US Calorie Consumption ... horrible trend

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2016 Jul 3, 9:08am   13,844 views  40 comments

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1   RC2006   2016 Jul 3, 10:45am  

Do you have 2006 to present?

2   BayArea   2016 Jul 3, 10:50am  

how in the world did usda gather this data??

3   _   2016 Jul 3, 11:10am  

rpanic01 says

Do you have 2006 to present?

8   _   2016 Jul 3, 11:21am  

In comparison I eat less than 1,500 calories a day except for the weekends and Friday night ....Trend is not your friend with this rising scale chart data

9   _   2016 Jul 3, 12:01pm  

Ironman says

But then again, I'm not your typical lard ass wandering around Walmart these days

You make money, you can afford to eat well

10   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jul 3, 12:25pm  

Ah FUCK!!!!!!
The last 6 year trends aren't fitting the Liberal fat shammers narrative what in the fuck are we going to do NOW!!!(office running around in pandemonium as Rome burns)
Logan says... Perhaps I can just cut off the data at 2005!

Mohtashami! You're a Goddamned genius!

11   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jul 3, 12:31pm  

This chart just agrees with what I've been saying about out of control rigged commodities market putting uncessary price pressures on groceries. That it is cheaper for me to take a family of four to the diner for breakfast than it is to go to Publix and buy every ingredient I would need to make breakfrast.
It's going to be $35 to $40 either way.

That chart has nothing to do with caloric intake and more to do with green intake.

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 3, 12:31pm  

I wonder if any of this is adjusted for age demographics.

The USA of the 1960-70s was overwhelmingly youthful.

13   turtledove   2016 Jul 3, 12:54pm  

thunderlips11 says

I wonder if any of this is adjusted for age demographics.

Or seasons.

14   turtledove   2016 Jul 3, 1:20pm  

Over 3600 calories a day is average!? I guess that makes me anorexic.

15   indigenous   2016 Jul 3, 1:46pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

What is up with the time frame of 50 to 65?

16   HEY YOU   2016 Jul 3, 2:01pm  

" More specifically, for every 3,500 calories you burn over and above what you take in, you'll lose 1 pound."
Work your ass off or stop stuffing your pie hole.


17   _   2016 Jul 3, 4:07pm  

Tenpoundbass says

This chart just agrees with what I've been saying about out of control rigged commodities market putting uncessary price pressures on groceries

Real Food Prices … since 1982

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 3, 5:59pm  

I'm not buying the immediately above chart. Ground Beef was 89 cents a pound in NJ in 1993... and I made $11/hr as a totally unskilled worker.

Ice Cream certainly ain't cheaper, either... nor Chips. As a late teen at that time, I remember walking off with pounds of ground beef, bags of hamburger buns, sacks of chips and several 2-liters of coke AND a pack of smokes for less than $20

Unskilled workers ain't making $20+/hr in North NJ these days I guarantee it.

19   _   2016 Jul 3, 6:01pm  

thunderlips11 says

I'm not buying the immediately above chart.

I'm shocked

Be mindful inflation was much higher then hence why real prices are so low now

20   turtledove   2016 Jul 3, 6:12pm  

thunderlips11 says

As a late teen at that time, I remember walking off with pounds of ground beef, bags of hamburger buns, sacks of chips and several 2-liters of coke AND a pack of smokes for less than $20

Absolutely! Now, I pay $75 bucks and walk out with a single bag of items... scratching my head trying to figure out how I spent so much buying no actual real food. Nothing that you buy at the grocery store that can fit in a single bag should come to $75!

21   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 3, 6:13pm  

Is that corrected for food waste? I find it hard to believe those are accurate calories consumed days.

22   turtledove   2016 Jul 3, 6:15pm  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

Every subscriber on PatNet would be my PERSONAL SLAVE! if I make you my stuffed peppers.

You'd never think about anything ever again.

Much less ever want to go into a restaurant, lest you be doubtlessly disappointed and fall into despair remembering MY stuffed peppers.

Bring the stuffed peppers to the meet-up to start collecting your first batch of devoted slaves.

23   _   2016 Jul 3, 6:18pm  

Weekends I go all out on eating and this is what I had for breakfast... easily this meal is what I eat in one day during the week..

So eating out.. naturally is going to be higher in calories than eating in

24   MMR   2016 Jul 3, 7:32pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Ironman says

But then again, I'm not your typical lard ass wandering around Walmart these days

You make money, you can afford to eat well

Wal-mart sells produce that is comparable quality to Ralphs, Albertsons or Safeway these days and cheaper. More expensive than Aldi though. For that matter, organic produce there is probably comparable quality to that of Aldi's upmarket division, Trader Joe's and definitely cheaper. The conventionally grown produce sold at wal-mart is prob of equal quality to all of the above-mentioned grocery chains.

But the lard asses that shop there almost certainly aren't buying it. If they can get to wal-mart, they can buy it; not like living in some food desert in Visalia or Fresno (ironically places known for agriculture)


25   MMR   2016 Jul 3, 7:37pm  

thunderlips11 says

I wonder if any of this is adjusted for age demographics.

The USA of the 1960-70s was overwhelmingly youthful

good point about adjusting for age demographics.

Having said that, I can confidently attest that childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the last 30 years


26   turtledove   2016 Jul 3, 7:39pm  

MMR says

But the lard asses that shop there almost certainly aren't buying it.

In all fairness, space is limited in the little basket on their motorized carts. They must save room for the necessities... Like Twinkies.

27   MMR   2016 Jul 3, 7:46pm  

turtledove says

In all fairness, space is limited in the little basket on their motorized carts. They must save room for the necessities... Like Twinkies.

Call me a jerk, but 400-500 lb people on motorized carts is one of the main reasons why I hate shopping at Wal-mart. Other necessities include medications for chronic disease states brought on by lifestyle, which fit well into the basket space of the motorized carts

28   turtledove   2016 Jul 3, 8:10pm  

MMR says

Call me a jerk, but 400-500 lb people on motorized carts is one of the main reasons why I hate shopping at Wal-mart.

That's okay... I'm not just a member of the jerk club... I'm the president.

It's repulsive. Seeing their butts lopping over the seat's edges. From a health standpoint, I don't understand why Walmart enables these people (though these carts were probably initially intended for people who are injured, or something). Obviously, most of the motorized cart operators could do with the walk.... A little reaching, bending... it would go a long way to burning some calories. It's the self-correcting nature of it all... If you get so big that you cannot move then you cannot get up to get food... forcing you to eat less... lose weight... and regain your mobility.

29   MMR   2016 Jul 3, 9:12pm  

turtledove says

If you get so big that you cannot move then you cannot get up to get food... forcing you to eat less... lose weight... and regain your mobility.

in theory, but a lot of these people have addiction issues, specifically food and/or sugar addiction. It's been argued that they may actually be malnutritioned due to the consumption of empty and/or densely caloric foods devoid of nutrition.turtledove says

I'm the president.


turtledove says

It's repulsive. Seeing their butts lopping over the seat's edges

in all their dimpled gloryturtledove says

don't understand why Walmart enables these people

money; often food stamps/EBT...which many use for cigarettes and junk food.

30   indigenous   2016 Jul 3, 9:44pm  

MMR says

often food stamps/EBT...which many use for cigarettes and junk food.

We have learned, some of us anyway, when we see jacked up charts like this the first thing to look at is how the government is complicit.

As MMR indicates this is another example of how government jacks things up in order to support some lobby like carb growers united or something.

31   MMR   2016 Jul 3, 9:56pm  

Ironman says

One number I saw was around $13 Billion a year

using that at walmart for anything other than healthy food is highway robbery of the US taxpayer.

Walmart is also good at coaching their employees to fleece the taxpayer.

In addition to the lardasses, all are reasons why I don't spend money there.

32   MMR   2016 Jul 3, 9:59pm  

Ironman says

I actually go there first for the entertainment value. Where else can you see people wandering around in their lounge pants at 2 PM in the afternoon

Well I guess it's inexpensive.Ironman says

Plus, I get to see the most interesting tattoos and piercings. And, when I'm trying to figure out my next hair style, I can choose between all the different colors of the rainbow just viewing the shoppers in the store. I never knew you could dye your hair so many different colors!

It's become common amongst millenials of all socioeconomic brackets. But they were doing this in Ocean County before it was cool anywhere else.Ironman says

Sometimes I feel that Walmart should charge a ticket price for the entertainment!

Some free walmart based entertainment for your viewing pleasure


33   missing   2016 Jul 4, 11:40am  

turtledove says

It's repulsive. Seeing their butts lopping over the seat's edges.

When I was a student, I used to go sometimes to Chinese buffet on the weekends, to make up for the starving during the weekdays. The water buffaloes that one could see there, my god! I tried to not look around or I'd puke at the sight of it - enormous mountains of fat jiggling under the thin cloth of their skirts.

34   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 4, 1:56pm  

Ironman says

I actually go there first for the entertainment value.

You should really try to find some more fulfilling hobbies.

35   mell   2016 Jul 4, 2:17pm  

This is another huge problem of the regressive left. Banning free speech and fat-shaming, even banning and riling against ads of fit women in beach body outfits, will only increase the obesity epidemic. Now go out on a run, lift some weights and make America great again!

36   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 4, 2:32pm  

Ironman says

My other hobby is reading all YOUR delusional posts here.

That's better than Walmart people watching, but dig deeper.

37   Dan8267   2016 Jul 4, 3:04pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

People in 1909 ate 3500 kilocalories a day? I don't eat even half that. I find that hard to believe. Where's the data for this graph coming from?

38   zzyzzx   2016 Jul 4, 5:50pm  


39   MMR   2016 Jul 4, 6:45pm  

FP says

I used to go sometimes to Chinese buffet on the weekends,

haven't been to one since maybe 2007 or so. FP says

I used to go sometimes to Chinese buffet on the weekends,

I didn't see that many fat people there so I did go for about 2-3 years in Central Jersey. Haven't been to a chinese buffet since I lived in California back in 2009. If I had seen such fat people as I do at wal-mart, I probably would have stopped much earlier.

40   Strategist   2016 Jul 4, 7:06pm  

MMR says

FP says

I used to go sometimes to Chinese buffet on the weekends,

haven't been to one since maybe 2007 or so. FP says

I used to go sometimes to Chinese buffet on the weekends,

I didn't see that many fat people there so I did go for about 2-3 years in Central Jersey. Haven't been to a chinese buffet since I lived in California back in 2009. If I had seen such fat people as I do at wal-mart, I probably would have stopped much earlier.

How many Fat Chinese do you see?

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