CDC panel against FluMist for 2016-17

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2016 Jun 25, 3:21am   1,545 views  2 comments

by curious2   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

"A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory committee recommended on Wednesday that FluMist, the nasal spray influenza vaccine, should not be used during the upcoming flu season.
"To everyone's surprise and increasing consternation, this vaccine has performed quite poorly compared to the injectable vaccine," said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist.
The FDA first approved the nasal spray in 2003. MedImmune, a subsidiary of London-based AstraZeneca PLC, produces FluMist, a live attenuated influenza vaccine. By contrast, the flu shot is an inactivated influenza vaccine.
"We agree with [the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices'] decision today to recommend health care providers and parents use only the inactivated vaccine," Dr. Benard Dreyer, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said in a statement. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Society also stated its support during the hearing.
Yet, prior to its recent poor performance, all evidence showed the spray worked better than the flu shot in children under the age of 8.
During the hearing, Dr. Chris Ambrose of MedImmune shared results from the company's 2015-16 influenza vaccine effectiveness study, which found the FluMist quadrivalent vaccine to be 46% effective, compared with the flu shot's 65% effectiveness. However, Dr. Brendan Flannery of the CDC presented data indicating that FluMist had zero effectiveness against one strain of flu.
Wednesday's recommendation is an interim decision that could be reversed when the panel reconsiders it next year with additional data."

#health #scitech

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1   HEY YOU   2016 Jun 25, 5:21pm  

If one is sick & goes out into public,they should be rendered to a country that tortures.
They don't care about anyone in the public because they know they are the center of the universe
and it's all about them & they can make an many sick as possible without consequences.

I & my wife had the flu in Jan.,2016 & was sick for a 2 1/2 weeks and it took a month to totally recover.
I did not have contact with family,friends or the public while sick.
If I get the flu again I will make sure to share it with as many as possible.
Hell! I can go to all public places & touch everything in public areas when I'm contagious.
Make sure to cough & sneeze on your hands & touch everything that the public may touch.
I love the FREEDOM America provides as in not caring about anyone.

You ignorants, police the sick,self absorbed,assholes that go out in public or I can pay the flu forward.
It's not about any value system,it's about making one sick & pissing one off.

I've heard that the TSA doesn't check the health of flyers. What better way to spread illness?
But then I'm not flying, but sorry sick fucks do.

New mottoes: Spread the misery!
Get sick & die!

Old motto: FUCK YOU!

Didn't realize I was this pissed about the flu but pissed is fun.

2   curious2   2016 Jun 25, 7:06pm  

HEY YOU says

If I get the flu again....

That's bad, but Typhoid Marcus/"humanity" claims to have you beat: refusing to get vaccinated even when H1N1 was killing schoolchildren, whom (s)he claims to teach. If you feel upset that you caught flu from someone, imagine how parents would feel if their child died after catching H1N1 from an anti-vaxx teacher. Typhoid Marcus/"humanity" has become so addicted to feeling omnipotent and invulnerable, making up whatever religious beliefs seem pleasing as (s)he goes along, that mere evidence and reason have no chance of preventing tragedy.

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