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> Work in a research lab while completing my graduate degree
> A girl (hot girl) at work starts rubbing her tits and ass on me every time we are working together
> I kind of like her but am too busy with job stuff to show her much attention
> Another girl (fat girl) doesn’t like that I am being hit on without her involvement
> Fat girl gets a male body builder guy hired, the type of guy that always tries to hit on all the girls at work and tries to block the other guys from having any fun at the job
> Fat girl and bodybuilder guy start ripping on me nonstop trying to make me the bitch of the lab
> Hot girl stops being friendly with me joins in with them
> I try to ignore them but it goes on for months
> I become more and more grumpy and agitated at work due to the nonstop attacks
> After about 12 months of abusive insults and abusive manipulation, I get into a bunch of loud yelling arguments with those three people to leave me alone
> I called them out pretty badly in front of many people on all their bullshit insulting agendas, lack of ever doing anything on the job (they mostly just watched youtube videos whenever the boss was out of the room), fat girl being a worthless terrible bitch etc
> Fat girl cries and makes an emotional scene and I got kicked out of my desk (which was in the main lab) to an isolated area
> Hot girl files a formal complaint to HR that I harassed her
> Boss told everyone to stop fucking with each other and to leave me alone
> A few months go back and the 3 still mock me every day but now they are more subtle about it – anytime they are near me they will whisper to each other and then turn to laugh to my face
> I try to ignore them but most work days are pretty terrible and unhappy
> Hot girl accidentally messed up her experiment and her samples got ruined
> She blamed me saying that I smashed them, even though it looked like they fell because she didn’t take care of them properly
> She files a formal report to HR and head professors that I sabotaged her samples and have been harassing and stalking her
> For months I had to meet with HR and head professors defending myself from any wrong doing
> There were many sleepless nights and the mocking and insults continued nonstop all throughout this time
> With everyone believing her claims, the hot girl continued to file more formal complaints for me sabotaging and harassing her every time her equipment had problems or her projects failed
> Fat girl joined in too and started filing the same sort of formal complaints against me
> Maybe 10 complaints total were filed for charges of harassment, sabotage and stalking.
> All during this time more rules kept being made for me like, that I am not allowed to ever talk to these girls, look at them, or even display sort of body language that could be deemed threatening. I am just to come to work and keep my mouth shut and not bother anybody and stay in my office when I do not have work in the main lab room.
> About this time is when those 3 started using the area directly outside my office door as their main socializing spot
> After about 10 months of defending myself from all the charges against me to Professors, HR, and police, it was found that there was no evidence for me committing any wrong doing
> Both fat girl and hot girl continue to file more formal complaints against me saying I was sabotaging and harassing them
> Unknown to them, cameras had been placed up in all the main lab room areas and the recent event were recorded
> It was seen that I was nowhere near their equipment during the time when it was turned off or failed. The only people that were around were the hot girl, fat girl, and body builder guy.
> After 2 more formal complaints were made with me nowhere to be seen on the cameras the professors and everyone else changed their decisions about me being the bad guy
> The equipment failure was blamed on their own negligence and because of the continual claims of interpersonal problems they had with me, the fat girl and the hot girl were removed out of the lab to a different station so that we would not have to encounter me any more during the day.
>The body builder guy still got to stay in the main area and he still looks at me and gives me a smug smile each day (im guessing trying to indicate to me that they still won even though the girls got moved)
>Yep 2 more years until I graduate and get my degree and I hope this bullshit is over with but who knows, these bitches didn’t get me fired like they probably planned so they may keep trying to push with different groups (sjw stuff) to keep attacking me to see if they can keep me under their thumb again where they think I belong.
>had been working at this place for about two months
>keep to myself, but I'm polite, I laugh at jokes, I work hard.
>"ey mane, yo, you know who you remine me of? That unabomber dude AHAAHAHA mane you crazy mane, ey yo you ever shoot up the place, you gone tell me right? We cool?"
>next day: "ey, yo, you gone tell me when you gone shoot the place up AHAHAHAAAA"
>this goes on every fucking day for at least two months, and I just ignore it, giving him a dismissive "yeah, totally" or just a look.
>"ey, yo..."
> respectable black man yells "nigga, shut the fuck up and leave him alone or he is going to kill YOU."
>never even makes eye contact with me again.
the feminine is the principle of weakness and irrationality.
civilization is the principle of order.
order seeks to dominate chaos, weakness and irrationality.
thus civilization and feminism are at odds.