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And retroactively cease all wealth generated from abusing copyright. Set an example. Seize the wealth of the individuals responsible to taking away the rights of the public. Then this shit will stop because the owner class will fear overstepping their bounds.
But they haven't broken the law, they just corrupted the lawmaking process so that they could get more money.
That kind of corruption (big money lobbying) is still quite legal and is abused every day.
But they haven't broken the law, they just corrupted the lawmaking process so that they could get more money.
Which is far worse than breaking the law and thus should be punished more severely. I'd rather someone break the law than the law making process.
The corporate media is taking the tack of fighting the use of their published articles as AI training data, claiming that violates copyright.
That kind of thing could cripple AI in the short term, at least.
"Remake Season 8 of Game of Thrones with these changes [state them]"
budget studio could have always used lookalikes and done that. AI did not add anything here.
GNL says
That video is far from acceptable.
It is where the directtion is going that matters.
UkraineIsFucked says
GNL says
That video is far from acceptable.
It is where the directtion is going that matters.
If the FIB and CIA can create fake dossiers and manufacture fake crimes for Assange, etc., then deepfake AI videos of corruptocrats is fair game.
Disney, Orrin Hatch, Bill Clinton
How the abusers profit:
Many millions (billions?) of dollars in sales of Mickey Mouse crap.
What you lose:
The integrity of our lawmaking process.
The ability to freely use works more than 20 years old.
The right to sell images Mickey Mouse.
How they rationalize their abuse:
People are living longer.
Foreign sales of Mickey Mouse help the US balance of trade.
How you should respond to their rationalizations:
Extending copyright due to pressure from lobbyists undermines the integrity of our lawmaking system.
There is never any legitimate cause to extend copyright beyond 20 years. It is symptomatic of the corruption inherent in our system of lobbying that a single corporation, Disney, has always gotten copyright extended exactly when the copyright on Mickey Mouse is about to expire.