Should Women Go Back To Making Babies?

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2016 Aug 14, 11:57am   7,159 views  31 comments

by The Original Bankster   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

should they?

1) useless in the workforce. claim they are intelligent and useful but all they ever do is demand to be put on male teams, flirt the members, claim sexual harassment

2) standards have dropped since women arrived. workplace is no longer productive. actually its hostile to men.

3) birth rate is dropping. women of course want to be in the 'workplace' a role that requires no input from them only shrieking about "equality"

ideas? lets hear your thoughts.

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11   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 6:30pm  

YesYNot says

With technology and femiNazism going the way they are these days, it's only going to be a few more years before they flip child bearing on end. It's going to involve a woman fisting a guy's ass and depositing a few eggs in a surgically implanted sac attached to the intestine. The birth will be exceptionally painful and result in death of the father 20% of the time. But if you want offspring, that's probably how it's going to go. The plans are detailed in IHLary's emails. Only Trump can stop the madness.

they can try to "solve" their gender issues with radical science, but the fact is its far easier just to reorient your political ideas and if we don't do it, someone else will and they will conquer us.

12   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 6:33pm  

the only thing feminism has ever accomplished in its 50 year history in the US is

1) sequester tax money to make feminism bigger.

2) taunt, criticize, heckle and satirize what they call "the patriarchy" a code word for functional society.

the presence of women in positions of authority has only equated in out of control costs and plummeting birth rate. if we don't actively dismantle feminism, it will dismantle itself.

13   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 6:34pm  

and patrick thank you for respecting my right to speak.

I don't care about people who dont want to listen. Those people are irrelevant. The truth is infinitely more powerful than popular lies.

14   Ceffer   2016 Aug 14, 6:37pm  

Women are just a life support system for tits and a pussy.

15   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 6:41pm  

Ceffer says

Women are just a life support system for tits and a pussy

mostly. there are higher order functions there that promote the female view of society but mostly yes they are irrational and their entire system is designed for the rearing of children(who are also unforgiving and irrational). Women don't belong in science, business, or politics.

women's irrational nature must be subdued in order to have civilization. It is the BASIC FEATURE OF CIVILIZATION. This is what "holy matrimony" is really about- the state/religious sanctification of child rearing.

16   Strategist   2016 Aug 14, 6:44pm  

The Original Bankster says

I don't care about people who dont want to listen. Those people are irrelevant. The truth is infinitely more powerful than popular lies.

How intelligent are you? Were you even smart enough to get into college? Seems to me you are on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to IQ of the white race.
In other words.....you are inferior. You should not be allowed to breed because we don't need your inferior genes diluting the intelligence of the rest of us.

17   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 6:45pm  

Blacks, closely related to feminism are the genetic OUTCOME of a female-run society.

women want strong, aggressive, dumb males that they can manipulate easily with sex.

they do NOT want intelligent, thoughtful, philosophical, principled males who require that women act morally and responsibly.

18   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 6:47pm  

what is the early fables about the origin of Blacks?

do you know them?

its quite interesting.

19   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 7:00pm  

just any guy says

I'm fine if women remain in the workplace, but not in positions of power...they're fish out of water.

this is how it worked up until very recently. women were never thought to be useless, they worked jobs that required low responsibility that wouldnt take away from their family role ie. teacher, secretary, etc.

they were never thought to be leaders and they have never excelled in these positions.

20   mell   2016 Aug 14, 7:08pm  

Strategist says

Women are more educated than men. 2 to 1 ratio for college grads. If women want to work, they should work. No one has the right to tell them not to.

No one has the right to tell them what to do. But that degree bs is just that bs, since a lot of useless degrees have sprung up since they needed to invent more jobs to make up for the additional pressure of both sexes now competing for jobs. Ironically the majority of women will tell you they prefer working with men because they prefer directness and don't like being backstabbed ;) I think while everybody should be allowed to become whatever they want, there should be no push, programs, or advertising to force women into the workplace. I'd assume that the natural order would have fewer women working and getting degrees, and eventually some balance would be found. Right now they are being sold the lie though that having a great cubicle career will make them happy and great - that is why the use of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication and prescriptions thereof have been steadily rising among women. It is a natural urge for women to have children (there are always exceptions that prove the rule) and abandoning that urge will make many unhappy later in life.

21   Strategist   2016 Aug 14, 7:11pm  

The Original Bankster says

women want strong, aggressive, dumb males that they can manipulate easily with sex.

Women want males that can ensure the survival of their offspring. In today's world, that equates to intelligent, highly educated, high income earners.
You are not part of that group.

22   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 7:11pm  

mell says

Ironically the majority of women will tell you they prefer working with men because they prefer directness don't like being backstabbed

read this and tell me women make positive contributions to the workplace.


they dont even want to work with each other. Notice women DEMAND that all departments be "diversified" because they know two things 1) they cannot produce or survive on their own 2) they must have men around to exploit with equality laws.

23   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 7:14pm  

some assume women think rationally. How many divorces do you know personally? I know so many I lost count.

the women simply want the MONEY, they dont actually respect intelligence.

actually men who are thoughtful and principled women typically view as losers. Women don't want to be loved, that much is clear. They want a POWERFUL man, not a compassionate one.

24   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 7:18pm  

mell says

Right now they are being sold the lie though that having a great cubicle career will make them happy and great

this is definitely happening. it's partly the dispicable education marketing from universities.

women dont do the math anymore.

you are maybe an 18 year old girl and youre thinking- what should I do with my life.

the answer is not to take out $150,000 in loans to study something that will probably not give you a job, and if it does, you will basically be ineligible for motherhood. What man would be interested in that? none. which is why so many college girls are single today, not only do they make a totally inviable financial proposition, they also pose a ridiculous ideological proposition due to the feminism they are fed in college.

the colleges merely develop ideas based on who they can sell an education to. There are a lot of women out there who are eligible for govt college loans and theyre going to go to the feminism-friendly universities even though these ideas are ridiculous. Remember you're dealing with a 18 year old girl.

now add to this that women are at the peak of fertility at roughly 19 years of age, which they currently spend in college wasting their lives. the whole thing is absurd and ridiculous.

25   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 7:19pm  

its the same thing with race ideas.

you guarantee free money to a few million blacks, the colleges will entertain crazy ideas that attract those students- even if they are nonsense ideas.

26   epitaph   2016 Aug 14, 7:51pm  

Only if they can't hold a job and receive welfare benefits.

27   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 8:27pm  

we are currently at non-replacement birth rates, also single motherhood rates are through the roof. I believe the threshold is 2.8 when you factor in sudden deaths, etc. thought to be a population collapse.

28   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 14, 8:32pm  

so when you factor in single motherhood, you have to wonder- how many of these few white kids are actually going to grow up to be part of white society?

very few. there will be very very few "white" civilized people in the US in a generation or two. They will be so minor they will have very little political influence and we will be something like Brazil unless action is taken to transform the political conditions.

29   MMR   2016 Aug 14, 10:08pm  

mell says

Ironically the majority of women will tell you they prefer working with men because they prefer directness and don't like being backstabbed ;)

With some exceptions, I prefer working with other men as well for same reason

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