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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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77963   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 12, 9:02pm  

We don't need no steenkin' facts!

Can someone link to the FBI,CIA documents?
OH! That's right ,no MSM or individual without clearance even knows the location of these supposed-ed documents.
The Russians send all their secret documents to all the u.s. security agencies.The alphabet soup in DC .couldn't be wrong about this. We've never heard a fib before from GREAT american institutions.
I comment about things I know nothing about.
I'm a fast patnet learner.

77964   FortWayne   2016 Dec 12, 9:10pm  

This is all part of hardcore liberals coming around to accepting election outcome. They cant just accept the outcome, it's too hard for them. They need some excuse to mentally make peace with it, as silly as blaming Putin. Otherwise they can't comprehend the world that doesn't agree with their authoritarian one sided point of view.

Please understand, guys like Marcus need this stuff, it's the only way their brain can view the outcome of election. Hillary losing, they can't comprehend this, just blows their minds!

77965   Dan8267   2016 Dec 12, 9:15pm  



While his daughter is trying to duck a fuck.

77966   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Dec 12, 9:28pm  

it's not possible to know the real geo-location of the hacker(s) of this caliber.

don't need to read any news to know that.

she said in the second debate many agencies confirmed. LOL. no one would be able to confirm shit. what a lying crooked POS.

77967   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 12, 9:39pm  

NO I get spam from Breitbart and Drude Report after I gave them my email so I could give them my input on Polls about Trump.
Pretty chickenshit that Bush, Rubio and Cruz all got holt of my email and sent me adverts to my disliking.

I've been pwn Patrick for over 11 years now, never have I gotten email that I could say came from here.

It was the number one reason nobody got a damn dime from me. NOt one red cent not a penny.
Trump should have had Mumfort kick someobdy in the balls for plucking his chickens.
My black friend even though he's a felon and can't vote was stupid enough to give Klingon Clinton $16 on 5 different occassions. Stupid ass!

77968   Patrick   2016 Dec 12, 9:51pm  

HEY YOU says

No one ask the tough questions.

Patrick,did you vote for trump?

I voted for Bernie.

77969   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 12, 9:57pm  

Cool move because it didn't matter in California anyway.

77970   Gary Anderson   2016 Dec 12, 11:22pm  

Whatever hacking has taken place, the FBI says the CIA has not proved that voting machines were hacked.

I am not a Trump fan, but this possible fake news by the Washington Post is disturbing.

77971   Ceffer   2016 Dec 13, 12:33am  

Is axle grease better than transmission fluid for duck stuffing?

77972   _   2016 Dec 13, 6:17am  

Gary Anderson says

GDP and labor force are you?

Ages 21-26 are the biggest in America and prime age labor force is almost back to 2007.. this massive work force is kicking into the door and in a few years it will be a big positive for the U.S.

Older America leaving matters a lot if they don't have a work force consumption and working to take it's place

Hence why I am not worried about America demographics or robots taking all the jobs

77973   _   2016 Dec 13, 6:17am  

77974   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Dec 13, 6:47am  

HEY YOU says

CIA documents

It was a classified presentation. Obviously the fact that it happened was leaked by someone who thought it was important to get the story out.

77975   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 7:09am  

"I am not a Trump fan, but this possible fake news by the Washington Post is disturbing."

Calling this fake news is another example of a very disturbing trend. Let me help you distinguish.

This WaPo story may have slightly overstated the case. The CIA absolutely believes and has strong evidence to show that Russia was behind the hacking. But claiming that it was done to help Trump requires further evidence proving motive, which others don't think the CIA has. You would need a mole inside the Kremlin to vouch for motive.

That is NOT fake news.

A story claiming that Hillary was running a underage sex ring inside a pizza place--that is fake news. There is zero evidence for any of it. It was completely fabricated. That is fake news.

77976   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 7:37am  

"So what haven't they put out ANY proof...
BTW, when was the last time the CIA came out and made a public announcement on a case they were investigating???
That would be NEVER!!!"

But they have a long history of leaking information to reporters.

77977   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Dec 13, 7:49am  

Ironman says

...with all the lies told by WaPo during the election season.

You've lied more in this thread than the WaPo lied in that article. You constructed a straw man argument around the idea that the WaPo stated that the CIA claimed they knew beyond a reasonable doubt. Then you claimed that proved that the WaPo was lying. But the WaPo never said that. So, you are the liar - plain and simple.

Ironman says

"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," said one of the three U.S. officials. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow."

The WaPo gave the reasoning behind the assertion of intent. It was simply that the Russians could have hacked the RNC if they wanted. Therefore, it is likely that they intended to help Trump. This is all pretty simple and something most people have though of. The WaPo article just fleshes out a little bit about what the CIA knows about it.

You perpetuate fake news on a regular basis and are now trying to muddy the waters about what is and isn't fake news.

77978   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Dec 13, 7:51am  

Ironman says

The "Russian" hack was NOT from the Russians, WikiLeaks even said so..

Wikileaks said that they didn't get the info straight from the Russians. The CIA was not claiming that they did either. The CIA was claiming connections between Russians and the perps. Plus, Wikileaks is not neutral here. Assange had a huge personal stake in this election.

77979   AllTruth   2016 Dec 13, 8:03am  

Credit Card Debt (Record High): 1.2 trillion USD

Auto Loans (Record High): 1.2 trillion USD

Student Loan Debt (Record High): 1.4 trillion USD

Mortgage Debt (4-Year Highs): 8.87 trillion USD

Medical debt (not sure of number but positive debt and amount in delinquency at all-time record highs, too).

Charge (it) Recovery!

77980   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 13, 8:18am  

joeyjojojunior says

But they have a long history of leaking information to reporters.

Yes - when they want to interfere with US Politics and get what they want.

Is the CIA interested in peace with Russia? Think about the entire outfit. At 50-55, your typical analyst/hacker/manager wants to go to work for C3 or Booz Allen Hamilton and make twice the money. The more warmongering there is, the more private contractor opportunities there are.

As for retired CIA, they often have different opinions uncolored by career goals:
"CIA Veterans Urge Caution on Leaks Saying Russia's Putin Tried to Get Trump Elected

77981   AllTruth   2016 Dec 13, 8:20am  

Forget auto loans, student loan, mortgage & medical debt for a second.

Think about this - If Americans lost the ability to use their credit cards, making minimum monthly payments, there'd literally be nationwide riots in the streets within 7-10 days, max.

I did not even touch upon food stamps/EBT, other forms of welfare, payday and "advance" loans, etc.

Just credit cards. That's how precarious a likely 76% of the American Population is living (worse than paycheck to paycheck; the same 76% that could not come up with $1,400 in cash in the event of a sudden emergency expense, without borrowing from family or friends).

77982   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 13, 8:23am  

What a world we live in when Democrats, in the past skeptical of politicized leaks from the CIA, are now embracing any unverifiable statement made by an unidentified alleged CIA agent.

Just remember: Lindsay Graham and John McCain never saw a conflict they didn't like.

77983   MMR   2016 Dec 13, 8:24am  

there are people even on this site who say things like "saving is taking food out of others mouths"

77984   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 8:25am  

"What a world we live in when Democrats, in the past skeptical of politicized leaks from the CIA, are now embracing any unverifiable statement made by an unidentified alleged CIA agent.
Just remember: Lindsay Graham and John McCain never saw a conflict they didn't like."

See, here's the difference. Dems are calling for an investigation and for the actual facts to come out. Nobody on the Dem side is calling for an invasion of Russia.

Dems want truth and facts. Conservatives are opposed to an investigation and are opposed to the actual facts coming out.

The real question is--why would ANYONE not want to know the truth? Who would be opposed to finding out what actually happened? And why?

77985   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Dec 13, 8:28am  

Ironman says

Except Wikileaks has been 100% RIGHT

Where's your proof. Why do you have such lax standards for ideas you agree with.Ironman says

"Could have" is NOT the same as "did".

Now, you are making up more shit getting farther and farther away from the original point. Just go back to the WaPo article and find out what was wrong. That should be the starting point for any thread like this, unless you are just trying to deceive people. I see that your OP was just text from a poorly written article, so I apologize for attributing that dishonest drivel to you.

77986   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 13, 8:30am  

YesYNot says

Where's your proof. Why do you have such lax standards for ideas you agree with

Where's YOUR proof? Anonymous statements made by alleged CIA agents aren't proof.

The WaPo has been running Fake News this whole election and post-election. Bezos doesn't care how many lies he spreads, so long as he keeps Trump distracted from reforming Corporate Inversions and especially Tariffs. Amazon was built on tax dodging.

If you live in Utah, don't buy from Amazon, they've corrupted the state government to let them keep 20% of the sales tax. Deal? Try owning a pizzeria in Salt Lake City and refusing to collect Sales Tax, then make a "deal" with the city/state that you'll finally collect it, but keep 20% for yourself. Rule of Law, anybody?

77987   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 8:31am  

"Yet, WaPo and the Dems are running with UNVERIFIED information about a "possible" hack...Got ANY verifiable FACTS??"

How do you know it's not verified?

In any event--that's the point. Let's get an investigation and see if the WAPO is wrong. Surely you agree with that, right?

77988   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 8:33am  

"The WaPo has been running Fake News this whole election and post-election. Bezos doesn't care how many lies he spreads, so long as he keeps Trump distracted from reforming Corporate Inversions and especially Tariffs. Amazon was built on tax dodging."

Come on Thunder. Bullshit. Do NOT, do NOT, do NOT call the WAPO fake news. If you want to claim bias, fine. Bias is NOT fake news.

I can't believe smart people can't tell the difference between a slight bias and a completely fabricated fairy tale.

77989   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 8:34am  

"But in the mean time, let's spread FAKE, unverified stories...Great plan you Dems have!!"

Who says it wasn't verified?? And it is not FAKE. You are the one playing that game.

77990   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 13, 8:35am  

joeyjojojunior says

Come on Thunder. Bullshit. Do NOT, do NOT, do NOT call the WAPO fake news. If you want to claim bias, fine. Bias is NOT fake news.

WaPo ran fake news. Check my first post in this thread. It ran a piece by Timburg on PropOrNot, claiming it was run by "non-partisan" experts (ie MIC-affiliated organization employees), and it included a list of websites from Drudge Report to Naked Capitalism, asserting they were Russian Outfits.

Not a single individual at PropOrNot was named.

This story was rejected by almost every other media outlet as having no credibility and could not be vetted for veracity. The WaPo refuses to run a retraction, it thinks an editor's note about 'we don't claim PropOrNot has veracity" is enough.

Yves Smith is planning on suing them. Then they'll retract.

77991   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 8:37am  

So, one (maybe) story constitutes:

"WaPo has been running Fake News this whole election and post-election"

Again I call bullshit. Don't equate WAPO with the crap sites that Ironman or TPP posts on here with completely made up fairy tales designed solely to fool idiots into forwarding it to other idiots.

77992   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 13, 8:39am  

It's all Obama's fault!!!

77993   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 13, 8:39am  

I just gave you an example of Fake News.

The organization and it's claims they ran an entire piece on, while praising it's members, smeared a range of websites as Russian Propaganda:

The group’s list of Russian disinformation outlets includes WikiLeaks and the Drudge Report, as well as Clinton-critical left-wing websites such as Truthout, Black Agenda Report, Truthdig, and Naked Capitalism, as well as libertarian venues such as Antiwar.com and the Ron Paul Institute.


They identified no member of this shady organization. Instead, they praised these members as "Experts, Independent, Non-Partisan" in order to play up it's credibility.

The PropOrNot website claims "Allies" such as Bellingcat, who say they never heard of them prior to the article being published. The Group's twitter dates back to August.

This is clearly a political smear-group with heavy secrecy disguised as some Public Watchdog.

77994   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 8:52am  

"I just gave you an example of Fake News"

So one example = the whole election and post election?? You have a very loose sense of time.

They got a story wrong. It's still not fake news and you know it.

77995   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 13, 8:52am  

anonymous says

This is clearly a political smear-group with heavy secrecy disguised as some Public Watchdog. Is this for the benefit of a given political party or something else ? Almost starting to look like a major diversion to keep the citizens at each other's throats amongst other things while keeping attention away from something else for reasons that may or may not come to light.

Of interest: Matt Taibbi's take on Prop Or Not

Timburg apparently did NOT call a single organization claimed to be an "Ally" or "Agent" by Propornot to check with them, including groups Propornot itself claimed to be allied with. The piece is horrendous, as Taibbi says it's not even up to the level of HS Journalism.

77996   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 8:58am  

There IS evidence for gods sake. I posted it yesterday.


77997   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 13, 9:04am  

That's it, huh? You realize that Redundancy is not a Russian exclusive technique. Consistent with the Russian Workday? From Eastern Europe to Turkey to India to China are also consistent with the Russian Workday. Fidelis is a private security company - are they working for free- nah, just trying to gin up business.

Basically, there's nothing here. This is less evidence than there is for most conspiracies.

"Everybody knows the Masons believe in redundancy. Timestamps are consistent with the Motherlodge of the Grand Poobah 69th Degree Master in Scotland... So sophisticated it must be done by sophisticated, networked people, and everybody knows the Masons are generally well-educated and have extensive networks"

You realize the DNC systems and Podesta's email and Spreadsheet Access were "protected" by passwords like "Obama08" and "pa$$word" - shit that any Script Kiddie could easily crack by brute force, if not flat out guessing. They're hardly difficult to guess.

ALSO, the DNC and Clinton Campaign themselves refused to cooperate with the FBI when it offered to check their security. They even denied any breach at first!

77998   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 13, 9:11am  

We should also mention here that the NSA hacked the entire German government right up into Merkel's Cell and PM Office Phone.

"Stop Hacking! But It's okay when we do it to our own allies."

77999   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 9:20am  

"That's it, huh?"

NO, that's not it. That's the start. I'd like to see everything which is why I think there should be an investigation and all results should be made public.

The question is--why do you not want to see an investigation? What are you hiding??

78000   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 9:21am  

I'll repeat it again... A LEAK is NOT a HACK... Idiot Podesta was 100% at fault.
Why aren't you discussing the CONTENT of those emails and how the campaign undermined Sanders??

Do you think a phishing email is not a hack? Do you know what a phishing email is?

78001   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 13, 9:23am  

We should also mention here that the NSA hacked the entire German government right up into Merkel's Cell and PM Office Phone.
"Stop Hacking! But It's okay when we do it to our own allies."

I'm sorry--who is saying "Stop Hacking!" exactly?

Please don't try to change the subject again. What people are saying is--did Russia purposely alter the outcome of the US election? And let's investigate and find out.

78002   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 13, 9:24am  

joeyjojojunior says

NO, that's not it. That's the start. I'd like to see everything which is why I think there should be an investigation and all results should be made public.

There's nothing there.

It's all just assertion "Well, this had a timestamp that conforms with the workday in Vladivostok"

Or the workday in Shanghai or Beijing.

Imagine a Prosecutor goes to a judge : "We want a warrant for Joe Schmoe, because we see tweets involving criminal behavior during 9-5, and Joe Schmoe's workday is around 9-5"
Judge "That's it?"
Prosecutor: "Yep."
Judge "No physical evidence, no witness?"
Prosecutor: "Nope. Oh, we did see some multiple tweets with the same text, and we think Mr. Schmoe believes in redundancy"
Judge "Get the fuck out of here."

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