36   Rin   2015 Feb 22, 5:32pm  

Strategist says

Rin says

Now you see why I can't wait till I get my leave to go to Australia/NZ.

Don't blame you. Do you even want to come back?

When I hit 50, I'll be looking at getting a retirement visa there. Right now, we have to leave every 3 mos, without a proper long term business visa. I don't see the point in going through that hassle, as I won't be starting a company there, anyways.

But yeah, I don't want to come back. When I was on those business trips to Sydney, I was so productive, because I was regularly boning hoes. And at the same time, I did go to social gatherings, did tourist-y things, ate some great food, drank some Shiraz (ok, much of it Down Under is blended) but still, it was f'cking awesome. I come back home and all I see are these desperate men, hitting on every woman at a party, who doesn't weigh a ton ... so much for Americana. We're a pathetically lame society.

37   Strategist   2015 Feb 22, 5:37pm  

Rin says

Rin says

Now you see why I can't wait till I get my leave to go to Australia/NZ.

Don't blame you. Do you even want to come back?

When I hit 50, I'll be looking at getting a retirement visa there.

I looked into it when you previously mentioned it. I think the age requirement is 55. Besides, the cost of living is a lot higher than USA. If you want your dollars to go further, won't a place like Thailand or something be a better bet? Even their hot escorts cost a lot less.

38   Rin   2015 Feb 22, 5:48pm  

Strategist says

I looked into it when you previously mentioned it. I think the age requirement is 55. Besides, the cost of living is a lot higher than USA. If you want your dollars to go further, won't a place like Thailand or something be a better bet? Even their hot escorts cost a lot less.

My impression of Thailand, as well as, a lot of SE Asia is that those places are good for let's say 2-3 mos per year. The problem there is that between foreigners and locals, familiarity breeds contempt. So a short timer there is kinda an ex-pat *star player* but a long term person there, has to deal with regular discrimination, even if it's subtle.

So yes, between let's say the day when my stint at this hedge fund is done, till the official day when I'd done with America, I'll intersperse between Australia/NZ, Thailand, and other places. And as for CoL in Australia, just like in Boston or NYC metro, the further out you go, the cheaper the real estate. And really, Sydney's the biggest money sink. The outer 'burbs in Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane are a lot cheaper.

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