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53   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 5:45pm  

Anonymous speech is necessary to any functioning democracy, especially if it's controversial or at odds with what the "good people" believe.

Otherwise "Who is a Nazi it's okay to punch/ostracize/make unemployable" is gradually defined down and somebody who says "She said Dongle, huh huh" "Fork my repo, huh uh" in a Beavis/Butthead voice gets fired based on a tweet from a snoopy bystander.


Rashomon says

Sending pictures of women covered in semen is not necessary.

If you mean when you look up some hot porn star, and you get a gallery of "Tribute" assholes holding up a picture of her with their semen all over it, yeah, that should be illegal.

Rashomon says

Except plenty of people jumped on that comment, while most of us simply ignored it for the stupid comment it was.

How about everybody demands an apology while HBO dumps her show and all advertisers pull out of all her events? That's what happens when the target isn't white or male.

54   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 5:48pm  

Rashomon says

And you seemingly don't want to acknowledge that some of them might be.

Therefore all of them are?

Can I say Breast Meat instead of White Meat, or is that still declasse and so offensive?

Do women sweat? Or is that just horses. Women GLOW. Men Perspire. Only horses sweat, my dear. Now tighten your whalebone corset, we are high standard respectable people who do not brook uncouth offensive language, my dears.

55   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 5:48pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Anonymous speech is necessary to any functioning democracy, especially if it's controversial or at odds with what the "good people" believe.

Otherwise "Who is a Nazi it's okay to punch/ostracize/make unemployable" is gradually defined down and somebody who says "She said Dongle, huh huh" "Fork my repo, huh uh" in a Beavis/Butthead voice gets fired based on a tweet from a snoopy bystander.

Your example isn't the same as what Leslie Jones went through - it's exactly the example that I put up and what Ronson talked about. The two things aren't the same.

56   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 5:49pm  

Rashomon says

You're example isn't the same as what Leslie Jones went through - it's exactly the example that I put up and what Ronson talked about. The two things aren't the same.

Yeah, Leslie Jones didn't get fired. These guys, one of whom had kids to feed, did. Over a stupid, muttered under breath comment unmeant to be heard by anybody but his colleague that enraged the Social Justice / Womyn in STEM Crowd.

57   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 5:51pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Therefore all of them are?

Eh? Where did I say all of them were?
T L Lipsovich says

Yeah, Leslie Jones didn't get fired. These guys, who have kids, did. Over a stupid, muttered under breath comment unmeant to be heard by anybody but his colleague.

Which is exactly my fucking point - words have consequences - these people, just like the London women, had their lives turned upside down as a consequence of a herd mentality - in their case for doing nothing but make an innocuous joke. Jones did nothing at all and was systematically targeted for racist and misogynistic abuse. They aren't the same type of examples.

58   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 5:54pm  

Rashomon says

Which is exactly my fucking point - words have consequences - these people, just like the London women, had their lives turned upside down as a consequence of a herd mentality - in their case for doing nothing but make an innocuous joke. Jones did nothing at all and was systematically targeted for racist and misogynistic abuse. They aren't the same type of examples.

Words are Words, deeds are deeds and words should not have consequences 99.9999% of the time. As you know, I believe that Free Speech should apply everywhere, in workplaces and especially in universities, except military secrets by active and former personnel. The idea you don't have free speech at a workplace or university is a holdover from the feudal era where you are your bosses' property or somehow represent the university. No, you are trading your labor for money. Not your conscience.

59   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 5:58pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Words are Words, deeds are deeds and words should not have consequences 99.9999% of the time. As you know, I believe that Free Speech should apply everywhere, in workplaces and especially in universities, except military secrets by active and former personnel. The idea you don't have free speech at a workplace or university is a holdover from the feudal era where you are your bosses' property or somehow represent the university. No, you are trading your labor for money. Not your conscience.

Words matter. Words lead to deeds. Responsibility for what one says should matter. Free speech doesn't apply everywhere whether you think it should or not - do you really want ISIS to be free to recruit on campus for example? I think there are limits, but then I'm not American, so maybe we just simply hold different perspectives.

60   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:05pm  

Rashomon says

Words matter. Words lead to deeds. Responsibility for what one says should matter. Free speech doesn't apply everywhere whether you think it should or not - do you really want ISIS to be free to recruit on campus for example? I think there are limits, but then I'm not American, so maybe we just simply hold different perspectives.

Explain to me how calling an actress fat and untalented leads to any deeds?

If Trump is assassinated, do Rosa Brooks, Sarah Silverman, and others who have hinted at violent coups deserve to be charged with Accessory to Murder?

By the way, you can't believe this and be a liberal, since this entire line of thinking is fundamentally anti-liberal and totalitarian. Not authoritarian because authoritarians don't try to control what you think; obedience is enough (the entire point of contrast with traditional authorities in 1984) What are you?

61   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:09pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Explain to me how calling an actress fat and untalented leads to any deeds?

If Trump is assassinated, do Rosa Brooks, Sarah Silverman, and others who have hinted at violent coups deserve to be charged with Accessory to Murder?

It creates a climate, don't you think? Pretty much every movement started off with words. They have power to influence.

62   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:11pm  

T L Lipsovich says

By the way, you can't believe this and be a liberal, since this entire line of thinking is fundamentally anti-liberal and totalitarian. Not authoritarian because authoritarians don't try to control what you think; obedience is enough (the entire point of contrast with traditional authorities in 1984) What are you?

I guess that depends on what you mean by liberal. There have always been limitations on free speech in Europe, and for pretty good reasons in many cases (whether or not you agree with them), and those limitations have been widely supported. This isn't the defining point of being liberally minded, certainly not in Europe at least. I believe in the right of people to express their opinions, but I don't see why that can't be done in a civil manner, though I'll happily make an exception for one or two on this forum.

63   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:13pm  

Rashomon says

I guess that depends on what you mean by liberal. There have always been limitations on free speech in Europe, and for pretty good reasons in many cases (whether or not you agree with them), and those limitations have been widely supported. This isn't the defining point of being liberally minded, certainly not in Europe at least.

Historically Europe has been a lot less interested in civil liberties, also.

64   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:15pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Historically Europe has been a lot less interested in civil liberties, also.

It's also given people universal healthcare, better social services etc. etc. Take your choice.

65   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:16pm  

Rashomon says

It's also given people universal healthcare, better social services etc. etc. Take your choice.

And started the world's bloodiest wars. And notably anti-democratic. The EU itself is an anti-democratic institution, designed to be an extra-level of governance limiting Democracy, just in case the Communists or Hard Left won a majority in Italy or France.

66   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:17pm  

Rashomon says


In the 50s, the levels of power encouraged and tolerated open bias against White Males?

67   anonymous   2017 Feb 7, 6:20pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Words are Words, deeds are deeds and words should not have consequences 99.9999% of the time. As you know, I believe that Free Speech should apply everywhere, in workplaces and especially in universities, except military secrets by active and former personnel. The idea you don't have free speech at a workplace or university is a holdover from the feudal era where you are your bosses' property or somehow represent the university. No, you are trading your labor for money. Not your conscience.

yes, it's a holdover and a horrible loophole used to arbitrarily DENY someone something. promotion, raise, bonus, steady pay, continuous employment, grade point average, degree, whatever.

what's insidious is that the claim doesn't even have to be true for the reprimand to be executed. further, THE STAIN NEVER GOES AWAY - people carry it on their reputation for the duration of their studies/employment at that institution.

68   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:22pm  

T L Lipsovich says

And started the world's bloodiest wars. And notably anti-democratic. The EU itself is an anti-democratic institution, designed to be an extra-level of governance limiting Democracy, just in case the Communists or Hard Left won a majority in Italy or France.

Times change - and the EU is in large part an attempt to maintain peace in a very unstable part of the world historically. It's easy for Americans to scoff at these institutions, but your country hasn't suffered the kind of devastation wrought by two world wars and all the conflicts that preceded that (on your actual home soil).

69   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:23pm  

Rashomon says

Times change - and the EU is in large part an attempt to maintain peace in a very unstable part of the world historically. It's easy for Americans to scoff at these institutions, but your country hasn't suffered the kind of devastation wrought by two world wars and all the conflicts that preceded that.

No,it's there to trap Italy or France in the (West) European Economic system in case they voted a hard left government, giving that new government another hurdle to climb. That's literally the reason it exists and why it came about when it did. - and why it's falling apart now, after the Cold War and incorporation of Eastern Europe at different levels of development - is no accident.

70   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:26pm  

T L Lipsovich says

No,it's there to trap Italy or France in the (West) European Economic system in case they vote a hard left government, giving that new government another hurdle to climb. That's literally the reason it exists and why it came about when it did. It's also why it's falling apart right now and not long before.

You know that makes no sense at all. Many of the post WWII governments in Europe have been hard left at least in terms of what the US takes as hard left - your Democrat party is more conservative than our Conservative party FFS.

71   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:28pm  

Rashomon says

You know that makes no sense at all. Many of the post WWII governments in Europe have been hard left at least in terms of what the US takes as hard left - your Democrat party is more conservative than our Conservative party FFS.

The SPD is certainly not hard left, nor have most other European "Socialist" Parties. They have a stronger social safety net. But even Conservative parties in Europe don't seriously consider dismembering social programs.

Liberals in Europe are NOT identified with the left. That is very much a US concept.

72   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:28pm  

T L Lipsovich says

That's a good thing. White Males were the first to postulate Slavery was a moral wrong and unilaterally sweep the slave trade from the seas and 3/4 of the planet Earth.

The first to conceptualize human rights. But not all White Men get driven in limos, have maids, or drop $2000 on coke and escorts.

Free Speech is always pilloried, until it disappears and the "Boni" or "Optimates" create a new system where criticism is banned.

Your point? White men were also the ones to profit massively from slavery for several centuries, so then having some decide that it was morally wrong demonstrates what exactly?

73   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:30pm  

Rashomon says

Your point? White men were also the ones to profit massively from slavery for several centuries, so then having some decide that it was morally wrong demonstrates what exactly?

You forgot about the world's greatest Slave-traders, who not only outdid Europeans 10x over in 3x longer time period, but inspired the word from "Slav".

That as late as the US Civil War, European Philantropists were leaving money to liberate slaves.

It's why Corsicans scared them away by putting one of their heads on their flag - still used today.

They were all over East Africa and India before Henry the Navigator was born, trading slaves by the millions. They went up the Dneipr and even raided Iceland and Ireland for Slaves in the 18th Century.

They got away with it until Europeans developed the steamship their galleys couldn't outrun by pointing their prow into the wind.

Do you know who these infamous pirates, and world class slave traders since 600AD were named?

74   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:30pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Liberals in Europe are NOT identified with the left. That is very much a US concept.

Again that depends on what you consider left - apparently you are referring to the hard left - liberals in the UK have historically gravitated towards Labour as it was - the liberal/SDP party was always pretty nondescript. Times have changed though and most European parties have moved to the center.

75   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:31pm  

Rashomon says

Again that depends on what you consider left - apparently you are referring to the hard left - liberals in the UK have historically gravitated towards Labour as it was. Times have changed and most European parties have moved to the center.

I mean in real Europe :-)

In Denmark, Germany, France, etc. Liberals are considered wholly separate, and use the color Yellow, not a shade of Blue or Red.

76   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:33pm  

T L Lipsovich says

I mean in real Europe :-)

In Denmark, Germany, France, etc. Liberals are considered wholly separate, and use the color Yellow, not a shade of Blue.

I would say that is more a product of the electoral system that they adopt in many of the countries, which gives a greater voice to the smaller groups. If they had an electoral system like the UK or US, it would be a different story.

77   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:34pm  

It's amazing that when people think of slavery, they think of the ethnicity/civilization that banned it first and practiced it the shortest, not the one that practiced it the longest, over a greater range, for a longer time, and only gave it up when they faced complete technological military dominance and had no choice.

78   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:35pm  

T L Lipsovich says

It's amazing that when people think of slavery, they think of the ethnicity/civilization that banned it first and practiced it the shortest, not the one that practiced it the longest, over a greater range, for a longer time, and only gave it up when they faced complete technological military dominance and had no choice.

I don't follow. England abolished slavery before the USA if that was what you were referring to.

79   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:41pm  

Rashomon says

I don't follow.

Arabs and Turks. 600-1964. Millions of East Africans, Indians, Russians, Ukrainians (Slav=Slave), etc. Zanzibar alone was greater than any European-run trading fort in West Africa. They even had massive Slave rebellions in the Gulf, of which the "Zanj" is the most famous.

Arabs wrote books about White Slaves vs. Black Slaves vs. Indian Slaves and how to 'manage' them differently.

And the foreign Turkish imperialist colonialists ruled 1/3 of Europe, enslaved and emasculated children as eunuchs, raped like crazy, closed down Churches.

I will let @MMR discuss their benign, loving rule of India and Hindus and Sikhs under the Mughal Empire.

Anyway, as late as 1850, Europeans were still leaving money in their wills to buy the freedom of Algerian Slaves.

Again, the French and British with steamships ended the slave trade at the point of a gun.

In fact, the very first battle the US Navy ever fought after Independence was against a Pirate Slaver on the Barbary coast for enslaving and taking the crew of US Merchant Ships.

"To the shores of Tripoli" in the USMC Marine Hymn is about a cutting out expedition to free Americans up for ransom or slavery.

80   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:43pm  

Rashomon says

Eh? Slavery is practiced in every country on the planet.

Now you're being obtuse. Show me the numbers of slaves picking lettuce without wages in California, wearing chains, where the Sheriff picks them up and whips them before sending them back to the Plantation Owner. That IS a thing in Mauretania - Land of the Moors.

Except for the occasional wise-ass MENA 'investor immigrant' bundling over their Indonesian Slave Housemaid to Long Island or Orlando, actual Slavery is unheard of.

81   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:44pm  

As a history major I'm stunned at the ignorance of even well-educated people as to a major, broad fact of history.

The Arabs' economy was basically run around the slave trade for ~1400 years.

In fact, when the British claimed the right to seized all slave ships, that's when the Arab's MENA Economy collapsed and the gap truly opened up between Europe and the MENA. Not even the spice trade broke the Arabs, it was slavery.

82   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:46pm  

T L Lipsovich says

As a history major I'm stunned at the ignorance of even well-educated people as to a major, broad fact of history.

The Arabs' economy was basically run around the slave trade.

So? Europeans and the US made vast sums off the back of the slave trade as well. These were (are) far more advanced societies at the time and yet they had no qualms about doing it for centuries. You are now attacking less developed countries for doing it longer? I don't really see where you are going with this.

83   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:48pm  

Rashomon says

So? Europeans and the US made vast sums off the back of the slave trade as well. These were/are far more advanced societies at the time and yet they had no qualms about doing it for centuries. You are now attacking less developed countries for doing it longer? I don't really see where you are going with this.

Arabs were NOT less developed than Europe between the fall of the Western Roman Empire (after which there were no slaves of number in Europe and never again in the next 1600+ years) and around 1400-1500AD. Yet that was their time of peak slavery, which did not drop off until Europeans put an end to it with firearms and steamships.

84   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:49pm  

Arab civilization started to go under because of Mongol attacks, and because all the educated Greek-speakers converted to Islam over the centuries, thus the Arabs lost touch with science and learning.

"If it contradicts the Koran, it is Satanic. If it is merely reinforces the Koran, it is superfluous." - Egyptian Caliph on Greek Science and Literature.

85   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:49pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Arabs were NOT less developed than Europe between the fall of the Western Roman Empire (after which there were no slaves of number in Europe and never again in the next 1600+ years) and around 1400-1500AD. Yet that was their time of peak slavery, which did not drop off until Europeans put an end to it with firearms and steamships.

What period was the height of the European and US slave trade? You are comparing two different periods.

86   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:50pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Arab civilization started to go under because of Mongol attacks, and because all the educated Greek-speakers converted to Islam over the centuries, thus the Arabs lost touch with science and learning.

"If it contradicts the Koran, it is Satanic. If it is merely reinforces the Koran, it is superfluous." - Egyptian Caliph on Greek Science and Literature.

If you're such a history buff, then you know damn well that is a laughably simplistic explanation. Powers rise and fall for a myriad of reasons.

87   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:55pm  

Rashomon says

What period was the height of the European and US slave trade? You are comparing two different periods.

No. Once the Westerns Roman Empire fell in the 400s, Slavery was never a thing in Europe again. Oh yeah, some Norman King of the two Sicilies or Henry the Navigator might have had a Black or two as a curiousity for Court, kept as a showpiece but not expected to plant cotton or fan his face, but slavery itself hasn't existed inside Western and Central EUROPE since about ~400 AD.

The only European slaves were those taken in raids by Arab and Turkish slavers on the Med Coast, the Balkans and in what is today the Ukraine.

Oops, I lied - I just remembered the Venetians selling the Children's Crusaders into slavery in Alexandria when the Pope couldn't pay. They were reviled throughout Europe for a century for that foul deed.

Rashomon says

If you're such a history buff, then you know damn well that is a laughably simplistic explanation.

It's actually true. One of the reasons Arab Muslims started putting restrictions on converts (beyond reciting that Koranic Verse 3x) is that THEY THEMSELVES made a connection between the number of converts and the economic health of their Kingdoms.

If the Confederacy or the Spaniards said Blacks aren't Slaves if they say the Pater Nostrum 3x or "In Jesus' Name" 3x, you bet your ass local viceroys and governors would be coming up with extra restrictions on how to convert.

88   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:58pm  

Rashomon says

I'm curious about your thrust about WHITE, WHITE, WHITE. So the most advanced societies at the time, over prolonged periods of time finally banned slavery, one of them after a civil war? That hardly warrants praise.

Dude, you're being obtuse.

Are you going to admit to the fact that Arabs were the greatest slave traders that ever lived, totally international, totally systemic, from the Bay of Benghal to the Horn of Africa to the Straits of Gibraltar to the Crimea and beyond?

And only ended it by European force of arms?

Hell, Saudi Arabia only formally ended slavery in 1964.

89   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 7:01pm  


This is American narration of footage of Arab Slavery filmed by Italians in East Africa, I believe.

More Institutionalized Slavery in Saudi Arabia, where every Saudi prince has his Black Slave carry his books. Also 1960s:

90   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 7:02pm  

Then of course, there's Qatar's winning bid on the World Cup. Every building you'll see is built by Indian, Sri Lankan, Filipino, and Indonesian Slaves, whose passports are taken (violating international law) and live in desert tents in 104 degree weather.

91   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 7:02pm  

T L Lipsovich says

No. Once the Westerns Roman Empire fell in the 400s, Slavery was never a thing in Europe again. Oh yeah, some Norman King of the two Sicilies or Henry the Navigator might have had a Black or two as a curiousity for Court, kept as a showpiece but not expected to plant cotton or fan his face, but slavery itself hasn't existed inside Western and Central EUROPE since about ~400 AD.

The history of slavery in Europe far exceeds 400AD, and which was then basically replaced by serfdom in medieval Europe.

92   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 7:07pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Dude, you're being obtuse.

Are you going to admit to the fact that Arabs were the greatest slave traders that ever lived, totally international, totally systemic, from the Bay of Benghal to the Horn of Africa to the Straits of Gibraltar to the Crimea and beyond?

And only ended it by European force of arms?

Hell, Saudi Arabia only formally ended slavery in 1964.

Why do I need to admit it? Facts are facts. This isn't a bloody game of oneupmanship. It's like the idiotic arguments that if X does it, then so can we (or vice-versa). Different cultures and different economic realities have resulted in different development. Amazing.

T L Lipsovich says

Then of course, there's Qatar's winning bid on the World Cup. Every building you'll see is built by Indian, Sri Lankan, Filipino, and Indonesian Slaves, whose passports are taken (violating international law) and live in desert tents in 104 degree weather.

Yes, it's shocking and extremely widespread.

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