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4   marcus   2016 Dec 3, 8:36am  

No, it's not about who said it, it's about what he said, but I'm quite sure that's lost on you.

5   CBOEtrader   2016 Dec 3, 9:32am  

Speech is the most fundamental right all of us should protect. That's why its the 1st amendment.

6   marcus   2016 Dec 3, 9:36am  

Ironman says

if you don't like it, move the fuck to North Korea

Fortunately, the SCOTUS has disagreed with you twice on this.

Look, I'm not interested in burning the flag. In fact, I get a little annoyed with students that don't want to say the pledge. But it's a right. And if the country ever got to where a lot of it's citizens wanted to burn our flag, it probably would mean that something needs to be addressed.

7   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 3, 9:43am  

Legendary actor and LGBT activist George Takei had a fiery response for our potential president-elect.

Ooh this is too good and way too easy!

George Takei Reacts to Gay Sulu News: "I Think It's Really Unfortunate"
Speaking exclusively to THR, the actor and LGBT activist says the 'Star Trek Beyond' development for his character is out of step with what creator Gene Roddenberry would have wanted.

Some legendary LGBT activist, he actually considered other people's feelings over his own fetish lifestyle.

I remember this story when it came out. The Liberal Revisionists are now making him out to be a huge LGBT activist. When he was chastising them for making his orientation an issue with his chracter to fit their twisted agenda. Now the story heading has been altered to call him an activist. How is coming out being an activist?

8   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 3, 9:47am  

Ironman says

The point of having a national symbol for what the country is about and stands for, if you don't like it, move the fuck to North Korea.

If you love the flag & america go to the Middle East & fight ISIS.
You do know that ISIS is a greater threat than D & R Voters,I think?

9   marcus   2016 Dec 3, 9:52am  

Tenpoundbass says

Ooh this is too good and way too easy!

Identity politics much ?

After all of your fascinating comment (yawn) about Takei , I have no idea whether you think people have the right to burn a flag or not.

Don't strain yourself.

10   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 3, 9:58am  

marcus says

I have no idea whether you think people have the right to burn a flag or not.

Hell yes you God Damned Right they do!
And I have the right to kick the living shit out of them, without race, color, anger management, or Liberal thought criminalization being involved.

Judge: "Why did you make this man piss blood for a week?"

Me: "He was burning the flag, and he hit me in the head with a rock on CNN news and the Mayor of Baltimore told the cops to stand down. I'm an American and I have the God damned right to defend myself and my country even if the sitting President is too fucking sorry to do the same. "

Judge: "Case dismissed!"

See very simple, you can burn the flag and I can kick your ass, that's the America they had in mind when the Constitution was written.

11   marcus   2016 Dec 3, 10:04am  

Tenpoundbass says

See very simple, you can burn the flag and I can kick your ass, that's the America they had in mind when the Constitution was written

If all I do is burn a flag, and you kick my ass, causing substantial harm to me, then you are going to be guilty of felony assault. I would not be found guilty of anything, regardless of whether the police involved or judge were sympathetic to you.

12   marcus   2016 Dec 3, 10:19am  

Ironman says

OFF the rails and whine and cry about the right of the 2nd Amendment and what it allows

First off, I hardly think CBOE is a liberal, certainly not the kind you mean (left wing).

Secondly, questioning laws regarding semiautmoatic assault guns, or fighting for safety measures, such as hand guns that will only work for the person that originally bought it (or that can be set to work only for the person who set the handprint reading app) or wanting to use databases more effectively to limit crazy people from buying guns ? I would hardly call this going off the rails.

It's the NRA that goes off the rails when anyone discusses laws that might diminish gun sales (newsflash:gun makers now control the NRA).

50 years ago, before it was controlled by gun manufacturers, the NRA was actually a proponent of gun safety laws. Dimbulb gullible wingnuts such as yourself lost touch with reality long ago.

13   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 3, 10:31am  

Tenpoundbass says

kick the living shit out of them

How about a little less talk & a lot more action,get out there a find a flag burner.
What's the criminal penalty for assault? Maybe you can win the civil suit.

Ironman says

What a fucking bunch of losers and hypocrites.

Are you stationed on the front lines in your fight against ISIS.
Because of your Top Secret clearance ,you can't give your exact location.
Another loudmouthed hero.

At least two brave patnet keyboard commanders are happy to receive a response.
How's that attention deficit doing,I'm trying to help.

14   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 3, 11:19am  

marcus says

If all I do is burn a flag, and you kick my ass, causing substantial harm to me, then you are going to be guilty of felony assault

Perhaps but you seem to don't mind and make excuses when Muslims are incensed, outraged and resort to violence. You blame the intolerant Americans for disrespecting them and their beliefs.

See, judging by History, you Libs will relent after a few ass kicking and fall right in line. We will be doing the Ass kicking for now on, not Mohamad and Akmed.
And you will respect America and we will Reject Islam fascists that want any form of Sharia law in the US.

We'll do our time but you'll learn. Burn that flag at your own peril. You forgot what Americans are like.

And we forgot why it is very important we don't ever let some asshole take our National Swagger from Us. Or we just end up on the shitty end of your stick.

15   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 3, 11:22am  

HEY YOU says

How about a little less talk & a lot more action,get out there a find a flag burner.

I will after January 20th when it wont be the only crime the DOJ is interested in pursuing.

16   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 3, 11:51am  

Free speech should be tolerated in any form.
What should be punishable by death is PAC funded rabbles that intentionally seek to create chaos.

Americans for the most part don't burn flags unless George Soros rent a thugs and ACORN type bad actors and politically motivated by money .
Inciting riots and destruction is not covered by free speech. That's nothing short of creating an Army to assault and attack the American people.

The folks at Ruby Ridge were massacred for less. At least they were just in the woods not harming anyone. And the Libs didn't like and shot them all down and burned them out.

Precedence says Soros should stand trial and a guilty verdict he should be put to death penalty. Or shot down in the woods what ever works.

17   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 3, 12:01pm  

Look I have already said that Obama had it right.
Mob rule should dicatate what is appropriate behavior.

Obama ordered everytime something happened the Trust Fund Liberals didn't like to let the Black cities andcommunities burn and let the cops stand back as innocent people get assaulted by the people.
Even Obama didn't have his own Government goon squad beat his agenda into people. George Soros paid Social Netowork SJW consultants to arrange rabbles to do that.
I'm just proposing something a little more organic and less offical under Trump.

It takes a village sort a speak.

18   marcus   2016 Dec 3, 5:30pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Obama ordered everytime something happened the Trust Fund Liberals didn't like to let the Black cities andcommunities burn and let the cops stand back as innocent people get assaulted by the people.

Even Obama didn't have his own Government goon squad beat his agenda into people. George Soros paid Social Netowork SJW consultants to arrange rabbles to do that.

I'm just proposing something a little more organic and less offical under Trump.

Nobody will accuse you of not living up to your Patnet image.

It seems you're going to stay blind to what Trump does, and with nobody to blame anymore for whatever it is you need to blame others for, your ramblings about liberals are going to get more and more deranged (as hard as that is to imagine).

19   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Dec 3, 5:32pm  

he's gay he will always find something to be "outraged."

20   marcus   2016 Dec 3, 5:37pm  

Zero percent chance TPB would ever even question his own idiotic and unlikely beliefs. He gives new meaning to the old expression, "ignorance is bliss." Stupidity is far too satisfying for him to ever consider undoing it.


21   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 3, 6:46pm  

Tim Aurora says

Again I digress but these are thoughts to be pondered.

I know I thought the same thing for the last 8 years.

22   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 3, 6:50pm  

Tim Aurora says

That said, let us wait and see his governance rather that his rhetoric before jumping to all sorts of "populist" dictum.

Look the only thing I'm for here is the same consideration Liberals give everyone else.

This year we learned when a cracker runs his mouth, or the media says he did. Somebody got a televised beatdown asswhoopin', and those in power didn't say squat.

I agree with that, let the voter sentiment dictate decorum. When the pendelum swings back, you get your ass handed to you for burning the flag, on Lib years, it's Helter Skelter every man for him self anything goes. Bake me a Cake Goddamned IT! I've got the SCOTUS backing me up mother fuckers. Weaponized sentiment is a bitch. If it was fair under Obama it willl be fair under Trump.

23   marcus   2016 Dec 3, 7:00pm  

Nobody can comprehend this deranged clown, but I think what he's trying to say is that since he was just as bothered by Obama being President as I am about Trump being President, the risks must therefore be equal.

I think the truth is that you would savor and enjoy Trump ruining this country if it was sufficiently upsetting to those smartypants "liberals" that know they are smarter than you.

24   komputodo   2016 Dec 4, 6:55am  

"but I'd die to protect the right to do so" LOL..... another drama queen actor...If trump wins, I'm outta here, etc..

25   Mrs Wonderful   2016 Dec 4, 9:40am  

What's 'ruining' to you may be viewed as 'enhancing' by others.
Everyone has their own perspective.
marcus says

I think the truth is that you would savor and enjoy Trump ruining this country if it was sufficiently upsetting to those smartypants "liberals" that know they are smarter than you.

26   marcus   2016 Dec 4, 10:46am  

Mrs Wonderful says

What's 'ruining' to you may be viewed as 'enhancing' by others

I'm pretty sure that increasing the rate at which wealth disparity grows, fucking over the working poor, and shrinking the middle class, all at a rate faster than we've seen before, will be seen as an enhancement to very few. Meanwhile saying "who cares" about climate change and privatizing public education ? That last one would have Thomas Jefferson turning over in his grave. The list goes on.

Even some billionaires have already figured out that this trajectory has us totally fucked.

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