Why religion, especially Christianity, should be banned from America

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2015 Dec 24, 12:21pm   17,423 views  26 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


Yes, this crazy fuck is a member of the Colorado state senate, and he won by a spread of 40 points having gotten 70% of the vote. That's a landslide.

And yes, his book is real, even though the subject matter is not. You can get it for $0 -- at least it's priced right -- on Amazon. The Demons of Barack H. Obama: How the Gift of Discerning of Spirits Reveals Unseen Forces Influencing American Politics.

Here are some of the reviews.

The author needs a Psychiatrist. Anyone who buys this book after reading these comments does as well.

Loco. This man is an elected representative. WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS WRONG WITH THIS PLACE!? And now, he's got a book. What the hell, hombre loco!

If "Dr." Klingenschmitt were merely one of the many people on the street corners of America, carrying on animated conversations with telephone poles or fire hydrants, his appearance might evoke feelings of sadness or even anger that our mental health system allows people like him to fall through the cracks. What is truly frightening is that this man was recently elected to the legislature of the state of Colorado, demonstrating that this form of insanity is prevalent at least in that precinct.

Only 50? Why, back in my day, politicians were ruled by 1000s of demons. Must be his adherence to that Muslimic religion that cut down on his demon count.

If he thinks he can see spirits, that possession is real, he needs to be locked up in a psychiatric institution, not in a state legislature.

I found this publications chronology and arguments well founded.Ignore the troll claiming only "morons" would by this book.Search for a fair price and I'm sure you will benefit.

On my last visit to Hell I met Dr. Chaps wearing the assless kind. He is one of us.

I swear the last one was not from me.

Now imagine a guy like that that becoming president and having the nuclear codes. And you thought Donald Trump was bad. Or image the first Muslim president -- a real Muslim, not Obama -- who decides it's time to purge the world of sinners for Allah. Or imagine a Christian who wants to bring about the return of Jesus by starting a nuclear war.

Now imagine all the religious people who voted this guy in office. Religion is dangerous. How dangerous? End of our species dangerous.

And that is why we need to ban all religion, make it illegal to indoctrinate children into religion, and purge our culture of the irrationality and extremist ideology of all religions -- and yes, belief in the supernatural itself is extremist as it requires rejection of all scientific evidence. If we don't do this, eventually there will be a president who implements Revelations.

Comments 1 - 26 of 26        Search these comments

1   Tenpoundbass   2015 Dec 24, 1:46pm  

OK Dan Atollah.

2   NDrLoR   2015 Dec 24, 1:59pm  

Dan8267 says

Why religion, especially Christianity, should be banned from America

It would be easier to move to Cuba or North Korea, or even China.

3   Dan8267   2015 Dec 24, 5:40pm  

Tenpoundbass says

OK Dan Atollah.

A dumb response as an Ayatollah is a cleric and thus one who promotes religion. The fact that Ayatollahs are evil supports my position.

Ironman says something asinine not even worth responding to.

P N Dr Lo R says

It would be easier to move to Cuba or North Korea, or even China.

The argument you seem to be trying to make is that since China and North Korea suppress religion, any state that suppresses religion must be like China or North Korea. This is a very weak argument. Nazi Germany suppressed rape. Does that mean that any country that suppresses rape is like Nazi Germany?

Also, a counter-example is the United States of America. The US does suppress religion, particularly those that the state does not endorse or like. The Mormons were forced to give up polygamy. The Native Americans were wipe out in genocide. Religious beliefs that interfere with state interests, such as taking pictures of people's faces, are not respected at all. The U.S. plays favorite to some Christians allowing them to violate laws the rest of us have to obey if they oppose letting their employees use birth control. But try to stop paying taxes because your religion says "thou shalt not kill" and paying for nuclear weapons, bombs, and drones violates that principle.

Finally, Cuba is highly religious.

4   Tenpoundbass   2015 Dec 24, 5:45pm  

Railing against other religions is the first fundamental principal of any religious Zealot.

5   Dan8267   2015 Dec 24, 5:47pm  

And railing against all religions is the mark of rationality and fairness.

6   Rin   2015 Dec 24, 5:59pm  

I can't legally boink hoes in America, thanks to Puritanism.

7   Dan8267   2015 Dec 24, 6:10pm  

Rin says

I can't legally boink hoes in America, thanks to Puritanism.

Yes, and this is another example of freedom of religion being a myth in America. Prostitution is illegal solely because it offense some religious people. All other "reasons" are bullshit excuses that don't apply to many other things. If your religious beliefs do prohibit prostitution, the laws prohibiting prostitution are violating your religious freedom, specifically your freedom from other people's religion.

Also, every single religion in the world today is based on "spiritual" visions and experiences created by narcotics. Smoking weed or using other mind-altering drugs is a religious freedom that the state has no problem outlawing. Again, there is no real religious freedom in America, just privileges and special protections from obeying the laws the rest of us have to for a select few religions lead by people who have agreed to promote the interests of the state. That's how Vatican City became a country. They cooperated with the Axis Powers in WWII.

Imagine if the pope decree that no Catholic could pay taxes that go to the U.S. military because of their unjust wars, use of torture, and killing of children and other civilians with drones and missile strikes. Of course that would never happen because the pope is a politician and knows not to piss off the big powers of the world, but let's say the pope exercised a conscious for the first time in the church's history. What would happen? I guarantee you that religious freedom would take a back seat to the tax revenue.

So instead of pretending that we have any religious freedom in our country, we should just end all the privileges and get-out-of-jail-free cards for the few religions that our government favors.

8   FortWayne   2015 Dec 24, 11:15pm  

Freedom of thought isn't needed, when liberals like Dan prefer government does all our thinking and tell us how to act. That's pretty Orwellian there Dan, even for you.

9   Dan8267   2015 Dec 25, 12:54am  

FortWayne says

Freedom of thought isn't needed, when liberals like Dan prefer government does all our thinking and tell us how to act. That's pretty Orwellian there Dan, even for you.

It would be if I actually believed that. Once again, you're using a straw man argument because you can't win against the real me.

10   FortWayne   2015 Dec 25, 9:31am  

Whatever makes you sleep better at night Dan.

11   Dan8267   2015 Dec 25, 10:07am  

FortWayne says

Whatever makes you sleep better at night Dan.

That would be the truth.

12   FortWayne   2015 Dec 31, 12:36pm  

Dan8267 says

That would be the truth.

If that's what you want to call it...

13   Dan8267   2015 Dec 31, 1:12pm  

FortWayne says

If that's what you want to call it...

Calling something x or y is not an argument that the thing is actually x or y. Nor is your childish implication that it's not. If you think I have spoken a falsehood, then grow a pair of balls and act like a man. State specifically what you think I said that is false and show your evidence. Failing to do this is to be an impotent little boy. Assertion carries no weight.

If the truth is on your side, it isn't hard to justify your position like I have always done.

14   Bubbabeefcake   2016 Jan 1, 2:27pm  

Christianity is a tool Zionist Jews use to suppress Americans while they attempt to complete their own agenda of global domination from the land of Israel

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 1, 3:15pm  

Bubbabear says

Christianity is a tool Zionist Jews use to suppress Americans while they attempt to complete their own agenda of global domination from the land of Israel

16   Bubbabeefcake   2016 Jan 1, 4:26pm  


Correct ..... and all the Israelite chosen people propaganda from the BIBLE is just so the Zionist fake Jew scum can get a leg up on feeble-minded GENTILES that sit around and watch football and drink beer all day

That of course is why I abandoned Christianity and became a devout Deist just like our founding forefathers were

The Christian Bible is nothing but ZIONIST propaganda fake Jews wrote and all the Amerikan sheeple still continue to eat it up hook line and sinker

17   phaster   2016 Jan 3, 11:59am  

Dan8267 says

Why religion, especially Christianity, should be banned from America

Yes, this crazy fuck is a member of the Colorado state senate, and he won by a spread of 40 points having gotten 70% of the vote. That's a landslide.

BAD IDEA IMHO because it goes against the very foundation of this nation which built atop of the constitution! The way I look at it the issue is what makes the USA different than a one party ideological dictatorship like China


or KSA


is in this county we are suppose to have the freedom to freely select whatever bat shit crazy religion we believe in and let the market decide (sadly have to say individuals in the market are not the sharpest tools in the shed, but do have some hope left that they can be sharpened AMEN)

Actually religion if used properly can be used as a teaching tool in economics and business management, so indulge me for a moment while I try and illustrate my point...

Lets say a rabbi, priest, imam and physicist go to a bar to discuss economics and business management using basic concepts found in scripture because that ancient document has a lot to say about effects of ethical decisions made by individuals/society using simple metaphor(s) like "sowing and reaping"

Galatians 6:7

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: a man reaps what he sows

Galatians 6:8

Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature

After a few rounds of drinks they all might agree that the implication from this passage is that when God says you will reap what you sow in a modern day economy (s)he means you will live with the results of your actions (NOTE the physicist would including the "(s)" disclaimer because of politics of not wanting to offend the almighty, and knowing the scientific method cannot determine the existence let alone the gender of God).




all theological joking aside, we intuitively know that in an economy how well one does NOW depends upon the PAST decisions and acquired skill-set(s) of an individual or group

Looking at current events such as the ever growing problem w/ the viability of various public pensions (along w/ other alarming trends in the global environment), it wouldn't be a stretch for the rabbi, priest, imam and physicist to conclude there is eventually going to be some kind of armageddon that will manafest itself in the economic realm (or said another way TSHTF), so best to heed warnings from scripture and well known investors...

Revelations 16:15

Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed

Warren Buffett

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked




PS we all learn in different ways so if using some old ancient text can help get a bible thumper to understand the importance of good modern day business management and economics concepts, it might be a good thing to use their own beliefs to show them the light


18   Dan8267   2016 Jan 3, 1:18pm  

phaster says

BAD IDEA IMHO because it goes against the very foundation of this nation which built atop of the constitution! The way I look at it the issue is what makes the USA different than a one party ideological dictatorship like China

The nation was founded on the idea that everyone was equal under law, yet it practiced slavery and denied many men and all women the right to vote. America has never been an example of a free society. Our past is not one of freedom-loving compatriots. Today, for the most part, we have more freedom than even citizens after the revolution.

However, why should religion, a delusion, get special treatment? Just because a bunch of Anglicans and Catholics slaughtered each other in England in the 1600s does not mean the answer is to protect religion. The answer is to get rid of it as it is inherently irrational and explosive. Think about all the freedoms that you don't have because "they would be too dangerous" like
- consuming narcotics
- prostitution
- possessing land mines
- gambling

Certainly whether or not you have consensual sex with someone and what chemicals you put in your body are more fundamental human rights than worshiping a fictional character?

But of course, we don't have freedom of religion and the First Amendment has never been enforced. What we have is state-sponsored religions. Want to deny your employees contraception in their health care because your religion says to do so? OK, that's fine. You don't have to pay for anything you have religious objection to, even if it's the law. Want to not pay for the wars in the Middle East that killed over a million men, women, and children? FUCK YOU. You have to pay for that. Your religious objections mean nothing.

What if your religion uses illegal drugs to create spiritual experiences? Nope. No religious freedom there.

What if your religion forbids making images of yourself including photographs? Will the police not photo you if they arrest you? No religious freedom there.

What if your religion forbids showing your face -- yep, one of the major ones does just this for half the population -- will the government let you through security while wearing a Niqāb (face cover)? What if you have religious objections to going through a rape scanner or being felt up by TSA agents.

Hell, the police and custom agents have forced people to endure rectal exams to find drugs. Where the hell is the religous freedom there? Or in the strip searches and body cavity searches millions of U.S. prisoners have to endure. Don't these violate religious freedom?

The fact is that the United States has not given its people the right to live by their religious beliefs. The U.S. has given some people the privileges regarding selected religious practices of selected religions that the state likes. We have no more religious freedom today than the colonists had immediately before the revolution.

But why should religion be protected at all when far more important things are not?

19   Oilwelldoctor   2016 Jan 3, 5:32pm  

McCain next?

20   3bf3   2017 Jan 4, 9:23am  

I get nothing but negative vibes from religion. I believe in spiritualism individually not a collective establishment but there are a lot worse problems then religion.

Our skies being filled with barium and our water too. We are bombarded with electronic radiation from all the overperformed cell towers which have not really improved service but they say they do but people don't really know why there are so many stuff on them or at least they claim not to know.

More like they don't want YOU to know.

21   joshuatrio   2017 Jan 4, 10:11am  

At least this guy isn't suicide bombing cafe's, or shooting up night clubs.

22   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jan 4, 10:55am  

Way to go Dan, mandating how others should live their lives, governed by the holy principles of Dan-ness, on a free speech forum. Nothing gets lost on you Dan...

23   Dan8267   2017 Jan 4, 11:00am  

NuttBoxer says

Way to go Dan, mandating how others should live their lives, governed by the holy principles of Dan-ness, on a free speech forum. Nothing gets lost on you Dan...

Don't get your panties in a bunch. Every law ever created mandates how others should live their lives. Don't murder. Don't rape. Don't plant land mines in your back yard. Don't possess nuclear material or various germs. Pay taxes. Register for the selective service. Make sure the government knows where you sleep. Your address on your driver's license must be where you physically sleep at night. Don't give or sell cigarettes or alcohol to minors. I could go on and on.

If it's OK to use the government to ban heroin, then it's OK to use the government to ban the most dangerous drug in all of history, religion.

Just because you don't like your vile and evil religion being banned, doesn't mean it shouldn't be.

NuttBoxer says

on a free speech forum.

Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are clearly mutually exclusive. People have been arrested in this country for speech that is deemed disrespectful to certain religions. So if I have to choose between the two, I'll always choose freedom of speech over freedom of religion. And from American history, it's clear we have to choose between the two.

24   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jan 4, 11:11am  

It's not ok for the government to mandate what we put in our own bodies, or what we choose to think/believe in. The fact that you don't see the correlation between banning thought and free speech is more than a little scary. Try following more of your half baked thoughts to their logical conclusion.

There is nothing evil about my God, or those who follow His words in the Bible. Mis-interpretation, and blatant mis-representation are the fault of man, not God.

25   Dan8267   2017 Jan 4, 12:20pm  

NuttBoxer says

It's not ok for the government to mandate what we put in our own bodies, or what we choose to think/believe in.

Government routinely mandates what we can put into our own bodies through
- the drug war
- patents on drugs
- prohibition on importing drugs from other countries including safe drugs from Canada

Government also routinely mandates what we can do with our own bodies and the bodies of consenting peers through
- anti-nudity laws
- anti-sex laws
- public decency laws

Government also routinely mandates restrictions on free speech including
- prohibiting slander and libel
- prohibiting various words on radio and television
- prohibiting various topics from even being discussed in public like sex through so-called decency and "protect the children" laws

NuttBoxer says

The fact that you don't see the correlation between banning thought and free speech is more than a little scary.

I proposing a ban on religion, not a ban on free thought and speech, dumb ass. That's a disingenuous straw man and a transparent attempt to poison the well

You're not allowed to give children alcohol or show them a penis, but you should be allowed to brain wash them with religion? Indoctrination of children into religion is the greatest form of child abuse today and in all of history.

26   Dan8267   2017 Jan 4, 12:21pm  

NuttBoxer says

Try following more of your half baked thoughts to their logical conclusion.

Try understanding what your opponent has written and coming up with a real counter-argument instead of just calling him a poopy-head.

NuttBoxer says

There is nothing evil about my God, or those who follow His words in the Bible.

Your god is a fictional character, but fictional characters can be evil in the sense that they advocate and demonstrate evil actions.

Your god's followers have most certainly been evil throughout history.
- The crusades
- Torturing and murdering of people who didn’t convert
- The Spanish Inquisition
- The Holocaust
- Burning atheists at the stake
- Threatening scientists with torture and death
- Sacking entire peoples, raping and pillaging in the name of the lord
- Burning homosexuals at the stake, hence the word "fag", the joke being that gays are meant to be burned as kindling
- Arresting and imprisoning homosexuals throughout the 20th century.
- Anti-marriage equality
- Promoting slavery in both the old and new testaments. Yes, Jesus was pro-slavery according to the Gospel.

These are just a few of the things that were intrinsically motivated by Christianity and other religions.

NuttBoxer says

Mis-interpretation, and blatant mis-representation are the fault of man, not God.

From your bible, "‘If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them."

That's pretty hard to misinterpret.

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