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'They say that there's a red pill and that there's a blue pill.
I see the Red, White, and Blue'
You need to check your white pill privilege.
I should get a fake ID and go fuck all the lonely women out there. They want cock at least once a month and this is at the best time to reproduce and it not cost me anything more than a dinner and a box of cheap wine.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
Hmmm, sounds familiar.
Damn, you beat me to it. I switched videos though because that one didn't play outside YouTube.
Conan is a very underrated film. It's very deep and symbolic.
"Fuck a lot of women. Not just one woman. A lot of women!"
Why did I not have such sage advise from my grandfathers?
All women have to do to reproduce is roll over and bite the sheets. Nobody has to worry about their evolutionary future. On the other hand, Men.....???
All women have to do to reproduce is roll over and bite the sheets. Nobody has to worry about their evolutionary future. On the other hand, Men.....???
They just have to do all the work of raising them and for that I thank them.
They rose from the smoldering ashes of georgies...led by Lt Dan...(que in YMCA)..
The origins of MGTOW are unclear
If IHLlary started sliding down the poles, Rosie and Huma would leave her.
I always get stuck on the "double r"...maybe it's a rice krispie wedged beneath the key...
If IHLlary
as IHLiarry
we live in a hookup culture and pretending otherwise is foolish.
This is from the 1985 movie Better off Dead
Ran across this.
Man, here I am, simply wanting to f.uck hoes, because my c.ock likes it between a drink and listening to some heavy metal, whereas this guy is all over the map. Let's call him Rin^2.
Japan is Rin-Nation!
And then you've got these a.ssholes, criticizing me, for not buying into mainstream American BS, when the guys in Japan, have beaten me to it, by a generation or so.
If it flys, floats or fucks...
Men get screwed over in the United States and many western nations.
Imagine if a man injected heroin and passed out in a parking lot with his toddler trying to wake him up, and merely got rehab time.
Imagine if a Wrestler or Boxer cried "The Match Judges said I was too fat to compete in the Contest! Boohoo hooh! Stop bodyshaming me!"
Imagine if a junkie father was arrested double digit times for assaulting police but got off because he was a father.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
Neoliberalism created the resurgence is extreme left-right groups that are now emerging.
Don't give conservatives a deceitful marketing term. Call "neoliberalism" what it really is: paleocapitalism.
And the only difference between "paleo" and now is that we all, me included, took that leap of faith that serving the rich now will lead us all to a happy future.
An old lie as well. Remember trickle-down economics? Remember cutting taxes for "job creators"? Remember expanding H1B Visas and outsourcing and NAFTA?
She lived through the great depression.
A large part of why we have so much recklessness today in finance is that there are few people alive today who were around during the Great Depression. Human memory is only one life-time long. Lessons not personally lived through are considered irrelevant. It's amazing how foolish man is in the Information Age.
TL;DR: There's always a possibility that a Hillary victory, even a substantial one, will result in the Elites taking more action against the populace, to make sure "it doesn't happen again" in case Consent wasn't Manageable.
There's so many scenarios that could happen, we have no idea.
I honestly believe voting for Hillary is as a vote to come as close to nuclear war we have been in decades.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
I honestly believe voting for Hillary is as a vote to come as close to nuclear war we have been in decades.
Explain? Under what pretext and drive does Clinton take us into a straight up national standing army vs national-standing-army conflict that could get nuclear? Isn't she just a continuation of neo-conservatisim that has shaped the country for the past two decades or more?
thank you harry fucking reid. i can't even. both sides of the political press have had raised eyebrows over obamas expansion of presidential power as he has dictated his agenda on everything from war to climate to tranny's in the bathroom:
"While the president does have substantial discretion about how to enforce a law, he has no discretion about whether to do so. ... Of all the stretches of executive power Americans have seen in the past few years, the president's unilateral suspension of statutes may have the most disturbing long-term effects."
I'd agree with that. It's mainly because Boosh jr. engaged - like every president these days - in a larger unconstitutional war(crime) with grave consequences that Obummer is given sort of a free pass wrt being Authoritarian and unconstitutional. That and the patriot act. Obummer however went much farther on the authoritarian scale in many domestic (state and personal liberty) issues, be it raiding state-sanctioned Marijuana growers or raw dairy farmers, or on the bathroom/gender laws, just to name a few. Not to mention trampling any due process of the law in affairs such as fast-and-furious, zero prosecution of bankster fraud or completely abandoning the rule of law wrt the bailouts (screwing bond-holders out of their contracts by simple decree). To give him credit he was pretty effective at that and a few things I would even view as positive. How this makes him a less authoritarian or less unconstitutional leader though is beyond any rationale mind. I guess the fanboy / sports-team mentality applies here.
Explain? Under what pretext and drive does Clinton take us into a straight up national standing army vs national-standing-army conflict that could get nuclear? Isn't she just a continuation of neo-conservatisim that has shaped the country for the past two decades or more?
Hillary's called for a No-Fly Zone in Syria. Neither Al-Nusra/Al Qaeda nor ISIS have an Air Force. That means Assad (the legally recognized government of Syria for half a century) and Russia.
But Syria isn't enough for war.
What will be is if Hillary arms the Ukrainians and/or invites them into NATO. That's an existential threat to Russia. See Cuban Missile Crisis.
And yeah, it's as big a deal to Russia as the Chinese arming a Mexican government that just joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and agreed to host Chinese Troops and Planes in Cancun and Baja California.
The biggest Mgtow debate is whether or not unicorns exist. We now have proof. Taylor Swift is a unicorn.
In fact she's a unicorn-pegasus hybrid, and that's awesome.
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Inside the world of men who've sworn never to sleep with women again
Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) believe men are always victims in relationshipsÂ
The first rule of Fight Club – the 1999 film about an underground boxing club for men grappling with masculinity and dead-end jobs – was to never talk about fight club.
Almost two decades after its release, tens of thousands of men have formed a real-life online community called MGTOW, or Men Going Their Own Way.
Their first rule? Abandoning all romantic relationships with women.
On Reddit alone, some 15,000 readers are subscribed to the MGTOW page which declares it is for "men going our own way by forging our own identities and paths to self-defined success; cutting through collective ideas of what a man is.â€
Other websites including MGTOW.com are also dedicated to what they see as each man's fight for sovereignty of himself. And despite their hatred for women, homosexuality isn't accepted, either.
This is how meninists are showing how much they hate the new Ghostbusters trailer
A meninist tried to email this Labour MP and call her 'sexist'. He failed spectacularly
When a meninist posted this meme to Facebook, his mother had a spectacular response
Posts on the Reddit page offer an insight into their world: They range from worrying that future sex bots will be hacked by central government, to encouraging men to divorce their wives. They also debate how "even men in Hollywood" are “cuckolded†and wronged by women.
Others discuss the merits of visiting prostitutes, and how pop songs are feminist propaganda. The more you scroll, the darker it becomes.
One recent post described how women “fake orgasms often, because it makes men more submissiveâ€. Another talked of “ditching†his “blue pill friends.†Others proudly declare that they are still virgins.
“I want sex and company, but I don’t want/can’t put in the effort to get it,†wrote another user on the MGTOW.com forum.Â
The MGTOW community has a pretty clear set of expectations for themselves and the wider world that are based in meninism: a counteraction to feminism which sees women’s rights directly disadvantage men.
While feminists might argue that their movement aims to help both men and women break free of harmful gender stereotypes, meninists disagree.
To them, men are the victims of heterosexual relationships, comparable to a horse with a cart strapped it its back. MGTOWs borrow heavily from pop-culture to explain their beliefs, particularly the film the Matrix where the Chosen One chooses to reject his blinkered "blue pill" life in favour of the awareness offered by the "red pill".Â
The ultimate goal for MGTOWs is total freedom from societal constraints -Â known as Level 4.
“Level 0†involves “taking the red pill†and recognising gender equality is a sham. Level one sees a man rejecting long-term relationships but engaging in sexual encounters, which he will reject in level two.
As the MGTOW movement is entangled with alt-right and libertarian politics, the third step sees the man focusing on earning money in order to sustain himself.Â
Japan has a worrying number of virgins
In this quest, obstacles include feminists; white knights (men who are “chivalrous†towards women); social justice warriors; those who are pro-LGBT rights and support safe spaces, amongst other things.Â
Their heroes? The so-called herbivore men of Japan who have no interest in finding long-term female partners, a label with which half of men in their 20s and 30s identify.
The origins of MGTOW are unclear. The MGTOW website loftily suggests their ideals hark back to “Schopenhauer, Tesla, Beethoven, Galileo, or even Jesus Christâ€, and equates it to "fire".
“MGTOW is not as old as fire, but it's as old as a man's first discovery of it. If MTGOW is fire, then perhaps feminism is gasoline,†reads the MGTOW.com history page. A more concrete theory is that MGTOW was created by online aliases Solaris and Ragnar in the 2000s, when they penned a manifesto calling for men and women to adhere to traditional gender roles and to fight for pared back govermment.
And while their communities may be virtual, their determination seems very real indeed.Â