Disaffected christian white males live vicariously through Trump

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2015 Sep 4, 10:37am   8,366 views  23 comments

by dublin hillz   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

What, exactly, is it about his personality that is so appealing to some (while being so abhorrent to others)? His unabashed egoism and narcissism, coupled with his success. Trump unapologetically views the world through a performance hierarchy. In the real world (or at least what Trump says is the real world), you either get the job done or you don’t. His wealth and influence is evidence that he gets things done. Why is he a winner? Because he is better than everyone else. And his intellect, charm and grit are the reasons; others (i.e., the bimbos and losers out there) fail because they are weak and stupid. In short, Trump is completely and unapologetically defined by egotistical rankism. (See here for an analysis (link is external)of why Trump's personal psychology may be so defined by power and salesmenship).

But if Trump is so clearly in the top 1% of the economic stratosphere, why would he be appealing to disaffected TCWM? Because when we rally around a candidate, we connect to them, we live vicariously through them, and they represent what we desire.


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1   marcus   2015 Sep 4, 12:57pm  

dublin hillz says

What, exactly, is it about his personality that is so appealing to some (while being so abhorrent to others)?

I think embedded in this question, is the answer.

Especially for some people around here, it applies. These individuals have hated Obama since long before he won the Presidency. SO here we are, with a totally broken and dysfunctional government,. The right wingers have been fed a steady stream of lies that it's all Obama's fault, which they are happy to believe since they didn't vote for him and predicted his failure. Being right is so awesome ! They feel they have had to deal with this guy that they hated from day one, so now it's time for payback.

As amazing as it might seem, what it is they like is how much liberals and rational people in general dislike Trump and fear what he would do as President. Somehow they think this would balance the scales or something. It's payback.

THen there's also the deep authoritarian streak. Many of these people don't mind the idea of a fascist dictator, at least in theory, as long as he speaks the right hate and fear memes.

2   Blurtman   2015 Sep 4, 1:32pm  

"At the end of our first day of supervision, I asked my doctoral students in professional psychology what they thought of “The Donald” being an actual contender for the Presidency of the United States."

Jeepers, what are the odds that his students are telling him what he wants to hear?

"Because when we rally around a candidate, we connect to them, we live vicariously through them, and they represent what we desire."

Yeppers, living vicariously through Bernie Sanders, Wheeeeee.....what a ride!

3   mell   2015 Sep 4, 1:42pm  

Some possible conjecture there, sure. But the by far most important reason is his zero fucks given attitude towards political correctness and its related -isms (feminism, social justice warrior-ism), which have disenfranchised the straight, white (and Christian) male. Pair that with a declining white population (humans have naturally built-in preference wrt their race/culture) and it's obvious. I don't think he is particularly egoistic or narcissistic, he's raised a couple of kids and provided for them as well as for their mothers. Takes some altruism.

4   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 4, 5:11pm  

The Democrats afraid of retrebution from the radicalized Liberals, whispers with a hand shielding their mouths from the ohter Liberals in the room... "So how is Trump doing anyway?" I say... "Oh he's kicking ass he has those shit birds on the run!" They just smile and sit back, with a serine look on thier face. Like they just felt the first rain drop in 7 Summers.

5   marcus   2015 Sep 4, 5:19pm  

Let the record show, that I called it. Trump is peaking now, as I said in another thread.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 4, 5:20pm  

I don't know if Trump is a real winner, but his media handlers have certainly done a great job of making him appear to be one.

As for President, well, let's say you can't just declare bankruptcy if you screw up during your term, and start over again.

Grouchy Middle Aged people like him because he gives no shits. Trump, like most his followers, are from an era where to fuck up badly you generally had to be a major fuck up, or extremely unlucky.

7   zzyzzx   2015 Sep 4, 5:23pm  

How many times has the libtard media declared trumps campaign over? we heard it when he was leading with 18% of the vote, then again when he was leading with 24% of the vote,now, with the latest poll having him at 30%, we are to believe his campaign is in trouble? I don't think even the liberal fools(redundant, I know) actually believe that. go Trump go.

8   lostand confused   2015 Sep 4, 5:25pm  

Blurtman says

Yeppers, living vicariously through Bernie Sanders, Wheeeeee.....what a ride!

Come on now. That is way better than living vicariously through Hillary Clinton!!!

9   Dan8267   2015 Sep 4, 5:26pm  

dublin hillz says

Disaffected christian white males live vicariously through Trump

Either Trump is the second coming of Jesus or WASPs are utter hypocrites calling themselves pius Christians while worshiping pretty much the exact opposite of Jesus. Now, what was the term for the opposite of Christ?

10   zzyzzx   2015 Sep 4, 5:28pm  

I think Trump, at this time, has the best shot at becoming POTUS.

He's gonna garner a lot of votes. I'm excited to see how this all unfolds.

The only chance the Democrats have in rivaling him, is if Biden announces he will run. With Clinton's campaign burning worse then Rome, I think its only a matter of time before Biden inserts his bid, and hammers the final nail on Clinton's campaign.

Trump on the other hand, has no one else rivaling him from a republican stand point. Cruz, Paul, Bush, Carson.... Not 1 of em has anywhere near the voters attention as Trump does.

Trump vs Biden is who the American people will likely be voting between this time next year.

I don't think Biden can beat Trump. After serving as VP, everyone knows Biden is already in the pockets of many lobbyists.

11   zzyzzx   2015 Sep 4, 5:41pm  


BOSTON — Donald Trump is maintaining a commanding 2-1 lead in the latest poll of GOP caucus goers in Iowa, and his only rival in double digits is another political novice, Dr. Ben Carson.

In a Gravis Marketing poll of 507 Iowa Republicans conducted last Friday and Saturday, Trump has 31.7 percent to Carson’s 15.8 and Bush’s 4.1 percent. A Monmouth University poll released yesterday had showed Trump and Carson running neck and neck with 23 percent – much to the excitement of the GOP establishment, including Fox News Channel.

But today’s Gravis poll seems more in line with other recent surveys in the Hawkeye State, where the first caucuses of 2016 will be held five months from today on Feb. 1.

Trump is dominant across almost all demographic groups, leading Carson and Cruz among Hispanics with 29 percent. He also won a plurality among GOP voters who described themselves as both pro-life and pro-choice, those in the 18-49 age group, and Republicans declaring themselves moderate or “slightly liberal.”

Among Roman Catholics in Iowa, the Presbyterian Trump polls 40 percent to 11 percent for Carson. Bush, a Catholic convert who often claims to be guided by his faith, polled at 0.8 percent among his coreligionists.

12   lostand confused   2015 Sep 4, 5:43pm  

zzyzzx says

Bush, a Catholic convert who often claims to be guided by his faith, polled at 0.8 percent among his coreligionists.

I just don't know why the republican establishment is hoping for Bush the III?

13   zzyzzx   2015 Sep 4, 5:47pm  


Iowa has open caucuses, which allow, say, Democrats or independents to declare themselves Republicans and vote on the GOP side. Of Trump’s declared supporters, 37 percent told Gravis they were Democrats, 37 percent independents, and only 26 percent Republicans.

14   marcus   2015 Sep 4, 6:11pm  

What has you confused is that at early stages of republican primaries it's all about who is the most crazy.

This country has gone way too far with political correctness in some circles. That's why even some liberal comedians won't play colleges any more. The kids are too sensitive.

So Trumps particular anti political correctness brand of craziness is being appreciated even by some of the less extreme republicans. But the moderate majority is going to reject him like the plague. Or at least you better hope so. He stands for so many of the worst attributes of Americans.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 4, 6:33pm  

lostand confused says

Come on now. That is way better than living vicariously through Hillary Clinton!!!

Except I don't get to feel Huma's pubic hairs tickle my nose.

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 4, 6:34pm  

Ironman says

So, what's Obama's excuse?

Whatta mean, what's his excuse? He's President!

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 4, 7:33pm  

Buddy, if you get to be POTUS, no matter how bad you are, you can't really be called a Fuckup. W, maybe, is as close as you can get.

18   Patrick   2015 Sep 4, 7:51pm  

What's his excuse for being a fuck-up?

Obama may not have been loyal to the people who elected him, but he is not a fuck-up in any way. It's hard to even imagine how anyone could think that. He is extremely rational and effective at what he tries to do.

Bush II was spectacular major-league fuck-up. Started a war against not the Saudis, who are the assholes who attacked us on Sept 11, but instead took out their worst enemy, the Iraqis, effectively rewarding the Saudis for killing thousands of Americans.

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 4, 8:12pm  

I'm sorry you misunderstood my point, If you become POTUS, no matter how bad you are, like W, you really can't be called a Fuckup.

20   Dan8267   2015 Sep 4, 8:48pm  

Obama may not have been loyal to the people who elected him, but he is not a fuck-up in any way. It's hard to even imagine how anyone could think that. He is extremely rational and effective at what he tries to do.

Absolutely true. And this is coming from someone who calls Obama the worst president even having surpassed Bush because of his human rights abuses.

21   anonymous   2015 Sep 4, 8:53pm  

all this talk about war being a bad thing.

what's the word... naive?

22   Blurtman   2015 Sep 5, 10:40am  

zzyzzx says

Trump vs Biden

Trump vs Sanders

23   FortWayne   2015 Sep 5, 11:35am  

Obama may not have been loyal to the people who elected him, but he is not a fuck-up in any way. It's hard to even imagine how anyone could think that. He is extremely rational and effective at what he tries to do.

He did exact opposite of what he spoke about. He used to come out and make speeches about being conservative on social issues, and than turned around and did exact opposite. He misled a lot of folks. Misleading by a politician should be a crime!

I can't blame him for Obamacare, he did promise to make it happen and he did. That was the only honest thing he did during his presidency.

He also divided the country with permanent bickering and insults at Republicans. He refused to find work together, there were instances where he really snobbed Republicans and that altered the course negatively.

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