The Economy sucks and has gotten WORSE under Obama

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2016 Sep 20, 10:42am   5,284 views  9 comments

by mmmarvel   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I know, I know, all the liberals are screaming that I'm a racist and how can that be true? Well, would a study from the Harvard Business School carry any weight? Okay, thought not but just to keep the conversation going here is a chart of our declining productivity.

The X axis is years 1951 to 2016, the Y axis is average quarterly productivity growth 0 - 5%

There are other graphs including one on declining labor force participation that doesn't look good.

And here is a link to the report itself, please note that it's a 2016 report.


So tell me again how wonderful Obama has been for our county.


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1   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 20, 10:52am  

mmmarvel says

Okay, thought not but just to keep the conversation going here is a chart of our declining productivity.

Is that a typo, an intentional deception, or a sign of your intelligence mathematical literacy?

2   zzyzzx   2016 Sep 20, 11:02am  

It's all Obamas fault!!!


3   Dan8267   2016 Sep 20, 11:09am  

It's clearly not worse than it was at the end of Bush's term when the Second Great Depression started. However, it's not much better either. More people are employed but at lower paying jobs and the depression, although not as severe, is still in effect.

A lot of economists think it's going to get worse in 2017 triggering another housing crash and deepening the depression as a result.

Put simply, Reaganomics have really fucked up our economy. Too many zero-sum games and too much money chasing too few goods. People don't even want to be productive anymore because you can't make ends meet by being productive. Meanwhile, all the rich people have become rich by playing zero-sum games. We have a gambling based economy.

You want the economy to be fixed? We have to strongly discourage zero-sum games and encourage productivity.

4   freespeechforever   2016 Sep 20, 11:15am  

We're going to have another severe crash.

The cause this time will be primarily extreme inflationary forces in housing/rent, medical care, food, education, taxes and utility costs (construction costs, material cost and labor costs will play a big role, too).

The next crash will very diffuse, affecting most regions of the world, and is now being signalled by the first clear signs of stagflation.

Once the stagflation takes full hold, we will see an extreme period of volatility, and then the #1 factor and enemy of a healthy or stable economy will once again come into play, as corporations prepare to ride things out --

-- mass layoffs.

We can already see rapidly declining productivity and corporate profits and even margins on a YoY basis as stagflation eats away at both, and as the financial sector parasitically drains off a huge % of what would otherwise be productive capital.

The next crash will also be exacerbated by a race to devalue currencies on a relative basis (Mexico is a good example of a country off to a running start at this - just wait until China goes all in), and civil strife.

5   Dan8267   2016 Sep 20, 11:20am  

mmmarvel says

I know, I know, all the liberals are screaming that I'm a racist and how can that be true?

You're statement is false. I'm a liberal and I don't think it's racist to say the economy is bad while a black man is president.

I don't think you got your facts right, although the economy is certainly bad and Obama is partly to blame for continuing Bush's policies, but that's another story.

Once again, you are confusing leftists for liberals. Liberals believe in facts and objective reality. The politically correct morons are leftists, and there is nothing liberal about them.

Liberalism is the belief that
1. We are all equal under law with the same set of rights and no privileges.
2. People should be allowed to do what they want as long as they aren't infringing upon other people's rights. So no victimless crimes.
3. Government should be transparent and accountable for its actions.

Which of these principles do you disagree with?

Expected answer: the sound of crickets

6   Ceffer   2016 Sep 20, 11:46am  

The economy is all growth for Congress, politicians and lawyers, that is all that matters.

7   Dan8267   2016 Sep 20, 11:48am  

Dan8267 says

I'm a liberal and I don't think it's racist to say the economy is bad while a black man is president.

Ironman says

Dan8267 says

I'm a liberal and I don't think

Yep, we can all agree with that.

We all agree that you deliberately misquote people because you cannot make any arguments based on reality. You are simply too stupid to address what people actually wrote, so you have to make ludicrous straw men. In fact, I challenge you right here and now to address what I actually wrote, specifically which of the following principles of liberalism do you disagree with:
1. We are all equal under law with the same set of rights and no privileges.
2. People should be allowed to do what they want as long as they aren't infringing upon other people's rights. So no victimless crimes.
3. Government should be transparent and accountable for its actions.

Even though I'm giving you the opportunity to address the real statements I made, you will chicken out like the coward you are because you are too stupid to make a sensible argument against what I said.


Dan8267 says

Ironman says

I bet they work really well at night.

Yes, because of something called a rechargeable battery, dumb ass.

8   Dan8267   2016 Sep 20, 12:36pm  

Ironman says

I don't need to write a short novel to post an accurate FACT like you need to do every time you want to make one of your delusional points.

In other words, you're a cowardly little pussy shit who cannot make any argument whatsoever against what I said, so you are going to make baseless ad hominem attacks in the hopes that the audience is as stupid as you are.

Well, they are not. Everyone reading this thread knows you are a moron and incapable of understanding even simple things. Hence #rechargableBatteriesDumbass

Would you like to try again, little miss pussy-shit?

Which of the following principles of liberalism do you disagree with:
1. We are all equal under law with the same set of rights and no privileges.
2. People should be allowed to do what they want as long as they aren't infringing upon other people's rights. So no victimless crimes.
3. Government should be transparent and accountable for its actions.

Come on you coward. We all know that you are used to running away or changing the subject, but try to grow a pair of balls and actually answer the above question. It shouldn't take you a "short novel" to do so, dumb ass.

9   truth will find you   2016 Sep 20, 12:40pm  

Declining labor participation is due to aging of society, and started before Obama.

We'll see if the worldwide slowdown in productivity growth continues, or is temporary, but given that it is worldwide, and pre-dates Obama by two decades, blaming his is, well as stupid as most of the crap the morons on this site post.

He came into an economy in freefall, losing 500,000 jobs a month, and now we've had 6.5 years of recovery, job growth, tripled stock market, stabalized financial system, etc.

If any republican, say Mitt Rmoney, had been president they'd be carving his face on mt rushmore as the best president ever for that performance.

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