California senator thinks Illegals committing identity theft is ok.

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2017 Feb 1, 12:23pm   7,718 views  16 comments

by RC2006   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Listening to Airtalk on KPCC on the way home and they were talking about California becoming a sanctuary state. One of the guests Kevin De Leon a democrat senator was asked if he thought an illegal should be deported for stealing and using a person’s social security number. His reply was that it was ok and shouldn’t be a deportable offence, that he has family members that have had to do it and it was ok because it’s “just something people have to do to get by here”. Even when asked a few times about all the problems this causes American citizens he was unabashed about not thinking it was a big deal. I know many people that have been totally screwed by Identity theft and have had to spend thousands straightening out problems with the IRS and their credit record.

People like this just show the systemic problem in California from decades of being invaded by Illegals in large numbers that don’t conform and just balkanize into the exact thing they tried to get away from.

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1   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 1, 1:53pm  

Ok, I'm calling low blow here. Everyone knows the dipshits in Sactown can't tell their anus from a hole in the wall. Can we please stop picking on the retarded kid when it comes to California.

2   marcus   2017 Feb 1, 3:19pm  

He's not stealing the guys identity. He's paying money into the guys retirement fund, possibly increasing the benefits he gets in retirement, so that he can be employed. In a more macro view, he's paying money to the government that the govt classifies as part of the current years tax revenues.

I'm not saying I think it's okay. It is illegal. But the guy who the number belongs to is hardly a victim of a crime. Not if you understand what's going on.

3   RWSGFY   2017 Feb 1, 4:23pm  

marcus says

He's not stealing the guys identity. He's paying money into the guys retirement fund...the guy who the number belongs to is hardly a victim of a crime.

So if there is a stream of money into an SSA account from some "second job" and taxes from it don't show up on the tax return for this particular SSN, wouldn't it raise red flags with IRS? It should be pretty easy for SSA and IRS to cross-reference their databases.

4   HEY YOU   2017 Feb 1, 4:59pm  

rpanic01 says

His reply was that it was ok and shouldn’t be a deportable offence, that he has family members that have had to do it and it was ok because it’s “just something people have to do to get by here”.

How stupid can Democrats get?

5   joshuatrio   2017 Feb 2, 5:20am  

marcus says

He's not stealing the guys identity.

Holy shit, you are a dumbass.

6   marcus   2017 Feb 2, 6:25am  

joshuatrio says

Holy shit, you are a dumbass.

Translation: "it hurts my feelings when you ruin an opportunity to believe a lie, so I'm going to believe it anyway without understanding shit, because I'm a right wing dimbulb, and that's how I roll."

I won't be expecting you to explain how if the only thing someone is using another SS# is to have a job and pay money into their acct, that it's stealing their identity. The guy obviously wasn't using his name and his entire identity, for income tax purposes, or to get credit in his name, which is what "identity theft" refers to. And of course it didn't work.

There must be a way that undocumented workers get dummy SS#s that they usually pay in to without every getting anything back, but this guy got a live one and was caught ? I don't fully get it, but it happens all the time.

8   joshuatrio   2017 Feb 2, 6:52am  

marcus says

The guy obviously wasn't using his name and his entire identity, for income tax purposes, or to get credit in his name, which is what "identity theft" refers to.

If that's the case, please post your SSN on this forum. I'll take a flight back out to Salinas, CA - and make sure your information is passed onto the migrant workers in the fields.

Straw Man says

So if there is a stream of money into an SSA account from some "second job" and taxes from it don't show up on the tax return for this particular SSN, wouldn't it raise red flags with IRS? It should be pretty easy for SSA and IRS to cross-reference their databases.

Still waiting on your response to Strawman marcus.

9   marcus   2017 Feb 2, 7:18am  


Read this.

Look when someone has a job making say 40K. THe only taxes they pay are payroll taxes. Apparently when the red flag comes up at the IRS, that the number that Juan Sanchez is using belongs to Joe Smith, they look the other way and take the money. It probably doesn't go into Joe Smiths SS account either. I'm not an expert, just saying, I don't believe Joe SMith is hurt in the process, so you're the dumbass if you think this constitutes stealing a guys identity. It's a number so he can work an pay the IRS.

10   RWSGFY   2017 Feb 2, 7:21am  

marcus says

"IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes"


I don't understand how any honest taxpayer can defend the shit described it that article. This must end.

11   lostand confused   2017 Feb 2, 7:22am  

rpanic01 says

One of the guests Kevin De Leon a democrat senator was asked if he thought an illegal should be deported for stealing and using a person’s social security number. His reply was that it was ok and shouldn’t be a deportable offence, that he has family members that have had to do it and it was ok because it’s “just something people have to do to

Wow-he has crooks for family members and he thinks it is ok-explains CA. One day this mentality will explode and the productive members of society will face the music-it will be too late.

12   joshuatrio   2017 Feb 2, 7:24am  

marcus says

He's not stealing the guys identity.

marcus says

Read this.

marcus says


identity theft
Examples Word Origin
1.the fraudulent appropriation and use of someone's identifying or personal data or documents, as a credit card.


marcus says

I'm not an expert, just saying, I don't believe Joe SMith is hurt in the process.

Obviously, but it doesn't matter what you believe. It's still identity theft.

Like I said before. Post your SSN here and I'll personally deliver it to the field migrants. No one's hurt in the process right?

13   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 10:14am  

Ironman says

That's the majority of the state, isn't it?

Contrary to stated axioms, the government is not representative of the people. So no.

14   marcus   2017 Feb 2, 7:01pm  

joshuatrio says

Obviously, but it doesn't matter what you believe. It's still identity theft.

NO, it's actually Trump and your ilk who think that believing something makes it true. I believe that you're smart enough to understand my point and that you simply can't handle being wrong. Sadly that's not surprising.

joshuatrio says

No one's hurt in the process right?

I didn't say that , in fact I acknowledged that it's illegal and not right. But usually when you hear of identity theft, it involves someone actually doing things in your name, using your entire identity (EVEN YOUR NAME ) to for example borrow money in your name or otherwise harm you. I don't want to have anyone steal my SS#. I guess that's your best argument that using my SS# to get work, would be identity theft.

In other words you would rather seems stupid than admit you were pretty much wrong.

15   FortWayne   2017 Feb 2, 7:15pm  

Anything is justifiable to keep cheap slave like labor going to these people.

16   marcus   2017 Feb 2, 7:28pm  

FortWayne says

Anything is justifiable to keep cheap slave like labor going to these people.

True. If they wanted to get illegal immigrants to go back, they would just police this kind of activity. Instead they look the other way. My point is that you can hardly blame the people that do whatever it takes to provide for their family (if it's not crime). And if the IRS and govt is looking the other way, then the Senator is not out of line for not coming down hard on the one guy for doing something so many are doing, unless they're going to bust them all.

If you're going to make this illegal, then penalize companies and have the IRS crack down on it. But then it gets complicated, becasue many of these people have kids that are competant citizen students and future tax paying Americans. SO do they want to come down on them hard ? I think not.

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