Animal rights activists gone wild.

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2016 Apr 24, 6:29am   4,403 views  17 comments

by lostand confused   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

Ok, this poor , poor farmer is in Long Island , NY living on a measely 15 acres and managed to raise his family on that. AR activists go commando on him . I mean wtf?? The crazy lady who started the protests claims the farmer doesn't need the meat from the cow-he can just go to Whole foods and buy hormone free beef!!! Does the crazy broad know that a cow was butchered to get the meat to Whole foods?? What is wrong with people.

These haters are just like the crazy leftie safe space protestors -I wonder how many of them are vegans-they think buying meat from Whole foods is great??!!


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1   Dan8267   2016 Apr 24, 9:38am  

Misdirected leftist fools. Animal cruelty is a real and grave problem, but it's not small farmers like the ones in this article with a mere 15 acres and a few animals. It's the factory farms in states like Iowa that keep pigs in gestation crates, grind up male baby chicks while they are alive, and do other things so horrific that politicians pass laws violating the First Amendment right to free press to keep these atrocities secret.

The idiot activists in this article need to drive their asses to where the real problem is rather than just looking for the closest farmer.

2   Tenpoundbass   2016 Apr 24, 9:40am  

This is why although I'm not a gun enthusiast I support people's rights to guns. And I would call shooting these people in the head on sight on his private property a clean kill.

3   Dan8267   2016 Apr 24, 9:42am  

Tenpoundbass says

And I would call shooting these people in the head on sight on his private property a clean kill.

And I'm sure the farmer's family will be better off with the farmer on death row for multiple homicides.

4   Tenpoundbass   2016 Apr 24, 10:16am  

Dan8267 says

And I'm sure the farmer's family will be better off with the farmer on death row for multiple homicides.

No Trespassing signs and stand your ground.

5   Tenpoundbass   2016 Apr 24, 10:18am  

I think I know the farm in question. They actually give tours to kids from the city, to teach them about agriculture. It's a great farm actually.
That's probaly how the actorvist found out about it, Liberals do hate kids.

6   Dan8267   2016 Apr 24, 11:50am  

Tenpoundbass says

Dan8267 says

And I'm sure the farmer's family will be better off with the farmer on death row for multiple homicides.

No Trespassing signs and stand your ground.

And how will that work when a plainclothes police officer heads towards the farmhouse's front door to solicit donations for the orphans of police officers who died in the line of duty?

Your farmer isn't going to know it's a cop or what his purpose is, and the jury isn't going to care. You really haven't thought this one through.

7   Tenpoundbass   2016 Apr 24, 11:51am  

Talk to his lawyer through the mail box at the end of the driveway.
No go on GIT!!!

8   Dan8267   2016 Apr 24, 12:01pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Talk to his lawyer through the mail box at the end of the driveway.

No go on GIT!!!

Once more you have demonstrated that not only are your ideas terrible, but you are incapable of acknowledging the consequences of them.

9   Tenpoundbass   2016 Apr 24, 12:03pm  

Dan8267 says

Once more you have demonstrated that not only are your ideas terrible, but you are incapable of acknowledging the consequences of them.

And you fail to realize this will only create more Trump voters. American can't wait to flush the SJW vermin down the toilet kicking and screaming along with Soros and Koch ET AL..

10   lostand confused   2016 Apr 24, 7:36pm  

Dan8267 says

Even if I accepted that statement, the cruelty of the beak removal and the other tortures shown in the above video cannot be denied

beak removal is necessary in chicken within confined spaces. Else they will gang up and peck an unfortunate chicken to death. I have seen the after effects of a chicken that was pecked to death by fellow chciken-horrible, horrible-now that is torture..

While it is easy to blame factory farms, the reason they are needed is because of urbanization. Too many people living in condos and urban areas that need food at cheap rates. Back then most people had their yard, a few chicken, the family cow, a few goats/sheep and a horse or two. Add a few acres for some and most places were self contained and cycled with nature. Now , not so. This 15 acre farmer is how it should be -but he is harassed. That the stupid woman asks him to go buy meat from Whole foods, instead of slaughtering his own cow- shows the stupidity of the urban crowd. I mean you raise a cow with love, give it good food, shelter, a nice life and one day bam kill it and eat it-what a blessed life. Instead this stupid woman thinks buying something from Whole foods is more humane.

P.T Barnum said-an idjit is born every minute or is it a sucker?

What is the alternative to domestication-here is what happens in the wild to a pregnant zebra that could not outrun the predators- I am really surprised at the number of PETA types that think the wild is Disney.



11   Dan8267   2016 Apr 24, 10:40pm  

lostand confused says

beak removal is necessary in chicken within confined spaces

Then the answer is not to subject them to such confined spaces. One cruelty does not justify another.

12   Dan8267   2016 Apr 24, 10:48pm  

lostand confused says

While it is easy to blame factory farms, the reason they are needed is because of urbanization. Too many people living in condos and urban areas that need food at cheap rates.

Make such cruelty illegal and let the free market redistribute the population or change people's eating habits. Cheap food is not a justification for excessive cruelty.

People spend far more on housing, health care, and education than food. If people need to save money, then reign in the costs of those three biggest items in every household budget.

I will not value the lives of quasi-sentient animals at zero. I won't value those lives as highly as human life, but I will not value them at zero either. To ask me to do so is morally unacceptable.

And since those thinking and feeling creatures have non-zero value, then the mass cruelty inflicted on them by factory farming is simply unacceptable.

There has to be some level of humanity in our agricultural issue. And even if you don't care about the animals because you value their lives and suffering at zero, then just be practical and realize that the backlash you are witnessing in the original post, which you clearly do care about, is the result of this excessive cruelty. If you want the backlash to stop, then support real laws to keep animal suffering to a minimal in farming. Then regular farmer who aren't committing these atrocities won't get caught in the political crossfire.

13   Strategist   2016 Apr 25, 10:02am  

Dan8267 says

I don't know how we can magic away children dying in sewers in third world nations, but we can stop the cruelty above with a mere stroke of a pen outlawing such practices.

We humans are cruel. We don't care enough.

14   Strategist   2016 Apr 25, 10:05am  

Dan8267 says

Make such cruelty illegal and let the free market redistribute the population or change people's eating habits. Cheap food is not a justification for excessive cruelty.

Cruelty to animals is already a crime. Why they don't apply the law to farm animals is shocking and disgusting.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Apr 25, 10:57am  

Put up some cameras, Sue 'em for defamation, most of them are Whacko Trust Fund Babies with plenty of wealth.

16   Dan8267   2016 Apr 25, 11:46am  

Strategist says

Cruelty to animals is already a crime. Why they don't apply the law to farm animals is shocking and disgusting.

The problems with animal cruelty laws is that they aren't federal and they aren't protective enough. That's why I would move to have a federal standards for animal rights.

17   Onvacation   2024 Jun 12, 10:54am  

They could have stopped these little assholes, but it does make the portrait better.

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