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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   156,497 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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78945   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 7:20am  

Tim Aurora says

Did you read the report Russian, We have you guys now. You will run out of money in 2017

You sure haven't, or you wouldn't be pushing people to read it.

"RT sympathetically reported on Occupy Wall Street years ago. It's PROOF the Russians hate America and hacked the 2016 Elections!"

Jesus, how much sympathetic reporting was there about Pussy Riot for trespassing in a church, assaulting the Clerics, screaming obscenities, etc.?

Left out was the Frozen Chicken up the Vagina in a Public Supermarket and the time they booked a space under false pretences in the Biology Museum to have an orgy in front of the Public. If Americans had known that, they would have been like "Oh, they're just Russian version of our anarcho-feminist SJW hysterical asshole types."

78946   Y   2017 Jan 8, 7:28am  

In LibbyWorld, calling someone a "monkey" is racist because either "a", libbies are science deniers not accepting evolution makes monkeys of us all, or "b", they are ashamed of their ancestral heritage, having been spawned from the hairy shit stained loins of jungle vermin...
Given that libbies have declared anyone born american guilty of slavery that occurred over 200 years ago, I'm putting my money on "b"...

komputodo says

So it's ok to call Trump an orangutan, but calling obama a monkey is racist?

78947   Y   2017 Jan 8, 7:29am  

something about libbies and their ancestors...

78948   MMR   2017 Jan 8, 7:29am  

Ironman says

Oh Marcus, you're the perfect example of believing in Unicorns:

Idiot doesn't get it, unless the media he reads successfully regulates the internet, the MSM is going to have to get better st telling the truth.

Marcus is a moron who pretty much quotes articles from MSM outlets verbatim and never asks questions like: what are they failing to disclose?

78949   joshuatrio   2017 Jan 8, 7:31am  

komputodo says

So it's ok to call Trump an orangutan, but calling obama a monkey is racist? These damn PC rules are confusing.

That's called liberal logic.

78950   MMR   2017 Jan 8, 7:31am  

Ironman says

So then that makes her untruthfulness, dishonesty, lying about it to the news media, and perjury to Congress OK, since "most" aren't aware???

That is what he believes but he's such a pussy that if asked point blank he will deny or attempt to change subject

78951   MMR   2017 Jan 8, 7:36am  

komputodo says

s this just your brand of click-bait or are you really afraid? Afraid for your life? Afraid of losing some money (numbers on a screen)? Afraid of losing your "freedoms"? What exactly are you afraid of? It would help us better understand you.

Many theories abound, my personal theory is he can't comprehend how iron man got best of him I. Predicting this election.

One guy was using polls; the other was showing how the polls were lying through the use of oversampling.

One completely ignored social media and 'fake news' and the other showed that Clinton was heavily propped up by DNC long before any conclusive evidence came up, as evidenced by social media presence and turnout at events for both candidates

78952   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 8:16am  

MMR says

One completely ignored social media and 'fake news' and the other showed that Clinton was heavily propped up by DNC long before any conclusive evidence came up, as evidenced by social media presence and turnout at events for both candidates

Don't forget the pitiful attendance at her rallies, which was pointed out endlessly and dismissed as 'no indicator' endlessly. Apparently it was one.

She also had very high negatives, with the added baggage of being a politician. You could point to her mistakes, inactivity, big Saudi and Bankster cash donations, etc.

78953   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 8, 8:55am  

hahahaha--so that's it now. Just stop whining?

How does TL Lips feel about this?

78954   Bellingham Bill   2017 Jan 8, 9:21am  

I'm not a Russian troll but am OK with the hacking and subsequent release of internal Party emails.

This is a similar service RT plays, holding a mirror to our system to see unpleasant realities.

That the Republicans could run such a dirty campaign and win, well, that's the real problem.

Take Wisconsin, the electorate their returned that scumfuck Ron Johnson back by a ~100,000 vote margin, over Russ Feingold, one of the finest Senators we've ever had (voted against PATRIOT and the 2003 AUMF).

There's waaay too many stupid people in this country for us to have a functional democracy.

My recommended fix is simply, Move.

78955   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 8, 9:21am  

Republican Red State Alaska can't secure America from a terrorist.
Republicans' TSA can't protect americans in just one state.
Republicans' message to Terrorist:
Don't transport you weapon of TERRORISM, we'll deliver you a TERRORIST WEAPON
to the scene of the crime.

Ironman says

Don't you find it just a bit strange that all these LEO agencies had contact with this guy, knew his past records, knew he was hearing voices in his head about ISIS, but still let him go and gave him his handgun back??

Why did two Republican RED STATES allow this tragedy?

78956   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 9:24am  

I removed the username from the tweet to give a bit more space to the comment. People will figure out who the comment is by if they click on the link in the tweet. Now you should be able to post comments that are up to 115 chars. You can use the counter in the edit box to see how bit your tweet is.

And anyone can tweet anyone else's comment. No restrictions.

78957   carrieon   2017 Jan 8, 9:24am  

If anything was learned from the election, it was the following:
Trump supporters hated everything about the Republican and the Democratic party.
Trump haters on the other hand now fear they won't be guaranteed free stuff anymore.

78958   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 9:24am  

Maybe I should show the tweet link only if the comment is within the size allowed?

Bigger comments would get truncated.

78959   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 8, 9:26am  

Tim Aurora says

Why the change of heart ?

Beginner trolls don't have much experience removing their foot from their mouths
but they are constantly trying with each change in their delusional thinking.

78960   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 8, 9:48am  

Tim Aurora says

( I support Bush in 2000)

Now we know another co-conspirator that allowed 9/11
& didn't find the WMD.

"For the record I have voted both for Democrats and Republicans"
Great reason to apply Capital Punishment to save america.

78961   RWSGFY   2017 Jan 8, 9:56am  

Good. Now let's see if he's capable of really hitting back hard to discourage such shenanigans in the future.

78963   Ceffer   2017 Jan 8, 11:16am  

Trumpligula will invite Putin to the White House and spank Ivanka's naked bottom in front of him and say that will happen to him if he ever hacks IHLlary's campaigns again.

78964   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jan 8, 11:39am  

Jesus. The only person whining is you. It's insufferable. Finally, Trump admits we were right all along, and you are still whining about everybody else. Curiously strange behavior, that.

78965   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jan 8, 11:41am  

Love these new Trump tweets. He's finally starting to say it like it really is.

78966   marcus   2017 Jan 8, 11:54am  

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

78967   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jan 8, 12:03pm  

Ironman says


Guess we can add shouting to the whining. What's next? Temper tantrum?

78968   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jan 8, 12:04pm  

If you hate Hillary, you might be a red neck.

78969   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 12:14pm  

Tim Aurora says

No it did not and nor should it investigate the effect on the election

Why not? If it's such a big deal, we should definitely investigate. Starting with the DNC Servers by a Government Agency letting us know all the actors that hacked into those servers, if possible.

I await their report.

78970   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 12:16pm  

Of course not.

The Democrats only want to use this as the excuse why they ran a boring, uninspiring, campaign with the worst candidate they could have run, and lost, lost, lost. I hope they double down on 2016 and run the same kind of campaign they did this year in the 2018 elections. Maybe they'll blame North Korea next time.

78971   BayArea   2017 Jan 8, 12:23pm  

Perhaps to keep the bait agreeable among members, something would be set up that would require several predetermined members to agree the the bait comment before it goes live?

Without this, I see it getting out of hand lol

78972   lostand confused   2017 Jan 8, 12:24pm  

I still think this whole thing in public is to distract from the disastrous Israel vote.
China hacked and got all the info-names, address, phone numbers and God knows what else info on all people who have secret clearance in our country-every single one. Obozo never cared. Who knows how many other countries also have that info.

They are saying the Russians revealed the corrupt nature of the DNC -basically revealed the truth. But Clinton revealed our nuclear launch timings in a debate and put out all her secret stuff for all the hackers to see.

I think there is far more intelligence failures/breaches/secrets lost under the Obozo admin and he is trying to strike first. trump might reveal all this and he si maybe hoping the Russian hacking will derail him.
I really want to know why we sold 20% of our uranium to Russian interests after the Clinton foundation got millions and Podesta's daughter had shares of the Russian interest company. The amount of hacking is huge and Obama has let it gone on unhindered .

The CHinese hack is the biggest in history-every single one of our secret clearance folks-names/address/personal details is now with China and God knows who else -and they are worried about some dem gossip and hold public hearings??

Where are the public hearings on China-punishment..

There is far more to this -lets see-hopefully trump will protect our homeland better than this clown.

78973   BayArea   2017 Jan 8, 12:26pm  

In that case, carry on lol 👍

78974   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 1:08pm  

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) says he regrets the decision by Democrats in 2013 to trigger the "nuclear option" for most presidential nominations.

The change to the Senate rules lowered the threshold for confirming Cabinet nominees to a simple majority vote — something that will now help President-elect Donald Trump push through his nominees.

"I argued against it at the time. I said both for Supreme Court and in Cabinet should be 60 because on such important positions there should be some degree of bipartisanship," Schumer told CNN.

"I won on Supreme Court, lost on Cabinet. But it's what we have to live with now."

The "nuclear option" was triggered by former Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who retired at the end of the last Congress. Schumer is taking his place as leader of Senate Democrats in the new Congress.

In 2013, Democrats in the Senate altered the filibuster rules, lowering the number of senators needed to confirm presidential nominees from 60 to a simple majority of 51. Supreme Court nominations were excluded from the change.


Dems have only themselves to blame, AGAIN.

78975   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 1:23pm  

The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election, a senior law enforcement official told CNN Thursday.
"The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated," a senior law enforcement official told CNN. "This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information. These actions caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier."

This statement is in response to reports that the FBI never asked the DNC for access to the hacked systems.
Clapper: 'Disparagement' of intel agents cause for worry
The DNC told Buzzfeed News that they did not receive a request from the FBI to access their computer servers.
"The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI's Cyber Division and its Washington Field Office, the Department of Justice's National Security Division, and US Attorney's Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC's computer servers," Eric Walker, the DNC's deputy communications director, told BuzzFeed News.
The FBI instead relied on the assessment from a third-party security company called CrowdStrIke.


So basically, Crowdstrike, the contractor hired by the DNC, did the FBI's assessment.

And they still aren't interested, because their only goal is to blame Russia for everything, leaving the Clintonistas in power blameless.

78976   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 1:27pm  


I can't see any of my postings on the Twitter feed.

Am I be censored?

I'll make big crocodile tears!

Which comment did you try to tweet? Should have worked if it was text. There is no access control except being logged in to patrick.net.

Note again that images will not work yet. Only text can be tweeted.

78977   joshuatrio   2017 Jan 8, 1:51pm  

Doesn't the US meddle in every other countries business?

Funny how Hillary had every single advantage in this election and she STILL LOST.

How many COUNTRIES supported Hillary? What about the UN, the REPUBLICAN PARTY and the the MEDIA?

All Trump had was Twitter, some alternative media sites and some brass balls.

You whiny ass liberals can take your sorry asses back to your safe room, with your transgendered cheating cyclist friends.

78978   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 8, 1:55pm  

The narrative that the media was somehow against Trump is the funniest of them all. It's been objectively shown that there was (far) more time spent on TV and written in print on Clinton's email server than spent on any of the Trump scandals. How much time was spent on the Clinton Foundation vs. the Trump Foundation?

78979   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 1:57pm  

Ironman says

Why can't the libbies answer those basic questions in the OP??

They don't want to go on the record with a description, because the issue will take up anything that could be remotely demonstrated, no matter how trifling or dated (ie RT's Occupy coverage), over time.

If they tie it down to a few things, it may go off in a direction they said wasn't an issue.

When the whole thing ceases to be useful, the Dem Leadership will drop this tactic like a hot potato.

78980   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 3:40pm  

You have to click the new "tweet" link on the comment that you want to post to https://twitter.com/patrickdotnet

And even then it will just post the first 115 characters or so of the text. Improvements can be made, but for now, that's how it works.

78981   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 3:59pm  

I want to know when America will officially express its gratitude to Russia for helping to expose corruption in the DNC.

If we're sure the Russians exposed that corruption, then they deserve at least some token of appreciation from the American people for free services rendered in support of American democracy.

The key point is that the Russians did not make up any of the shit that the DNC did. The DNC really did it.

78982   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 4:04pm  


What about our initial posts?

It's just for comments for now. Most of the original posts are too long to fit on Twitter.

BTW I added a link to the patrick.net twitter feed in the footer of every page.

78983   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 4:10pm  

You can include @realDonaldTrump and see what happens.

Looks like you get 116 characters if I include the backlink to p.net which takes 24 away from the 140 Tweet limit. So count down in the edit box character counter to 1884.

78984   joshuatrio   2017 Jan 8, 5:17pm  

Ironman says

No, a shitty and dishonest candidate in Clinton helped Trump win

I don't see why the Dems can't see through this. Clinton was a terrible candidate. Sanders would have won. The DNC screwed themselves over this year.

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